[pypy-svn] r56872 - in pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64: . test

witulski at codespeak.net witulski at codespeak.net
Thu Jul 31 14:18:12 CEST 2008

Author: witulski
Date: Thu Jul 31 14:18:11 2008
New Revision: 56872

(cfBolz, witulski)

Implemented encoding of ADD instruction for 64 bit registers. Needs to be refactored later.

Added: pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/assembler.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/assembler.py	Thu Jul 31 14:18:11 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#Mapping from register to coding (Rex.W or Rex.B , ModRM)
+                "rax": (0, 0),
+                "rcx": (0, 1),
+                "rdx": (0, 2),
+                "rbx": (0, 3),
+                "rsp": (0, 4),
+                "rbp": (0, 5),
+                "rsi": (0, 6),
+                "rdi": (0, 7),
+                "r8":  (1, 0),
+                "r9":  (1, 1),
+                "r10": (1, 2),
+                "r11": (1, 3),
+                "r12": (1, 4),
+                "r13": (1, 5),
+                "r14": (1, 6),
+                "r15": (1, 7),
+                }                  
+class X86_64CodeBuilder(object):
+    """ creats x86_64 opcodes"""
+    def write(self, data):
+        """ writes data into memory"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def tell(self):
+        """ tells the current position in memory"""
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    # XXX for now, arg1 and arg2 are registers
+    def ADD(self, arg1, arg2):
+        rexR, modrm1 = self.get_register_bits(arg1)
+        rexB, modrm2 = self.get_register_bits(arg2)
+        #rexW(1) = 64bitMode rexX(0) = doesn't matter
+        self.write_rex_byte(1, rexR, 0, rexB)
+        self.write('\x00')
+        self.write_modRM_byte(3, modrm1, modrm2)
+    def get_register_bits(self, register):
+        return REGISTER_MAP[register]
+    # Rex-Prefix 4WRXB see AMD vol3 page 45
+    def write_rex_byte(self, rexW, rexR, rexX, rexB):
+        byte = (4 << 4) | (rexW << 3) | (rexR << 2) | (rexX << 1) | rexB
+        self.write(chr(byte))
+    def write_modRM_byte(self, mod, reg, rm):
+        byte = mod << 6 | (reg << 3) | rm
+        self.write(chr(byte))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/test/test_assembler.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/oo-jit/pypy/jit/codegen/x86_64/test/test_assembler.py	Thu Jul 31 14:18:11 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from pypy.jit.codegen.x86_64 import assembler
+class AsmTest(assembler.X86_64CodeBuilder):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.data = []
+    def get_as_string(self):
+        return "".join(self.data)
+    def write(self,char):
+        self.data.append(char)
+def test_add():
+    mc = AsmTest()
+    mc.ADD("rax", "r11")
+    assert mc.get_as_string() == "\x49\x00\xC3"
\ No newline at end of file

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