[pypy-svn] r30675 - in pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build: . bin test

guido at codespeak.net guido at codespeak.net
Fri Jul 28 12:20:07 CEST 2006

Author: guido
Date: Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
New Revision: 30675

Unsing PyPy's config mechanism now for system info and cmdline args.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/bin/client
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/bin/client	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/bin/client	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -7,34 +7,18 @@
 import random
 from pypy.tool.build import config
-# XXX using random values for testing
-modules = ['_stackless', '_socket']
-sysinfo = {
-    'maxint': random.choice((sys.maxint, (2 ** 63 - 1))),
-    'use_modules': modules[:random.randrange(len(modules) + 1)],
-    'byteorder': random.choice(('little', 'big')),
-sysinfo = {
-    'maxint': sys.maxint,
-    'use_modules': ['_stackless', '_socket'],
-    'byteorder': sys.byteorder,
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     from py.execnet import SshGateway
     from pypy.tool.build.client import init
     gw = SshGateway(config.server)
-    channel = init(gw, sysinfo, path=config.path, port=config.port)
+    channel = init(gw, config.system_config, path=config.path, 
+                    port=config.port)
     print channel.receive() # welcome message
         while 1:
             data = channel.receive()
-            if not isinstance(data, dict): # needs more checks here
+            if not isinstance(data, tuple): # needs more checks here
                 raise ValueError(
                     'received wrong unexpected data of type %s' % (type(data),)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/bin/startcompile
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/bin/startcompile	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/bin/startcompile	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -5,47 +5,64 @@
 import random
 from pypy.tool.build import config
+def parse_options(config):
+    # merge system + compile options into one optionparser
+    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+    from pypy.config.config import to_optparse
+    optparser = OptionParser()
+    sog = OptionGroup(optparser, 'system', 'System options')
+    system_options = to_optparse(config.system_config, 
+                                    config.system_config.getpaths())
+    [sog.add_option(o) for o in system_options.option_list[1:]]
+    optparser.add_option_group(sog)
+    cog = OptionGroup(optparser, 'compile', 'Compile options')
+    compile_options = to_optparse(config.compile_config, 
+                                    config.compile_config.getpaths())
+    [cog.add_option(o) for o in compile_options.option_list[1:]]
+    optparser.add_option_group(cog)
+    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
+    if not args or len(args) != 1:
+        optparser.error('please provide an email address')
+    return optparser, options, args
 initcode = """
     import sys
     sys.path += %r
     from pypy.tool.build import ppbserver
-    channel.send(ppbserver.compile(%r, %r))
+    channel.send(ppbserver.compile(%r, (%r, %r)))
-def init(gw, sysinfo, email, port=12321):
+def init(gw, sysinfo, compileinfo, path, email, port=12321):
     from pypy.tool.build import execnetconference
     conference = execnetconference.conference(gw, port, False)
-    channel = conference.remote_exec(initcode % (config.path, email, sysinfo))
+    channel = conference.remote_exec(initcode % (path, email, 
+                                                    sysinfo, compileinfo))
     return channel
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     from py.execnet import SshGateway
+    from pypy.tool.build.server import config_to_dict
-    from optparse import OptionParser
-    optparser = OptionParser('%prog [options] email')
-    for args, kwargs in config.options:
-        optparser.add_option(*args, **kwargs)
-    optparser.add_option('-r', '--revision', dest='revision', default='trunk',
-                        help='SVN revision (defaults to "trunk")')
-    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()
+    optparser, options, args = parse_options(config)
-    if not args or len(args) != 1:
-        optparser.error('please provide an email address')
+    sysinfo = config_to_dict(config.system_config)
+    compileinfo = config_to_dict(config.compile_config)
-    sysinfo = dict([(attr, getattr(options, attr)) for attr in dir(options) if
-                        not attr.startswith('_') and 
-                        not callable(getattr(options, attr))])
     print 'going to start compile job with info:'
     for k, v in sysinfo.items():
         print '%s: %r' % (k, v)
     gw = SshGateway(config.server)
-    channel = init(gw, sysinfo, args[0], port=config.port)
+    channel = init(gw, sysinfo, compileinfo, config.path, args[0], 
+                    port=config.port)
     ispath, data = channel.receive()
     if ispath:
         print ('a suitable result is already available, you can find it '

