[pypy-svn] r46379 - in pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy: . test

simonb at codespeak.net simonb at codespeak.net
Fri Sep 7 01:18:51 CEST 2007

Author: simonb
Date: Fri Sep  7 01:18:49 2007
New Revision: 46379

broadcasting and slicing, many more cases work

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/aarray.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/aarray.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/aarray.py	Fri Sep  7 01:18:49 2007
@@ -99,11 +99,10 @@
         if len(s_index.items)>s_array.ndim:
             raise AnnotatorError("invalid index")
         if isinstance(s_value, SomeArray):
-            if s_value.ndim != ndim:
-                # XX allow broadcasting..
+            if s_value.ndim > ndim:
                 raise AnnotatorError("shape mismatch")
-        elif ndim > 0:
-            raise AnnotatorError("need to set from array")
+        #elif ndim > 0:
+        #    raise AnnotatorError("need to set from array")
     def getitem((s_array, s_index)):
         ndim = pair(s_array, s_index).get_leftover_dim()

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/rarray.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/rarray.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/rarray.py	Fri Sep  7 01:18:49 2007
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from pypy.rpython.rmodel import Repr, inputconst
+from pypy.rpython.rmodel import Repr, FloatRepr, inputconst
 from pypy.rpython.rrange import AbstractRangeRepr
 from pypy.rpython.rint import IntegerRepr
 from pypy.rpython.rlist import AbstractBaseListRepr
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
             ("index", NPY_INTP),
             ("size", NPY_INTP),
             ("coordinates", INDEXARRAY), 
-            ("dims_m1", INDEXARRAY),
+            ("dims_m1", INDEXARRAY), # array of dimensions - 1
             ("strides", INDEXARRAY),
             ("backstrides", INDEXARRAY),
             #("factors", INDEXARRAY),
@@ -115,21 +115,22 @@
         return it
     ll_iter_new._always_inline_ = True
-    def ll_iter_broadcast_to_shape(ITER, ao, shape, iter_reset=ll_iter_reset):
-        if ao.ndim > ndim:
-            raise Exception("array is not broadcastable to correct shape") # XX raise here ?
-        diff = j = ndim - ao.ndim
+    def ll_iter_broadcast_to_shape(ITER, ao, target_ao, iter_reset=ll_iter_reset):
+        "iterate over <ao> but broadcast to the shape of <target_ao>"
+        assert target_ao.ndim == ndim
+        delta = j = ndim - ao.ndim
+        shape = target_ao.shape
         for i in range(ao.ndim):
             if ao.shape[i] != 1 and ao.shape[i] != shape[j]:
-                raise Exception("array is not broadcastable to correct shape") # XX raise here ?
+                raise Exception("array is not broadcastable to correct shape")
             j += 1
         it = malloc(ITER)
-        it.size = ll_mul_list(ao.shape, ndim)
+        it.size = ll_mul_list(target_ao.shape, ndim)
         it.nd_m1 = ndim - 1
-        #it.factors[nd-1] = 1
+        #it.factors[ndim-1] = 1
