[pypy-svn] r37331 - pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Thu Jan 25 15:11:43 CET 2007

Author: arigo
Date: Thu Jan 25 15:11:41 2007
New Revision: 37331

   pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/operation.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/regalloc.py   (contents, props changed)
Split rgenop in three pieces.  For now they are linked with "import *",
but that could be eventually fixed.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/operation.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/operation.py	Thu Jan 25 15:11:41 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+In the spirit of LLVM, operations are also variables themselves: they
+are their own result variable.
+import sys
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import specialize
+from pypy.objspace.std.multimethod import FailedToImplement
+from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.ri386 import *
+from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.ri386setup import Conditions
+from pypy.jit.codegen.model import GenVar
+WORD = 4    # bytes
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    CALL_ALIGN = 4
+    CALL_ALIGN = 1
+RK_WORD      = 1
+RK_CC        = 2
+class Operation(GenVar):
+    clobbers_cc = True
+    result_kind = RK_WORD
+    cc_result   = -1
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        pass
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class Op1(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, x):
+        self.x = x
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.x)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        except KeyError:
+            return    # result not used
+        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
+        return self.generate2(allocator.mc, dstop, srcop)
+    def generate2(self, mc, dstop, srcop):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class UnaryOp(Op1):
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            loc = allocator.var2loc[self]
+        except KeyError:
+            return    # simple operation whose result is not used anyway
+        op = allocator.load_location_with(loc, self.x)
+        self.emit(allocator.mc, op)
+class OpIntNeg(UnaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_neg'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.NEG)
+class OpIntInvert(UnaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_invert', 'uint_invert'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.NOT)
+class OpIntAbs(Op1):
+    opname = 'int_abs'
+    def generate2(self, mc, dstop, srcop):
+        # ABS-computing code from Psyco, found by exhaustive search
+        # on *all* short sequences of operations :-)
+        inplace = (dstop == srcop)
+        if inplace or not (isinstance(srcop, REG) or isinstance(dstop, REG)):
+            mc.MOV(ecx, srcop)
+            srcop = ecx
+        if not inplace:
+            mc.MOV(dstop, srcop)
+        mc.SHL(dstop, imm8(1))
+        mc.SBB(dstop, srcop)
+        mc.SBB(ecx, ecx)
+        mc.XOR(dstop, ecx)
+class OpSameAs(Op1):
+    clobbers_cc = False
+    def generate2(self, mc, dstop, srcop):
+        if srcop != dstop:
+            try:
+                mc.MOV(dstop, srcop)
+            except FailedToImplement:
+                mc.MOV(ecx, srcop)
+                mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
+class OpCompare1(Op1):
+    result_kind = RK_CC
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        self.emit(mc, srcop)
+class OpIntIsTrue(OpCompare1):
+    opname = 'int_is_true', 'ptr_nonzero', 'uint_is_true'
+    cc_result = Conditions['NE']
+    @staticmethod
+    def emit(mc, x):
+        mc.CMP(x, imm8(0))
+class OpIntIsZero(OpIntIsTrue):
+    opname = 'ptr_iszero', 'bool_not'
+    cc_result = Conditions['E']
+class Op2(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, x, y):
+        self.x = x
+        self.y = y
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.x)
+        allocator.using(self.y)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        except KeyError:
+            return    # simple operation whose result is not used anyway
+        op1 = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
+        op2 = allocator.get_operand(self.y)
+        self.generate3(allocator.mc, dstop, op1, op2)
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class BinaryOp(Op2):
+    commutative = False
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        # now all of dstop, op1 and op2 may alias each other and be in
+        # a register, in the stack or an immediate... finding a correct
+        # and encodable combination of instructions is loads of fun
+        if dstop == op1:
+            case = 1       # optimize for this common case
+        elif self.commutative and dstop == op2:
+            op1, op2 = op2, op1
+            case = 1
+        elif isinstance(dstop, REG):
+            if dstop != op2:
+                # REG = OPERATION(op1, op2)   with op2 != REG
+                case = 2
+            else:
+                # REG = OPERATION(op1, REG)
+                case = 3
+        elif isinstance(op1, REG) and isinstance(op2, REG):
+            # STACK = OPERATION(REG, REG)
+            case = 2
+        else:
+            case = 3
+        # generate instructions according to the 'case' determined above
+        if case == 1:
+            # dstop == op1
+            try:
+                self.emit(mc, op1, op2)
+            except FailedToImplement:    # emit(STACK, STACK) combination
+                mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
+                self.emit(mc, op1, ecx)
+        elif case == 2:
+            # this case works for:
+            #   * REG = OPERATION(op1, op2)   with op2 != REG
+            #   * STACK = OPERATION(REG, REG)
+            mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
+            self.emit(mc, dstop, op2)
+        else:
+            # most general case
+            mc.MOV(ecx, op1)
+            self.emit(mc, ecx, op2)
+            mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
+class OpIntAdd(BinaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_add', 'uint_add'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.ADD)
+    commutative = True
+class OpIntSub(BinaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_sub', 'uint_sub'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.SUB)
+class OpIntAnd(BinaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_and', 'uint_and'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.AND)
+class OpIntOr(BinaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_or', 'uint_or'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.OR)
+class OpIntXor(BinaryOp):
+    opname = 'int_xor', 'uint_xor'
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.XOR)
+class OpIntMul(Op2):
+    opname = 'int_mul'
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        if isinstance(dstop, REG):
+            tmpop = dstop
+        else:
+            tmpop = ecx
+        if tmpop == op1:
+            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op2)
+        elif isinstance(op2, IMM32):
+            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op1, op2)
+        elif isinstance(op1, IMM32):
+            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op2, op1)
+        else:
+            if tmpop != op2:
+                mc.MOV(tmpop, op2)
+            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op1)
+        if dstop != tmpop:
+            mc.MOV(dstop, tmpop)
+class MulOrDivOp(Op2):
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        # not very efficient but not very common operations either
+        if dstop != eax:
+            mc.PUSH(eax)
+        if dstop != edx:
+            mc.PUSH(edx)
+        if op1 != eax:
+            mc.MOV(eax, op1)
+        if self.input_is_64bits:
+            if self.unsigned:
+                mc.XOR(edx, edx)
+            else:
+                mc.CDQ()
+        try:
+            self.emit(mc, op2)
+        except FailedToImplement:
+            mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
+            self.emit(mc, ecx)
+        if dstop != self.reg_containing_result:
+            mc.MOV(dstop, self.reg_containing_result)
+        if dstop != edx:
+            mc.POP(edx)
+        if dstop != eax:
+            mc.POP(eax)
+class OpIntFloorDiv(MulOrDivOp):
+    opname = 'int_floordiv'
+    input_is_64bits = True
+    reg_containing_result = eax
+    unsigned = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def emit(mc, op2):
+        # from the PPC backend which has the same problem:
+        # 
+        #   grumble, the powerpc handles division when the signs of x
+        #   and y differ the other way to how cpython wants it.  this
+        #   crawling horror is a branch-free way of computing the right
+        #   remainder in all cases.  it's probably not optimal.
+        #
+        #   we need to adjust the result iff the remainder is non-zero
+        #   and the signs of x and y differ.  in the standard-ish PPC
+        #   way, we compute boolean values as either all-bits-0 or
+        #   all-bits-1 and "and" them together, resulting in either
+        #   adding 0 or -1 as needed in the final step.
