[pypy-svn] r29973 - in pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap: . test

rhymes at codespeak.net rhymes at codespeak.net
Wed Jul 12 12:15:14 CEST 2006

Author: rhymes
Date: Wed Jul 12 12:15:10 2006
New Revision: 29973

scaffolding for mmap module. exported all the constants also.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/__init__.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/__init__.py	Wed Jul 12 12:15:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule
+class Module(MixedModule):
+    interpleveldefs = {
+        'PAGESIZE': 'interp_mmap.PAGESIZE',
+    }
+    appleveldefs = {
+        'ACCESS_READ': 'app_mmap.ACCESS_READ',
+        'ACCESS_WRITE': 'app_mmap.ACCESS_WRITE',
+        'ACCESS_COPY': 'app_mmap.ACCESS_COPY',
+        'error': 'app_mmap.error'
+    }
+    def buildloaders(cls):
+        from pypy.module.mmap import interp_mmap
+        Module.interpleveldefs["PAGESIZE"] = 'space.wrap(%r)' %\
+            interp_mmap._get_page_size()
+        for constant, value in interp_mmap.constants.iteritems():
+            Module.interpleveldefs[constant] = "space.wrap(%r)" % value
+        super(Module, cls).buildloaders()
+    buildloaders = classmethod(buildloaders)

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/app_mmap.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/app_mmap.py	Wed Jul 12 12:15:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+error = EnvironmentError

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/interp_mmap.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/interp_mmap.py	Wed Jul 12 12:15:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from pypy.rpython.rctypes.tool import ctypes_platform
+from pypy.rpython.rctypes.tool.libc import libc
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation # this defines rctypes magic
+from pypy.rpython.rctypes.aerrno import geterrno
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root, ObjSpace
+from ctypes import *
+import sys
+import os
+import platform
+_POSIX = os.name == "posix"
+_MS_WINDOWS = os.name == "nt"
+_FREEBSD = "freebsd" in sys.platform
+_64BIT = "64bit" in platform.architecture()[0]
+class CConfig:
+    _header_ = """
+    #include <sys/mman.h>
+    """
+# constants, look in sys/mman.h and platform docs for the meaning
+# some constants are linux only so they will be correctly exposed outside 
+# depending on the OS
+constants = {}
+constant_names = ['MAP_SHARED', 'MAP_PRIVATE', 'MAP_ANON', 'MAP_ANONYMOUS',
+for name in constant_names:
+    setattr(CConfig, name, ctypes_platform.DefinedConstantInteger(name))
+class cConfig:
+    pass
+# needed to export the constants inside and outside. see __init__.py
+for name in constant_names:
+    value = getattr(cConfig, name)
+    if value is not None:
+        constants[name] = value
+# MAP_ANONYMOUS is not always present but it's always available at CPython level
+if cConfig.MAP_ANONYMOUS is None:
+    cConfig.MAP_ANONYMOUS = cConfig.MAP_ANON
+    constants["MAP_ANONYMOUS"] = cConfig.MAP_ANON
+_MS_SYNC = ctypes_platform.DefinedConstantInteger("MS_SYNC")
+if _POSIX:
+    def _get_page_size():
+        return libc.getpagesize()
+    def _get_error_msg():
+        errno = geterrno()
+        return libc.strerror(errno)   

