[pypy-svn] r26856 - pypy/extradoc/talk/agile2006

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Sat May 6 12:52:30 CEST 2006

Author: cfbolz
Date: Sat May  6 12:52:24 2006
New Revision: 26856

   pypy/extradoc/talk/agile2006/draftpaper_agile2006.dvi   (contents, props changed)
check in tex and dvi file

Added: pypy/extradoc/talk/agile2006/draftpaper_agile2006.dvi
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: pypy/extradoc/talk/agile2006/draftpaper_agile2006.tex
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+\title{Trouble in Paradise: the Open Source project PyPy, EU-funding and Agile practices}
+pdftitle={Trouble in Paradise: the Open Source project PyPy, EU-funding and Agile practices}
+% sectnum 
+PyPy is an Open Source project, partly funded by the European Union, employing
+agile techniques evolved within the Python Community such as ``sprint-driven
+development''.The project started as a grass-root F/OSS effort in late 2002 and
+received EU-funding from December 2004 until November 2006.  In this paper we
+will present the various influencing factors that creates the hybrid project
+process that is PyPy. These influencing factors are the F/OSS Python Community
+(climate of the community from which PyPy grew from), agile practices (such as
+the Python community evolved technique of ``sprinting'') and the EU funding
+practices (resource tracking and reporting) impacting the project. These
+influencing factors laid the foundation for the custom-made project process
+that makes this unique hybrid project work. The main factor for driving this
+process is the skills of the team of core developers instigating the project.
+PyPy, with its open and transparent communication and collaborative work style,
+is again a proof that the best agile practice is the people factor.
+This paper presents the story and the experiences gathered so far in the PyPy
+project. The challenge has been to integrate such diverse perspectives as agile
+practices being used in a distributed development style in an
+Open Source project that is partly funded by the European Union.
+The PyPy project started as a grass-root effort among core developers in the
+Python language community, aiming at building a Python implementation purely
+built in Python.  It was a language implementation project that was purely
+driven from a non-profit perspective which rapidly increased in complexity when
+the Open Source project applied for EU-funding.
+Today the project has over 4 years of intense activity as an Open Source
+community (F/OSS, Free Open Source Software) effort and have completed a
+successful first year of the EU-funded effort.  In order to understand how the
+PyPy project manages to strike a balance between being an F/OSS community,
+while also having the core work of the project being funded by the European
+Union (with all the structure and process requirements that entails) we need to
+look at the influencing factors of the project process.
+The influencing factors of the PyPy project process are:
+\item {} 
+The F/OSS/Python community factor. Different Open Source communities have
+different ``flavors'' regarding culture, communication climate, structure,
+decision-process etc. PyPy was born out of the Python Community and shares
+some of its characteristics which have had a huge influence on the project
+process so far. Aspects such as distributed/dispersed development and the
+supporting practices and infrastructure in place to quality assure software
+development in a collaborated manner are part of this important influencing
+\item {} 
+The Agile factor. Almost a subset of the F/OSS/Python community factor -
+agile practices that have been in use since the inception of the project, that
+in fact have been the main drivers of the project are very much inspired by
+other projects in the Python community. A key aspect of this influencing
+factor is the Python version of ``sprinting''. We will present this ``agile''
+practice, explain and trace its origins within the Python community and
+identify which of the main agile practices inspired the Python world to go
+``sprinting'' - a key technique today not only for the PyPy project but also
+for all main Python projects. We will also touch on aspects such as Test
+Driven Development and explain how these are implemented in PyPy.
+\item {} 
+The EU factor. PyPy is the first F/OSS community that organized themselves
+into an EU-project, receiving EU-funding. It has had a huge impact on the
+project, and it is important to identify how EU project and process
+requirements can be ``weaved'' into an Agile F/OSS project - a challenge
+indeed. The EU-funding has been and still is an enormous opportunity; the
+project would not have had the rapid progress and impact it is now having
+without the funding. It is also very important to note that without striking
+the right balance between the three main influencing factors (F/OSS, agile
+and EU-funding) this factor might also prove to be a ``show stopper'', something
+that might influence the PyPy community negatively. This is a constant
+challenge - we explain here how we created our process and added a
+``consortium-level'' structure to the F/OSS community and the steps we took in
+order to mitigate this risk.