+        #
+        #                 Python    i386
+        #    20/3    =     6, 2     6, 2
+        # (-20)/3    =    -7, 1    -6,-2      # operand signs differ
+        #    20/(-3) =    -7,-1    -6, 2      # operand signs differ
+        # (-20)/(-3) =     6,-2     6,-2
+        #
+        if isinstance(op2, IMM32):
+            # if op2 is an immediate, we do an initial adjustment of operand 1
+            # so that we get directly the correct answer
+            if op2.value >= 0:
+                # if op1 is negative, subtract (op2-1)
+                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)       # -1 if op1 is negative, 0 otherwise
+                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value-1))
+                mc.SUB(eax, ecx)
+                mc.SBB(edx, imm8(0))
+            else:
+                # if op1 is positive (or null), add (op2-1)
+                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)
+                mc.NEG(ecx)            # -1 if op1 is positive, 0 otherwise
+                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value-1))
+                mc.ADD(eax, ecx)
+                mc.ADC(edx, imm8(0))
+            mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
+            mc.IDIV(ecx)
+        else:
+            # subtract 1 to the result if the operand signs differ and
+            # the remainder is not zero
+            mc.MOV(ecx, eax)
+            mc.IDIV(op2)
+            mc.XOR(ecx, op2)
+            mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31)) # -1 if signs differ, 0 otherwise
+            mc.AND(ecx, edx)      # nonnull if signs differ and edx != 0
+            mc.CMP(ecx, imm8(1))  # no carry flag iff signs differ and edx != 0
+            mc.ADC(eax, imm8(-1)) # subtract 1 iff no carry flag
+class OpIntMod(MulOrDivOp):
+    opname = 'int_mod'
+    input_is_64bits = True
+    reg_containing_result = edx
+    unsigned = False
+    @staticmethod
+    def emit(mc, op2):
+        #                 Python    i386
+        #    20/3    =     6, 2     6, 2
+        # (-20)/3    =    -7, 1    -6,-2      # operand signs differ
+        #    20/(-3) =    -7,-1    -6, 2      # operand signs differ
+        # (-20)/(-3) =     6,-2     6,-2
+        #
+        if isinstance(op2, IMM32):
+            mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
+            mc.IDIV(ecx)
+            if op2.value >= 0:
+                # if the result is negative, add op2 to it
+                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)
+                mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31))
+                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value))
+                mc.ADD(edx, ecx)
+            else:
+                # if the result is > 0, subtract op2 from it
+                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)
+                mc.NEG(ecx)
+                mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31))
+                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value))
+                mc.SUB(edx, ecx)
+        else:
+            # if the operand signs differ and the remainder is not zero,
+            # add operand2 to the result
+            mc.MOV(ecx, eax)
+            mc.IDIV(op2)
+            mc.XOR(ecx, op2)
+            mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31)) # -1 if signs differ, 0 otherwise
+            mc.AND(ecx, edx)      # nonnull if signs differ and edx != 0
+            mc.CMOVNZ(ecx, op2)   # == op2  if signs differ and edx != 0
+            mc.ADD(edx, ecx)
+class OpUIntMul(MulOrDivOp):
+    opname = 'uint_mul'
+    input_is_64bits = False
+    reg_containing_result = eax
+    unsigned = True
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.MUL)
+class OpUIntFloorDiv(MulOrDivOp):
+    opname = 'uint_floordiv'
+    input_is_64bits = True
+    reg_containing_result = eax
+    unsigned = True
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.DIV)
+class OpUIntMod(MulOrDivOp):
+    opname = 'uint_mod'
+    input_is_64bits = True
+    reg_containing_result = edx
+    unsigned = True
+    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.DIV)
+class OpIntLShift(Op2):
+    opname = 'int_lshift', 'uint_lshift'
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        # XXX not optimized
+        mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
+        if dstop != op1:
+            try:
+                mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
+            except FailedToImplement:
+                mc.PUSH(op1)
+                mc.POP(dstop)
+        mc.SHL(dstop, cl)
+        mc.CMP(ecx, imm8(32))
+        mc.SBB(ecx, ecx)
+        mc.AND(dstop, ecx)
+class OpIntRShift(Op2):
+    opname = 'int_rshift'
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        # XXX not optimized
+        mc.MOV(ecx, imm(31))
+        mc.CMP(op2, ecx)
+        mc.CMOVBE(ecx, op2)
+        if dstop != op1:
+            try:
+                mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
+            except FailedToImplement:
+                mc.PUSH(op1)
+                mc.POP(dstop)
+        mc.SAR(dstop, cl)
+class OpUIntRShift(Op2):
+    opname = 'uint_rshift'
+    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
+        # XXX not optimized
+        mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
+        if dstop != op1:
+            try:
+                mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
+            except FailedToImplement:
+                mc.PUSH(op1)
+                mc.POP(dstop)
+        mc.SHR(dstop, cl)
+        mc.CMP(ecx, imm8(32))
+        mc.SBB(ecx, ecx)
+        mc.AND(dstop, ecx)
+class OpCompare2(Op2):
+    result_kind = RK_CC
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
+        dstop = allocator.get_operand(self.y)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        # XXX optimize the case CMP(immed, reg-or-modrm)
+        try:
+            mc.CMP(srcop, dstop)
+        except FailedToImplement:
+            mc.MOV(ecx, srcop)
+            mc.CMP(ecx, dstop)
+class OpIntLt(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'int_lt', 'char_lt'
+    cc_result = Conditions['L']
+class OpIntLe(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'int_le', 'char_le'
+    cc_result = Conditions['LE']
+class OpIntEq(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'int_eq', 'char_eq', 'unichar_eq', 'ptr_eq', 'uint_eq'
+    cc_result = Conditions['E']
+class OpIntNe(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'int_ne', 'char_ne', 'unichar_ne', 'ptr_ne', 'uint_ne'
+    cc_result = Conditions['NE']
+class OpIntGt(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'int_gt', 'char_gt'
+    cc_result = Conditions['G']
+class OpIntGe(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'int_ge', 'char_ge'
+    cc_result = Conditions['GE']
+class OpUIntLt(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'uint_lt'
+    cc_result = Conditions['B']
+class OpUIntLe(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'uint_le'
+    cc_result = Conditions['BE']
+class OpUIntGt(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'uint_gt'
+    cc_result = Conditions['A']
+class OpUIntGe(OpCompare2):
+    opname = 'uint_ge'
+    cc_result = Conditions['AE']
+class JumpIf(Operation):
+    clobbers_cc = False
+    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
+    def __init__(self, gv_condition, targetbuilder, negate):
+        self.gv_condition = gv_condition
+        self.targetbuilder = targetbuilder
+        self.negate = negate
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using_cc(self.gv_condition)
+        for gv in self.targetbuilder.inputargs_gv:
+            allocator.using(gv)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        cc = self.gv_condition.cc_result
+        if self.negate:
+            cc = cond_negate(cc)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        targetbuilder = self.targetbuilder
+        targetbuilder.set_coming_from(mc, insncond=cc)
+        targetbuilder.inputoperands = [allocator.get_operand(gv)
+                                       for gv in targetbuilder.inputargs_gv]
+class OpLabel(Operation):
+    clobbers_cc = False
+    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
+    def __init__(self, lbl, args_gv):
+        self.lbl = lbl
+        self.args_gv = args_gv
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        for v in self.args_gv:
+            allocator.using(v)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        lbl = self.lbl
+        lbl.targetaddr = allocator.mc.tell()
+        lbl.targetstackdepth = allocator.required_frame_depth
+        lbl.inputoperands = [allocator.get_operand(v) for v in self.args_gv]
+class OpCall(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, sigtoken, gv_fnptr, args_gv):
+        self.sigtoken = sigtoken
+        self.gv_fnptr = gv_fnptr
+        self.args_gv = args_gv
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        # XXX try to use eax for the result
+        allocator.using(self.gv_fnptr)
+        for v in self.args_gv:
+            allocator.using(v)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        except KeyError:
+            dstop = None
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        stack_align_words = PROLOGUE_FIXED_WORDS
+        if dstop != eax:
+            mc.PUSH(eax)
+            if CALL_ALIGN > 1: stack_align_words += 1
+        if dstop != edx:
+            mc.PUSH(edx)
+            if CALL_ALIGN > 1: stack_align_words += 1
+        args_gv = self.args_gv
+        num_placeholders = 0
+        if CALL_ALIGN > 1:
+            stack_align_words += len(args_gv)
+            stack_align_words &= CALL_ALIGN-1
+            if stack_align_words > 0:
+                num_placeholders = CALL_ALIGN - stack_align_words
+                mc.SUB(esp, imm(WORD * num_placeholders))
+        for i in range(len(args_gv)-1, -1, -1):
+            srcop = allocator.get_operand(args_gv[i])
+            mc.PUSH(srcop)
+        fnop = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_fnptr)
+        if isinstance(fnop, IMM32):
+            mc.CALL(rel32(fnop.value))
+        else:
+            mc.CALL(fnop)
+        mc.ADD(esp, imm(WORD * (len(args_gv) + num_placeholders)))
+        if dstop != edx:
+            mc.POP(edx)
+        if dstop != eax:
+            if dstop is not None:
+                mc.MOV(dstop, eax)
+            mc.POP(eax)
+def field_operand(mc, base, fieldtoken):
+    # may use ecx
+    fieldoffset, fieldsize = fieldtoken
+    if isinstance(base, MODRM):
+        mc.MOV(ecx, base)
+        base = ecx
+    elif isinstance(base, IMM32):
+        fieldoffset += base.value
+        base = None
+    if fieldsize == 1:
+        return mem8(base, fieldoffset)
+    else:
+        return mem (base, fieldoffset)
+def array_item_operand(mc, base, arraytoken, opindex):
+    # may use ecx
+    _, startoffset, itemoffset = arraytoken
+    if isinstance(opindex, IMM32):
+        startoffset += itemoffset * opindex.value
+        opindex = None
+        indexshift = 0
+    elif itemoffset in SIZE2SHIFT:
+        if not isinstance(opindex, REG):
+            mc.MOV(ecx, opindex)
+            opindex = ecx
+        indexshift = SIZE2SHIFT[itemoffset]
+    else:
+        mc.IMUL(ecx, opindex, imm(itemoffset))
+        opindex = ecx
+        indexshift = 0
+    assert base is not ecx
+    if isinstance(base, MODRM):
+        if opindex != ecx:
+            mc.MOV(ecx, base)
+        else:   # waaaa
+            opindex = None
+            if indexshift > 0:
+                mc.SHL(ecx, imm8(indexshift))
+            mc.ADD(ecx, base)
+        base = ecx
+    elif isinstance(base, IMM32):
+        startoffset += base.value
+        base = None
+    if itemoffset == 1:
+        return memSIB8(base, opindex, indexshift, startoffset)
+    else:
+        return memSIB (base, opindex, indexshift, startoffset)
+class OpComputeSize(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, varsizealloctoken, gv_length):
+        self.varsizealloctoken = varsizealloctoken
+        self.gv_length = gv_length
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.gv_length)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_length)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        op_size = array_item_operand(mc, None, self.varsizealloctoken, srcop)
+        try:
+            mc.LEA(dstop, op_size)
+        except FailedToImplement:
+            mc.LEA(ecx, op_size)
+            mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
+def hard_store(mc, opmemtarget, opvalue, itemsize):
+    # For the possibly hard cases of stores
+    # Generates a store to 'opmemtarget' of size 'itemsize' == 1, 2 or 4.
