[pypy-svn] r59036 - pypy/trunk/pypy/objspace/std/test

antocuni at codespeak.net antocuni at codespeak.net
Sun Oct 12 17:12:39 CEST 2008

Author: antocuni
Date: Sun Oct 12 17:12:36 2008
New Revision: 59036

(antocuni, iko)
write two failing tests for behaviour that changed from 2.4 to 2.5; it seems
that we can't fix them, though :-(

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_unicodeobject.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_unicodeobject.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_unicodeobject.py	Sun Oct 12 17:12:36 2008
@@ -674,3 +674,31 @@
         buf = buffer('character buffers are decoded to unicode')
         u = unicode(buf, 'utf-8', 'strict')
         assert u == u'character buffers are decoded to unicode'
+    def test_formatting_unicode__str__(self):
+        skip('fixme!')
+        class A:
+            def __str__(self):
+                return u'\u1234'
+        s = '%s' % A()
+        assert type(s) is unicode
+        assert s == u'\u1234'
+    def test_formatting_unicode__str__2(self):
+        skip('XXX: do we really want to have such behaviour? CPython has not tests for that')
+        class A:
+            def __str__(self):
+                return u'baz'
+        class B:
+            def __str__(self):
+                return 'foo'
+            def __unicode__(self):
+                return u'bar'
+        a = A()
+        b = B()
+        s = '%s %s' % (b, a)
+        assert s == u'foo baz'

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