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/client.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/client.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/client.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -18,20 +18,21 @@
     def compile(self, info):
-        """send a compile job to the client side
-            this waits until the client is done, and assumes the client sends
-            back the whole binary as a single string (XXX this should change ;)
-        """
+        """send a compile job to the client side"""
         self.busy_on = info
         thread.start_new_thread(self.wait_until_done, (info,))
     def wait_until_done(self, info):
+        efp = open('/tmp/foo', 'w')
+        efp.write(repr(info) + '\n')
         buildpath = self.server.get_new_buildpath(info)
+        efp.flush()
-        fp = buildpath.zipfile.open('w')
         if not self.testing:
+            efp.write('2\n')
+            efp.flush()
+            fp = buildpath.zipfile.open('w')
                 while True:
@@ -44,9 +45,14 @@
+        efp.write('3\n')
+        efp.flush()
         self.server.compilation_done(info, buildpath)
         self.busy_on = None
+        efp.write(repr(info))
+        efp.flush()
+        efp.close()
 initcode = """
     import sys
@@ -60,12 +66,14 @@
-def init(gw, sysinfo, path=None, port=12321, testing=False):
+def init(gw, sysconfig, path=None, port=12321, testing=False):
     from pypy.tool.build import execnetconference
+    from pypy.tool.build import server
     if path is None:
         path = []
+    sysinfo = server.config_to_dict(sysconfig)
     conference = execnetconference.conference(gw, port, False)
     channel = conference.remote_exec(initcode % (path, sysinfo, testing))
     return channel

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/config.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/config.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/config.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -5,33 +5,19 @@
 port = 12321
 path = ['/home/johnny/temp/pypy-dist'] 
-# option definitions for the startcompile script
-# for now we have them here, we should probably use pypy's config instead 
-# though...
-import sys
-def _use_modules_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
-    parser.values.use_modules = [m.strip() for m in value.split(',') 
-                                    if m.strip()]
-def _maxint_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
-    parser.values.maxint = 2 ** (int(value) - 1) - 1
-options = [
-    (('-m', '--use-modules'), {'action': 'callback', 'type': 'string',
-                                'callback': _use_modules_callback,
-                                'dest': 'use_modules', 'default': [],
-                                'help': 'select the modules you want to use'}),
-    (('-i', '--maxint'), {'action': 'callback', 'callback': _maxint_callback,
-                                'default': sys.maxint, 'dest': 'maxint',
-                                'type': 'string',
-                                'help': ('size of an int in bits (32/64, '
-                                            'defaults to sys.maxint)')}),
-    (('-b', '--byteorder'), {'action': 'store', 
-                                'dest': 'byteorder', 'default': sys.byteorder,
-                                'nargs': 1,
-                                'help': ('byte order (little/big, defaults '
-                                            'to sys.byteorder)')}),
+# configuration of options for client and startcompile
+from pypy.config.config import Config, to_optparse
+# system config, on the client everything is set by scanning the system, when
+# calling startcompile defaults are taken from the system, overrides are
+# possible using cmdline args
+from systemoption import system_optiondescription
+system_config = Config(system_optiondescription)
+# compile option config, used by client to parse info, by startcompile for 
+# cmdline args, defaults are taken from the optiondescription
+from pypy.config.pypyoption import pypy_optiondescription
+compile_config = Config(pypy_optiondescription)
 # settings for the server
 projectname = 'pypy'

