[pypy-svn] r68639 - in pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem: . test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 CEST 2009

Author: arigo
Date: Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
New Revision: 68639

   pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_generic.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from r68635, pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py
   pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_posix.py   (contents, props changed)
Split up llarena.py in platform-specific parts.

Modified: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py
--- pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -1,356 +1,11 @@
-import array, weakref
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory
 # An "arena" is a large area of memory which can hold a number of
 # objects, not necessarily all of the same type or size.  It's used by
-# some of our framework GCs.  Addresses that point inside arenas support
-# direct arithmetic: adding and subtracting integers, and taking the
-# difference of two addresses.  When not translated to C, the arena
-# keeps track of which bytes are used by what object to detect GC bugs;
-# it internally uses raw_malloc_usage() to estimate the number of bytes
-# it needs to reserve.
-class ArenaError(Exception):
-    pass
-class InaccessibleArenaError(ArenaError):
-    pass
-class Arena(object):
-    object_arena_location = {}     # {container: (arena, offset)}
-    old_object_arena_location = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
-    def __init__(self, nbytes, zero):
-        self.nbytes = nbytes
-        self.usagemap = array.array('c')
-        self.objectptrs = {}        # {offset: ptr-to-container}
-        self.objectsizes = {}       # {offset: size}
-        self.freed = False
-        self.reset(zero)
-    def reset(self, zero, start=0, size=None):
-        self.check()
-        if size is None:
-            stop = self.nbytes
-        else:
-            stop = start + llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(size)
-        assert 0 <= start <= stop <= self.nbytes
-        for offset, ptr in self.objectptrs.items():
-            size = self.objectsizes[offset]
-            if offset < start:   # object is before the cleared area
-                assert offset + size <= start, "object overlaps cleared area"
-            elif offset + size > stop:  # object is after the cleared area
-                assert offset >= stop, "object overlaps cleared area"
-            else:
-                obj = ptr._obj
-                del Arena.object_arena_location[obj]
-                del self.objectptrs[offset]
-                del self.objectsizes[offset]
-                obj._free()
-        if zero == Z_DONT_CLEAR:
-            initialbyte = "#"
-        elif zero in (Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA, Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA):
-            initialbyte = "0"
-        elif zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
-            prev  = self.usagemap[start:stop].tostring()
-            assert '!' not in prev, (
-                "Z_INACCESSIBLE must be called only on a "
-                "previously-accessible memory range")
-            initialbyte = "!"
-        elif zero == Z_ACCESSIBLE:
-            prev  = self.usagemap[start:stop].tostring()
-            assert prev == '!'*len(prev), (
-                "Z_ACCESSIBLE must be called only on a "
-                "previously-inaccessible memory range")
-            initialbyte = "0"
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("argument 'zero' got bogus value %r" % (zero,))
-        self.usagemap[start:stop] = array.array('c', initialbyte*(stop-start))
-    def check(self):
-        if self.freed:
-            raise ArenaError("arena was already freed")
-    def _getid(self):
-        address, length = self.usagemap.buffer_info()
-        return address
-    def getaddr(self, offset):
-        if not (0 <= offset <= self.nbytes):
-            raise ArenaError("Address offset is outside the arena")
-        return fakearenaaddress(self, offset)
-    def allocate_object(self, offset, size):
-        self.check()
-        bytes = llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(size)
-        if offset + bytes > self.nbytes:
-            raise ArenaError("object overflows beyond the end of the arena")
-        zero = True
-        for c in self.usagemap[offset:offset+bytes]:
-            if c == '0':
-                pass
-            elif c == '#':
-                zero = False
-            elif c == '!':
-                raise InaccessibleArenaError
-            else:
-                raise ArenaError("new object overlaps a previous object")
-        assert offset not in self.objectptrs
-        addr2 = size._raw_malloc([], zero=zero)
-        pattern = 'X' + 'x'*(bytes-1)
-        self.usagemap[offset:offset+bytes] = array.array('c', pattern)
-        self.setobject(addr2, offset, bytes)
-        # common case: 'size' starts with a GCHeaderOffset.  In this case
-        # we can also remember that the real object starts after the header.
-        while isinstance(size, RoundedUpForAllocation):
-            size = size.basesize
-        if (isinstance(size, llmemory.CompositeOffset) and
-            isinstance(size.offsets[0], llmemory.GCHeaderOffset)):
-            objaddr = addr2 + size.offsets[0]
-            hdrbytes = llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(size.offsets[0])
-            objoffset = offset + hdrbytes
-            self.setobject(objaddr, objoffset, bytes - hdrbytes)
-        return addr2
-    def setobject(self, objaddr, offset, bytes):
-        assert bytes > 0, ("llarena does not support GcStructs with no field"
-                           " or empty arrays")
-        assert offset not in self.objectptrs
-        self.objectptrs[offset] = objaddr.ptr
-        self.objectsizes[offset] = bytes
-        container = objaddr.ptr._obj
-        Arena.object_arena_location[container] = self, offset
-        Arena.old_object_arena_location[container] = self, offset
-class fakearenaaddress(llmemory.fakeaddress):
-    def __init__(self, arena, offset):
-        self.arena = arena
-        self.offset = offset
-    def _getptr(self):
-        try:
-            return self.arena.objectptrs[self.offset]
-        except KeyError:
-            self.arena.check()
-            raise ArenaError("don't know yet what type of object "
-                             "is at offset %d" % (self.offset,))
-    ptr = property(_getptr)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<arenaaddr %s + %d>' % (self.arena, self.offset)
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, (int, long)):
-            position = self.offset + other
-        elif isinstance(other, llmemory.AddressOffset):
-            # this is really some Do What I Mean logic.  There are two
-            # possible meanings: either we want to go past the current
-            # object in the arena, or we want to take the address inside
-            # the current object.  Try to guess...
