[pypy-svn] r38941 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc/config

mwh at codespeak.net mwh at codespeak.net
Thu Feb 15 18:58:36 CET 2007

Author: mwh
Date: Thu Feb 15 18:58:35 2007
New Revision: 38941

   pypy/dist/pypy/doc/config/index.txt   (contents, props changed)
a first attempt at config/index.txt

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/config/index.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/config/index.txt	Thu Feb 15 18:58:35 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Configuration Options for PyPy
+This directory contains documentation for the many `configuration`_
+options that can be used to affect PyPy's behaviour.  There are two
+main classes of option, `object space`_ options and `translation`_
+There are two main entry points that accept options: ``py.py``, which
+implements Python on top of another Python interpreter and accepts all
+the `object space`_ options:
+.. parsed-literal::
+    ./py.py <`objspace options`_>
+and the ``translate.py`` translation entry
+point which takes arguments of this form:
+.. parsed-literal::
+    ./translate.py <`translation options`_> <target>
+For the common case of ``<target>`` being ``targetpypystandalone.py``,
+you can then pass the `object space`_ options after
+``targetpypystandalone.py``, i.e. like this:
+.. parsed-literal::
+    ./translate.py <`translation options`_> targetpypystandalone.py <`objspace options`_>
+There is an `overview`_ of all command line arguments that can be
+passed in either position.
+.. _`configuration`: ../configuration.html
+.. _`object space`: objspace.html
+.. _`objspace options`: objspace.html
+.. _`translation`: translation.html
+.. _`translation options`: translation.html
+.. _`overview`: commandline.html

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