         for i in unroll_ndim:
-            it.dims_m1[i] = ao.shape[i]-1
-            k = i - diff
+            it.dims_m1[i] = shape[i]-1
+            k = i - delta
             if k<0 or ao.shape[k] != shape[i]:
                 #it.contiguous = False
                 it.strides[i] = 0
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@
                 it.strides[i] = ao.strides[k]
             it.backstrides[i] = it.strides[i] * it.dims_m1[i]
             #if i > 0:
-                #it.factors[nd-i-1] = it.factors[nd-i]*shape[nd-i]
+                #it.factors[ndim-i-1] = it.factors[nd-i]*shape[ndim-i]
         iter_reset(it, ao.dataptr)
         return it
     ll_iter_broadcast_to_shape._always_inline_ = True    
@@ -153,8 +154,7 @@
             it.dataptr = direct_ptradd(it.dataptr, -it.backstrides[i])
     ll_iter_next._always_inline_ = True
-#    return ll_iter_new, ll_iter_broadcast_to_shape, ll_iter_next
-    return ll_iter_new, ll_iter_next
+    return ll_iter_new, ll_iter_reset, ll_iter_broadcast_to_shape, ll_iter_next
 def ll_unary_op(p0, p1, op=lambda x:x):
     p0[0] = op(p1[0])
@@ -162,16 +162,19 @@
 def ll_binary_op(p0, p1, p2, op=lambda x,y:x+y):
     p0[0] = op(p1[0], p2[0])
-def ll_array_unary_op(iter_new, iter_next, ITER, array0, array1): 
-    assert array0.ndim == array1.ndim
-    it0 = iter_new(ITER, array0)
-    it1 = iter_new(ITER, array1)
+def ll_array_set(it0, it1, iter_next):
     assert it0.size == it1.size
     while it0.index < it0.size:
         it0.dataptr[0] = it1.dataptr[0]
+def ll_array_set1(value, it, iter_next):
+    while it.index < it.size:
+        it.dataptr[0] = value
+        iter_next(it)
 def dim_of_ITER(ITER):
     return ITER.TO.coordinates.length
@@ -275,32 +278,101 @@
 class __extend__(pairtype(ArrayRepr, ArrayRepr)):
-    def rtype_add((r_arr1, r_arr2), hop):
-        v_arr1, v_arr2 = hop.inputargs(r_arr1, r_arr2)
+    def rtype_add((r_array1, r_array2), hop):
+        v_arr1, v_arr2 = hop.inputargs(r_array1, r_array2)
         cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, hop.r_result.ARRAY.TO)
         return hop.gendirectcall(ll_add, cARRAY, v_arr1, v_arr2)
 #class __extend__(pairtype(ArrayRepr, Repr)): # <------ USE THIS ??
 class __extend__(pairtype(ArrayRepr, IntegerRepr)):
-    def rtype_setitem((r_arr, r_int), hop):
-        v_array, v_index, v_item = hop.inputargs(r_arr, Signed, r_arr.item_repr)
+    def rtype_setitem((r_array, r_int), hop):
+        assert r_array.ndim == 1, "NotImplemented"
+        v_array, v_index, v_item = hop.inputargs(r_array, Signed, r_array.item_repr)
         return hop.gendirectcall(ll_setitem1, v_array, v_index, v_item)
-    def rtype_getitem((r_arr, r_int), hop):
-        v_array, v_index = hop.inputargs(r_arr, Signed)
+    def rtype_getitem((r_array, r_int), hop):
+        assert r_array.ndim == 1, "NotImplemented"
+        v_array, v_index = hop.inputargs(r_array, Signed)
         return hop.gendirectcall(ll_getitem1, v_array, v_index)
+def gen_get_view_slc(r_array, r_slc, hop): # XX method on the pair type ?