-            bytes = llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(other)
-            if (self.offset in self.arena.objectsizes and
-                bytes < self.arena.objectsizes[self.offset]):
-                # looks like we mean "inside the object"
-                return llmemory.fakeaddress.__add__(self, other)
-            position = self.offset + bytes
-        else:
-            return NotImplemented
-        return self.arena.getaddr(position)
-    def __sub__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, llmemory.AddressOffset):
-            other = llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(other)
-        if isinstance(other, (int, long)):
-            return self.arena.getaddr(self.offset - other)
-        if isinstance(other, fakearenaaddress):
-            if self.arena is not other.arena:
-                raise ArenaError("The two addresses are from different arenas")
-            return self.offset - other.offset
-        return NotImplemented
-    def __nonzero__(self):
-        return True
-    def compare_with_fakeaddr(self, other):
-        other = other._fixup()
-        if not other:
-            return None, None
-        obj = other.ptr._obj
-        innerobject = False
-        while obj not in Arena.object_arena_location:
-            obj = obj._parentstructure()
-            if obj is None:
-                return None, None     # not found in the arena
-            innerobject = True
-        arena, offset = Arena.object_arena_location[obj]
-        if innerobject:
-            # 'obj' is really inside the object allocated from the arena,
-            # so it's likely that its address "should be" a bit larger than
-            # what 'offset' says.
-            # We could estimate the correct offset but it's a bit messy;
-            # instead, let's check the answer doesn't depend on it
-            if self.arena is arena:
-                objectsize = arena.objectsizes[offset]
-                if offset < self.offset < offset+objectsize:
-                    raise AssertionError(
-                        "comparing an inner address with a "
-                        "fakearenaaddress that points in the "
-                        "middle of the same object")
-                offset += objectsize // 2      # arbitrary
-        return arena, offset
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, fakearenaaddress):
-            arena = other.arena
-            offset = other.offset
-        elif isinstance(other, llmemory.fakeaddress):
-            arena, offset = self.compare_with_fakeaddr(other)
-        else:
-            return llmemory.fakeaddress.__eq__(self, other)
-        return self.arena is arena and self.offset == offset
-    def __lt__(self, other):
-        if isinstance(other, fakearenaaddress):
-            arena = other.arena
-            offset = other.offset
-        elif isinstance(other, llmemory.fakeaddress):
-            arena, offset = self.compare_with_fakeaddr(other)
-            if arena is None:
-                return False       # self < other-not-in-any-arena  => False
-                                   # (arbitrarily)
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("comparing a %s and a %s" % (
-                self.__class__.__name__, other.__class__.__name__))
-        if self.arena is arena:
-            return self.offset < offset
-        else:
-            return self.arena._getid() < arena._getid()
-    def _cast_to_int(self):
-        return self.arena._getid() + self.offset
-def _getfakearenaaddress(addr):
-    """Logic to handle test_replace_object_with_stub()."""
-    if isinstance(addr, fakearenaaddress):
-        return addr
-    else:
-        assert isinstance(addr, llmemory.fakeaddress)
-        assert addr, "NULL address"
-        # it must be possible to use the address of an already-freed
-        # arena object
-        obj = addr.ptr._getobj(check=False)
-        return _oldobj_to_address(obj)
-def _oldobj_to_address(obj):
-    obj = obj._normalizedcontainer(check=False)
-    try:
-        arena, offset = Arena.old_object_arena_location[obj]
-    except KeyError:
-        if obj._was_freed():
-            msg = "taking address of %r, but it was freed"
-        else:
-            msg = "taking address of %r, but it is not in an arena"
-        raise RuntimeError(msg % (obj,))
-    return arena.getaddr(offset)
-class RoundedUpForAllocation(llmemory.AddressOffset):
-    """A size that is rounded up in order to preserve alignment of objects
-    following it.  For arenas containing heterogenous objects.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, basesize, minsize):
-        assert isinstance(basesize, llmemory.AddressOffset)
-        assert isinstance(minsize, llmemory.AddressOffset) or minsize == 0
-        self.basesize = basesize
-        self.minsize = minsize
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '< RoundedUpForAllocation %r %r >' % (self.basesize,
-                                                     self.minsize)
-    def known_nonneg(self):
-        return self.basesize.known_nonneg()
-    def ref(self, ptr):
-        return self.basesize.ref(ptr)
-    def _raw_malloc(self, rest, zero):
-        return self.basesize._raw_malloc(rest, zero=zero)
-    def raw_memcopy(self, srcadr, dstadr):
-        self.basesize.raw_memcopy(srcadr, dstadr)
-# ____________________________________________________________
+# some of our framework GCs.