+    # If it is 1, opmemtarget must be a MODRM8; otherwise, it must be a MODRM.
+    if itemsize == WORD:
+        try:
+            mc.MOV(opmemtarget, opvalue)
+        except FailedToImplement:
+            if opmemtarget.involves_ecx():
+                mc.PUSH(opvalue)
+                mc.POP(opmemtarget)
+            else:
+                mc.MOV(ecx, opvalue)
+                mc.MOV(opmemtarget, ecx)
+    else:
+        must_pop_eax = False
+        if itemsize == 1:
+            if isinstance(opvalue, REG) and opvalue.lowest8bits:
+                # a register whose lower 8 bits are directly readable
+                opvalue = opvalue.lowest8bits
+            elif isinstance(opvalue, IMM8):
+                pass
+            else:
+                if opmemtarget.involves_ecx():    # grumble!
+                    mc.PUSH(eax)
+                    must_pop_eax = True
+                    scratch = eax
+                else:
+                    scratch = ecx
+                if opvalue.width == 1:
+                    mc.MOV(scratch.lowest8bits, opvalue)
+                else:
+                    mc.MOV(scratch, opvalue)
+                opvalue = scratch.lowest8bits
+        else:
+            assert itemsize == 2
+            if isinstance(opvalue, MODRM) or type(opvalue) is IMM32:
+                # no support for now to encode 16-bit immediates,
+                # so we use a scratch register for this case too
+                if opmemtarget.involves_ecx():    # grumble!
+                    mc.PUSH(eax)
+                    must_pop_eax = True
+                    scratch = eax
+                else:
+                    scratch = ecx
+                mc.MOV(scratch, opvalue)
+                opvalue = scratch
+            mc.o16()    # prefix for the MOV below
+        # and eventually, the real store:
+        mc.MOV(opmemtarget, opvalue)
+        if must_pop_eax:
+            mc.POP(eax)
+def hard_load(mc, opdst, opmemsource, itemsize):
+    # For the possibly hard cases of stores
+    # Generates a load from 'opmemsource' of size 'itemsize' == 1, 2 or 4.
+    # If it is 1, opmemtarget must be a MODRM8; otherwise, it must be a MODRM.
+    if itemsize == WORD:
+        try:
+            mc.MOV(opdst, opmemsource)
+        except FailedToImplement:               # opdst is a MODRM
+            if opmemsource.involves_ecx():
+                mc.PUSH(opmemsource)
+                mc.POP(opdst)
+            else:
+                mc.MOV(ecx, opmemsource)
+                mc.MOV(opdst, ecx)
+    else:
+        try:
+            mc.MOVZX(opdst, opmemsource)
+        except FailedToImplement:               # opdst is a MODRM
+            if opmemsource.involves_ecx():
+                mc.PUSH(eax)
+                mc.MOVZX(eax, opmemsource)
+                mc.MOV(opdst, eax)
+                mc.POP(eax)
+            else:
+                mc.MOVZX(ecx, opmemsource)
+                mc.MOV(opdst, ecx)
+class OpGetField(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, fieldtoken, gv_ptr):
+        self.fieldtoken = fieldtoken
+        self.gv_ptr = gv_ptr
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.gv_ptr)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        except KeyError:
+            return    # result not used
+        opptr = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_ptr)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        opsource = field_operand(mc, opptr, self.fieldtoken)
+        _, fieldsize = self.fieldtoken
+        hard_load(mc, dstop, opsource, fieldsize)
+class OpSetField(Operation):
+    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
+    def __init__(self, fieldtoken, gv_ptr, gv_value):
+        self.fieldtoken = fieldtoken
+        self.gv_ptr   = gv_ptr
+        self.gv_value = gv_value
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.gv_ptr)
+        allocator.using(self.gv_value)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        opptr   = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_ptr)
+        opvalue = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_value)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        optarget = field_operand(mc, opptr, self.fieldtoken)
+        _, fieldsize = self.fieldtoken
+        hard_store(mc, optarget, opvalue, fieldsize)
+class OpGetArrayItem(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, arraytoken, gv_array, gv_index):
+        self.arraytoken = arraytoken
+        self.gv_array = gv_array
+        self.gv_index = gv_index
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.gv_array)
+        allocator.using(self.gv_index)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        except KeyError:
+            return    # result not used
+        oparray = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_array)
+        opindex = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_index)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        opsource = array_item_operand(mc, oparray, self.arraytoken, opindex)
+        _, _, itemsize = self.arraytoken
+        hard_load(mc, dstop, opsource, itemsize)
+class OpSetArrayItem(Operation):
+    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
+    def __init__(self, arraytoken, gv_array, gv_index, gv_value):
+        self.arraytoken = arraytoken
+        self.gv_array = gv_array
+        self.gv_index = gv_index
+        self.gv_value = gv_value
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.gv_array)
+        allocator.using(self.gv_index)
+        allocator.using(self.gv_value)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        oparray = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_array)
+        opindex = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_index)
+        opvalue = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_value)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        optarget = array_item_operand(mc, oparray, self.arraytoken, opindex)
+        _, _, itemsize = self.arraytoken
+        hard_store(mc, optarget, opvalue, itemsize)
+class OpGetArraySubstruct(Operation):
+    def __init__(self, arraytoken, gv_array, gv_index):
+        self.arraytoken = arraytoken
+        self.gv_array = gv_array
+        self.gv_index = gv_index
+    def allocate(self, allocator):
+        allocator.using(self.gv_array)
+        allocator.using(self.gv_index)
+    def generate(self, allocator):
+        try:
+            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
+        except KeyError:
+            return    # result not used
+        oparray = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_array)
+        opindex = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_index)
+        mc = allocator.mc
+        opsource = array_item_operand(mc, oparray, self.arraytoken, opindex)
+        try:
+            mc.LEA(dstop, opsource)
+        except FailedToImplement:
+            mc.LEA(ecx, opsource)
+            mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
+# ____________________________________________________________
+def setup_opclasses(base):
+    d = {}
+    for name, value in globals().items():
+        if type(value) is type(base) and issubclass(value, base):
+            opnames = getattr(value, 'opname', ())
+            if isinstance(opnames, str):
+                opnames = (opnames,)
+            for opname in opnames:
+                assert opname not in d
+                d[opname] = value
+    return d
+OPCLASSES1 = setup_opclasses(Op1)
+OPCLASSES2 = setup_opclasses(Op2)
+del setup_opclasses
+# identity operations
+OPCLASSES1['cast_bool_to_int'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_char_to_int'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_unichar_to_int'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_char'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_unichar'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_ptr_to_int'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_ptr'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_uint_to_int'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_bool_to_uint'] = None
+OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_uint'] = None
+# special cases
+#OPCLASSES1['bool_not'] = genop_bool_not       XXX do something about it
+ at specialize.memo()
+def getopclass1(opname):
+    try:
+        return OPCLASSES1[opname]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise MissingBackendOperation(opname)
+ at specialize.memo()
+def getopclass2(opname):
+    try:
+        return OPCLASSES2[opname]
+    except KeyError:
+        raise MissingBackendOperation(opname)
+class MissingBackendOperation(Exception):
+    pass
+def setup_conditions():
+    result1 = [None] * 16
+    result2 = [None] * 16
+    for key, value in Conditions.items():
+        result1[value] = getattr(I386CodeBuilder, 'J'+key)
+        result2[value] = getattr(I386CodeBuilder, 'SET'+key)
+    return result1, result2
+EMIT_JCOND, EMIT_SETCOND = setup_conditions()
+EMIT_JCOND.append(I386CodeBuilder.JMP)    # not really a conditional jump
+del setup_conditions
+def cond_negate(cond):
+    assert 0 <= cond < INSN_JMP
+    return cond ^ 1
+SIZE2SHIFT = {1: 0,
+              2: 1,
+              4: 2,
+              8: 3}

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/regalloc.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/regalloc.py	Thu Jan 25 15:11:41 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+"""Register allocation.