+Our conclusion so far in the project is that we believe that the practice of
+sprint-driven development, as being used in the PyPy project, makes Agile and
+Distributed/dispersed work styles more possible to combine. We also believe it
+is a very useful practice for creating value and ensuring quality in projects
+with hybrid cultures and methodologies. It is our aim to start to show-case
+this with experiences from the first funded year of PyPy. We also feel that our
+experiences as a unique hybrid project would be of interest to other
+communities such as the agile community and we hope that this paper will
+encourage cross-community interaction and communication.
+\subsection{Project context}
+Due to the dual nature of the project even such a thing as objectives can get
+complicated. If you, as a potential PyPy user, would visit out main developer
+server, Codespeak, you would find the following statement:
+``The PyPy project aims at producing a flexible and fast Python implementation.
+The guiding idea is to translate a Python-level description of the Python
+language itself to lower level languages. Rumors have it that the secret goal
+is being faster-than-C which is nonsense, isn't it? more...''
+Codespeak housed the F/OSS project since its inception and it has been a
+driving strategy to continue a look-and-feel of a purely F/OSS project in order
+to not confuse developers interested in just that - PyPy as a Python
+Digging a bit deeper you can find documentation which states the objectives of
+the EU-funded part of the project. The EU project´s title is ``PyPy'' which is an
+``acronym'' for ``Researching a Highly Flexible and Modular Language Platform and
+Implementing it by Leveraging the Open Source Python Language and Community''.
+The EU-project has three objectives: one technical, one research-oriented and
+one methodology-oriented objective. In short PyPy is about building an
+optimized compiler and interpreter purely in Python, applying Aspect Oriented
+Programming and abstract interpretation techniques.  The methodology objective
+aims at showcasing the ``sprint-driven development method'' being used by PyPy
+and you can view this paper as part of fulfilling the methodology objective.
+For more references on sprint-driven development, please see our paper for
+the XP 2006 conference \cite{key-1}.
+The strategy of the project is to leverage the community of PyPy and Python
+through an open and transparent communication and working style. The challenge has
+been to implement this strategy, not only in the  F/OSS community part of the
+project, but also in the partially funded consortium structure of the project.
+The F/OSS part of PyPy has no budget tied to it and no formal organizational
+structure.  There are no resources tied to it other than the volunteers
+participating in the development process. These are the core developers and
+architects behind PyPy but also people from all over the world, driven by a
+combination of professional need and personal interest in Python language
+implementations such as PyPy and choosing to contribute to PyPy. There is also
+a large group of students on PHD levels participating and contributing, using
+their areas of interest in PyPy as thesis materials.
+It is difficult to estimate the amount of people involved in PyPy but we
+estimate that 300-500 people actively follow the progress of the project -
+this might mean reading emails, IRC logs and documentation in some cases, asking
+questions and sending bug reports in others. There are around 50 people who
+have commit-rights to the source code. The core group of developers consists of
+around 10 people.
+The EU part of the project is organized through a consortium which consists of
+8 partners: DFKI (Germany), Ab Strakt (Sweden), Logilab (France), merlinux GmbH
+(Germany), tismerysoft GmbH (Germany), Change Maker (Sweden) , Impara GmbH
+(Germany) and Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf (Germany) and 4 physical
+person partners: Laura Creighton (Sweden), Richard Emslie (UK), Eric Van Riet
+Paap (Netherlands) , Niklaus Haldiman (Switzerland).
+The project effort of work for the 2 years of funding consists of 14
+work-packages and in total 58 deliverables which are high-level functional and
+non-functional requirements that were formulated in a proposal and form the
+``Description of Work'' in the contract with the European Commission. The funding
+received for this effort is 1.3 million euro. Of the core group of developers
+mentioned above almost all of them (10 people) are involved in some sense in
+the partner companies and organizations of the PyPy consortium.
+The ideas behind PyPy started via discussions on European mailing-lists in the
+Python community late 2002 by people who had been active in the Python
+community for some time; core developers interested in language implementation.