-# Public interface: arena_malloc(), arena_free(), arena_reset()
-# are similar to raw_malloc(), raw_free() and raw_memclear(), but
-# work with fakearenaaddresses on which arbitrary arithmetic is
-# possible even on top of the llinterpreter.
-# arena_malloc() and arena_reset() take as argument one of the
-# following values:
-Z_DONT_CLEAR       = 0   # it's ok to keep random bytes in the area
-Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA = 1   # clear, optimized for a large area of memory
-Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA = 2   # clear, optimized for a small or medium area of mem
-Z_INACCESSIBLE     = 3   # make the memory inaccessible (not reserved)
-Z_ACCESSIBLE       = 4   # make the memory accessible again
-# Note that Z_INACCESSIBLE and Z_ACCESSIBLE are restricted to whole
-# pages, and you must not try to make inaccessible pages that are already
-# inaccessible, nor make accessible pages that are already accessible.
-# When they go through the Z_INACCESSIBLE-Z_ACCESSIBLE trip, pages are
-# cleared.
-def arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
-    """Allocate and return a new arena, optionally zero-initialized.
-    The value of 'zero' is one the Z_xxx values.
-    """
-    return Arena(nbytes, zero).getaddr(0)
-def arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
-    """Release an arena."""
-    assert isinstance(arena_addr, fakearenaaddress)
-    assert arena_addr.offset == 0
-    assert nbytes == arena_addr.arena.nbytes
-    arena_addr.arena.reset(Z_DONT_CLEAR)
-    arena_addr.arena.freed = True
-def arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
-    """Free all objects in the arena, which can then be reused.
-    This can also be used on a subrange of the arena.
-    The value of 'zero' is one of the Z_xxx values.
-    """
-    arena_addr = _getfakearenaaddress(arena_addr)
-    arena_addr.arena.reset(zero, arena_addr.offset, size)
-def arena_reserve(addr, size, check_alignment=True):
-    """Mark some bytes in an arena as reserved, and returns addr.
-    For debugging this can check that reserved ranges of bytes don't
-    overlap.  The size must be symbolic; in non-translated version
-    this is used to know what type of lltype object to allocate."""
-    from pypy.rpython.memory.lltypelayout import memory_alignment
-    addr = _getfakearenaaddress(addr)
-    if check_alignment and (addr.offset & (memory_alignment-1)) != 0:
-        raise ArenaError("object at offset %d would not be correctly aligned"
-                         % (addr.offset,))
-    addr.arena.allocate_object(addr.offset, size)
-def round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize=0):
-    """Round up the size in order to preserve alignment of objects
-    following an object.  For arenas containing heterogenous objects.
-    If minsize is specified, it gives a minimum on the resulting size."""
-    return _round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize)
-def _round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize):    # internal
-    return RoundedUpForAllocation(size, minsize)
-def arena_new_view(ptr):
-    """This is a no-op when translated, returns fresh view
-    on previous arena when run on top of llinterp.
-    """
-    return Arena(ptr.arena.nbytes, False).getaddr(0)
+# See further comments in llarena_llinterp.py.
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import *
 # ____________________________________________________________
@@ -358,231 +13,36 @@
 # We can tweak these implementations to be more suited to very large
 # chunks of memory.
-import os, sys
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
+import os
 from pypy.rpython.extfunc import register_external
-from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import CDefinedIntSymbolic
-# ---------- getting the page size ----------
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi
 if os.name == 'posix':
-    posix_getpagesize = rffi.llexternal('getpagesize', [], rffi.INT,
-                                        sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    class PosixPageSize:
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.pagesize = 0
-        _freeze_ = __init__
-    posix_pagesize = PosixPageSize()
-    def getpagesize():
-        pagesize = posix_pagesize.pagesize
-        if pagesize == 0:
-            pagesize = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, posix_getpagesize())
-            posix_pagesize.pagesize = pagesize
-        return pagesize
-    # XXX a random value, but nothing really depends on it
-    def getpagesize():
-        return 4096
-# ---------- clearing a large range of memory ----------
-if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-    # This only works with linux's madvise(), which is really not a memory
-    # usage hint but a real command.  It guarantees that after MADV_DONTNEED
-    # the pages are cleared again.