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
+from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.operation import *
+class StackOpCache:
+stack_op_cache = StackOpCache()
+stack_op_cache.lst = []
+def stack_op(n):
+    "Return the mem operand that designates the nth stack-spilled location"
+    assert n >= 0
+    lst = stack_op_cache.lst
+    while len(lst) <= n:
+        ofs = WORD * (StackOpCache.INITIAL_STACK_EBP_OFS - len(lst))
+        lst.append(mem(ebp, ofs))
+    return lst[n]
+def stack_n_from_op(op):
+    ofs = op.ofs_relative_to_ebp()
+    return StackOpCache.INITIAL_STACK_EBP_OFS - ofs / WORD
+class RegAllocator(object):
+    AVAILABLE_REGS = [eax, edx, ebx, esi, edi]   # XXX ecx reserved for stuff
+    # 'gv' -- GenVars, used as arguments and results of operations
+    #
+    # 'loc' -- location, a small integer that represents an abstract
+    #          register number
+    #
+    # 'operand' -- a concrete machine code operand, which can be a
+    #              register (ri386.eax, etc.) or a stack memory operand
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.nextloc = 0
+        self.var2loc = {}
+        self.available_locs = []
+        self.force_loc2operand = {}
+        self.force_operand2loc = {}
+        self.initial_moves = []
+    def set_final(self, final_vars_gv):
+        for v in final_vars_gv:
+            if not v.is_const and v not in self.var2loc:
+                self.var2loc[v] = self.nextloc
+                self.nextloc += 1
+    def creating(self, v):
+        try:
+            loc = self.var2loc[v]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            self.available_locs.append(loc)   # now available again for reuse
+    def using(self, v):
+        if not v.is_const and v not in self.var2loc:
+            try:
+                loc = self.available_locs.pop()
+            except IndexError:
+                loc = self.nextloc
+                self.nextloc += 1
+            self.var2loc[v] = loc
+    def creating_cc(self, v):
+        if self.need_var_in_cc is v:
+            # common case: v is a compare operation whose result is precisely
+            # what we need to be in the CC
+            self.need_var_in_cc = None
+        self.creating(v)
+    def save_cc(self):
+        # we need a value to be in the CC, but we see a clobbering
+        # operation, so we copy the original CC-creating operation down
+        # past the clobbering operation
+        v = self.need_var_in_cc
+        if not we_are_translated():
+            assert v in self.operations[:self.operationindex]
+        self.operations.insert(self.operationindex, v)
+        self.need_var_in_cc = None
+    def using_cc(self, v):
+        assert isinstance(v, Operation)
+        assert 0 <= v.cc_result < INSN_JMP
+        if self.need_var_in_cc is not None:
+            self.save_cc()
+        self.need_var_in_cc = v
+    def allocate_locations(self, operations):
+        # assign locations to gvars
+        self.operations = operations
+        self.need_var_in_cc = None
+        self.operationindex = len(operations)
+        for i in range(len(operations)-1, -1, -1):
+            v = operations[i]
+            kind = v.result_kind
+            if kind == RK_WORD:
+                self.creating(v)
+            elif kind == RK_CC:
+                self.creating_cc(v)
+            if self.need_var_in_cc is not None and v.clobbers_cc:
+                self.save_cc()
+            v.allocate(self)
+            self.operationindex = i
+        if self.need_var_in_cc is not None:
+            self.save_cc()
+    def force_var_operands(self, force_vars, force_operands, at_start):
+        force_loc2operand = self.force_loc2operand
+        force_operand2loc = self.force_operand2loc
+        for i in range(len(force_vars)):
+            v = force_vars[i]
+            operand = force_operands[i]
+            try:
+                loc = self.var2loc[v]
+            except KeyError:
+                if at_start:
+                    pass    # input variable not used anyway
+                else:
+                    self.add_final_move(v, operand, make_copy=v.is_const)
+            else:
+                if loc in force_loc2operand or operand in force_operand2loc:
+                    if at_start:
+                        self.initial_moves.append((loc, operand))
+                    else:
+                        self.add_final_move(v, operand, make_copy=True)
+                else:
+                    force_loc2operand[loc] = operand
+                    force_operand2loc[operand] = loc
+    def add_final_move(self, v, targetoperand, make_copy):
+        if make_copy:
+            v = OpSameAs(v)
+            self.operations.append(v)
+        loc = self.nextloc
+        self.nextloc += 1
+        self.var2loc[v] = loc
+        self.force_loc2operand[loc] = targetoperand
+    def allocate_registers(self):
+        # assign registers to locations that don't have one already
+        force_loc2operand = self.force_loc2operand
+        operands = []
+        seen_regs = 0
+        seen_stackn = {}
+        for op in force_loc2operand.values():
+            if isinstance(op, REG):
+                seen_regs |= 1 << op.op
+            elif isinstance(op, MODRM):
+                seen_stackn[stack_n_from_op(op)] = None
+        i = 0
+        stackn = 0
+        for loc in range(self.nextloc):
+            try:
+                operand = force_loc2operand[loc]
+            except KeyError:
+                # grab the next free register
+                try:
+                    while True:
+                        operand = RegAllocator.AVAILABLE_REGS[i]
+                        i += 1
+                        if not (seen_regs & (1 << operand.op)):
+                            break
+                except IndexError:
+                    while stackn in seen_stackn:
+                        stackn += 1
+                    operand = stack_op(stackn)
+                    stackn += 1
+            operands.append(operand)
+        self.operands = operands
+        self.required_frame_depth = stackn
+    def get_operand(self, gv_source):
+        if gv_source.is_const:
+            return imm(gv_source.revealconst(lltype.Signed))
+        else:
+            loc = self.var2loc[gv_source]
+            return self.operands[loc]
+    def load_location_with(self, loc, gv_source):
+        dstop = self.operands[loc]
+        srcop = self.get_operand(gv_source)
+        if srcop != dstop:
+            self.mc.MOV(dstop, srcop)
+        return dstop
+    def generate_initial_moves(self):
+        initial_moves = self.initial_moves
+        # first make sure that the reserved stack frame is big enough
+        last_n = self.required_frame_depth - 1
+        for loc, srcoperand in initial_moves:
+            if isinstance(srcoperand, MODRM):
+                n = stack_n_from_op(srcoperand)
+                if last_n < n:
+                    last_n = n
+        if last_n >= 0:
+            if CALL_ALIGN > 1:
+                last_n = (last_n & ~(CALL_ALIGN-1)) + (CALL_ALIGN-1)
+            self.required_frame_depth = last_n + 1
+            self.mc.LEA(esp, stack_op(last_n))
+        # XXX naive algo for now
+        for loc, srcoperand in initial_moves:
+            if self.operands[loc] != srcoperand:
+                self.mc.PUSH(srcoperand)
+        initial_moves.reverse()
+        for loc, srcoperand in initial_moves:
+            if self.operands[loc] != srcoperand:
+                self.mc.POP(self.operands[loc])
+    def generate_operations(self):
+        for v in self.operations:
+            v.generate(self)
+            cc = v.cc_result
+            if cc >= 0 and v in self.var2loc:
+                # force a comparison instruction's result into a
+                # regular location
+                dstop = self.get_operand(v)
+                mc = self.mc
+                insn = EMIT_SETCOND[cc]
+                insn(mc, cl)
+                try:
+                    mc.MOVZX(dstop, cl)
+                except FailedToImplement:
+                    mc.MOVZX(ecx, cl)
+                    mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/rgenop.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/rgenop.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/jit/codegen/i386/rgenop.py	Thu Jan 25 15:11:41 2007
@@ -1,796 +1,16 @@
-import sys, py
+import py
 from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import specialize, we_are_translated
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory
 from pypy.jit.codegen.model import AbstractRGenOp, GenLabel, GenBuilder
 from pypy.jit.codegen.model import GenVar, GenConst, CodeGenSwitch
-from pypy.objspace.std.multimethod import FailedToImplement
