[pypy-svn] r24169 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak: . test

nik at codespeak.net nik at codespeak.net
Thu Mar 9 13:33:43 CET 2006

Author: nik
Date: Thu Mar  9 13:33:42 2006
New Revision: 24169

after consulting from pedronis, make the generation of squeak unique
identifiers almost ridiculously easy. package names are not integrated
into class names anymore.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/gensqueak.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/gensqueak.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/gensqueak.py	Thu Mar  9 13:33:42 2006
@@ -225,20 +225,8 @@
         if INSTANCE is None:
             return "Object"
-        # For now, always integrate the package name into the
-        # class name. Later maybe only do this when there actually
-        # is a nameclash.
-        # NB: In theory there could be nameclashes between internal
-        # classes like Root with classes defined in __main__, but
-        # in practice it should never happen because __main__ will
-        # never contain user classes.
-        # XXX It's impossible with the current ootypesystem to
-        # distinguish two equally named classes in the same
-        # package. For now, just hope that this never actually
-        # occurs within PyPy.
-        class_name = INSTANCE._name 
-        class_name = class_name[0].upper() + class_name[1:]
-        squeak_class_name = self.unique_name(class_name)
+        class_name = INSTANCE._name.split(".")[-1]
+        squeak_class_name = self.unique_name(INSTANCE, class_name)
         return "Py%s" % squeak_class_name
     def nameof__instance(self, inst):
@@ -248,10 +236,7 @@
         return self.nameof_function(callable.graph.func)
     def nameof_function(self, function):
-        func_name = function.__name__
-        if function.__module__:
-            func_name = "%s.%s" % (function.__module__, func_name)
-        squeak_func_name = self.unique_name(func_name)
+        squeak_func_name = self.unique_name(function, function.__name__)
         return squeak_func_name
     def note_Instance(self, inst):
@@ -275,13 +260,9 @@
         if graph not in self.pendinggraphs:
-    def unique_name(self, basename):
-        # This can be used for both classes and functions, even though
-        # they live in different namespaces. As long as class names
-        # starting with an uppercase letter are enforced, interferences
-        # should be seldom.
-        if self.name_mapping.has_key(basename):
-            unique = self.name_mapping[basename]
+    def unique_name(self, key, basename):
+        if self.name_mapping.has_key(key):
+            unique = self.name_mapping[key]
             camel_basename = camel_case(basename)
             unique = camel_basename
@@ -289,7 +270,7 @@
             while unique in self.seennames:
                unique = camel_basename + str(ext)
                ext += 1 
-            self.name_mapping[basename] = unique
+            self.name_mapping[key] = unique
         return unique

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/test/test_squeaktrans.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/test/test_squeaktrans.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/squeak/test/test_squeaktrans.py	Thu Mar  9 13:33:42 2006
@@ -80,11 +80,9 @@
                     "variable to point to an image.")
         arg_types = [type(arg) for arg in args]
         gen_squeak = build_sqfunc(function, arg_types)
-        squeak_func_name = camel_case("%s.%s"
-                % (function.__module__, function.__name__))
         cmd = 'squeak -headless -- %s %s "%s" %s' \
                 % (self.startup_st, udir.join(gen_squeak.filename),
-                   Selector(squeak_func_name, len(args)).symbol(),
+                   Selector(function.__name__, len(args)).symbol(),
                    " ".join(['"%s"' % a for a in args]))
         squeak_process = os.popen(cmd)
         result = squeak_process.read()
@@ -134,6 +132,16 @@
             return A().m(0) + A2().m(0)
         assert self.run_on_squeak(f) == "3"
+    def test_nameclash_classes_mean(self):
+        class A:
+            def m(self, i): return 1 + i
+        A2 = A
+        class A:
+            def m(self, i): return 2 + i
+        def f():
+            return A().m(0) + A2().m(0)
+        assert self.run_on_squeak(f) == "3"
     def test_nameclash_camel_case(self):
         class ASomething:
             def m(self, i): return 1 + i

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