[pypy-svn] r33394 - in pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config: . test

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Wed Oct 18 00:45:16 CEST 2006

Author: cfbolz
Date: Wed Oct 18 00:45:14 2006
New Revision: 33394

(pedronis, cfbolz): in progress: refactoring of how optparse options are
generated to make it possible to show the default value. Still not quite nice,
but too tired now.

Modified: pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/config.py
--- pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/config.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/config.py	Wed Oct 18 00:45:14 2006
@@ -167,17 +167,70 @@
     def setoption(self, config, value, who):
         name = self._name
-        if not self.validate(value):
+        if who == "default" and value is None:
+            pass
+        elif not self.validate(value):
             raise ValueError('invalid value %s for option %s' % (value, name))
         config._cfgimpl_values[name] = value
     def getkey(self, value):
         return value
+    def convert_from_cmdline(self, value):
+        return value
     def add_optparse_option(self, argnames, parser, config):
-        raise NotImplemented('abstract base class')
+        callback = ConfigUpdate(config, self)
+        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc+" %default",
+                                   action='callback', type=self.opt_type,
+                                   callback=callback, *argnames)
+class ConfigUpdate(object):
+    def __init__(self, config, option):
+        self.config = config
+        self.option = option
+    def convert_from_cmdline(self, value):
+        return self.option.convert_from_cmdline(value)
+    def __call__(self, option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            value = self.convert_from_cmdline(value)
+            self.config.setoption(self.option._name, value, who='cmdline')
+        except ValueError, e:
+            raise optparse.OptionValueError(e.args[0])
+    def help_default(self):
+        default = getattr(self.config, self.option._name)
+        owner = self.config._cfgimpl_value_owners[self.option._name]
+        if default is None:
+            if owner == 'default':
+                return ''
+            else:
+                default = '???'
+        return "[%s: %s]" % (owner, default)
+class BoolConfigUpdate(ConfigUpdate):
+    def __init__(self, config, option, which_value):
+        super(BoolConfigUpdate, self).__init__(config, option)
+        self.which_value = which_value
+    def convert_from_cmdline(self, value):
+        return self.which_value
+    def help_default(self):
+        default = getattr(self.config, self.option._name)
+        owner = self.config._cfgimpl_value_owners[self.option._name]
+        if default == self.which_value:
+            default = "[%s]" % owner
+        else:
+            default = ""
+        return default
 class ChoiceOption(Option):
+    opt_type = 'string'
     def __init__(self, name, doc, values, default=None, requires=None,
         super(ChoiceOption, self).__init__(name, doc, cmdline)
@@ -198,16 +251,8 @@
     def validate(self, value):
         return value is None or value in self.values
-    def add_optparse_option(self, argnames, parser, config):
-        def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
-            try:
-                config.setoption(self._name, value.strip(), who='cmdline')
-            except ValueError, e:
-                raise optparse.OptionValueError(e.args[0])
-        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc,
-                                   action='callback', type='string',
-                                   callback=_callback, *argnames)
+    def convert_from_cmdline(self, value):
+        return value.strip()
 def _getnegation(optname):
     if optname.startswith("without"):
@@ -216,28 +261,31 @@
         return "without" + optname[len("with"):]
     return "no-" + optname
-class BoolOption(ChoiceOption):
-    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=True, requires=None,
+class BoolOption(Option):
+    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, requires=None,
                  cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME, negation=True):
-        if requires is not None:
-            requires = {True: requires}
-        super(BoolOption, self).__init__(name, doc, [True, False], default,
-                                         requires=requires,
-                                         cmdline=cmdline)
+        super(BoolOption, self).__init__(name, doc, cmdline=cmdline)
+        self._requires = requires
+        self.default = default
         self.negation = negation
     def validate(self, value):
         return isinstance(value, bool)
+    def setoption(self, config, value, who):
+        name = self._name
+        if value and self._requires is not None:
+            for path, reqvalue in self._requires:
+                toplevel = config._cfgimpl_get_toplevel()
+                homeconfig, name = toplevel._cfgimpl_get_home_by_path(path)
+                homeconfig.setoption(name, reqvalue, who)
+        super(BoolOption, self).setoption(config, value, who)
     def add_optparse_option(self, argnames, parser, config):
-        def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
-            try:
-                config.setoption(self._name, True, who='cmdline')
-            except ValueError, e:
-                raise optparse.OptionValueError(e.args[0])
-        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc,
+        callback = BoolConfigUpdate(config, self, True)
+        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc+" %default",
-                                   callback=_callback, *argnames)
+                                   callback=callback, *argnames)
         if not self.negation:
         no_argnames = ["--" + _getnegation(argname.lstrip("-"))
@@ -246,19 +294,16 @@
         if len(no_argnames) == 0:
             no_argnames = ["--" + _getnegation(argname.lstrip("-"))
                                for argname in argnames]
-        def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
-            try:
-                config.setoption(self._name, False, who='cmdline')
-            except ValueError, e:
-                raise optparse.OptionValueError(e.args[0])
-        option = parser.add_option(help="unset option set by %s" % (argname, ),
+        callback = BoolConfigUpdate(config, self, False)
+        option = parser.add_option(help="unset option set by %s %%default" % (argname, ),
-                                   callback=_callback, *no_argnames)
+                                   callback=callback, *no_argnames)
 class IntOption(Option):
-    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=0, cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME):
+    opt_type = 'int'
+    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME):
         super(IntOption, self).__init__(name, doc, cmdline)
         self.default = default
@@ -275,15 +320,10 @@
         except TypeError, e:
             raise ValueError(*e.args)
-    def add_optparse_option(self, argnames, parser, config):
-        def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
-            config.setoption(self._name, value, who='cmdline')
-        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc,
-                                   action='callback', type='int',
-                                   callback=_callback, *argnames)
 class FloatOption(Option):
-    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=0.0, cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME):
+    opt_type = 'float'
+    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME):
         super(FloatOption, self).__init__(name, doc, cmdline)
         self.default = default
@@ -300,38 +340,22 @@
         except TypeError, e:
             raise ValueError(*e.args)
-    def add_optparse_option(self, argnames, parser, config):
-        def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
-            config.setoption(self._name, value, who='cmdline')
-        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc,
-                                   action='callback', type='float',
-                                   callback=_callback, *argnames)
 class StrOption(Option):
-    def __init__(self, name, doc, default='', cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME):
+    opt_type = 'string'
+    def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, cmdline=DEFAULT_OPTION_NAME):
         super(StrOption, self).__init__(name, doc, cmdline)
         self.default = default
     def validate(self, value):
-        try:
-            str(value)
-        except TypeError:
-            return False
-        return True
+        return isinstance(value, str)
     def setoption(self, config, value, who):
-            super(StrOption, self).setoption(config, str(value), who)
+            super(StrOption, self).setoption(config, value, who)
         except TypeError, e:
             raise ValueError(*e.args)
-    def add_optparse_option(self, argnames, parser, config):
-        def _callback(option, opt_str, value, parser, *args, **kwargs):
-            config.setoption(self._name, value, who='cmdline')
-        option = parser.add_option(help=self.doc,
-                                   action='callback', type='str',
-                                   callback=_callback, *argnames)
 class ArbitraryOption(Option):
     def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, defaultfactory=None):
         super(ArbitraryOption, self).__init__(name, doc, cmdline=None)
@@ -371,6 +395,42 @@
+class OptHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
+    def expand_default(self, option):
+        assert self.parser
+        dfls = self.parser.defaults
+        defl = ""
+        choices = None
+        if option.action == 'callback' and isinstance(option.callback, ConfigUpdate):
+            callback = option.callback
+            defl = callback.help_default()
+            if isinstance(callback.option, ChoiceOption):
+                choices = callback.option.values
+        else:
+            val = dfls.get(option.dest)
+            if val is None:
+                pass
+            elif isinstance(val, bool):
+                if val is True and option.action=="store_true":
+                    defl = "default"
+            else:
+                defl = "default: %s" % val
+        if option.type == 'choice':
+            choices = option.choices
+        if choices is not None:
+            choices = "%s=%s, " % (option.metavar, '|'.join(choices))
+        if '%default' in option.help:
+            defl = '[%s%s]' % (choices, defl)
+            return option.help.replace("%default", defl)
+        elif choices:
+            return option.help + ' [%s]' % choices 
+        return option.help
 def to_optparse(config, useoptions=None, parser=None):
     grps = {}
     def get_group(name, doc):
@@ -384,7 +444,7 @@
         return grp
     if parser is None:
-        parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+        parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=OptHelpFormatter())
     if useoptions is None:
         useoptions = config.getpaths(include_groups=True)
     seen = {}