-from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.ri386 import *
-from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.ri386setup import Conditions
 from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.codebuf import CodeBlockOverflow
+from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.operation import *
+from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.regalloc import RegAllocator
 from pypy.jit.codegen import conftest
 from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import llhelper
-WORD = 4    # bytes
-if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-    CALL_ALIGN = 4
-    CALL_ALIGN = 1
-RK_WORD      = 1
-RK_CC        = 2
 DEBUG_TRAP = conftest.option.trap
-class Operation(GenVar):
-    clobbers_cc = True
-    result_kind = RK_WORD
-    cc_result   = -1
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        pass
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class Op1(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, x):
-        self.x = x
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.x)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            return    # result not used
-        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
-        return self.generate2(allocator.mc, dstop, srcop)
-    def generate2(self, mc, dstop, srcop):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class UnaryOp(Op1):
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            loc = allocator.var2loc[self]
-        except KeyError:
-            return    # simple operation whose result is not used anyway
-        op = allocator.load_location_with(loc, self.x)
-        self.emit(allocator.mc, op)
-class OpIntNeg(UnaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_neg'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.NEG)
-class OpIntInvert(UnaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_invert', 'uint_invert'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.NOT)
-class OpIntAbs(Op1):
-    opname = 'int_abs'
-    def generate2(self, mc, dstop, srcop):
-        # ABS-computing code from Psyco, found by exhaustive search
-        # on *all* short sequences of operations :-)
-        inplace = (dstop == srcop)
-        if inplace or not (isinstance(srcop, REG) or isinstance(dstop, REG)):
-            mc.MOV(ecx, srcop)
-            srcop = ecx
-        if not inplace:
-            mc.MOV(dstop, srcop)
-        mc.SHL(dstop, imm8(1))
-        mc.SBB(dstop, srcop)
-        mc.SBB(ecx, ecx)
-        mc.XOR(dstop, ecx)
-class OpSameAs(Op1):
-    clobbers_cc = False
-    def generate2(self, mc, dstop, srcop):
-        if srcop != dstop:
-            try:
-                mc.MOV(dstop, srcop)
-            except FailedToImplement:
-                mc.MOV(ecx, srcop)
-                mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
-class OpCompare1(Op1):
-    result_kind = RK_CC
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        self.emit(mc, srcop)
-class OpIntIsTrue(OpCompare1):
-    opname = 'int_is_true', 'ptr_nonzero', 'uint_is_true'
-    cc_result = Conditions['NE']
-    @staticmethod
-    def emit(mc, x):
-        mc.CMP(x, imm8(0))
-class OpIntIsZero(OpIntIsTrue):
-    opname = 'ptr_iszero', 'bool_not'
-    cc_result = Conditions['E']
-class Op2(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, x, y):
-        self.x = x
-        self.y = y
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.x)
-        allocator.using(self.y)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            return    # simple operation whose result is not used anyway
-        op1 = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
-        op2 = allocator.get_operand(self.y)
-        self.generate3(allocator.mc, dstop, op1, op2)
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class BinaryOp(Op2):
-    commutative = False
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        # now all of dstop, op1 and op2 may alias each other and be in
-        # a register, in the stack or an immediate... finding a correct
-        # and encodable combination of instructions is loads of fun
-        if dstop == op1:
-            case = 1       # optimize for this common case
-        elif self.commutative and dstop == op2:
-            op1, op2 = op2, op1
-            case = 1
-        elif isinstance(dstop, REG):
-            if dstop != op2:
-                # REG = OPERATION(op1, op2)   with op2 != REG
-                case = 2
-            else:
-                # REG = OPERATION(op1, REG)
-                case = 3
-        elif isinstance(op1, REG) and isinstance(op2, REG):
-            # STACK = OPERATION(REG, REG)
-            case = 2
-        else:
-            case = 3
-        # generate instructions according to the 'case' determined above
-        if case == 1:
-            # dstop == op1
-            try:
-                self.emit(mc, op1, op2)
-            except FailedToImplement:    # emit(STACK, STACK) combination
-                mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
-                self.emit(mc, op1, ecx)
-        elif case == 2:
-            # this case works for:
-            #   * REG = OPERATION(op1, op2)   with op2 != REG
-            #   * STACK = OPERATION(REG, REG)
-            mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
-            self.emit(mc, dstop, op2)
-        else:
-            # most general case
-            mc.MOV(ecx, op1)
-            self.emit(mc, ecx, op2)
-            mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
-class OpIntAdd(BinaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_add', 'uint_add'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.ADD)
-    commutative = True
-class OpIntSub(BinaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_sub', 'uint_sub'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.SUB)
-class OpIntAnd(BinaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_and', 'uint_and'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.AND)
-class OpIntOr(BinaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_or', 'uint_or'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.OR)
-class OpIntXor(BinaryOp):
-    opname = 'int_xor', 'uint_xor'
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.XOR)
-class OpIntMul(Op2):
-    opname = 'int_mul'
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        if isinstance(dstop, REG):
-            tmpop = dstop
-        else:
-            tmpop = ecx
-        if tmpop == op1:
-            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op2)
-        elif isinstance(op2, IMM32):
-            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op1, op2)
-        elif isinstance(op1, IMM32):
-            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op2, op1)
-        else:
-            if tmpop != op2:
-                mc.MOV(tmpop, op2)
-            mc.IMUL(tmpop, op1)
-        if dstop != tmpop:
-            mc.MOV(dstop, tmpop)
-class MulOrDivOp(Op2):
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        # not very efficient but not very common operations either
-        if dstop != eax:
-            mc.PUSH(eax)
-        if dstop != edx:
-            mc.PUSH(edx)
-        if op1 != eax:
-            mc.MOV(eax, op1)
-        if self.input_is_64bits:
-            if self.unsigned:
-                mc.XOR(edx, edx)
-            else:
-                mc.CDQ()
-        try:
-            self.emit(mc, op2)
-        except FailedToImplement:
-            mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
-            self.emit(mc, ecx)
-        if dstop != self.reg_containing_result:
-            mc.MOV(dstop, self.reg_containing_result)
-        if dstop != edx:
-            mc.POP(edx)
-        if dstop != eax:
-            mc.POP(eax)
-class OpIntFloorDiv(MulOrDivOp):
-    opname = 'int_floordiv'
-    input_is_64bits = True
-    reg_containing_result = eax
-    unsigned = False
-    @staticmethod
-    def emit(mc, op2):
-        # from the PPC backend which has the same problem:
-        # 
-        #   grumble, the powerpc handles division when the signs of x
-        #   and y differ the other way to how cpython wants it.  this
-        #   crawling horror is a branch-free way of computing the right
-        #   remainder in all cases.  it's probably not optimal.
-        #
-        #   we need to adjust the result iff the remainder is non-zero
-        #   and the signs of x and y differ.  in the standard-ish PPC
-        #   way, we compute boolean values as either all-bits-0 or
-        #   all-bits-1 and "and" them together, resulting in either
-        #   adding 0 or -1 as needed in the final step.
