[pypy-svn] r47869 - in pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk: . test

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Wed Oct 24 23:46:43 CEST 2007

Author: cfbolz
Date: Wed Oct 24 23:46:42 2007
New Revision: 47869

(arigo, cfbolz, akuhn advising) be incredibly advanced: an object's identity
hash is computed by using our extremely good mersenne twister random number
generator. Also introduce a very smalltalkish class hierarchy.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/model.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/model.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/model.py	Wed Oct 24 23:46:42 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+import sys
+from pypy.rlib import rrandom
+from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
 class W_Object(object):
@@ -47,27 +51,41 @@
     def __str__(self):
         return "Float(%f)" % self.value
-class W_ObjectWithStoredClass(W_Object):
+class W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash(W_Object):
+    #XXX maybe this is too extreme, but it's very random
+    hash_generator = rrandom.Random()
+    UNASSIGNED_HASH = sys.maxint
+    hash = UNASSIGNED_HASH # default value
+    def gethash(self):
+        if self.hash == self.UNASSIGNED_HASH:
+            self.hash = hash = intmask(self.hash_generator.genrand32()) // 2
+            return hash
+        return self.hash
+    def invariant(self):
+        return isinstance(self.hash, int)
+class W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference(W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash):
     """ The base class of objects that store 'm_class' explicitly. """
     def __init__(self, m_class):
         self.m_class = m_class
-        self.hash = 42             # XXX
     def getclassmirror(self):
         return self.m_class
-    def gethash(self):
-        return self.hash
     def invariant(self):
         from pypy.lang.smalltalk.mirror import ClassMirror
-        return (isinstance(self.m_class, ClassMirror) and
-                1)#isinstance(self.hash, int)) XXX
+        return (W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash.invariant(self) and
+                isinstance(self.m_class, ClassMirror))
-class W_PointersObject(W_ObjectWithStoredClass):
+class W_PointersObject(W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference):
     """ The normal object """
     def __init__(self, m_class, size):
-        W_ObjectWithStoredClass.__init__(self, m_class)
+        W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference.__init__(self, m_class)
         self.vars = [None] * size
     def fetch(self, index):
@@ -80,12 +98,12 @@
         return len(self.vars)
     def invariant(self):
-        return (W_ObjectWithStoredClass.invariant(self) and
+        return (W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference.invariant(self) and
                 isinstance(self.vars, list))
-class W_BytesObject(W_ObjectWithStoredClass):
+class W_BytesObject(W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference):
     def __init__(self, m_class, size):
-        W_ObjectWithStoredClass.__init__(self, m_class)
+        W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference.__init__(self, m_class)
         self.bytes = ['\x00'] * size
     def getbyte(self, n):
@@ -101,16 +119,16 @@
         return repr("".join(self.bytes))
     def invariant(self):
-        if not W_ObjectWithStoredClass.invariant(self):
+        if not W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference.invariant(self):
             return False
         for c in self.bytes:
             if not isinstance(c, str) or len(c) != 1:
                 return False
         return True
-class W_WordsObject(W_ObjectWithStoredClass):
+class W_WordsObject(W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference):
     def __init__(self, m_class, size):
-        W_ObjectWithStoredClass.__init__(self, m_class)
+        W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference.__init__(self, m_class)
         self.words = [0] * size
     def getword(self, n):
@@ -123,10 +141,10 @@
         return len(self.words)   
     def invariant(self):
-        return (W_ObjectWithStoredClass.invariant(self) and
+        return (W_AbstractObjectWithClassReference.invariant(self) and
                 isinstance(self.words, list))
-class W_CompiledMethod(W_Object):
+class W_CompiledMethod(W_AbstractObjectWithIdentityHash):
     """My instances are methods suitable for interpretation by the virtual machine.  This is the only class in the system whose instances intermix both indexable pointer fields and indexable integer fields.
     The current format of a CompiledMethod is as follows:

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/test/test_model.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/test/test_model.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lang/smalltalk/test/test_model.py	Wed Oct 24 23:46:42 2007
@@ -66,3 +66,10 @@
 def test_hashes():
     w_five = model.W_SmallInteger(5)
     assert w_five.gethash() == 5
+    m_class = mockclassmirror(0)
+    w_inst = m_class.new()
+    assert w_inst.hash == w_inst.UNASSIGNED_HASH
+    h1 = w_inst.gethash()
+    h2 = w_inst.gethash()
+    assert h1 == h2
+    assert h1 == w_inst.hash

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