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/server.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/server.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/server.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -24,8 +24,17 @@
             return False
     return True
-# XXX note that all this should be made thread-safe at some point (meaning it
-# currently isn't)!!
+def config_to_dict(config, is_optiondescription=False):
+    from pypy.config.config import OptionDescription
+    ret = {}
+    children = config._descr._children
+    for child in children:
+        value = getattr(config, child._name)
+        if isinstance(child, OptionDescription):
+            ret[child._name] = config_to_dict(value, True)
+        else:
+            ret[child._name] = value
+    return ret
 class RequestStorage(object):
     """simple registry that manages information"""
@@ -45,7 +54,6 @@
             this either returns a path to the binary (if it's available 
             already) or an id for the info
-        self._normalize(info)
         infoid = self.get_info_id(info)
         path = self._id_to_path.get(infoid)
         if path is not None:
@@ -56,7 +64,6 @@
         """retrieve or create an id for an info dict"""
-            self._normalize(info)
             for k, v in self._id_to_info.iteritems():
                 if v == info:
                     return k
@@ -73,7 +80,6 @@
             returns a list of email addresses for the people that should be
-        self._normalize(info)
         infoid = self.get_info_id(info)
         emails = self._id_to_emails.pop(infoid)
         self._id_to_path[infoid] = path
@@ -85,41 +91,42 @@
             id = self.get_info_id(info)
             self._id_to_path[id] = path
-    def _normalize(self, info):
-        for k, v in info.iteritems():
-            if isinstance(v, list):
-                v.sort()
 from py.__.path.local.local import LocalPath
 class BuildPath(LocalPath):
     def _info(self):
-        info = getattr(self, '_info_value', {})
+        info = getattr(self, '_info_value', [])
         if info:
             return info
-        infopath = self / 'info.txt'
-        if not infopath.check():
-            return {}
-        for line in infopath.readlines():
-            line = line.strip()
-            if not line:
-                continue
-            chunks = line.split(':')
-            key = chunks.pop(0)
-            value = ':'.join(chunks)
-            info[key] = eval(value)
+        for name in ['system', 'compile']:
+            currinfo = {}
+            infopath = self.join('%s_info.txt' % (name,))
+            if not infopath.check():
+                return ({}, {})
+            for line in infopath.readlines():
+                line = line.strip()
+                if not line:
+                    continue
+                chunks = line.split(':')
+                key = chunks.pop(0)
+                value = ':'.join(chunks)
+                currinfo[key] = eval(value)
+            info.append(currinfo)
+        info = tuple(info)
         self._info_value = info
         return info
     def _set_info(self, info):
         self._info_value = info
-        infopath = self / 'info.txt'
-        infopath.ensure()
-        fp = infopath.open('w')
-        try:
-            for key, value in info.iteritems():
-                fp.write('%s: %r\n' % (key, value))
-        finally:
-            fp.close()
+        assert len(info) == 2, 'not a proper info tuple'
+        for i, name in enumerate(['system', 'compile']):
+            infopath = self.join('%s_info.txt' % (name,))
+            infopath.ensure()
+            fp = infopath.open('w')
+            try:
+                for key, value in info[i].iteritems():
+                    fp.write('%s: %r\n' % (key, value))
+            finally:
+                fp.close()
     info = property(_info, _set_info)
@@ -168,6 +175,10 @@
     def compile(self, requester_email, info):
         """start a compilation
+            requester_email is an email address of the person requesting the
+            build, info is a tuple (sysinfo, compileinfo) where both infos
+            are configs converted (or serialized, basically) to dict
             returns a tuple (ispath, data)
             if there's already a build available for info, this will return
@@ -203,15 +214,10 @@
         # XXX shuffle should be replaced by something smarter obviously ;)
         clients = self._clients[:]
-        rev = info.pop('revision', 'trunk')
         for client in clients:
-            # popping out revision here, going to add later... the client 
-            # should be able to retrieve source code for any revision (so
-            # it doesn't need to match a revision field in client.sysinfo)
-            if client.busy_on or not issubdict(info, client.sysinfo):
+            if client.busy_on or not issubdict(info[0], client.sysinfo):
-                info['revision'] = rev
                     'going to send compile job with info %r to %s' % (
                         info, client
@@ -219,7 +225,6 @@
                 return True
-        info['revision'] = rev
             'no suitable client available for compilation with info %r' % (

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/fake.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/fake.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/fake.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
         self.busy_on = None
     def compile(self, info):
-        info.pop('revision')
-        for k, v in info.items():
+        for k, v in info[0].items():
             self.channel.send('%s: %r' % (k, v))
         self.busy_on = info

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_client.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_client.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_client.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 def test_compile():
-    info = {'foo': 1}
+    info = ({'foo': 1}, {'bar': 2})
     c1.channel.send('foo bar')

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_pypybuilder.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_pypybuilder.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_pypybuilder.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
 import path
 from pypy.tool.build import client, server, execnetconference
 from pypy.tool.build import config
+from pypy.config import config as pypyconfig
 import py
+def _get_sysconfig():
+    return pypyconfig.Config(
+        pypyconfig.OptionDescription('foo', [
+            pypyconfig.ChoiceOption('foo', 'foo', [1,2,3], 1),
+        ])
+    )
 # some functional tests (although some of the rest aren't strictly
 # unit tests either), to run use --functional as an arg to py.test
 def test_functional_1():
@@ -25,19 +33,14 @@
     # then two clients, both with different system info
-    sysinfo1 = {
-        'foo': 1,
-        'bar': [1,2],
-    }
+    sysconfig1 = _get_sysconfig()
     cgw1 = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    cc1 = client.init(cgw1, sysinfo1, port=config.port, testing=True)
+    cc1 = client.init(cgw1, sysconfig1, port=config.port, testing=True)
-    sysinfo2 = {
-        'foo': 2,
-        'bar': [1],
-    }
+    sysconfig2 = _get_sysconfig()
+    sysconfig2.foo = 2
     cgw2 = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    cc2 = client.init(cgw2, sysinfo2, port=config.port, testing=True)
+    cc2 = client.init(cgw2, sysconfig2, port=config.port, testing=True)
     # give the clients some time to register themselves
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@
         sys.path += %r
         from pypy.tool.build import ppbserver
-        channel.send(ppbserver.compile(%r, %r))
+        channel.send(ppbserver.compile(%r, (%r, {})))
     compgw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@
     # this one should be handled by client 1
     compc = compconf.remote_exec(code % (config.testpath, 'foo2 at bar.com',
-                                            {'foo': 1, 'bar': [1]}))
+                                            {'foo': 1}))
     # and another one
@@ -82,15 +85,16 @@
     # client 1 should by now have received the info to build for
     cc1.receive() # 'welcome'
     ret = cc1.receive() 
-    assert ret == {'foo': 1, 'bar': [1], 'revision': 'trunk'}
+    assert ret == ({'foo': 1}, {})
     # this should have created a package in the temp dir
     assert len(temppath.listdir()) == 1
     # now we're going to satisfy the first request by adding a new client
-    sysinfo3 = {'foo': 3}
+    sysconfig3 = _get_sysconfig()
+    sysconfig3.foo = 3
     cgw3 = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-    cc3 = client.init(cgw3, sysinfo3, port=config.port, testing=True)
+    cc3 = client.init(cgw3, sysconfig3, port=config.port, testing=True)
     # again a bit of waiting may be desired