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/test/test_mmap.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/mmap/test/test_mmap.py	Wed Jul 12 12:15:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+from py.test import raises, skip
+from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace
+class AppTestMMap:
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('mmap',))
+        cls.space = space
+    def test_page_size(self):
+        import mmap
+        assert mmap.PAGESIZE > 0
+        assert isinstance(mmap.PAGESIZE, int)
+    def test_attributes(self):
+        import mmap
+        assert isinstance(mmap.ACCESS_READ, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.ACCESS_WRITE, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.ACCESS_COPY, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.MAP_ANON, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.MAP_ANONYMOUS, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.MAP_PRIVATE, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.MAP_SHARED, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.PROT_EXEC, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.PROT_READ, int)
+        assert isinstance(mmap.PROT_WRITE, int)
+        assert mmap.error is EnvironmentError
+    # def test_args(self):
+    #     raises(TypeError, mmap, "foo")
+    #     raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, "foo")
+        #     
+        # if _POSIX:
+        #     py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+        #     py.test.raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, 1, 2, 3, "foo", 5)
+        #     py.test.raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, 1, foo="foo")
+        #     py.test.raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, -1)
+        #     py.test.raises(OverflowError, mmap, 0, sys.maxint)
+        #     py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, 0, 1, flags=2, access=3)
+        #     py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, 0, 1, access=123)
+        # elif _MS_WINDOWS:
+        #     py.test.raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+        #     py.test.raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, 1, tagname=123)
+        #     py.test.raises(TypeError, mmap, 0, 1, access="foo")
+        #     py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, 0, 1, access=-1)
+#     def test_file_size(self):
+#         if _MS_WINDOWS:
+#             py.test.skip("Only Unix checks file size")
+#         self.f.write("c")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, self.f.fileno(), 123)
+#     def test_mmap_creation(self):
+#         self.f.write("c")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 1)
+#         assert m._data[0] == "c"
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_close(self):
+#         self.f.write("c")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 1)
+#         m.close()
+#         assert m._data == None
+#         if _MS_WINDOWS:
+#             assert m._map_handle.value == cmmap._INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
+#             assert m._file_handle.value == cmmap._INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
+#         elif _POSIX:
+#             assert m._fd == -1
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m._check_valid)
+#     def test_read_byte(self):
+#         self.f.write("c")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 1)
+#         assert m.read_byte() == "c"
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.read_byte)
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_readline(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foo\n")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 4)
+#         if _MS_WINDOWS:
+#             # windows replaces \n with \r. it's time to change to \n only MS!
+#             assert m.readline() == "foo\r"
+#         elif _POSIX:
+#             assert m.readline() == "foo\n"
+#         assert m.readline() == ""
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_read(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.read, "foo")
+#         assert m.read(1) == "f"
+#         assert m.read(6) == "oobar"
+#         assert m.read(1) == ""
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_find(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar\0")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 7)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.find, 123)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.find, "foo", "baz")
+#         assert m.find("b") == 3
+#         assert m.find("z") == -1
+#         assert m.find("o", 5) == -1
+#         assert m.find("ob") == 2
+#         assert m.find("\0") == 6
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_is_modifiable(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m._check_writeable)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m._check_resizeable)
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_seek(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.seek, "foo")
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.seek, 0, "foo")
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, -1, 0)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, -1, 1)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, -7, 2)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, 1, 3)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, 10)
+#         m.seek(0)
+#         assert m._pos == 0
+#         m.read(1)
+#         m.seek(1, 1)
+#         assert m._pos == 2
+#         m.seek(0)
+#         m.seek(-1, 2)
+#         assert m._pos == 5
+#     def test_write(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.write, "foo")
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.write, 123)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.write, "c"*10)
+#         m.write("ciao\n")
+#         m.seek(0)
+#         assert m.read(6) == "ciao\nr"
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_write_byte(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.write_byte, "foo")
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.write_byte, 123)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.write_byte, "ab")
+#         m.write_byte("x")
+#         m.seek(0)
+#         assert m.read(6) == "xoobar"
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_size(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         self.f.flush()
