[pypy-svn] r47391 - in pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory: . test

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Thu Oct 11 11:48:00 CEST 2007

Author: cfbolz
Date: Thu Oct 11 11:48:00 2007
New Revision: 47391

kill deferred refcounting: it was broken and unmaintained.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory/gc.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory/gc.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory/gc.py	Thu Oct 11 11:48:00 2007
@@ -1250,134 +1250,6 @@
-class DeferredRefcountingGC(GCBase):
-    _alloc_flavor_ = "raw"
-    def __init__(self, AddressLinkedList, max_refcount_zero=50, get_roots=None):
-        self.zero_ref_counts = None
-        self.AddressLinkedList = AddressLinkedList
-        self.length_zero_ref_counts = 0
-        self.max_refcount_zero = max_refcount_zero
-        #self.set_query_functions(None, None, None, None, None, None, None)
-        self.get_roots = get_roots
-        self.collecting = False
-    def setup(self):
-        self.zero_ref_counts = self.AddressLinkedList()
-    def malloc(self, typeid, length=0):
-        size = self.fixed_size(typeid)
-        if self.is_varsize(typeid):
-            size += length * self.varsize_item_sizes(typeid)
-        size_gc_header = self.size_gc_header()
-        result = raw_malloc(size + size_gc_header)
-##         print "mallocing %s, size %s at %s" % (typeid, size, result)
-        if not result:
-            raise memoryError
-        result.signed[0] = 0 # refcount
-        result.signed[1] = typeid
-        return result + size_gc_header
-    def collect(self):
-        if self.collecting:
-            return
-        else:
-            self.collecting = True
-        roots = self.get_roots()
-        roots_copy = self.AddressLinkedList()
-        curr = roots.pop()
-        while curr != NULL:
-##             print "root", root, root.address[0]
-##             assert self.refcount(root.address[0]) >= 0, "refcount negative"
-            self.incref(curr.address[0])
-            roots_copy.append(curr)
-            curr = roots.pop()
-        roots = roots_copy
-        dealloc_list = self.AddressLinkedList()
-        self.length_zero_ref_counts = 0
-        while self.zero_ref_counts.non_empty():
-            candidate = self.zero_ref_counts.pop()
-            refcount = self.refcount(candidate)
-            typeid = (candidate - self.size_gc_header()).signed[1]
-            if (refcount == 0 and typeid >= 0):
-                (candidate - self.size_gc_header()).signed[1] = -typeid - 1
-                dealloc_list.append(candidate)
-        while dealloc_list.non_empty():
-            deallocate = dealloc_list.pop()
-            typeid = (deallocate - self.size_gc_header()).signed[1]
-            (deallocate - self.size_gc_header()).signed[1] = -typeid - 1
-            self.deallocate(deallocate)
-        dealloc_list.delete()
-        while roots.non_empty():
-            root = roots.pop()
-            self.decref(root.address[0])
-        roots.delete()
-        self.collecting = False
-    def write_barrier(self, addr, addr_to, addr_struct):
-        self.decref(addr_to.address[0])
-        addr_to.address[0] = addr
-        self.incref(addr)
-    def deallocate(self, obj):
-        gc_info = obj - self.size_gc_header()
-        typeid = gc_info.signed[1]
-##         print "deallocating", obj, typeid
-        offsets = self.offsets_to_gc_pointers(typeid)
-        i = 0
-        while i < len(offsets):
-            pointer = obj + offsets[i]
-            self.decref(pointer.address[0])
-            i += 1
-        if self.is_varsize(typeid):
-            offset = self.varsize_offset_to_variable_part(
-                typeid)
-            length = (obj + self.varsize_offset_to_length(typeid)).signed[0]
-            offsets = self.varsize_offsets_to_gcpointers_in_var_part(typeid)
-            itemlength = self.varsize_item_sizes(typeid)
-            i = 0
-            while i < length:
-                item = obj + offset + itemlength * i
-                j = 0
-                while j < len(offsets):
-                    pointer = item + offsets[j]
-                    self.decref(pointer.address[0])
-                    j += 1
-                i += 1
-        raw_free(gc_info)
-    def incref(self, addr):
-        if addr == NULL:
-            return
-        (addr - self.size_gc_header()).signed[0] += 1
-    def decref(self, addr):
-        if addr == NULL:
-            return
-        refcount = (addr - self.size_gc_header()).signed[0]
-##         assert refcount > 0, "neg refcount"
-        if refcount == 1:
-            self.zero_ref_counts.append(addr)
-            self.length_zero_ref_counts += 1
-            if self.length_zero_ref_counts > self.max_refcount_zero:
-                self.collect()
-        (addr - self.size_gc_header()).signed[0] = refcount - 1
-    def refcount(self, addr):
-        return (addr - self.size_gc_header()).signed[0]
-    def init_gc_object(self, addr, typeid):
-        addr.signed[0] = 0 # refcount
-        addr.signed[1] = typeid
-    def init_gc_object_immortal(self, addr, typeid):
-        addr.signed[0] = sys.maxint // 2 # refcount
-        addr.signed[1] = typeid
-    def size_gc_header(self, typeid=0):
-        XXX
 # ____________________________________________________________
 def choose_gc_from_config(config):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory/test/test_gc.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory/test/test_gc.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/memory/test/test_gc.py	Thu Oct 11 11:48:00 2007
@@ -260,8 +260,3 @@
 class TestGrowingSemiSpaceGC(TestSemiSpaceGC):
     GC_PARAMS = {'space_size': 64}
-class TestDeferredRefcountingGC(GCTest):
-    from pypy.rpython.memory.gc import DeferredRefcountingGC as GCClass
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        py.test.skip("DeferredRefcounting is unmaintained")

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