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_request_storage.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_request_storage.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_request_storage.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -58,7 +58,3 @@
     assert s._id_to_emails == {}
     assert s._id_to_path == {id1: 'foo', id2: 'bar'}
-def test__normalize():
-    s = RequestStorage()
-    assert (s._normalize({'foo': ['bar', 'baz']}) == 
-            s._normalize({'foo': ['baz', 'bar']}))

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_server.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_server.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/build/test/test_server.py	Fri Jul 28 12:19:53 2006
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 def test_compile():
     # XXX this relies on the output not changing... quite scary
     info = {'foo': 1}
-    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', info)
+    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', (info, None))
     assert not ret[0]
     assert ret[1].find('found a suitable client') > -1
     assert svr._channel.receive().find('going to send compile job') > -1
@@ -55,26 +55,26 @@
     assert c1.channel.receive() is None
     py.test.raises(IndexError, "c2.channel.receive()")
-    svr.compile('test at domain.com', {'foo': 3})
+    svr.compile('test at domain.com', ({'foo': 3}, None))
     assert svr._channel.receive().find('no suitable client available') > -1
     info = {'bar': [3]}
-    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', info)
+    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', (info, None))
     assert svr._channel.receive().find('going to send') > -1
     assert c2.channel.receive() == 'bar: [3]'
     assert c2.channel.receive() is None
     py.test.raises(IndexError, "c1.channel.receive()")
     info = {'foo': 1}
-    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', info)
+    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', (info, None))
     assert not ret[0]
     assert ret[1].find('this build is already') > -1
     assert svr._channel.receive().find('currently in progress') > -1
     c1.busy_on = None
     bp = BuildPath(str(temppath / 'foo'))
-    svr.compilation_done(info, bp)
-    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', info)
+    svr.compilation_done((info, None), bp)
+    ret = svr.compile('test at domain.com', (info, None))
     assert ret[0]
     assert isinstance(ret[1], BuildPath)
     assert ret[1] == bp
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
     # grmbl... local.__new__ checks for class equality :(
     bp = BuildPath(str(tempdir / 'test1')) 
     assert not bp.check()
-    assert bp.info == {}
+    assert bp.info == ({}, {})
-    bp.info = {'foo': 1, 'bar': [1,2]}
-    assert bp.info == {'foo': 1, 'bar': [1,2]}
-    assert (sorted((bp / 'info.txt').readlines()) == 
+    bp.info = ({'foo': 1, 'bar': [1,2]}, {'baz': 1})
+    assert bp.info == ({'foo': 1, 'bar': [1,2]}, {'baz': 1})
+    assert (sorted((bp / 'system_info.txt').readlines()) == 
             ['bar: [1, 2]\n', 'foo: 1\n'])
     assert isinstance(bp.zipfile, py.path.local)
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@
     svr._i = 0
     today = time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
-    path1 = svr.get_new_buildpath({'foo': 'bar'})
+    path1 = svr.get_new_buildpath(({'foo': 'bar'}, {'baz': 'qux'}))
         assert isinstance(path1, BuildPath)
-        assert path1.info == {'foo': 'bar'}
+        assert path1.info == ({'foo': 'bar'}, {'baz': 'qux'})
         assert path1.basename == 'pypytest-%s-0' % (today,)
-            path2 = svr.get_new_buildpath({'foo': 'baz'})
-            assert path2.info == {'foo': 'baz'}
+            path2 = svr.get_new_buildpath(({'foo': 'baz'}, {'bar': 'qux'}))
+            assert path2.info == ({'foo': 'baz'}, {'bar': 'qux'})
             assert path2.basename == 'pypytest-%s-1' % (today,)

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