[pypy-svn] r55003 - in pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk: . test

tverwaes at codespeak.net tverwaes at codespeak.net
Tue May 20 16:12:10 CEST 2008

Author: tverwaes
Date: Tue May 20 16:12:09 2008
New Revision: 55003

(cfbolz, tverwaes) moving factory methods for contexts from model to shadow

Modified: pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/model.py
--- pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/model.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/model.py	Tue May 20 16:12:09 2008
@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@
         return w_literal.as_string()    # XXX performance issue here
     def create_frame(self, receiver, arguments, sender = None):
-        from pypy.lang.smalltalk import objtable
+        from pypy.lang.smalltalk import objtable, shadow
         assert len(arguments) == self.argsize
-        w_new = W_MethodContext(self, receiver, arguments, sender)
+        w_new = shadow.MethodContextShadow.make_context(self, receiver, arguments, sender)
         return w_new
     def __str__(self):
@@ -557,45 +557,6 @@
         self.bytes = (self.bytes[:index0] + character +
                       self.bytes[index0 + 1:])
-def W_BlockContext(w_home, w_sender, argcnt, initialip):
-    from pypy.lang.smalltalk.classtable import w_BlockContext
-    from pypy.lang.smalltalk import shadow
-    # create and attach a shadow manually, to not have to carefully put things
-    # into the right places in the W_PointersObject
-    # XXX could hack some more to never have to create the _vars of w_result
-    w_result = W_PointersObject(w_BlockContext, w_home.size())
-    s_result = shadow.BlockContextShadow(w_result)
-    w_result._shadow = s_result
-    s_result.store_expected_argument_count(argcnt)
-    s_result.store_initialip(initialip)
-    s_result.store_w_home(w_home)
-    s_result.store_pc(initialip)
-    return w_result
-def W_MethodContext(w_method, w_receiver,
-                    arguments, w_sender=None):
-    from pypy.lang.smalltalk.classtable import w_MethodContext
-    from pypy.lang.smalltalk import objtable, shadow
-    # From blue book: normal mc have place for 12 temps+maxstack
-    # mc for methods with islarge flag turned on 32
-    size = 12 + w_method.islarge * 20 + w_method.argsize
-    w_result = w_MethodContext.as_class_get_shadow().new(size)
-    assert isinstance(w_result, W_PointersObject)
-    # create and attach a shadow manually, to not have to carefully put things
-    # into the right places in the W_PointersObject
-    # XXX could hack some more to never have to create the _vars of w_result
-    s_result = shadow.MethodContextShadow(w_result)
-    w_result._shadow = s_result
-    s_result.store_w_method(w_method)
-    if w_sender:
-        s_result.store_w_sender(w_sender)
-    s_result.store_w_receiver(w_receiver)
-    s_result.store_pc(0)
-    s_result._temps = [objtable.w_nil] * w_method.tempframesize()
-    for i in range(len(arguments)):
-        s_result.settemp(i, arguments[i])
-    return w_result
 # Use black magic to create w_nil without running the constructor,
 # thus allowing it to be used even in the constructor of its own
 # class.  Note that we patch its class in objtable.

Modified: pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/primitives.py
--- pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/primitives.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/primitives.py	Tue May 20 16:12:09 2008
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
     # The block bytecodes are stored inline: so we skip past the
     # byteodes to invoke this primitive to find them (hence +2)
     initialip = frame.pc() + 2
-    w_new_context = model.W_BlockContext(
+    w_new_context = shadow.BlockContextShadow.make_context(
         w_method_context, objtable.w_nil, argcnt, initialip)
     return w_new_context

