[pypy-svn] r61210 - pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform

afa at codespeak.net afa at codespeak.net
Thu Jan 22 00:56:20 CET 2009

Author: afa
Date: Thu Jan 22 00:56:18 2009
New Revision: 61210

There is no need to have the same compiler version as the one used to compile CPython.

If the correct version cannot be found, pick the first one we find.

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py	Thu Jan 22 00:56:18 2009
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
 class Platform(object):
     name = "abstract platform"
+    c_environ = None
     def __init__(self, cc):
         if self.__class__ is Platform:
             raise TypeError("You should not instantiate Platform class directly")
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
     def _execute_c_compiler(self, cc, args, outname):
         log.execute(cc + ' ' + ' '.join(args))
-        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess(cc, args)
+        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess(cc, args, self.c_environ)
         self._handle_error(returncode, stderr, stdout, outname)
     def _handle_error(self, returncode, stderr, stdout, outname):

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform/windows.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform/windows.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/translator/platform/windows.py	Thu Jan 22 00:56:18 2009
@@ -5,18 +5,12 @@
 from pypy.translator.platform import Platform, posix
 from pypy.tool import autopath
-def _install_msvc_env():
-    # The same compiler must be used for the python interpreter
-    # and extension modules
-    msc_pos = sys.version.find('MSC v.')
-    if msc_pos == -1:
-        # Not a windows platform...
-        return
+def _get_msvc_env(vsver):
+    try:
+        toolsdir = os.environ['VS%sCOMNTOOLS' % vsver]
+    except KeyError:
+        return None
-    msc_ver = int(sys.version[msc_pos+6:msc_pos+10])
-    # 1300 -> 70, 1310 -> 71, 1400 -> 80, 1500 -> 90
-    vsver = (msc_ver / 10) - 60
-    toolsdir = os.environ['VS%sCOMNTOOLS' % vsver]
     vcvars = os.path.join(toolsdir, 'vsvars32.bat')
     import subprocess
@@ -26,24 +20,42 @@
     stdout, stderr = popen.communicate()
     if popen.wait() != 0:
-        raise IOError(stderr)
+        return
+    env = {}
     for line in stdout.split("\n"):
         if '=' not in line:
         key, value = line.split('=', 1)
         if key.upper() in ['PATH', 'INCLUDE', 'LIB']:
-            os.environ[key] = value
-            log.msg(line)
+            env[key.upper()] = value
     log.msg("Updated environment with %s" % (vcvars,))
+    return env
-    _install_msvc_env()
-except Exception, e:
-    print >>sys.stderr, "Could not find a suitable Microsoft Compiler"
-    import traceback
-    traceback.print_exc()
+def find_msvc_env():
+    # First, try to get the compiler which served to compile python
+    msc_pos = sys.version.find('MSC v.')
+    if msc_pos != -1:
+        msc_ver = int(sys.version[msc_pos+6:msc_pos+10])
+        # 1300 -> 70, 1310 -> 71, 1400 -> 80, 1500 -> 90
+        vsver = (msc_ver / 10) - 60
+        env = _get_msvc_env(vsver)
+        if env is not None:
+            return env
+    # Then, try any other version
+    for vsver in (100, 90, 80, 71, 70): # All the versions I know
+        env = _get_msvc_env(vsver)
+        if env is not None:
+            return env
+    log.error("Could not find a Microsoft Compiler")
     # Assume that the compiler is already part of the environment
+msvc_compiler_environ = find_msvc_env()
 class Windows(Platform):
     name = "win32"
     so_ext = 'dll'
@@ -56,12 +68,19 @@
     link_flags = []
     standalone_only = []
     shared_only = []
+    environ = None
     def __init__(self, cc=None):
         self.cc = 'cl.exe'
+        if msvc_compiler_environ:
+            self.c_environ = os.environ.copy()
+            self.c_environ.update(msvc_compiler_environ)
+            # XXX passing an environment to subprocess is not enough. Why?
+            os.environ.update(msvc_compiler_environ)
         # detect version of current compiler
-        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess(self.cc, [])
+        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess(self.cc, '',
+                                                     env=self.c_environ)
         r = re.search('Version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)', stderr)
         self.version = int(''.join(r.groups())) / 10 - 60
@@ -132,9 +151,7 @@
                 mfid = 2
             out_arg = '-outputresource:%s;%s' % (exe_name, mfid)
             args = ['-nologo', '-manifest', str(temp_manifest), out_arg]
-            log.execute('mt.exe ' + ' '.join(args))
-            returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess('mt.exe', args)
-            self._handle_error(returncode, stderr, stdout, exe_name)
+            self._execute_c_compiler('mt.exe', args, exe_name)
         return exe_name

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