-        #
-        #                 Python    i386
-        #    20/3    =     6, 2     6, 2
-        # (-20)/3    =    -7, 1    -6,-2      # operand signs differ
-        #    20/(-3) =    -7,-1    -6, 2      # operand signs differ
-        # (-20)/(-3) =     6,-2     6,-2
-        #
-        if isinstance(op2, IMM32):
-            # if op2 is an immediate, we do an initial adjustment of operand 1
-            # so that we get directly the correct answer
-            if op2.value >= 0:
-                # if op1 is negative, subtract (op2-1)
-                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)       # -1 if op1 is negative, 0 otherwise
-                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value-1))
-                mc.SUB(eax, ecx)
-                mc.SBB(edx, imm8(0))
-            else:
-                # if op1 is positive (or null), add (op2-1)
-                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)
-                mc.NEG(ecx)            # -1 if op1 is positive, 0 otherwise
-                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value-1))
-                mc.ADD(eax, ecx)
-                mc.ADC(edx, imm8(0))
-            mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
-            mc.IDIV(ecx)
-        else:
-            # subtract 1 to the result if the operand signs differ and
-            # the remainder is not zero
-            mc.MOV(ecx, eax)
-            mc.IDIV(op2)
-            mc.XOR(ecx, op2)
-            mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31)) # -1 if signs differ, 0 otherwise
-            mc.AND(ecx, edx)      # nonnull if signs differ and edx != 0
-            mc.CMP(ecx, imm8(1))  # no carry flag iff signs differ and edx != 0
-            mc.ADC(eax, imm8(-1)) # subtract 1 iff no carry flag
-class OpIntMod(MulOrDivOp):
-    opname = 'int_mod'
-    input_is_64bits = True
-    reg_containing_result = edx
-    unsigned = False
-    @staticmethod
-    def emit(mc, op2):
-        #                 Python    i386
-        #    20/3    =     6, 2     6, 2
-        # (-20)/3    =    -7, 1    -6,-2      # operand signs differ
-        #    20/(-3) =    -7,-1    -6, 2      # operand signs differ
-        # (-20)/(-3) =     6,-2     6,-2
-        #
-        if isinstance(op2, IMM32):
-            mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
-            mc.IDIV(ecx)
-            if op2.value >= 0:
-                # if the result is negative, add op2 to it
-                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)
-                mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31))
-                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value))
-                mc.ADD(edx, ecx)
-            else:
-                # if the result is > 0, subtract op2 from it
-                mc.MOV(ecx, edx)
-                mc.NEG(ecx)
-                mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31))
-                mc.AND(ecx, imm(op2.value))
-                mc.SUB(edx, ecx)
-        else:
-            # if the operand signs differ and the remainder is not zero,
-            # add operand2 to the result
-            mc.MOV(ecx, eax)
-            mc.IDIV(op2)
-            mc.XOR(ecx, op2)
-            mc.SAR(ecx, imm8(31)) # -1 if signs differ, 0 otherwise
-            mc.AND(ecx, edx)      # nonnull if signs differ and edx != 0
-            mc.CMOVNZ(ecx, op2)   # == op2  if signs differ and edx != 0
-            mc.ADD(edx, ecx)
-class OpUIntMul(MulOrDivOp):
-    opname = 'uint_mul'
-    input_is_64bits = False
-    reg_containing_result = eax
-    unsigned = True
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.MUL)
-class OpUIntFloorDiv(MulOrDivOp):
-    opname = 'uint_floordiv'
-    input_is_64bits = True
-    reg_containing_result = eax
-    unsigned = True
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.DIV)
-class OpUIntMod(MulOrDivOp):
-    opname = 'uint_mod'
-    input_is_64bits = True
-    reg_containing_result = edx
-    unsigned = True
-    emit = staticmethod(I386CodeBuilder.DIV)
-class OpIntLShift(Op2):
-    opname = 'int_lshift', 'uint_lshift'
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        # XXX not optimized
-        mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
-        if dstop != op1:
-            try:
-                mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
-            except FailedToImplement:
-                mc.PUSH(op1)
-                mc.POP(dstop)
-        mc.SHL(dstop, cl)
-        mc.CMP(ecx, imm8(32))
-        mc.SBB(ecx, ecx)
-        mc.AND(dstop, ecx)
-class OpIntRShift(Op2):
-    opname = 'int_rshift'
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        # XXX not optimized
-        mc.MOV(ecx, imm(31))
-        mc.CMP(op2, ecx)
-        mc.CMOVBE(ecx, op2)
-        if dstop != op1:
-            try:
-                mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
-            except FailedToImplement:
-                mc.PUSH(op1)
-                mc.POP(dstop)
-        mc.SAR(dstop, cl)
-class OpUIntRShift(Op2):
-    opname = 'uint_rshift'
-    def generate3(self, mc, dstop, op1, op2):
-        # XXX not optimized
-        mc.MOV(ecx, op2)
-        if dstop != op1:
-            try:
-                mc.MOV(dstop, op1)
-            except FailedToImplement:
-                mc.PUSH(op1)
-                mc.POP(dstop)
-        mc.SHR(dstop, cl)
-        mc.CMP(ecx, imm8(32))
-        mc.SBB(ecx, ecx)
-        mc.AND(dstop, ecx)
-class OpCompare2(Op2):
-    result_kind = RK_CC
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.x)
-        dstop = allocator.get_operand(self.y)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        # XXX optimize the case CMP(immed, reg-or-modrm)
-        try:
-            mc.CMP(srcop, dstop)
-        except FailedToImplement:
-            mc.MOV(ecx, srcop)
-            mc.CMP(ecx, dstop)
-class OpIntLt(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'int_lt', 'char_lt'
-    cc_result = Conditions['L']
-class OpIntLe(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'int_le', 'char_le'
-    cc_result = Conditions['LE']
-class OpIntEq(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'int_eq', 'char_eq', 'unichar_eq', 'ptr_eq', 'uint_eq'
-    cc_result = Conditions['E']
-class OpIntNe(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'int_ne', 'char_ne', 'unichar_ne', 'ptr_ne', 'uint_ne'
-    cc_result = Conditions['NE']
-class OpIntGt(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'int_gt', 'char_gt'
-    cc_result = Conditions['G']
-class OpIntGe(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'int_ge', 'char_ge'
-    cc_result = Conditions['GE']
-class OpUIntLt(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'uint_lt'
-    cc_result = Conditions['B']
-class OpUIntLe(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'uint_le'
-    cc_result = Conditions['BE']
-class OpUIntGt(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'uint_gt'
-    cc_result = Conditions['A']
-class OpUIntGe(OpCompare2):
-    opname = 'uint_ge'
-    cc_result = Conditions['AE']
-class JumpIf(Operation):
-    clobbers_cc = False
-    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
-    def __init__(self, gv_condition, targetbuilder, negate):
-        self.gv_condition = gv_condition
-        self.targetbuilder = targetbuilder
-        self.negate = negate
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using_cc(self.gv_condition)
-        for gv in self.targetbuilder.inputargs_gv:
-            allocator.using(gv)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        cc = self.gv_condition.cc_result
-        if self.negate:
-            cc = cond_negate(cc)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        targetbuilder = self.targetbuilder
-        targetbuilder.set_coming_from(mc, insncond=cc)
-        targetbuilder.inputoperands = [allocator.get_operand(gv)
-                                       for gv in targetbuilder.inputargs_gv]
-class OpLabel(Operation):
-    clobbers_cc = False
-    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
-    def __init__(self, lbl, args_gv):
-        self.lbl = lbl
-        self.args_gv = args_gv
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        for v in self.args_gv:
-            allocator.using(v)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        lbl = self.lbl
-        lbl.targetaddr = allocator.mc.tell()
-        lbl.targetstackdepth = allocator.required_frame_depth
-        lbl.inputoperands = [allocator.get_operand(v) for v in self.args_gv]
-class Label(GenLabel):
-    targetaddr = 0
-    targetstackdepth = 0
-    inputoperands = None
-class OpCall(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, sigtoken, gv_fnptr, args_gv):
-        self.sigtoken = sigtoken
-        self.gv_fnptr = gv_fnptr
-        self.args_gv = args_gv
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        # XXX try to use eax for the result
-        allocator.using(self.gv_fnptr)
-        for v in self.args_gv:
-            allocator.using(v)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            dstop = None
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        stack_align_words = PROLOGUE_FIXED_WORDS
-        if dstop != eax:
-            mc.PUSH(eax)
-            if CALL_ALIGN > 1: stack_align_words += 1
-        if dstop != edx:
-            mc.PUSH(edx)
-            if CALL_ALIGN > 1: stack_align_words += 1
-        args_gv = self.args_gv
-        num_placeholders = 0
-        if CALL_ALIGN > 1:
-            stack_align_words += len(args_gv)
-            stack_align_words &= CALL_ALIGN-1
-            if stack_align_words > 0:
-                num_placeholders = CALL_ALIGN - stack_align_words
-                mc.SUB(esp, imm(WORD * num_placeholders))
-        for i in range(len(args_gv)-1, -1, -1):
-            srcop = allocator.get_operand(args_gv[i])
-            mc.PUSH(srcop)
-        fnop = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_fnptr)
-        if isinstance(fnop, IMM32):
-            mc.CALL(rel32(fnop.value))
-        else:
-            mc.CALL(fnop)
-        mc.ADD(esp, imm(WORD * (len(args_gv) + num_placeholders)))
-        if dstop != edx:
-            mc.POP(edx)
-        if dstop != eax:
-            if dstop is not None:
-                mc.MOV(dstop, eax)
-            mc.POP(eax)
-def field_operand(mc, base, fieldtoken):
-    # may use ecx
-    fieldoffset, fieldsize = fieldtoken
-    if isinstance(base, MODRM):
-        mc.MOV(ecx, base)
-        base = ecx
-    elif isinstance(base, IMM32):
-        fieldoffset += base.value
-        base = None
-    if fieldsize == 1:
-        return mem8(base, fieldoffset)
-    else:
-        return mem (base, fieldoffset)
-def array_item_operand(mc, base, arraytoken, opindex):
-    # may use ecx
-    _, startoffset, itemoffset = arraytoken
-    if isinstance(opindex, IMM32):
-        startoffset += itemoffset * opindex.value
-        opindex = None
-        indexshift = 0
-    elif itemoffset in SIZE2SHIFT:
-        if not isinstance(opindex, REG):
-            mc.MOV(ecx, opindex)
-            opindex = ecx
-        indexshift = SIZE2SHIFT[itemoffset]
-    else:
-        mc.IMUL(ecx, opindex, imm(itemoffset))
-        opindex = ecx
-        indexshift = 0
-    assert base is not ecx
-    if isinstance(base, MODRM):
-        if opindex != ecx:
-            mc.MOV(ecx, base)
-        else:   # waaaa
-            opindex = None
-            if indexshift > 0:
-                mc.SHL(ecx, imm8(indexshift))
-            mc.ADD(ecx, base)
-        base = ecx
-    elif isinstance(base, IMM32):
-        startoffset += base.value
-        base = None
-    if itemoffset == 1:
-        return memSIB8(base, opindex, indexshift, startoffset)
-    else:
-        return memSIB (base, opindex, indexshift, startoffset)
-class OpComputeSize(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, varsizealloctoken, gv_length):
-        self.varsizealloctoken = varsizealloctoken
-        self.gv_length = gv_length
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.gv_length)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        srcop = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_length)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        op_size = array_item_operand(mc, None, self.varsizealloctoken, srcop)
-        try:
-            mc.LEA(dstop, op_size)
-        except FailedToImplement:
-            mc.LEA(ecx, op_size)
-            mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
-def hard_store(mc, opmemtarget, opvalue, itemsize):
-    # For the possibly hard cases of stores
-    # Generates a store to 'opmemtarget' of size 'itemsize' == 1, 2 or 4.