+    ndim = r_array.ndim
+    rslice = hop.rtyper.type_system.rslice
+    def ll_get_view_slc(ARRAY, ao, slc):
+        array = ll_allocate(ARRAY, ndim)
+        dataptr = direct_arrayitems(ao.data)
+        src_i = 0
+        tgt_i = 0
+        if r_slc == rslice.startonly_slice_repr:
+            start = slc
+            size = ao.shape[src_i]
+            if start > size:
+                start = size
+            size -= start
+            dataptr = direct_ptradd(dataptr, start*ao.strides[src_i])
+            array.shape[tgt_i] = size
+            array.strides[tgt_i] = ao.strides[src_i]
+            tgt_i += 1
+        elif r_slc == rslice.startstop_slice_repr:
+            start = slc.start
+            stop = slc.stop
+            size = ao.shape[src_i]
+            if start > size:
+                start = size
+            dataptr = direct_ptradd(dataptr, start*ao.strides[src_i])
+            if stop < size:
+                size = stop
+            size -= start
+            if size < 0:
+                size = 0
+            array.shape[tgt_i] = size
+            array.strides[tgt_i] = ao.strides[src_i]
+            tgt_i += 1
+        else:
+            assert 0
+        src_i += 1
+        # consume the rest of ndim as if we found more slices
+        while tgt_i < ndim:
+            array.shape[tgt_i] = ao.shape[src_i]
+            array.strides[tgt_i] = ao.strides[src_i]
+            tgt_i += 1
+            src_i += 1
+        assert tgt_i == ndim
+        array.dataptr = dataptr
+        array.data = ao.data # keep a ref
+        return array
+    return ll_get_view_slc
 class __extend__(pairtype(ArrayRepr, AbstractSliceRepr)):
-    def rtype_setitem((r_arr, r_slc), hop):
+    def rtype_setitem((r_array, r_slc), hop):
         r_item = hop.args_r[2]
-        v_array, v_slc, v_item = hop.inputargs(r_arr, r_slc, r_item)
-        cITER = hop.inputconst(Void, r_arr.ITER.TO)
-        iter_new, iter_next = gen_iter_funcs(r_arr.ndim)        
-        cnew = hop.inputconst(Void, iter_new)
+        v_array, v_slc, v_item = hop.inputargs(r_array, r_slc, r_item)
+        cITER = hop.inputconst(Void, r_array.ITER.TO)
+        cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, r_array.ARRAY.TO)
+        iter_new, iter_reset, iter_broadcast, iter_next = gen_iter_funcs(r_array.ndim)        
         cnext = hop.inputconst(Void, iter_next)
-        assert r_arr.ndim == r_item.ndim
-        return hop.gendirectcall(ll_array_unary_op, cnew, cnext, cITER, v_array, v_item)
+        creset = hop.inputconst(Void, iter_reset)
+## Blech... it would be nice to reuse gen_get_view
+##            r_tuple = TupleRepr(hop.rtyper, [r_item]) # XX how to get this from rtyper ?
+##            get_view = gen_get_view(r_array, r_tuple, hop)
+##            # make a v_tuple here... 
+##            v_view = hop.gendirectcall(get_view, cARRAY, v_array, v_tuple)
+        get_view = gen_get_view_slc(r_array, r_slc, hop)
+        v_view = hop.gendirectcall(get_view, cARRAY, v_array, v_slc)
+        v_it0 = hop.gendirectcall(iter_new, cITER, v_view, creset)
+        if isinstance(r_item, ArrayRepr):
+            if r_array.ndim == r_item.ndim:
+                v_it1 = hop.gendirectcall(iter_new, cITER, v_item, creset)
+            else:
+                v_it1 = hop.gendirectcall(iter_broadcast, cITER, v_item, v_array, creset)
+            assert r_array.ndim >= r_item.ndim
+            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_array_set, v_it0, v_it1, cnext)
+        elif isinstance(r_item, FloatRepr):
+            # setitem from scalar
+            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_array_set1, v_item, v_it0, cnext)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("can't setitem from %s"%r_item)
 def gen_getset_item(ndim):
     unrolling_dims = unrolling_iterable(range(ndim))
@@ -320,26 +392,57 @@
     return ll_get_item, ll_set_item
-def get_view_ndim(r_tpl):
-    return len([r_item for r_item in r_tpl.items_r if isinstance(r_item, AbstractSliceRepr)])
-def gen_get_view(r_tpl):
-    ndim = get_view_ndim(r_tpl)
-    unroll_r_tpl = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(r_tpl.items_r))
+def get_view_ndim(r_array, r_tuple): # XX method on the pair type ?
+    ndim = len([r_item for r_item in r_tuple.items_r if isinstance(r_item, AbstractSliceRepr)])
+    ndim += r_array.ndim - len(r_tuple.items_r)
+    return ndim
+def gen_get_view(r_array, r_tuple, hop): # XX method on the pair type ?