-    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
-    MADV_DONTNEED = rffi_platform.getconstantinteger('MADV_DONTNEED',
-                                                     '#include <sys/mman.h>')
-    linux_madvise = rffi.llexternal('madvise',
-                                    [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.INT],
-                                    rffi.INT,
-                                    sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    def clear_large_memory_chunk(baseaddr, size):
-        pagesize = getpagesize()
-        if size > 2 * pagesize:
-            lowbits = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, baseaddr) & (pagesize - 1)
-            if lowbits:     # clear the initial misaligned part, if any
-                partpage = pagesize - lowbits
-                llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, partpage)
-                baseaddr += partpage
-                size -= partpage
-            length = size & -pagesize
-            madv_length = rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, length)
-            madv_flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, MADV_DONTNEED)
-            err = linux_madvise(baseaddr, madv_length, madv_flags)
-            if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, err) == 0:
-                baseaddr += length     # madvise() worked
-                size -= length
-        if size > 0:    # clear the final misaligned part, if any
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, size)
-elif os.name == 'posix':
-    READ_MAX = (sys.maxint//4) + 1    # upper bound on reads to avoid surprises
-    raw_os_open = rffi.llexternal('open',
-                                  [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.INT, rffi.MODE_T],
-                                  rffi.INT,
-                                  sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    raw_os_read = rffi.llexternal('read',
-                                  [rffi.INT, llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T],
-                                  rffi.SIZE_T,
-                                  sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    raw_os_close = rffi.llexternal('close',
-                                   [rffi.INT],
-                                   rffi.INT,
-                                   sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    _dev_zero = rffi.str2charp('/dev/zero')   # prebuilt
-    def clear_large_memory_chunk(baseaddr, size):
-        # on some Unixy platforms, reading from /dev/zero is the fastest way
-        # to clear arenas, because the kernel knows that it doesn't
-        # need to even allocate the pages before they are used.
-        # NB.: careful, don't do anything that could malloc here!
-        # this code is called during GC initialization.
-        fd = raw_os_open(_dev_zero,
-                         rffi.cast(rffi.INT, os.O_RDONLY),
-                         rffi.cast(rffi.MODE_T, 0644))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, fd) != -1:
-            while size > 0:
-                size1 = rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, min(READ_MAX, size))
-                count = raw_os_read(fd, baseaddr, size1)
-                count = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, count)
-                if count <= 0:
-                    break
-                size -= count
-                baseaddr += count
-            raw_os_close(fd)
-        if size > 0:     # reading from /dev/zero failed, fallback
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, size)
+    from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llarena_posix as llarena_impl
+#elif os.name == 'win32':
+#   ...
-    # XXX any better implementation on Windows?
-    # Should use VirtualAlloc() to reserve the range of pages,
-    # and commit some pages gradually with support from the GC.
-    # Or it might be enough to decommit the pages and recommit
-    # them immediately.
-    clear_large_memory_chunk = llmemory.raw_memclear
-# ---------- platform-specific version of llimpl_arena_* ----------
+    from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llarena_generic as llarena_impl
-if os.name == 'posix':
-    # llimpl_arena_*() functions based on mmap
-    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
-    from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
-    class CConfig:
-        _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            includes=['sys/mman.h'])
-        off_t = rffi_platform.SimpleType('off_t')
-        PROT_NONE     = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_NONE')
-        PROT_READ     = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_READ')
-        PROT_WRITE    = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_WRITE')
-        MAP_PRIVATE   = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('MAP_PRIVATE')
-        MAP_ANON      = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_ANON')
-        MAP_ANONYMOUS = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_ANONYMOUS')
-        MAP_NORESERVE = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_NORESERVE')
-    globals().update(rffi_platform.configure(CConfig))
-    if MAP_ANONYMOUS is None:
-        assert MAP_ANONYMOUS is not None
-    del MAP_ANON
-    posix_mmap = rffi.llexternal('mmap',
-                                 [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.INT,
-                                  rffi.INT, rffi.INT, off_t],
-                                 llmemory.Address,
-                                 sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    posix_munmap = rffi.llexternal('munmap',
-                                   [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T],
-                                   rffi.INT,
-                                   sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    posix_mprotect = rffi.llexternal('mprotect',
-                                     [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T,
-                                      rffi.INT],
-                                     rffi.INT,
-                                     sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    class MMapMemoryError(Exception):
-        pass
-    def llimpl_arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
-        flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS
-        if zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
-            prot = PROT_NONE
-            if MAP_NORESERVE is not None:
-                flags |= MAP_NORESERVE
-        else:
-            prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
-        result = posix_mmap(llmemory.NULL,
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, nbytes),
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, prot),
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, flags),
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, -1),