-    # If it is 1, opmemtarget must be a MODRM8; otherwise, it must be a MODRM.
-    if itemsize == WORD:
-        try:
-            mc.MOV(opmemtarget, opvalue)
-        except FailedToImplement:
-            if opmemtarget.involves_ecx():
-                mc.PUSH(opvalue)
-                mc.POP(opmemtarget)
-            else:
-                mc.MOV(ecx, opvalue)
-                mc.MOV(opmemtarget, ecx)
-    else:
-        must_pop_eax = False
-        if itemsize == 1:
-            if isinstance(opvalue, REG) and opvalue.lowest8bits:
-                # a register whose lower 8 bits are directly readable
-                opvalue = opvalue.lowest8bits
-            elif isinstance(opvalue, IMM8):
-                pass
-            else:
-                if opmemtarget.involves_ecx():    # grumble!
-                    mc.PUSH(eax)
-                    must_pop_eax = True
-                    scratch = eax
-                else:
-                    scratch = ecx
-                if opvalue.width == 1:
-                    mc.MOV(scratch.lowest8bits, opvalue)
-                else:
-                    mc.MOV(scratch, opvalue)
-                opvalue = scratch.lowest8bits
-        else:
-            assert itemsize == 2
-            if isinstance(opvalue, MODRM) or type(opvalue) is IMM32:
-                # no support for now to encode 16-bit immediates,
-                # so we use a scratch register for this case too
-                if opmemtarget.involves_ecx():    # grumble!
-                    mc.PUSH(eax)
-                    must_pop_eax = True
-                    scratch = eax
-                else:
-                    scratch = ecx
-                mc.MOV(scratch, opvalue)
-                opvalue = scratch
-            mc.o16()    # prefix for the MOV below
-        # and eventually, the real store:
-        mc.MOV(opmemtarget, opvalue)
-        if must_pop_eax:
-            mc.POP(eax)
-def hard_load(mc, opdst, opmemsource, itemsize):
-    # For the possibly hard cases of stores
-    # Generates a load from 'opmemsource' of size 'itemsize' == 1, 2 or 4.
-    # If it is 1, opmemtarget must be a MODRM8; otherwise, it must be a MODRM.
-    if itemsize == WORD:
-        try:
-            mc.MOV(opdst, opmemsource)
-        except FailedToImplement:               # opdst is a MODRM
-            if opmemsource.involves_ecx():
-                mc.PUSH(opmemsource)
-                mc.POP(opdst)
-            else:
-                mc.MOV(ecx, opmemsource)
-                mc.MOV(opdst, ecx)
-    else:
-        try:
-            mc.MOVZX(opdst, opmemsource)
-        except FailedToImplement:               # opdst is a MODRM
-            if opmemsource.involves_ecx():
-                mc.PUSH(eax)
-                mc.MOVZX(eax, opmemsource)
-                mc.MOV(opdst, eax)
-                mc.POP(eax)
-            else:
-                mc.MOVZX(ecx, opmemsource)
-                mc.MOV(opdst, ecx)
-class OpGetField(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, fieldtoken, gv_ptr):
-        self.fieldtoken = fieldtoken
-        self.gv_ptr = gv_ptr
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.gv_ptr)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            return    # result not used
-        opptr = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_ptr)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        opsource = field_operand(mc, opptr, self.fieldtoken)
-        _, fieldsize = self.fieldtoken
-        hard_load(mc, dstop, opsource, fieldsize)
-class OpSetField(Operation):
-    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
-    def __init__(self, fieldtoken, gv_ptr, gv_value):
-        self.fieldtoken = fieldtoken
-        self.gv_ptr   = gv_ptr
-        self.gv_value = gv_value
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.gv_ptr)
-        allocator.using(self.gv_value)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        opptr   = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_ptr)
-        opvalue = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_value)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        optarget = field_operand(mc, opptr, self.fieldtoken)
-        _, fieldsize = self.fieldtoken
-        hard_store(mc, optarget, opvalue, fieldsize)
-class OpGetArrayItem(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, arraytoken, gv_array, gv_index):
-        self.arraytoken = arraytoken
-        self.gv_array = gv_array
-        self.gv_index = gv_index
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.gv_array)
-        allocator.using(self.gv_index)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            return    # result not used
-        oparray = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_array)
-        opindex = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_index)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        opsource = array_item_operand(mc, oparray, self.arraytoken, opindex)
-        _, _, itemsize = self.arraytoken
-        hard_load(mc, dstop, opsource, itemsize)
-class OpSetArrayItem(Operation):
-    result_kind = RK_NO_RESULT
-    def __init__(self, arraytoken, gv_array, gv_index, gv_value):
-        self.arraytoken = arraytoken
-        self.gv_array = gv_array
-        self.gv_index = gv_index
-        self.gv_value = gv_value
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.gv_array)
-        allocator.using(self.gv_index)
-        allocator.using(self.gv_value)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        oparray = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_array)
-        opindex = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_index)
-        opvalue = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_value)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        optarget = array_item_operand(mc, oparray, self.arraytoken, opindex)
-        _, _, itemsize = self.arraytoken
-        hard_store(mc, optarget, opvalue, itemsize)
-class OpGetArraySubstruct(Operation):
-    def __init__(self, arraytoken, gv_array, gv_index):
-        self.arraytoken = arraytoken
-        self.gv_array = gv_array
-        self.gv_index = gv_index
-    def allocate(self, allocator):
-        allocator.using(self.gv_array)
-        allocator.using(self.gv_index)
-    def generate(self, allocator):
-        try:
-            dstop = allocator.get_operand(self)
-        except KeyError:
-            return    # result not used
-        oparray = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_array)
-        opindex = allocator.get_operand(self.gv_index)
-        mc = allocator.mc
-        opsource = array_item_operand(mc, oparray, self.arraytoken, opindex)
-        try:
-            mc.LEA(dstop, opsource)
-        except FailedToImplement:
-            mc.LEA(ecx, opsource)
-            mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
 # ____________________________________________________________
 class IntConst(GenConst):
@@ -909,77 +129,6 @@
 # ____________________________________________________________
-def setup_opclasses(base):
-    d = {}
-    for name, value in globals().items():
-        if type(value) is type(base) and issubclass(value, base):
-            opnames = getattr(value, 'opname', ())
-            if isinstance(opnames, str):
-                opnames = (opnames,)
-            for opname in opnames:
-                assert opname not in d
-                d[opname] = value
-    return d
-OPCLASSES1 = setup_opclasses(Op1)
-OPCLASSES2 = setup_opclasses(Op2)
-del setup_opclasses
-# identity operations
-OPCLASSES1['cast_bool_to_int'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_char_to_int'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_unichar_to_int'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_char'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_unichar'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_ptr_to_int'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_ptr'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_uint_to_int'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_bool_to_uint'] = None
-OPCLASSES1['cast_int_to_uint'] = None
-# special cases
-#OPCLASSES1['bool_not'] = genop_bool_not       XXX do something about it
- at specialize.memo()
-def getopclass1(opname):
-    try:
-        return OPCLASSES1[opname]
-    except KeyError:
-        raise MissingBackendOperation(opname)
- at specialize.memo()
-def getopclass2(opname):
-    try:
-        return OPCLASSES2[opname]
-    except KeyError:
-        raise MissingBackendOperation(opname)
-class MissingBackendOperation(Exception):
-    pass
-def setup_conditions():
-    result1 = [None] * 16
-    result2 = [None] * 16
-    for key, value in Conditions.items():
-        result1[value] = getattr(I386CodeBuilder, 'J'+key)
-        result2[value] = getattr(I386CodeBuilder, 'SET'+key)
-    return result1, result2
-EMIT_JCOND, EMIT_SETCOND = setup_conditions()
-EMIT_JCOND.append(I386CodeBuilder.JMP)    # not really a conditional jump