+They based the discussions and ideas partly on their experiences with
+developing and driving some well-known projects in the Python community. They
+met up in February 2003 at a ``sprint'', a one week working meeting,to draft
+their ideas and to start PyPy as an Open Source project. The sprint facilities
+as well as travel, accommodation and time was financed by all participants
+Mid 2003 the idea of trying to get EU-funding for the project was born. It
+became clear that the project had an arbitrarily large scale and that receiving
+some funding would dramatically increase the pace and seriousness of the
+project - because funded developers can dedicate more of their time to the
+project.  The involved developers and people stretched outside of the  Open
+Source ecologies to try to gather as much information and contacts as  possible
+in order to answer the question: ``Should we go for it?''  to which the answer
+quickly became ``Let's see how far we get!''.
+Acting on this strategy proved to be a more difficult task. The entire proposal
+and negotiation process took over a year (Autumn 2003 until November 2004).A
+proper description of planned work, necessary to satisfy formal requirements,
+had not previously been part of the development focus and both the EU and the
+parties involved had to adapt to the situation.
+The contract with the EU was signed and the funded part of the project, with
+its consortium structure, started 1 of December 2004. The funded part of the
+project ends in November 2006.
+The first funded year of the project ended with a review in Brussels in January
+2006, hosted by the Commission, reviewing the 10 deliverables comprising the
+work of the first year. All deliverables were accepted; based on
+recommendations by the external reviewers. The consortium and the Commission is
+now restructuring the volume of the remaining the deliverables (although not
+changing the scope of the project).
+\section{Influencing factors: the F/OSS Python community culture}
+\subsection{The Python community}
+Python is an Open Source language, published under an OSI approved open source
+license.  It was created by Guido van Rossum and is now one of the five most
+used languages in the world.  Due to the nature of the language there is a
+strong focus on glue and integration with other languages such as C and Java.
+Typical aspects of the Python community is that it houses four large
+language implementations as separate projects which communicate and discuss
+their experiences and approaches with each other. This intra-extra community
+focus and interest has created a collaborative atmosphere with an open and
+transparent communication climate.
+\subsection{The PyPy community}
+The PyPy project is one of the four large language implementation projects in
+the Python community.  PyPy grew from the architectural experiences from
+previous successful Python projects and this prior community experience was
+vital for the evolving of the PyPy community due to the established trust in
+expert skills of the core developers starting PyPy - again the people
+factor. Thus making it easier recruit people into the PyPy community.
+The PyPy project inherited the focus on collaborative approaches and open
+communication climate.  The strategy of using sprints, as a core technique, to
+kick-start the project as well as moving the sprints to different
+locations had clear effects. It encouraged participation by meeting people locally.
+During the period of 2003-2004 6 sprints were arranged in various European cities.
+These sprints were hosted by universities and private
+individuals, participation was funded privately. The effect on the evolving community
+was a stable subscriber participation on the development list of between
+140-150 people. After the EU-funding and the more systematic structure of
+sprinting every 6th week the amount of subscribers went from around 150 people to
+over 250 people. Thus turning the prior experience of separate sprints into
+a more systematic approach, sprint-driven development.
+\subsection{Supporting infrastructure}
+The amount of collaborative focus and open and transparent communication in an
+open source community will manifest itself in the supporting infrastructure.
+In PyPy version control is the primary means of providing a secure platform for
+incremental development. Subversion is used, covering both
+program files and documentation. Several automated mailing lists make sure
+that every person involved receives instant notification on changes -
+supporting peer review on all levels.
+PyPy is also in some sense very much test-driven. PyPy is one of the primary
+users of a separate F/OSS project called the py.test, tools for automated
+testing with PyPy developers contributing improvements to py.test.  Py.test
+contains a sophisticated system for running tests against the Python Standard
+Library. It provides automatic selection of overriding tests in case there is
+internally developed code that overrides the Python Standard Library. These are
+important compliance features when the project is about language implementation.
+There are also powerful mechanisms for disabling specific
+tests and for producing useful traceback output. There are also automatically
+generated web pages that show the status of all tests as per the latest checked
+in test results. This together with a public issue-tracker covering bugs keeps the
+development group focused on the quality of the code when doing
+continuous integration. It greatly reduces the need
+to coordinate and delegate refactoring work - this is handled in a self-organized way.
+The main communication channels between developers involved in PyPy is to
+discuss over IRC (Internet-Relay-Chat) - open for all who are interested.
