[pypy-svn] r43685 - pypy/extradoc/talk/dyla2007

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Sat May 26 19:01:51 CEST 2007

Author: cfbolz
Date: Sat May 26 19:01:51 2007
New Revision: 43685

attempt to radically shorten the introduction

Modified: pypy/extradoc/talk/dyla2007/dyla.txt
--- pypy/extradoc/talk/dyla2007/dyla.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/extradoc/talk/dyla2007/dyla.txt	Sat May 26 19:01:51 2007
@@ -39,56 +39,28 @@
 The efforts required to build a new virtual machine are relatively
 important.  This is particularly true for languages which are complex
-and in constant evolution.  This is a major reason for keeping the
-corresponding virtual machines simple.  The C implementation of Python,
-for example, is a simple bytecode interpreter and provides no more
-advanced memory management techniques than reference counting coupled
-with a reference cycle detector.  This implementation is manageable for
-an Open Source community with a limited amount of resources.  The same
-constraint can be found in many academic projects.
-Limitations of C implementations are XXX (limited GC, limited speed,
-C-only platforms, lack of flexibility).
-To address some of these issues, a recent trend is to build an
-implementation of the language on top of another virtual machine.  Java
-(and increasingly .NET) provides well-tuned object-oriented virtual
-machines which offer many features that are of interest to all
-programmers including language implementors (a higher level of
-expression, automatic memory management, good just-in-time compilers,
-richer libraries...).  They also provide a higher level "base object
-model", which enables better cross-language integration: a Jython
-program, for example, can directly import Java classes and vice-versa.
-This trend enters in conflict with the goal of having to maintain
-essentially a single, simple enough implementation for a given
-programming language: as the language becomes popular, there will be a
-demand for having it run on various platforms - high-level VMs as well
-as C-level environments.
-In the case of Python and Ruby, this resulted in multiple
-implementations of the language, with an oldest custom VM written in C
-which is the "official" version in the sense that its evolution defines
-the evolution of the language itself.  The other implementations -
-Jython and JRuby on the JVM, IronPython and IronRuby on .NET -
-ultimately need to be tediously kept up-to-date.
-What is the best way to implement dynamic languages?
-The question is thus how the increased benefits of reusing
-object-oriented virtual machines (OO VMs) can be balanced against the
-fact that this introduces new implementations which may split the total
-effort of the community in pieces that get increasingly
-resource-consuming to keep in sync with each other.
-Standardizing on one OO VM would further increase interoperability and
-avoid the division-of-efforts issue.  In our opinion, though, a single
-OO VM for everybody is not a practical idea; we consider the loss of
-diversity to be more a problem than a solution, and any single OO VM
-comes with limitations and trade-offs that may not be optimal for every
-use case.
+and in constant evolution. Language implementation communities from an
+open-source or academic context have only limited resources. Therefore they
+cannot afford to have a highly complex implementation and often chose simpler
+techniques even if that entails lower execution speed. Similarly fragmentation
+(for example because of other implementations of the same language) is a
+problem because it divides available resources. All these points also apply to
+the implementation of domain-specific-languages where it is important to keep
+implementation effort small.
+For these reasons writing a virtual machine in C has many problems because it
+forces the language implementer to deal with many low-level details. Limitations
+of the C implementation lead to alternative implementations which draw
+work-power from the reference implementation. An alternative to writing
+implementations in C is to build them on top of one of the newer object oriented
+virtual machines ("OO VM") such as the JVM or the CLR. This is often wanted by
+the community anyway, since it leads to better re-usability of libraries of
+these platforms. However, if a C implementation existed before the
+implementation of such a VM is started, this enters in conflict with the goal of
+having to maintain essentially a single, simple enough implementation for a
+given programming language: as the language becomes popular, there will be a
+demand for having it run on various platforms - high-level VMs as well as
+C-level environments.
 The argument we will make in the present paper is that it is possible to
 benefit from and integrate with OO VMs while keeping the dynamic
@@ -99,7 +71,7 @@
 translation toolchain we can then generate whole virtual machines from
 this specification - either full custom VMs for C-level operating
 systems, or layers on top of various OO VMs.  In other words,
-metaprogramming techniques can be used to successfully replace a
+meta-programming techniques can be used to successfully replace a
 foreseeable one-VM-fits-all standardization attempt.
 The argument boils down to: VMs for dynamic languages should not be
@@ -108,3 +80,8 @@
 feasible in practice.  Just as importantly, it also brings new insights
 and concrete benefits in term of flexibility and performance that go
 beyond the state of the art.
+In section XXX we will explore the way VMs are typically implemented in C and
+some of the problems of this approach. In section XXX we will describe our
+proposed meta-programming approach. XXX

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