+    ndim = get_view_ndim(r_array, r_tuple)
+    unroll_r_tuple = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(r_tuple.items_r))
+    rslice = hop.rtyper.type_system.rslice
     def ll_get_view(ARRAY, ao, tpl):
         array = ll_allocate(ARRAY, ndim)
         dataptr = direct_arrayitems(ao.data)
         src_i = 0
         tgt_i = 0
-        for src_i, r_item in unroll_r_tpl:
-            if isinstance(r_item, IntegerRepr):
-                r_int = r_item
+        for src_i, r_key in unroll_r_tuple:
+            if isinstance(r_key, IntegerRepr):
                 dataptr = direct_ptradd(dataptr, getattr(tpl, 'item%d'%src_i)*ao.strides[src_i])
-            else:
-                r_slice = r_item
-                array.shape[tgt_i] = ao.shape[src_i]
+            elif r_key == rslice.startonly_slice_repr:
+                start = getattr(tpl, 'item%d'%src_i)
+                size = ao.shape[src_i]
+                if start > size:
+                    start = size
+                size -= start
+                dataptr = direct_ptradd(dataptr, start*ao.strides[src_i])
+                array.shape[tgt_i] = size
+                array.strides[tgt_i] = ao.strides[src_i]
+                tgt_i += 1
+            elif r_key == rslice.startstop_slice_repr:
+                start = getattr(tpl, 'item%d'%src_i).start
+                stop = getattr(tpl, 'item%d'%src_i).stop
+                size = ao.shape[src_i]
+                if start > size:
+                    start = size
+                dataptr = direct_ptradd(dataptr, start*ao.strides[src_i])
+                if stop < size:
+                    size = stop
+                size -= start
+                if size < 0:
+                    size = 0
+                array.shape[tgt_i] = size
                 array.strides[tgt_i] = ao.strides[src_i]
                 tgt_i += 1
+            else:
+                assert 0
+        src_i += 1
+        # consume the rest of ndim as if we found more slices
+        while tgt_i < ndim:
+            array.shape[tgt_i] = ao.shape[src_i]
+            array.strides[tgt_i] = ao.strides[src_i]
+            tgt_i += 1
+            src_i += 1
         assert tgt_i == ndim
         array.dataptr = dataptr
         array.data = ao.data # keep a ref
@@ -348,63 +451,70 @@
 class __extend__(pairtype(ArrayRepr, AbstractTupleRepr)):
-    def rtype_getitem((r_arr, r_tpl), hop):
-        v_array, v_tuple = hop.inputargs(r_arr, r_tpl)
-        ndim = get_view_ndim(r_tpl)
+    def rtype_getitem((r_array, r_tpl), hop):
+        v_array, v_tuple = hop.inputargs(r_array, r_tpl)
+        ndim = get_view_ndim(r_array, r_tpl)
         if ndim == 0:
             # return a scalar
-            cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, r_arr.ARRAY.TO)
-            get_item, set_item = gen_getset_item(r_arr.ndim)
+            cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, r_array.ARRAY.TO)
+            get_item, set_item = gen_getset_item(r_array.ndim)
             return hop.gendirectcall(get_item, cARRAY, v_array, v_tuple)
         r_result = hop.r_result
         ARRAY = r_result.ARRAY
         assert dim_of_ARRAY(ARRAY) == ndim
         cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, ARRAY.TO)
-        ll_get_view = gen_get_view(r_tpl)
+        ll_get_view = gen_get_view(r_array, r_tpl, hop)
         return hop.gendirectcall(ll_get_view, cARRAY, v_array, v_tuple)
-    def rtype_setitem((r_arr, r_tpl), hop):
+    def rtype_setitem((r_array, r_tuple), hop):
         r_item = hop.args_r[2]
-        v_array, v_tuple, v_item = hop.inputargs(r_arr, r_tpl, r_item)
-        ndim = get_view_ndim(r_tpl)
-        if isinstance(r_item, ArrayRepr):
-            s_view = SomeArray(r_arr.s_array.typecode, ndim)
+        v_array, v_tuple, v_item = hop.inputargs(r_array, r_tuple, r_item)
+        ndim = get_view_ndim(r_array, r_tuple)
+        assert len(r_tuple.items_r) <= r_array.ndim
+        if ndim == 0:
+            # Set from scalar
+            assert isinstance(r_item, FloatRepr)