+Several mailing lists for discussions and information are also used. Web pages,
+documentation, tutorials, talks and papers etc are all available on the central
+developer server for everyone to access. A very useful feature that really supports
+information and communication are the public email archives covering the key
+mailing lists - going back to the start of 2003. As a newcomer to the project
+in the fall of 2003 these public and easily accessible mailing list archives
+was the primary means for me personally to get into the project. It provided answers
+to who had been key people in the process, what had been crucial topics, how had
+discussions and decisions been handled. It is also regularly being used with newcomers
+in the development team, providing fast answers to questions and also providing context
+to technical decisions being made in the past. A useful just-in-time documentation
+and a unorthodox but very efficient way of disseminating information and knowledge.
+Now - all this infrastructure is being used in almost all larger open source
+projects and quite a few of them are much more hierarchical and non-transparent
+in their communication.  In PyPy there is no hierarchy for receiving
+commit-rights. A newcomer to PyPy can instantly receive an account on the
+development server, with full commit rights to the version control system. The
+reason why there are no constraints is that the process is very much
+self-organized and managed by the developers from a social level (peer review,
+code review, supporting communication channels, coaching, mentoring) and with
+strong automated tools covering tests, versions and back ups covering the
+technical level.
+An extensive coding guide, published on codespeak.net (development website)
+serves as an introduction to the set of specifications being used while coding
+PyPy.  Yet another piece of the puzzle, the coding guide together with
+commit-access to both source code and tests supports cohesion in the development
+process. This increases readability and uniformity so that automated testing tools can
+be more efficiently used. Again - simple and useful support that is much needed when
+working dispersed in a larger team of developers that might never meet face to face.
+In a distributed and dispersed work style these two (social and technical)
+levels needs to be consistent and support each other. Discrepancies would be
+immediately noticed. As stated before - the people factor is again evident.
+If you wish to encourage participation and contribution there has to be trust as
+well as a supportive environment in order to manage a virtual collaborative
+workspace. The main feature of such a supportive infrastructure is to reduce
+the cost of information since coordination and communication is even more difficult
+in a dispersed environment. If this easily accessed information of the status of the software
+is combined with trust (that is commit-rights) you have the basis for a proactive,
+self-organized culture.
+\subsection{Supporting practices}
+Another good example of the collaborative nature of the Python community is the
+way in which the various projects share best practices. Core developers in the
+PyPy project picked up the practice of synchronization meetings as a powerful
+way of supporting distributed and dispersed development. This practice was inspired
+by the experiences of development processes at Canonical.
+Sync-meetings are weekly short coordination meetings between developers. These are
+open to all developers active in the PyPy community, usually but not necessarily
+involving aspects of EU-funded work on deliverables.  These 30 minute
+IRC-meetings serve a weekly synchronization for regular discussions and
+integration of ongoing work.  Meetings are prepared with an agenda sent out to
+pypy-dev and minutes are distributed on pypy-dev and archived in the repository
+with publicly accessible links. The work of preparing, managing and documenting the
+meetings is rotated between active developers and is self-organized as well.
+Sync-meetings have proved to be a very good complement to a process in which
+the project sprints every 6th week. Sync-meetings keep cohesion as well as a
+team focus-and-feel for the dispersed work style between sprints. There are three
+crucial aspects of this practice. The first one is that our experience as well as
+that of Canonical points to keeping the time for the meeting brief. The reason for
+30 minutes limit is that it gives priority on what topics to choose. However
+complex your development situation is you should choose not more than 3 topics,
+topics that could be discussed and decided upon during these 30 minutes. Not having
+this time limit would create long and tiresome IRC meetings which would affect motivation
+people and also create more confusion than results.
+The second aspect is that it has a fixed format in which the meeting starts with
+all developers participating in the meeting presents a very short status - answering
+the questions LAST (last week), NEXT (their focus for the upcoming week)
+and BLOCKERS (if they are stuck and need help). This means that the group get
+overview and can track progress, albeit loosely. All individuals get an opportunity to
+voice their personal situation and the group jointly discuss potential blockers and how
+to solve them. The fixed format help to keep focus and creates a rhythm that makes it
+easier for newcomers to get into the flow of the meeting.