-                            rffi.cast(off_t, 0))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) == -1:
-            raise MMapMemoryError
-        return result
-    def llimpl_arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
-        result = posix_munmap(arena_addr, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, nbytes))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) == -1:
-            raise MMapMemoryError
-    def _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, flags):
-        res = posix_mprotect(arena_addr,
-                             rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, size),
-                             rffi.cast(rffi.INT, flags))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, res) != 0:
-            raise MMapMemoryError
-    def llimpl_arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
-        if zero == Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA:
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
-        elif zero == Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA:
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(arena_addr, size)
-        elif zero == Z_ACCESSIBLE:
-            _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE)
-        elif zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
-            _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, PROT_NONE)
-    # llimpl_arena_*() functions based on raw_malloc
-    def llimpl_arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
-        addr = llmemory.raw_malloc(nbytes)
-        if zero in (Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA, Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA) and bool(addr):
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(addr, nbytes)
-        return addr
-    def llimpl_arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
-        llmemory.raw_free(arena_addr)
-    def llimpl_arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
-        if zero in (Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA, Z_INACCESSIBLE):
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
-        elif zero == Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA:
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(arena_addr, size)
-# ----------
+implements_inaccessible = llarena_impl.implements_inaccessible
+getpagesize = llarena_impl.getpagesize
 register_external(arena_malloc, [int, int], llmemory.Address,
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_malloc,
+                  llimpl=llarena_impl.llimpl_arena_malloc,
 register_external(arena_free, [llmemory.Address, int], None,
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_free,
+                  llimpl=llarena_impl.llimpl_arena_free,
 register_external(arena_reset, [llmemory.Address, int, int], None,
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_reset,
+                  llimpl=llarena_impl.llimpl_arena_reset,
@@ -599,7 +59,7 @@
-register_external(_round_up_for_allocation, [int, int], int,
+register_external(internal_round_up_for_allocation, [int, int], int,

Added: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_generic.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_generic.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llmemory
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_INACCESSIBLE
+implements_inaccessible = False
+# a random value, but nothing really depends on it
+def getpagesize():
+    return 4096
+# llimpl_arena_*() functions based on raw_malloc
+def llimpl_arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
+    addr = llmemory.raw_malloc(nbytes)
+    if bool(addr):
+        llimpl_arena_reset(addr, nbytes, zero)
+    return addr
+def llimpl_arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
+    llmemory.raw_free(arena_addr)
+def llimpl_arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
+        llmemory.raw_memclear(arena_addr, size)

Copied: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_llinterp.py (from r68635, pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py)
--- pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_llinterp.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -297,9 +297,10 @@
 Z_INACCESSIBLE     = 3   # make the memory inaccessible (not reserved)
 Z_ACCESSIBLE       = 4   # make the memory accessible again
-# Note that Z_INACCESSIBLE and Z_ACCESSIBLE are restricted to whole
-# pages, and you must not try to make inaccessible pages that are already
-# inaccessible, nor make accessible pages that are already accessible.
+# restricted to whole pages (at least one), and you must not try to make
+# inaccessible pages that are already inaccessible, nor make accessible
+# pages that are already accessible.
 # When they go through the Z_INACCESSIBLE-Z_ACCESSIBLE trip, pages are
 # cleared.
@@ -341,9 +342,9 @@
     """Round up the size in order to preserve alignment of objects
     following an object.  For arenas containing heterogenous objects.
     If minsize is specified, it gives a minimum on the resulting size."""
-    return _round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize)
+    return internal_round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize)
-def _round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize):    # internal
+def internal_round_up_for_allocation(size, minsize):    # internal
     return RoundedUpForAllocation(size, minsize)
 def arena_new_view(ptr):
@@ -351,262 +352,3 @@
     on previous arena when run on top of llinterp.
     return Arena(ptr.arena.nbytes, False).getaddr(0)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-# Translation support: the functions above turn into the code below.
-# We can tweak these implementations to be more suited to very large
-# chunks of memory.
-import os, sys
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
-from pypy.rpython.extfunc import register_external
-from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import CDefinedIntSymbolic
-# ---------- getting the page size ----------
-if os.name == 'posix':
-    posix_getpagesize = rffi.llexternal('getpagesize', [], rffi.INT,
-                                        sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    class PosixPageSize:
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.pagesize = 0
-        _freeze_ = __init__
-    posix_pagesize = PosixPageSize()
-    def getpagesize():
-        pagesize = posix_pagesize.pagesize
-        if pagesize == 0:
-            pagesize = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, posix_getpagesize())
-            posix_pagesize.pagesize = pagesize
-        return pagesize
-    # XXX a random value, but nothing really depends on it
-    def getpagesize():
-        return 4096
-# ---------- clearing a large range of memory ----------
-if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-    # This only works with linux's madvise(), which is really not a memory
-    # usage hint but a real command.  It guarantees that after MADV_DONTNEED
-    # the pages are cleared again.