-del setup_conditions
-def cond_negate(cond):
-    assert 0 <= cond < INSN_JMP
-    return cond ^ 1
-SIZE2SHIFT = {1: 0,
-              2: 1,
-              4: 2,
-              8: 3}
-# ____________________________________________________________
 GC_MALLOC = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([lltype.Signed], llmemory.Address))
 def gc_malloc(size):
@@ -1013,230 +162,6 @@
 # ____________________________________________________________
-class StackOpCache:
-stack_op_cache = StackOpCache()
-stack_op_cache.lst = []
-def stack_op(n):
-    "Return the mem operand that designates the nth stack-spilled location"
-    assert n >= 0
-    lst = stack_op_cache.lst
-    while len(lst) <= n:
-        ofs = WORD * (StackOpCache.INITIAL_STACK_EBP_OFS - len(lst))
-        lst.append(mem(ebp, ofs))
-    return lst[n]
-def stack_n_from_op(op):
-    ofs = op.ofs_relative_to_ebp()
-    return StackOpCache.INITIAL_STACK_EBP_OFS - ofs / WORD
-class RegAllocator(object):
-    AVAILABLE_REGS = [eax, edx, ebx, esi, edi]   # XXX ecx reserved for stuff
-    # 'gv' -- GenVars, used as arguments and results of operations
-    #
-    # 'loc' -- location, a small integer that represents an abstract
-    #          register number
-    #
-    # 'operand' -- a concrete machine code operand, which can be a
-    #              register (ri386.eax, etc.) or a stack memory operand
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.nextloc = 0
-        self.var2loc = {}
-        self.available_locs = []
-        self.force_loc2operand = {}
-        self.force_operand2loc = {}
-        self.initial_moves = []
-    def set_final(self, final_vars_gv):
-        for v in final_vars_gv:
-            if not v.is_const and v not in self.var2loc:
-                self.var2loc[v] = self.nextloc
-                self.nextloc += 1
-    def creating(self, v):
-        try:
-            loc = self.var2loc[v]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.available_locs.append(loc)   # now available again for reuse
-    def using(self, v):
-        if not v.is_const and v not in self.var2loc:
-            try:
-                loc = self.available_locs.pop()
-            except IndexError:
-                loc = self.nextloc
-                self.nextloc += 1
-            self.var2loc[v] = loc
-    def creating_cc(self, v):
-        if self.need_var_in_cc is v:
-            # common case: v is a compare operation whose result is precisely
-            # what we need to be in the CC
-            self.need_var_in_cc = None
-        self.creating(v)
-    def save_cc(self):
-        # we need a value to be in the CC, but we see a clobbering
-        # operation, so we copy the original CC-creating operation down
-        # past the clobbering operation
-        v = self.need_var_in_cc
-        if not we_are_translated():
-            assert v in self.operations[:self.operationindex]
-        self.operations.insert(self.operationindex, v)
-        self.need_var_in_cc = None
-    def using_cc(self, v):
-        assert isinstance(v, Operation)
-        assert 0 <= v.cc_result < INSN_JMP
-        if self.need_var_in_cc is not None:
-            self.save_cc()
-        self.need_var_in_cc = v
-    def allocate_locations(self, operations):
-        # assign locations to gvars
-        self.operations = operations
-        self.need_var_in_cc = None
-        self.operationindex = len(operations)
-        for i in range(len(operations)-1, -1, -1):
-            v = operations[i]
-            kind = v.result_kind
-            if kind == RK_WORD:
-                self.creating(v)
-            elif kind == RK_CC:
-                self.creating_cc(v)
-            if self.need_var_in_cc is not None and v.clobbers_cc:
-                self.save_cc()
-            v.allocate(self)
-            self.operationindex = i
-        if self.need_var_in_cc is not None:
-            self.save_cc()
-    def force_var_operands(self, force_vars, force_operands, at_start):
-        force_loc2operand = self.force_loc2operand
-        force_operand2loc = self.force_operand2loc
-        for i in range(len(force_vars)):
-            v = force_vars[i]
-            operand = force_operands[i]
-            try:
-                loc = self.var2loc[v]
-            except KeyError:
-                if at_start:
-                    pass    # input variable not used anyway
-                else:
-                    self.add_final_move(v, operand, make_copy=v.is_const)
-            else:
-                if loc in force_loc2operand or operand in force_operand2loc:
-                    if at_start:
-                        self.initial_moves.append((loc, operand))
-                    else:
-                        self.add_final_move(v, operand, make_copy=True)
-                else:
-                    force_loc2operand[loc] = operand
-                    force_operand2loc[operand] = loc
-    def add_final_move(self, v, targetoperand, make_copy):
-        if make_copy:
-            v = OpSameAs(v)
-            self.operations.append(v)
-        loc = self.nextloc
-        self.nextloc += 1
-        self.var2loc[v] = loc
-        self.force_loc2operand[loc] = targetoperand
-    def allocate_registers(self):
-        # assign registers to locations that don't have one already
-        force_loc2operand = self.force_loc2operand
-        operands = []
-        seen_regs = 0
-        seen_stackn = {}
-        for op in force_loc2operand.values():
-            if isinstance(op, REG):
-                seen_regs |= 1 << op.op
-            elif isinstance(op, MODRM):
-                seen_stackn[stack_n_from_op(op)] = None
-        i = 0
-        stackn = 0
-        for loc in range(self.nextloc):
-            try:
-                operand = force_loc2operand[loc]
-            except KeyError:
-                # grab the next free register
-                try:
-                    while True:
-                        operand = RegAllocator.AVAILABLE_REGS[i]
-                        i += 1
-                        if not (seen_regs & (1 << operand.op)):
-                            break
-                except IndexError:
-                    while stackn in seen_stackn:
-                        stackn += 1
-                    operand = stack_op(stackn)
-                    stackn += 1
-            operands.append(operand)
-        self.operands = operands
-        self.required_frame_depth = stackn
-    def get_operand(self, gv_source):
-        if gv_source.is_const:
-            return imm(gv_source.revealconst(lltype.Signed))
-        else:
-            loc = self.var2loc[gv_source]
-            return self.operands[loc]
-    def load_location_with(self, loc, gv_source):
-        dstop = self.operands[loc]
-        srcop = self.get_operand(gv_source)
-        if srcop != dstop:
-            self.mc.MOV(dstop, srcop)
-        return dstop
-    def generate_initial_moves(self):
-        initial_moves = self.initial_moves
-        # first make sure that the reserved stack frame is big enough
-        last_n = self.required_frame_depth - 1
-        for loc, srcoperand in initial_moves:
-            if isinstance(srcoperand, MODRM):
-                n = stack_n_from_op(srcoperand)
-                if last_n < n:
-                    last_n = n
-        if last_n >= 0:
-            if CALL_ALIGN > 1:
-                last_n = (last_n & ~(CALL_ALIGN-1)) + (CALL_ALIGN-1)
-            self.required_frame_depth = last_n + 1
-            self.mc.LEA(esp, stack_op(last_n))
-        # XXX naive algo for now
-        for loc, srcoperand in initial_moves:
-            if self.operands[loc] != srcoperand:
-                self.mc.PUSH(srcoperand)
-        initial_moves.reverse()
-        for loc, srcoperand in initial_moves:
-            if self.operands[loc] != srcoperand:
-                self.mc.POP(self.operands[loc])
-    def generate_operations(self):
-        for v in self.operations:
-            v.generate(self)
-            cc = v.cc_result
-            if cc >= 0 and v in self.var2loc:
-                # force a comparison instruction's result into a
-                # regular location
-                dstop = self.get_operand(v)
-                mc = self.mc
-                insn = EMIT_SETCOND[cc]
-                insn(mc, cl)
-                try:
-                    mc.MOVZX(dstop, cl)
-                except FailedToImplement:
-                    mc.MOVZX(ecx, cl)
-                    mc.MOV(dstop, ecx)
 class Builder(GenBuilder):
     coming_from = 0
     operations = None
@@ -1484,7 +409,13 @@
         pass  # self.mc.log(msg)
         # XXX re-do this somehow...
+class Label(GenLabel):
+    targetaddr = 0
+    targetstackdepth = 0
+    inputoperands = None
+# ____________________________________________________________
 dummy_var = GenVar()
@@ -1570,6 +501,7 @@
     def show_incremental_progress(self):
+# ____________________________________________________________
 class RI386GenOp(AbstractRGenOp):
     from pypy.jit.codegen.i386.codebuf import MachineCodeBlock

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