[pypy-svn] r59612 - pypy/trunk/pypy/lib

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Fri Oct 31 23:18:38 CET 2008

Author: fijal
Date: Fri Oct 31 23:18:38 2008
New Revision: 59612

   pypy/trunk/pypy/lib/grp.py   (contents, props changed)
add a grp module

Added: pypy/trunk/pypy/lib/grp.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/lib/grp.py	Fri Oct 31 23:18:38 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+""" This module provides ctypes version of cpython's grp module
+from ctypes import Structure, c_char_p, c_int, POINTER
+from ctypes_support import standard_c_lib as libc
+gid_t = c_int
+class GroupStruct(Structure):
+    _fields_ = (
+        ('gr_name', c_char_p),
+        ('gr_passwd', c_char_p),
+        ('gr_gid', gid_t),
+        ('gr_mem', POINTER(c_char_p)),
+        )
+class Group(object):
+    def __init__(self, gr_name, gr_passwd, gr_gid, gr_mem):
+        self.gr_name = gr_name
+        self.gr_passwd = gr_passwd
+        self.gr_gid = gr_gid
+        self.gr_mem = gr_mem
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        if item == 0:
+            return self.gr_name
+        elif item == 1:
+            return self.gr_passwd
+        elif item == 2:
+            return self.gr_gid
+        elif item == 3:
+            return self.gr_mem
+        else:
+            raise IndexError(item)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return 4
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str((self.gr_name, self.gr_passwd, self.gr_gid, self.gr_mem))
+    # whatever else...
+libc.getgrgid.argtypes = [gid_t]
+libc.getgrgid.restype = POINTER(GroupStruct)
+libc.getgrnam.argtypes = [c_char_p]
+libc.getgrnam.restype = POINTER(GroupStruct)
+libc.getgrent.argtypes = []
+libc.getgrent.restype = POINTER(GroupStruct)
+def _group_from_gstruct(res):
+    i = 0
+    mem = []
+    while res.contents.gr_mem[i]:
+        mem.append(res.contents.gr_mem[i])
+        i += 1
+    return Group(res.contents.gr_name, res.contents.gr_passwd,
+                 res.contents.gr_gid, mem)
+def getgrgid(gid):
+    res = libc.getgrgid(gid)
+    if not res:
+        # XXX maybe check error eventually
+        raise KeyError(gid)
+    return _group_from_gstruct(res)
+def getgrnam(gid):
+    res = libc.getgrnam(gid)
+    if not res:
+        raise KeyError(gid)
+    return _group_from_gstruct(res)
+def getgrall():
+    libc.setgrent()
+    lst = []
+    while 1:
+        p = libc.getgrent()
+        if not p:
+            libc.endgrent()
+            return lst
+        lst.append(_group_from_gstruct(p))

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