+            cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, r_array.ARRAY.TO)
+            get_item, set_item = gen_getset_item(r_array.ndim)
+            return hop.gendirectcall(set_item, cARRAY, v_array, v_tuple, v_item)
+        elif isinstance(r_item, ArrayRepr):
+            s_view = SomeArray(r_array.s_array.typecode, ndim)
             r_view = hop.rtyper.getrepr(s_view)
             cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, r_view.ARRAY.TO)
-            get_view = gen_get_view(r_tpl)
+            get_view = gen_get_view(r_array, r_tuple, hop)
             v_view = hop.gendirectcall(get_view, cARRAY, v_array, v_tuple)
-            iter_new, iter_next = gen_iter_funcs(ndim)        
-            assert ndim == r_item.ndim
-            assert dim_of_ITER(r_item.ITER) == dim_of_ITER(r_view.ITER)
-            cnew = hop.inputconst(Void, iter_new)
+            iter_new, iter_reset, iter_broadcast, iter_next = gen_iter_funcs(ndim)        
+            creset = hop.inputconst(Void, iter_reset)
             cnext = hop.inputconst(Void, iter_next)
-            cITER = hop.inputconst(Void, r_item.ITER.TO)
-            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_array_unary_op, cnew, cnext, cITER, v_view, v_item) 
+            cITER = hop.inputconst(Void, r_view.ITER.TO)
+            v_it0 = hop.gendirectcall(iter_new, cITER, v_view, creset)
+            assert r_item.ndim <= ndim
+            if ndim == r_item.ndim:
+                v_it1 = hop.gendirectcall(iter_new, cITER, v_item, creset)
+            else:
+                v_it1 = hop.gendirectcall(iter_broadcast, cITER, v_item, v_view, creset)
+            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_array_set, v_it0, v_it1, cnext) 
-            # Set from scalar
-            assert ndim == 0
-            cARRAY = hop.inputconst(Void, r_arr.ARRAY.TO)
-            get_item, set_item = gen_getset_item(r_arr.ndim)
-            return hop.gendirectcall(set_item, cARRAY, v_array, v_tuple, v_item)
+            assert 0
 class __extend__(pairtype(ArrayRepr, ArrayRepr)):
-    def convert_from_to((r_arr0, r_arr1), v, llops):
+    def convert_from_to((r_array0, r_array1), v, llops):
         assert 0
 class __extend__(pairtype(AbstractBaseListRepr, ArrayRepr)):
-    def convert_from_to((r_lst, r_arr), v, llops):
+    def convert_from_to((r_lst, r_array), v, llops):
         if r_lst.listitem is None:
             return NotImplemented
-        if r_lst.item_repr != r_arr.item_repr:
-            assert 0, (r_lst, r_arr.item_repr)
+        if r_lst.item_repr != r_array.item_repr:
+            assert 0, (r_lst, r_array.item_repr)
             return NotImplemented
-        cARRAY = inputconst(lltype.Void, r_arr.lowleveltype.TO) 
+        cARRAY = inputconst(lltype.Void, r_array.lowleveltype.TO) 
         return llops.gendirectcall(ll_build_from_list, cARRAY, v)
 class __extend__(pairtype(AbstractRangeRepr, ArrayRepr)):
-    def convert_from_to((r_rng, r_arr), v, llops):
-        cARRAY = inputconst(lltype.Void, r_arr.lowleveltype.TO) 
+    def convert_from_to((r_rng, r_array), v, llops):
+        cARRAY = inputconst(lltype.Void, r_array.lowleveltype.TO) 
         return llops.gendirectcall(ll_build_from_list, cARRAY, v)
 def ll_allocate(ARRAY, ndim):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/test/test_array.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/test/test_array.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/numpy/test/test_array.py	Fri Sep  7 01:18:49 2007
@@ -187,6 +187,19 @@
         assert type(s_array) == SomeArray
         assert s_array.ndim == 1
+    def test_annotate_broadcast(self):
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.empty((4,3), dtype='i')
+            b = numpy.array([33])
+            a[:] = b
+            return a
+        t = TranslationContext()
+        a = t.buildannotator()
+        s_array = a.build_types(f, [])
+        assert type(s_array) == SomeArray
+        assert s_array.ndim == 2
