[pypy-svn] r52250 - pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Fri Mar 7 16:11:52 CET 2008

Author: pedronis
Date: Fri Mar  7 16:11:51 2008
New Revision: 52250

make test_anon passes, now unions use an opaque _rawffi.Structure as their backstore

some refactorings to avoid code duplication

the branch is ready to be merged

Modified: pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes/structure.py
--- pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes/structure.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes/structure.py	Fri Mar  7 16:11:51 2008
@@ -22,27 +22,6 @@
     size = round_up(size, alignment)
     return size, alignment, pos
-def struct_getattr(self, name):
-    if hasattr(self, '_fieldtypes') and name in self._fieldtypes:
-        return self._fieldtypes[name]
-    return _CDataMeta.__getattribute__(self, name)
-def struct_setattr(self, name, value):
-    if name == '_fields_':
-        if self.__dict__.get('_fields_', None):
-            raise AttributeError("_fields_ is final")
-        if self in [v for k, v in value]:
-            raise AttributeError("Structure or union cannot contain itself")
-        self._names, rawfields, self._fieldtypes = names_and_fields(
-            value, self.__bases__[0], False,
-            self.__dict__.get('_anonymous_', None))
-        self._ffistruct = _rawffi.Structure(rawfields)
-        _CDataMeta.__setattr__(self, '_fields_', value)
-        self._ffiargshape = self._ffishape = (self._ffistruct, 1)
-        self._fficompositesize = self._ffistruct.size
-        return
-    _CDataMeta.__setattr__(self, name, value)
 def names_and_fields(_fields_, superclass, zero_offset=False, anon=None):
     if isinstance(_fields_, tuple):
         _fields_ = list(_fields_)
@@ -92,6 +71,32 @@
         return "<Field '%s' offset=%d size=%d>" % (self.name, self.offset,
+# ________________________________________________________________
+def _set_shape(tp, rawfields):
+    tp._ffistruct = _rawffi.Structure(rawfields)
+    tp._ffiargshape = tp._ffishape = (tp._ffistruct, 1)
+    tp._fficompositesize = tp._ffistruct.size
+def struct_getattr(self, name):
+    if hasattr(self, '_fieldtypes') and name in self._fieldtypes:
+        return self._fieldtypes[name]
+    return _CDataMeta.__getattribute__(self, name)
+def struct_setattr(self, name, value):
+    if name == '_fields_':
+        if self.__dict__.get('_fields_', None):
+            raise AttributeError("_fields_ is final")
+        if self in [v for k, v in value]:
+            raise AttributeError("Structure or union cannot contain itself")
+        self._names, rawfields, self._fieldtypes = names_and_fields(
+            value, self.__bases__[0], False,
+            self.__dict__.get('_anonymous_', None))
+        _CDataMeta.__setattr__(self, '_fields_', value)
+        _set_shape(self, rawfields)
+        return
+    _CDataMeta.__setattr__(self, name, value)
 class StructureMeta(_CDataMeta):
     def __new__(self, name, cls, typedict):
         res = type.__new__(self, name, cls, typedict)
@@ -104,10 +109,7 @@
             res._names, rawfields, res._fieldtypes = names_and_fields(
                 typedict['_fields_'], cls[0], False,
                 typedict.get('_anonymous_', None))
-            res._ffistruct = _rawffi.Structure(rawfields)
-            res._ffishape = (res._ffistruct, 1)
-            res._ffiargshape = res._ffishape
-            res._fficompositesize = res._ffistruct.size
+            _set_shape(res, rawfields)
         def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
             if not hasattr(self, '_ffistruct'):

Modified: pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes/union.py
--- pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes/union.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/rawffi-shape-cleanup/pypy/lib/_ctypes/union.py	Fri Mar  7 16:11:51 2008
@@ -6,6 +6,19 @@
 import inspect
+def _set_shape(tp):
+    size = tp._sizeofinstances()
+    alignment = tp._alignmentofinstances()
+    tp._ffiopaque = _rawffi.Structure((size, alignment)) # opaque
+    tp._ffiargshape = tp._ffishape = (tp._ffiopaque, 1)
+    tp._fficompositesize = tp._ffiopaque.size
+    # we need to create an array of size one for each
+    # of our elements
+    tp._ffiarrays = {}
+    for name, field in tp._fieldtypes.iteritems():
+        tp._ffiarrays[name] = _rawffi.Array(field.ctype._ffishape)
 class UnionMeta(_CDataMeta):
     def __new__(self, name, cls, typedict):
         res = type.__new__(self, name, cls, typedict)
@@ -13,21 +26,14 @@
             res._names, rawfields, res._fieldtypes = names_and_fields(
                 typedict['_fields_'], cls[0], True,
                 typedict.get('_anonymous_', None))
-            res._ffishape = (res._sizeofinstances(),
-                             res._alignmentofinstances())
-            res._ffiargshape = res._ffishape
-            res._fficompositesize = res._sizeofinstances()
-            # we need to create an array of size one for each
-            # of our elements
-            res._ffiarrays = {}
-            for name, field in res._fieldtypes.iteritems():
-                res._ffiarrays[name] = _rawffi.Array(field.ctype._ffishape)
+            _set_shape(res)
         def __init__(self): # don't allow arguments by now
             if not hasattr(self, '_ffiarrays'):
                 raise TypeError("Cannot instantiate union, has no type")
             # malloc size
             size = self.__class__._sizeofinstances()
-            self.__dict__['_buffer'] = _rawffi.Array('c')(size)
+            self.__dict__['_buffer'] = self._ffiopaque()
             self.__dict__['_needs_free'] = True
         res.__init__ = __init__
         return res
@@ -56,14 +62,8 @@
             self._names, rawfields, self._fieldtypes = names_and_fields(
                 value, self.__bases__[0], True,
                 self.__dict__.get('_anonymous_', None))
-            self._ffiarrays = {}
-            for name, field in self._fieldtypes.iteritems():
-                self._ffiarrays[name] = _rawffi.Array(field.ctype._ffishape)
             _CDataMeta.__setattr__(self, '_fields_', value)
-            self._ffiargshape = self._ffishape = (self._sizeofinstances(),
-                                                  self._alignmentofinstances())
-            self._fficompositesize = self._sizeofinstances()
-            return
+            _set_shape(self)
         _CDataMeta.__setattr__(self, name, value)
 class Union(_CData):

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