+The third aspect is also the main challenge with the practice. In PyPy we rotate
+the organization of the meetings between the developers. But because meeting
+moderation has to do with experience, people skills as well as a certain overview of
+the project not everyone can actually do this task. Our experience shows that it is
+also very important to have core people involved in identifying topics needing to be
+discussed - having the progress of the project in mind. It is very easy to choose
+topics that do not need the group mind to discuss, that are too detailed, that has
+too much focus on information distribution rather than discussions.
+Here is what one of the new core developers of PyPy says about sync-meetings:
+\emph{``Sync-meetings are useful because they enable developers to discuss and
+clarify issues among themselves and to provide a common focus when working
+distributedly. They are also a lightweight way to synchronize activities,
+resolve blockers and to get an overview about who is currently doing what
+-- Carl Friedrich Bolz
+\section{Influencing factors: agile practices in PyPy}
+PyPy first started during a one-week meeting, a ``sprint'', held at Trillke-Gut
+in Hildesheim February 2003. The sprint was inspired by practices used by other
+Python projects such as Zope3.  Originally the sprint methodology used in the
+Python community grew from practices applied by the Zope Corporation.  Their
+definition of a sprint was:  ``two-day or three-day focused development session,
+in which developers pair off together in a room and focus on building a
+particular subsystem''.
+Tres Seaver of the Zope Community, one of the instigators of the sprint
+method as it is used in the Python community says the following about how they
+evolved the method during 2001 and 2002:
+\emph{``The motivation was to begin using as much of XP as would fit to
+accelerate Zope3 development. Given the different development culture of
+the Zope community (framework-centric, distributed, no ''business user``
+present), some of the XP mantras /practices couldn't be done directly.  We
+decided to try to do ''as much XP as possible`` for short, highly-focused
+sessions, with all active committers collocated.''}
+The Zope community as well as other Python projects such as PyPy have seen that
+sprints generate results beyond the creation of software:
+\item {} 
+It helped to evolve the community through participation and hands-on contact
+with the core developers.
+\item {} 
+It is a live training session not only in producing code but also in the
+development methods being used (the sprint method in itself, pair programming
+and TDD).
+\item {} 
+It supports activities such as design decisions and high-level requirements
+discussions, creating cohesion and understanding as well as minimizing risks
+with dispersed/distributed work where these kind of activities can be really
+difficult to manage.
+In order to provide examples - in PyPy these discussion sessions have been done in
+various different ways during sprints. The proposal for the EU and the work package
+descriptions were drafted through group discussions during sprints. Later sprints in which
+the process needed design decisions, developers paired up in several groups of 2-4
+people per group for daily discussion sessions. These sessions ended with brief
+documentation and presentations for the other groups where decisions were made.
+Usually what happens is that the daily sprint planning results in a pair of core developers
+choosing a topic to discuss. These discussions have even acted as tutorials for other
+developers sitting in and following the discussions. Some of these discussions have also
+been filmed for dissemination purposes.
+The reason for naming the method sprinting, is not at all connected to Scrum and
+the usage of sprints in that context, according to Tres Seaver is:
+\emph{``... because of the fact that we weren't doing XP in its proper sense,
+which is more like running a long-distance race, where pacing oneself is
+critical.  Instead, we were pushing as fast as possible in order to
+maximize the benefit of limited face time.  Of all the XP practices, the
+one we gave shortest shrift to is ''no overtime``: as sprints often go far
+into the evening (or even the wee hours of the morning.''}
+To summarize the results of this first try out of the methodology shows that
+sprinting was the driver for making Zope3 a community-driven project:  Zope
+Corporation in fact ceded control over the development process to the new
+``Zope3 core'' group created via sprinting. Less than 2 years later the same effect
+was to be found in the F/OSS project PyPy - the community evolved through
+sprint driven development.
+The sprint method, as well as key aspects of F/OSS supportive infrastructure
+and practices was established within the project before PyPy received its
+EU-funding.  Thus, in the proposal,we put much emphasis on the methodology in
+itself when designing the consortium level process. Examples of how this was
+done was that we created a methodology objective, specific deliverables
+regarding documentation of the sprint-driven methodology as well as designing a
+process during the 2 years of funding in which the project and the developers
+sprints every 6th week. This was taken into account when estimating the budget,
+adding costs for travel and accommodation for all partner organizations -
+covering 14 sprints during the 2 years.  So far during the funded part of the
+project we have organized 10 sprints  - successful sprints from both a
+development, recruiting, dissemination and networking aspects.  Another
+important fact is that the sprints are organized by the developers and as such
+is another good example of the collaborative manner of the culture of the
+project and the community.