-    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
-    MADV_DONTNEED = rffi_platform.getconstantinteger('MADV_DONTNEED',
-                                                     '#include <sys/mman.h>')
-    linux_madvise = rffi.llexternal('madvise',
-                                    [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.INT],
-                                    rffi.INT,
-                                    sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    def clear_large_memory_chunk(baseaddr, size):
-        pagesize = getpagesize()
-        if size > 2 * pagesize:
-            lowbits = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, baseaddr) & (pagesize - 1)
-            if lowbits:     # clear the initial misaligned part, if any
-                partpage = pagesize - lowbits
-                llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, partpage)
-                baseaddr += partpage
-                size -= partpage
-            length = size & -pagesize
-            madv_length = rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, length)
-            madv_flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, MADV_DONTNEED)
-            err = linux_madvise(baseaddr, madv_length, madv_flags)
-            if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, err) == 0:
-                baseaddr += length     # madvise() worked
-                size -= length
-        if size > 0:    # clear the final misaligned part, if any
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, size)
-elif os.name == 'posix':
-    READ_MAX = (sys.maxint//4) + 1    # upper bound on reads to avoid surprises
-    raw_os_open = rffi.llexternal('open',
-                                  [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.INT, rffi.MODE_T],
-                                  rffi.INT,
-                                  sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    raw_os_read = rffi.llexternal('read',
-                                  [rffi.INT, llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T],
-                                  rffi.SIZE_T,
-                                  sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    raw_os_close = rffi.llexternal('close',
-                                   [rffi.INT],
-                                   rffi.INT,
-                                   sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    _dev_zero = rffi.str2charp('/dev/zero')   # prebuilt
-    def clear_large_memory_chunk(baseaddr, size):
-        # on some Unixy platforms, reading from /dev/zero is the fastest way
-        # to clear arenas, because the kernel knows that it doesn't
-        # need to even allocate the pages before they are used.
-        # NB.: careful, don't do anything that could malloc here!
-        # this code is called during GC initialization.
-        fd = raw_os_open(_dev_zero,
-                         rffi.cast(rffi.INT, os.O_RDONLY),
-                         rffi.cast(rffi.MODE_T, 0644))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, fd) != -1:
-            while size > 0:
-                size1 = rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, min(READ_MAX, size))
-                count = raw_os_read(fd, baseaddr, size1)
-                count = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, count)
-                if count <= 0:
-                    break
-                size -= count
-                baseaddr += count
-            raw_os_close(fd)
-        if size > 0:     # reading from /dev/zero failed, fallback
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, size)
-    # XXX any better implementation on Windows?
-    # Should use VirtualAlloc() to reserve the range of pages,
-    # and commit some pages gradually with support from the GC.
-    # Or it might be enough to decommit the pages and recommit
-    # them immediately.
-    clear_large_memory_chunk = llmemory.raw_memclear
-# ---------- platform-specific version of llimpl_arena_* ----------
-if os.name == 'posix':
-    # llimpl_arena_*() functions based on mmap
-    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
-    from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
-    class CConfig:
-        _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            includes=['sys/mman.h'])
-        off_t = rffi_platform.SimpleType('off_t')
-        PROT_NONE     = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_NONE')
-        PROT_READ     = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_READ')
-        PROT_WRITE    = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_WRITE')
-        MAP_PRIVATE   = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('MAP_PRIVATE')
-        MAP_ANON      = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_ANON')
-        MAP_ANONYMOUS = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_ANONYMOUS')
-        MAP_NORESERVE = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_NORESERVE')
-    globals().update(rffi_platform.configure(CConfig))
-    if MAP_ANONYMOUS is None:
-        assert MAP_ANONYMOUS is not None
-    del MAP_ANON
-    posix_mmap = rffi.llexternal('mmap',
-                                 [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.INT,
-                                  rffi.INT, rffi.INT, off_t],
-                                 llmemory.Address,
-                                 sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    posix_munmap = rffi.llexternal('munmap',
-                                   [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T],
-                                   rffi.INT,
-                                   sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    posix_mprotect = rffi.llexternal('mprotect',
-                                     [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T,
-                                      rffi.INT],
-                                     rffi.INT,
-                                     sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
-    class MMapMemoryError(Exception):
-        pass
-    def llimpl_arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
-        flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS
-        if zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
-            prot = PROT_NONE
-            if MAP_NORESERVE is not None:
-                flags |= MAP_NORESERVE
-        else:
-            prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
-        result = posix_mmap(llmemory.NULL,
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, nbytes),
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, prot),
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, flags),
-                            rffi.cast(rffi.INT, -1),
-                            rffi.cast(off_t, 0))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) == -1:
-            raise MMapMemoryError
-        return result
-    def llimpl_arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
-        result = posix_munmap(arena_addr, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, nbytes))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) == -1:
-            raise MMapMemoryError
-    def _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, flags):