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import checkgraph, flatten, Block, mkentrymap
 from pypy.translator.backendopt.malloc import LLTypeMallocRemover
@@ -341,6 +354,66 @@
         assert interpret(f, [0, 0]) == 0
         assert interpret(f, [3, 4]) == 12
+    def test_specialize_slice_1_0(self):
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.zeros((12,), dtype='i')
+            a[:2] = 1
+            a[5:9] = 2
+            a[10:] = 3
+            a[12:] = 99
+            a[12:0] = 999
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        data = [1,1,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,0,3,3]
+        for i in range(12):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == data[i]
+    def test_specialize_slice_1_1(self):
+        py.test.skip('this involves a runtime test to see if we need a broadcast iterator')
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.zeros((6,), dtype='i')
+            a[:2] = numpy.array([1])
+            a[5:9] = numpy.array([2])
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        data = [1,1,0,0,0,2]
+        for i in range(6):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == data[i]
+    def test_specialize_slice_2_0(self):
+        py.test.skip('not implemented')
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.zeros((12,), dtype='i').reshape((3,4))
+            a[:2, 0] = 1
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        data = [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+        for i in range(12):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == data[i]
+    def test_specialize_slice_2_1(self):
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.zeros((12,), dtype='i').reshape((3,4))
+            a[:2, 0] = numpy.array([1,2])
+            a[1, 1:3] = numpy.array([4,5])
+            a[0:1, 3:] = numpy.array([6,])
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        data = [1, 0, 0, 6, 2, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+        for i in range(12):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == data[i]
+    def test_specialize_slice_2_2(self):
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.zeros((12,), dtype='i').reshape((3,4))
+            b = numpy.array([1,2,3,4]).reshape((2,2))
+            a[1:3, 2:] = b
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 4]
+        for i in range(12):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == data[i]
     def test_specialize_view(self):
         def f(ii, jj):
             a = numpy.zeros((4, 5))
@@ -354,6 +427,45 @@
         assert interpret(f, [2, 3]) == 2
+    def test_specialize_view_implicit_slice(self):
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.array(range(12)).reshape((3,4))
+            b = a[0,]
+            return b
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        for i in range(4):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == i
+    def test_specialize_broadcast(self):
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.empty((4,3), dtype='i')
+            b = numpy.array([33])
+            a[:,:] = b
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        for i in range(4*3):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == 33
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.empty((4,3), dtype='i')
+            b = numpy.array([33])
+            a[:,] = b
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        for i in range(4*3):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == 33
+        def f():
+            a = numpy.empty((4,3,2), dtype='i')
+            a[:] = numpy.array([33])
+            a[0,:] = numpy.array([22])
+            return a
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        data = [22]*6 + [33]*18
+        for i in range(3*4*2):
+            assert res.dataptr[i] == data[i]
     def test_malloc_remove(self):
         py.test.skip('this test requires _always_inline_ magic hook')
         def f():

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