+Why did PyPy choose sprinting as a key technique?  It is a method that fits
+distributed teams well because it gets the team focused around visible
+challenging goals while working collaboratively (pair-programming, status
+meetings, discussions etc) as well as accelerated (short increments and tasks,
+``doing'' and testing instead of long startups of planning and requirement
+gathering, continuous integration). This means that most of the time a sprint
+is a great way of getting results and getting new people acquainted - a good
+method for dissemination of knowledge and learning within the team.
+Another insight, worthwhile for other more discipline based projects to ponder,
+is how an agile process like sprinting is much more suited for creative work
+between groups of distributed people. Traditional software development, as well
+as traditional project management techniques have a tendency to hinder creativity
+due to the inbuilt over-structured, segmented and control-oriented approach
+which in most cases ends in less quality when results are being measured.
+\section{EU-project practices}
+\subsection{Consortium structure}
+Key requirements regarding organizational structures of a Framework Programme
+6 EU-project are:
+\item {} 
+a consortium of partners performing the work described in the contract
+\item {} 
+a project co-coordinator managing contract administration and communication
+between consortium and the Commission
+\item {} 
+a project manager, responsible for the project reaching its goals within the
+time frame and budget
+The challenge was to design a project process that created a minimal amount of
+changes to the structure being in use in the F/OSS project. It was especially
+important to maintain an open and transparent communication, even for decision
+on consortium level and such. There was a fear of the EU-project adding
+``top-down'' structures on the F/OSS work and on the core developers instigating
+the project.
+We identified a minimalistic approach of management roles (project
+co-coordinator, project manager, assistant project manager) and created a
+management team to make sure that there was collaboration between these roles.
+Although the responsibility rested on the different management roles and the
+management team the strategy implemented was to delegate as much as possible of
+the responsibilities and decision-making to the core developers.
+The strategy was to keep ``conceptual integrity'' \cite{key-2} of
+the vision and the idea in the hands of the core developers. As Brooks
+stresses, a uniform system design is better than uncoordinated and independent
+design ideas. The core developers had a clear and agreed vision - but would
+they be allowed to implement it within a fixed contract work style, with new
+partners involved that had not been involved in the process from the start? The
+core developers were organized into a technical board, responsible for planning
+and coordinating the development work between the partners, with the mandate to
+make decisions. A somewhat negative result was the added workload and
+responsibility on developers regarding EU related work.
+This structure was the most difficult to design and implement due to the very
+different nature of its purpose compared to the collaborative, self-organized
+nature of the F/OSS project - again it succeeded the way it has because of the
+core developers acting as an interface between the developer group and the
+consortium level work - again we see the trust aspect and the people factor in
+Sprints were budgeted for and designed into the process, together with a
+time plan for all deliverables. The project was divided into three different
+phases, depending on the nature of the work flow. In that sense we could
+describe the EU-part of the project as a fixed-contract style of work, but with
+time plan, deliverables and work package descriptions on a high-level, not
+broken down into more granular tasks.
+\subsection{Communication and documentation}
+All documentation and supporting communication infrastructure is hosted on the
+same developer server as the source code, covered by the same version control
+system. Only a few repositories are not publically available (such as the resource
+tracking repositories) - but they are fully accessible for everyone employed by
+a partner organization.
+The communication infrastructure being used on the consortium level of work
+mirrors that of the development work - having years of experience on the
+distributed work style. In the case of PyPY there are mailing lists as well as
+IRC channels for consortium level work. We even implemented a procedure in our
+internal consortium agreement to allow for virtual meetings for decisions in
+the consortium. So far this have been the primary meeting form and it has
+worked well as a channel for making decisions. IRC-logs and minutes support the
+procedure. In some cases decisions have also been made via email on the
+consortium mailing list.
+Although not the primary focus it is also useful to have the regular sprints to
+coordinate specific issues between some partners or between all partners, have
+physical meetings and discussions between the management team and the technical
+board etc.
+Our funding have also resulted in the possibility to have a more unorthodox approach
+to documentation - the project have experimented in filming sprints to show the
+development method as well as filming talks and discussion. Our film material
+is planned to be released before summer 2006.