-        res = posix_mprotect(arena_addr,
-                             rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, size),
-                             rffi.cast(rffi.INT, flags))
-        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, res) != 0:
-            raise MMapMemoryError
-    def llimpl_arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
-        if zero == Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA:
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
-        elif zero == Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA:
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(arena_addr, size)
-        elif zero == Z_ACCESSIBLE:
-            _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE)
-        elif zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
-            _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, PROT_NONE)
-    # llimpl_arena_*() functions based on raw_malloc
-    def llimpl_arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
-        addr = llmemory.raw_malloc(nbytes)
-        if zero in (Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA, Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA) and bool(addr):
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(addr, nbytes)
-        return addr
-    def llimpl_arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
-        llmemory.raw_free(arena_addr)
-    def llimpl_arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
-        if zero in (Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA, Z_INACCESSIBLE):
-            clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
-        elif zero == Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA:
-            llmemory.raw_memclear(arena_addr, size)
-# ----------
-register_external(arena_malloc, [int, int], llmemory.Address,
-                  'll_arena.arena_malloc',
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_malloc,
-                  llfakeimpl=arena_malloc,
-                  sandboxsafe=True)
-register_external(arena_free, [llmemory.Address, int], None,
-                  'll_arena.arena_free',
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_free,
-                  llfakeimpl=arena_free,
-                  sandboxsafe=True)
-register_external(arena_reset, [llmemory.Address, int, int], None,
-                  'll_arena.arena_reset',
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_reset,
-                  llfakeimpl=arena_reset,
-                  sandboxsafe=True)
-def llimpl_arena_reserve(addr, size):
-    pass
-register_external(arena_reserve, [llmemory.Address, int], None,
-                  'll_arena.arena_reserve',
-                  llimpl=llimpl_arena_reserve,
-                  llfakeimpl=arena_reserve,
-                  sandboxsafe=True)
-llimpl_round_up_for_allocation = rffi.llexternal('ROUND_UP_FOR_ALLOCATION',
-                                                [lltype.Signed, lltype.Signed],
-                                                 lltype.Signed,
-                                                 sandboxsafe=True,
-                                                 _nowrapper=True)
-register_external(_round_up_for_allocation, [int, int], int,
-                  'll_arena.round_up_for_allocation',
-                  llimpl=llimpl_round_up_for_allocation,
-                  llfakeimpl=round_up_for_allocation,
-                  sandboxsafe=True)
-def llimpl_arena_new_view(addr):
-    return addr
-register_external(arena_new_view, [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address,
-                  'll_arena.arena_new_view', llimpl=llimpl_arena_new_view,
-                  llfakeimpl=arena_new_view, sandboxsafe=True)

Added: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_posix.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena_posix.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+import os, sys
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype, llmemory
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_INACCESSIBLE
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena_llinterp import Z_ACCESSIBLE
+implements_inaccessible = True
+# ____________________________________________________________
+posix_getpagesize = rffi.llexternal('getpagesize', [], rffi.INT,
+                                    sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+class PosixPageSize:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pagesize = 0
+    _freeze_ = __init__
+posix_pagesize = PosixPageSize()
+def getpagesize():
+    pagesize = posix_pagesize.pagesize
+    if pagesize == 0:
+        pagesize = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, posix_getpagesize())
+        posix_pagesize.pagesize = pagesize
+    return pagesize
+# ____________________________________________________________
+if sys.platform == 'linux2':
+    # This only works with linux's madvise(), which is really not a memory
+    # usage hint but a real command.  It guarantees that after MADV_DONTNEED
+    # the pages are cleared again.
+    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
+    MADV_DONTNEED = rffi_platform.getconstantinteger('MADV_DONTNEED',
+                                                     '#include <sys/mman.h>')
+    linux_madvise = rffi.llexternal('madvise',
+                                    [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.INT],
+                                    rffi.INT,
+                                    sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+    def clear_large_memory_chunk(baseaddr, size):
+        madv_length = rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, size)
+        madv_flags = rffi.cast(rffi.INT, MADV_DONTNEED)
+        err = linux_madvise(baseaddr, madv_length, madv_flags)
+        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, err) != 0:       # did not work!
+            llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, size)    # clear manually...
+    READ_MAX = (sys.maxint//4) + 1    # upper bound on reads to avoid surprises
+    raw_os_open = rffi.llexternal('open',
+                                  [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.INT, rffi.MODE_T],
+                                  rffi.INT,
+                                  sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+    raw_os_read = rffi.llexternal('read',
+                                  [rffi.INT, llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T],
+                                  rffi.SIZE_T,
+                                  sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+    raw_os_close = rffi.llexternal('close',
+                                   [rffi.INT],
+                                   rffi.INT,
+                                   sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+    _dev_zero = rffi.str2charp('/dev/zero')   # prebuilt
+    def clear_large_memory_chunk(baseaddr, size):
+        # on some Unixy platforms, reading from /dev/zero is the fastest way
+        # to clear arenas, because the kernel knows that it doesn't
+        # need to even allocate the pages before they are used.
+        # NB.: careful, don't do anything that could malloc here!
+        # this code is called during GC initialization.