Modified: pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/test/test_config.py
--- pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/test/test_config.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/even-more-config3/pypy/config/test/test_config.py	Wed Oct 18 00:45:14 2006
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
     gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
     objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
                                 ['std', 'logic'], 'std')
-    booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option')
-    intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option')
+    booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
+    intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
     floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
     stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
@@ -376,3 +376,26 @@
     assert c.sub.c1 == 'c'
     py.test.raises(AmbigousOptionError, "c.set(d1=True)")
     py.test.raises(NoMatchingOptionFound, "c.set(unknown='foo')")
+def test_optparse_help():
+    import cStringIO
+    descr = OptionDescription("opt", "", [
+        BoolOption("bool1", 'do bool1', default=False, cmdline='--bool1'),
+        BoolOption("bool2", 'do bool2', default=False, cmdline='--bool2', negation=False),
+        BoolOption("bool3", 'do bool3', default=True, cmdline='--bool3'),
+        ChoiceOption("choice", "choose!", ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a', '--choice'),
+        StrOption("str", 'specify xyz', default='hello', cmdline='--str'),
+    ])
+    conf = Config(descr)
+    parser = to_optparse(conf)
+    out = cStringIO.StringIO()
+    parser.print_help(out)
+    help = out.getvalue()
+    print help
+    return
+    assert "do bool1\n" in help
+    assert "unset option set by --bool1 [default]" in help
+    assert "do bool2\n" in help
+    assert "do bool3 [default]" in help
+    assert "choose! [default: a]" in help
+    assert "specify xyz [default: hello]" in help

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