+\section{Troubles in Paradise: striking a balance}
+\subsection{Developer driven versus formal project structure}
+The fear of a top-down, hierarchical decision process of the consortium was a
+justified one.  It is interesting for us to note that now, having the
+experience and more contractual overview to note that there is nothing in the
+requirements from the Commission that forces a project to a more traditional
+and strict project process. It is mostly a question of the experience and
+customs of the partner companies. In that sense there was much flexibility in
+designing a process that allowed for a developer driven process regarding not
+only software development but also sprint administration and planning as well
+as consortium work.
+The majority of the partners with key roles in the consortium organization had
+been working together since before the funding. In that sense procedures and best
+practices had been tried out. The results from the first year showed that a minimalistic
+path could be identified and that the important work would be to review and
+adjust the process when it did not support the work any more, or new situations
+arose that we had not planned for (and that did happen!).
+Already year two has another look-and-feel to it on a consortium level when it
+comes to how the management team and the technical board works, because of the
+different nature of work in year two.
+\subsection{Agile strategies versus formal EU-contractual requirements}
+Our main agile practice, sprint-driven development, was successfully integrated
+into the formal contractual requirements, allowing for the same free-floating
+agile process of self organizing and decision making as existed before the
+funding, but with a more systematic and documented style.
+But here is also our biggest failure, the main ``un-agile'' aspect of the entire
+project having a large negative effect not only on the EU-part of the project
+but also on the community.  We had planned for a process that kept an
+``open-door'' policy that allowed us to fund non-consortium persons from the
+community to attend sprints. The budget was allocated, the procedure within the
+sprint context of handling more newcomers were known to us - the main
+show stopper was that the PyPy sprint funding did not fit within the customs and
+practices of contracts for cost claims in the Commission.
+Every time we want to encourage participation and fund non-consortium
+people to participate in sprints and contribute, the procedure now is that
+they have to join the consortium as a full partner.
+This creates the need for a contractual amendment with the Commission which
+adds administrative work to the project as well as for the persons in question.
+A too blunt instrument and today we still do not have a working solution to this
+problem. It is an unfortunate example on how the influencing factor of F/OSS,
+agile practices and EU-funding collides and creates negative impact on the project.
+\subsection{F/OSS community versus hierarchies for ``conceptual integrity''}
+There are many examples of F/OSS projects and communities that have dried out
+because of the fear of the architects to allow the contributors to fully
+participate and also influence features and visions of the software. In PyPy
+this challenge comes twofold. Not only is there a  challenge to let the core
+developers keep ``conceptual integrity'' while also allowing the community to
+influence the direction and features of the software. There is also the
+consortium level of work in which the core developers could fear to ``lose'' the
+mandate of driving the architectural and design work. And yet another layer of
+risk and complexity would be if the consortium level would ``shut the door'' on
+the community, enforcing a more closed development process.
+As in many cases - being risk aware is the first step to mitigation. Because the
+project is so deeply rooted in the F/OSS Python community, with its specific
+culture and climate, and because so many people involved in the core work on
+both the development and consortium level also shared this background they took
+great pains to avoid situations like this to happen. In fact, what we have
+realized only some months ago is that there is another risk, already partly
+having effect on the community. Because of the funding the development process
+is progressing much more rapidly in PyPy than more normal F/OSS projects. The
+speed and the dramatically increasing learning curve could make members more
+passive because they do not have the time to follow full-time IRC discussions,
+postings on mailing lists and the actual source code and increasing test suites.
+This is a challenge and it is the focus of the developer group to try to
+distill and package information in order to help people to better navigate the
+The important question is the following (and is also part of the methodological
+objective of the project): is there enough room to manage a project and Open
+Source community within the plan-driven inspired methods that are required in
+EU-funded projects, while still working agile and distributed?
+We believe so. The one clear dominating factor to make all this succeed is, as
+always, the people factor, the CRACK performers as Boehm and Turner calls them
+(``Collaborative, Representative, Authorized, Committed, Knowledgeable'')
+The core developers of the PyPy project had the right mix of various skills in
+order to succeed in setting up a hybrid environment - enabling them to work
+full time on a project they strongly believed in.  The most crucial mix of
+skills for making this possible was/are:
+\item {} 
+\textbf{Social:} The ability to communicate open and transparent, to mentor and
+tutor dispersed as well as reinventing different collaborative work styles of
+the sprint method, ``manage'' groups and community as well as consortium, and
+handle conflicts)
+\item {} 
+\textbf{Leadership abilities:} The ability to step into formal leadership roles in
+technical board structures, manage sprints and sync-meetings as well as the
+more informal management of the community of developers. Managing the balance
+between encouraging participation but still holding true to their vision,
+their ``conceptual integrity''.