+        fd = raw_os_open(_dev_zero,
+                         rffi.cast(rffi.INT, os.O_RDONLY),
+                         rffi.cast(rffi.MODE_T, 0644))
+        if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, fd) != -1:
+            while size > 0:
+                size1 = rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, min(READ_MAX, size))
+                count = raw_os_read(fd, baseaddr, size1)
+                count = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, count)
+                if count <= 0:
+                    break
+                size -= count
+                baseaddr += count
+            raw_os_close(fd)
+        if size > 0:     # reading from /dev/zero failed, fallback
+            llmemory.raw_memclear(baseaddr, size)
+# ____________________________________________________________
+# llimpl_arena_*() functions based on mmap
+from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
+from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
+class CConfig:
+    _compilation_info_ = ExternalCompilationInfo(
+        includes=['sys/mman.h'])
+    off_t = rffi_platform.SimpleType('off_t')
+    PROT_NONE     = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_NONE')
+    PROT_READ     = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_READ')
+    PROT_WRITE    = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('PROT_WRITE')
+    MAP_PRIVATE   = rffi_platform.ConstantInteger('MAP_PRIVATE')
+    MAP_ANON      = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_ANON')
+    MAP_ANONYMOUS = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_ANONYMOUS')
+    MAP_NORESERVE = rffi_platform.DefinedConstantInteger('MAP_NORESERVE')
+if MAP_ANONYMOUS is None:
+    assert MAP_ANONYMOUS is not None
+posix_mmap = rffi.llexternal('mmap',
+                             [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T, rffi.INT,
+                              rffi.INT, rffi.INT, off_t],
+                             llmemory.Address,
+                             sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+posix_munmap = rffi.llexternal('munmap',
+                               [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T],
+                               rffi.INT,
+                               sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+posix_mprotect = rffi.llexternal('mprotect',
+                                 [llmemory.Address, rffi.SIZE_T,
+                                  rffi.INT],
+                                 rffi.INT,
+                                 sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+class MMapMemoryError(Exception):
+    pass
+def llimpl_arena_malloc(nbytes, zero):
+    if zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
+        prot = PROT_NONE
+        if MAP_NORESERVE is not None:
+            flags |= MAP_NORESERVE
+    else:
+        prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
+    result = posix_mmap(llmemory.NULL,
+                        rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, nbytes),
+                        rffi.cast(rffi.INT, prot),
+                        rffi.cast(rffi.INT, flags),
+                        rffi.cast(rffi.INT, -1),
+                        rffi.cast(off_t, 0))
+    if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) == -1:
+        raise MMapMemoryError
+    return result
+def llimpl_arena_free(arena_addr, nbytes):
+    result = posix_munmap(arena_addr, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, nbytes))
+    if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) == -1:
+        raise MMapMemoryError
+def _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, flags):
+    res = posix_mprotect(arena_addr,
+                         rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, size),
+                         rffi.cast(rffi.INT, flags))
+    if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, res) != 0:
+        raise MMapMemoryError
+def llimpl_arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
+    if zero == Z_CLEAR_LARGE_AREA:
+        clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
+    elif zero == Z_CLEAR_SMALL_AREA:
+        llmemory.raw_memclear(arena_addr, size)
+    elif zero == Z_ACCESSIBLE:
+        _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE)
+    elif zero == Z_INACCESSIBLE:
+        clear_large_memory_chunk(arena_addr, size)
+        _arena_protect(arena_addr, size, PROT_NONE)

Modified: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llmemory.py
--- pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llmemory.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llmemory.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -474,8 +474,8 @@
     def _fixup(self):
         if self.ptr is not None and self.ptr._was_freed():
             # hack to support llarena.test_replace_object_with_stub()
-            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llarena
-            return llarena._getfakearenaaddress(self)
+            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llarena_llinterp
+            return llarena_llinterp._getfakearenaaddress(self)
             return self

Modified: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lltype.py
--- pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lltype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lltype.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -1216,9 +1216,10 @@
         if isinstance(self._T, FuncType):
             return llmemory.fakeaddress(self)
         elif self._was_freed():
-            # hack to support llarena.test_replace_object_with_stub()
-            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llarena
-            return llarena._oldobj_to_address(self._getobj(check=False))
+            # hack to support test_llarena.test_replace_object_with_stub()
+            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import llarena_llinterp
+            return llarena_llinterp._oldobj_to_address(
+                self._getobj(check=False))
         elif isinstance(self._obj, _subarray):
             return llmemory.fakeaddress(self)
 ##            # return an address built as an offset in the whole array

Modified: pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_llarena.py
--- pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_llarena.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/gc-arena/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_llarena.py	Mon Oct 19 17:16:17 2009
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena import Z_INACCESSIBLE
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena import Z_ACCESSIBLE
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena import InaccessibleArenaError
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.llarena import implements_inaccessible
 def test_arena():
     S = lltype.Struct('S', ('x',lltype.Signed))
@@ -345,9 +346,10 @@
     def run(n):
         return py.process.cmdexec('%s %d' % (path, n))
-    py.test.raises(py.error.Error, run, -1)   # segfault
-    py.test.raises(py.error.Error, run, -2)   # segfault
-    py.test.raises(py.error.Error, run, -4)   # segfault
+    if implements_inaccessible:
+        py.test.raises(py.error.Error, run, -1)   # segfault
+        py.test.raises(py.error.Error, run, -2)   # segfault
+        py.test.raises(py.error.Error, run, -4)   # segfault
     res = run(-3)
     # good enough, although it should ideally crash:
     assert '44\n' in res

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