Modified: pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/shadow.py
--- pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/shadow.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/shadow.py	Tue May 20 16:12:09 2008
@@ -479,8 +479,20 @@
 class BlockContextShadow(ContextPartShadow):
-    def __init__(self, w_self):
-        ContextPartShadow.__init__(self, w_self)
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_context(w_home, w_sender, argcnt, initialip):
+        from pypy.lang.smalltalk.classtable import w_BlockContext
+        # create and attach a shadow manually, to not have to carefully put things
+        # into the right places in the W_PointersObject
+        # XXX could hack some more to never have to create the _vars of w_result
+        w_result = model.W_PointersObject(w_BlockContext, w_home.size())
+        s_result = BlockContextShadow(w_result)
+        w_result._shadow = s_result
+        s_result.store_expected_argument_count(argcnt)
+        s_result.store_initialip(initialip)
+        s_result.store_w_home(w_home)
+        s_result.store_pc(initialip)
+        return w_result
     def fetch(self, n0):
         if n0 == constants.BLKCTX_HOME_INDEX:
@@ -558,6 +570,31 @@
         self._w_receiver = None
         ContextPartShadow.__init__(self, w_self)
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_context(w_method, w_receiver,
+                     arguments, w_sender=None):
+        from pypy.lang.smalltalk.classtable import w_MethodContext
+        from pypy.lang.smalltalk import objtable
+        # From blue book: normal mc have place for 12 temps+maxstack
+        # mc for methods with islarge flag turned on 32
+        size = 12 + w_method.islarge * 20 + w_method.argsize
+        w_result = w_MethodContext.as_class_get_shadow().new(size)
+        assert isinstance(w_result, model.W_PointersObject)
+        # create and attach a shadow manually, to not have to carefully put things
+        # into the right places in the W_PointersObject
+        # XXX could hack some more to never have to create the _vars of w_result
+        s_result = MethodContextShadow(w_result)
+        w_result._shadow = s_result
+        s_result.store_w_method(w_method)
+        if w_sender:
+            s_result.store_w_sender(w_sender)
+        s_result.store_w_receiver(w_receiver)
+        s_result.store_pc(0)
+        s_result._temps = [objtable.w_nil] * w_method.tempframesize()
+        for i in range(len(arguments)):
+            s_result.settemp(i, arguments[i])
+        return w_result
     def fetch(self, n0):
         if n0 == constants.MTHDCTX_METHOD:
             return self.w_method()

Modified: pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/test/test_shadow.py
--- pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/test/test_shadow.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/smalltalk-shadow-changes/pypy/lang/smalltalk/test/test_shadow.py	Tue May 20 16:12:09 2008
@@ -135,36 +135,4 @@
     assert s_object.getbytecode() == 101
     assert s_object.s_home() == s_object
-#def test_scheduler():
-#    w_process = process()
-#    w_pl = model.W_PointersObject(None, 0)
-#    w_object = model.W_PointersObject(None, 2)
-#    w_object.store(constants.SCHEDULER_ACTIVE_PROCESS_INDEX, w_process)
-#    w_object.store(constants.SCHEDULER_PROCESS_LISTS_INDEX, w_pl)
-#    s_object = w_object.as_scheduler_get_shadow()
-#    assert s_object.s_active_process() == w_process.as_process_get_shadow()
-#    assert s_object.process_lists() == w_pl
-#    w_process2 = process()
-#    s_object.store_w_active_process(w_process2)
-#    assert s_object.process_lists() == w_pl
-#    assert s_object.s_active_process() != w_process.as_process_get_shadow()
-#    assert s_object.s_active_process() == w_process2.as_process_get_shadow()
-#def test_shadowchanges():
-#    w_object = model.W_PointersObject(None, 2)
-#    w_o1 = link('a')
-#    w_o2 = link('b')
-#    w_object.store(0, w_o1)
-#    w_object.store(1, w_o2)
-#    s_object = w_object.as_linkedlist_get_shadow()
-#    assert s_object.w_firstlink() == w_o1
-#    assert s_object.w_lastlink() == w_o2
-#    assert w_object._shadow == s_object
-#    s_object2 = w_object.as_association_get_shadow()
-#    assert s_object2.key() == w_o1
-#    assert s_object2.value() == w_o2
-#    assert w_object._shadow == s_object2
-#    s_object.sync_shadow()
-#    assert s_object.w_firstlink() == w_o1
-#    assert s_object.w_lastlink() == w_o2
-#    assert w_object._shadow == s_object

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