+\item {} 
+\textbf{Ability to network:} To be open to other communities, inviting new
+partners in order to create a working consortium structure in the EU-project,
+curious and collaborative towards other Python implementations and other
+languages and research approaches, sharing knowledge and experiences and
+seeking bets practices of other projects.
+\item {} 
+\textbf{Entrepreneurs:} To risk the community through pursuing the idea of
+EU-funding in order to fulfill the ambitious vision, managing to not only
+create a consortium with innovative structures of cooperation but also to
+create new companies.
+\item {} 
+\textbf{Technical skills:} Programming language and implementation
+aspects,frameworks, mathematics, computer science - core skills for the
+project. Also the ability to design, setup and effectively manage supporting
+infrastructure for the development process.
+\item {} 
+Managing the balance between encouraging participation but still holding true
+to their vision, their ``\textbf{conceptual integrity}'' This while working agile with
+open and transparent communication through sprints, documentation, tutorials,
+mentoring, sync-meetings. Resulting in a lively and growing the F/OSS
+community around the project.
+So, could it be said that for an agile software development process, especially
+one that is distributed and community oriented, within a framework of
+EU-funding, that it is heavily people dependent? Or to stress it even further,
+sprint-driven development as a methodology does not exist and function without
+an agile group of people, Crack performers. The people are the methodology in
+some sense and if you wish to draw upon the experience of the PyPy team you
+need to look at the supporting practices around the people in order to find
+what can be duplicated and tested in another project environment. This
+conclusion matches what Alistair Cockburn writes in his paper ``Characterizing
+People as Non-Linear, First-Order Components in Software Development''
+\emph{``The fundamental characteristics of ''people`` have a first-order
+effect on software development, not a lower-order effect.''}
+If we accept this conclusion then we can also, thanks to the people, start to
+get innovative regarding practices. Designing the project process based on the
+specific needs of the unique project environment you are facing. In the case of
+PyPy this means that we are exploring the methodology as we go along, adjusting
+and fine tuning the process as well as the software.
+So, when drawing from these different skills within the community of
+developers, the people, in the PyPy project one possible conclusion would be
+that a truly agile approach dominating the work style of an Open Source project
+will increase the ability of the community to spread the strategy of agility to
+other domains.
+By this we mean that what started as agile practices in the development process
+quickly became influencing factors when designing other project processes.
+Examples of this in PyPy is how the sprint-driven development acts as a focal
+point not just for the development work (co-located as well as dispersed) but
+also for the formal and informal management of the project. Sprints together
+with the CRACK performers was what made the community grow and evolve. It was
+the foundation for a hybrid project where agile practices and EU-funding can
+fit within a distributed Open Source context.
+The author would like to thank the following people who have in various ways
+helped with the creation of this paper: Angela Martin, Emily Bache, Tres
+Seaver, Carl Friedrich Bolz.
+I would like to dedicate this paper to my dear friend and mentor of the Open
+Source Python and PyPy community Holger Krekel.
+% References: 
+% =========== 
+ \bibitem{key-1} Beatrice Düring, "Sprint-Driven Development: Agile methodologies
+ in a Distributed Open Source Project (PyPy)", XP 2006
+\bibitem{key-2} Fredrick P. Brooks, Jr, "The mythical man-month, anniversary
+edition", Addison-Wesley, 1995
+\bibitem{key-3} Barry Boehm,Richard Turner, "Observations on Balancing
+Discipline and Agility", (drawn from the book "Balancing Agility and
+Discipline: A Guide to the Perplexed", Addison Wesley, 2003)
+\bibitem{key-4} Alistair Cockburn, "Characterizing People as Non-Linear, First-Order
+Components in Software Development", Presented at the 4th International
+Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando,
+Florida, June, 2000, \texttt{http://alistair.cockburn.us/crystal/\\

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