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 5)
+#         assert m.size() > m._size
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_tell(self):
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 1)
+#         assert m.tell() >= 0
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_flush(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.flush, 1, 2, 3)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.flush, 1, "a")
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.flush, 0, 99)
+#         assert m.flush() == 0
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_move(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.move, 1)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.move, 1, "foo", 2)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.move, 7, 1, 2)
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.move, 1, 7, 2)
+#         m.move(1, 3, 3)
+#         assert m.read(6) == "fbarar"
+#         m.seek(0)
+#         m.move(1, 3, 2)
+#         a = m.read(6)
+#         assert a == "frarar"
+#         m.close()
+#     def test_resize(self):
+#         if "darwin" in sys.platform or _FREEBSD:
+#             py.test.skip("resize does not work under OSX or FreeBSD")
+#         self.f = open(filename, "w+")
+#         self.f.write("foobar")
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.resize, 1)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.resize, 1)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#         f_size = os.fstat(self.f.fileno()).st_size
+#         assert m.size() == f_size == 6
+#         m.resize(10)
+#         f_size = os.fstat(self.f.fileno()).st_size
+#         assert m.size() == f_size == 10
+#     def test_len(self):
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         assert len(m) == 6
+#     def test_get_item(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         f = lambda: m["foo"]
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f)
+#         f = lambda: m[-7]
+#         py.test.raises(IndexError, f)
+#         assert m[0] == 'f'
+#         assert m[-1] == 'r'
+#         sl = slice(1, 2)
+#         assert m[sl] == 'o'
+#     def test_set_item(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#         def f(m): m[1] = 'a'
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#         def f(m): m["foo"] = 'a'
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): m[-7] = 'a'
+#         py.test.raises(IndexError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): m[0] = 'ab'
+#         py.test.raises(IndexError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): m[1:3] = u'xx'
+#         py.test.raises(IndexError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): m[1:4] = "zz"
+#         py.test.raises(IndexError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): m[1:6] = "z" * 6
+#         py.test.raises(IndexError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): m[:2] = "z" * 5
+#         m[1:3] = 'xx'
+#         assert m.read(6) == "fxxbar"
+#         m.seek(0)
+#         m[0] = 'x'
+#         assert m[0] == 'x'
+#         m[-6] = 'y'
+#         assert m.read(6) == "yxxbar"
+#     def test_del_item(self):
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         def f(m): del m["foo"]
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): del m[1:3]
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#         def f(m): del m[1]
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#     def test_concatenation(self):
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         f = lambda: m + 1
+#         py.test.raises(SystemError, f)
+#         def f(m): m += 1
+#         py.test.raises(SystemError, f, m)
+#         f = lambda: 1 + m
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f)
+#     def test_repeatition(self):
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         f = lambda: m * 1
+#         py.test.raises(SystemError, f)
+#         def f(m):
+#             m *= 1
+#         py.test.raises(SystemError, f, m)
+#         f = lambda: 1 * m
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, f)
+#     def test_slicing(self):
+#         self.f.seek(0)
+#         m = mmap(self.f.fileno(), 6)
+#         assert m[-3:7] == "bar"
+# def test_all():
+#     # this is a global test, ported from test_mmap.py
+#     f = open(filename, "w+")
+#     # write 2 pages worth of data to the file
+#     f.write('\0' * PAGESIZE)
+#     f.write('foo')
+#     f.write('\0' * (PAGESIZE - 3))
+#     f.flush()
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), 2 * PAGESIZE)
+#     f.close()
+#     # sanity checks
+#     assert m.find("foo") == PAGESIZE
+#     assert len(m) == 2 * PAGESIZE
+#     assert m[0] == '\0'
+#     assert m[0:3] == '\0\0\0'
+#     # modify the file's content
+#     m[0] = '3'
+#     m[PAGESIZE+3:PAGESIZE+3+3] = 'bar'
+#     # check that the modification worked
+#     assert m[0] == '3'
+#     assert m[0:3] == '3\0\0'
+#     assert m[PAGESIZE-1:PAGESIZE+7] == '\0foobar\0'
+#     m.flush()
+#     # test seeking around
+#     m.seek(0,0)
+#     assert m.tell() == 0
+#     m.seek(42, 1)
+#     assert m.tell() == 42
+#     m.seek(0, 2)
+#     assert m.tell() == len(m)
+#     py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, -1)
+#     py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, 1, 2)
+#     py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, -len(m) - 1, 2)
+#     # try resizing map
+#     if not ("darwin" in sys.platform or _FREEBSD):
+#         m.resize(512)
+#         assert len(m) == 512
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, m.seek, 513, 0)
+#         # check that the underlying file is truncated too
+#         f = open(filename)
+#         f.seek(0, 2)
+#         assert f.tell() == 512
+#         f.close()
+#         assert m.size() == 512
+#     m.close()
+#     del f, m
+#     # test access=ACCESS_READ
+#     mapsize = 10
+#     open(filename, "wb").write("a" * mapsize)
+#     f = open(filename, "rb")
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), mapsize, access=cmmap.ACCESS_READ)
+#     assert m[:] == 'a' * mapsize
+#     def f(m): m[:] = 'b' * mapsize
+#     py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#     def f(m): m[0] = 'b'
+#     py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#     def f(m): m.seek(0, 0); m.write("abc")
+#     py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#     def f(m): m.seek(0, 0); m.write_byte("d")
+#     py.test.raises(TypeError, f, m)
+#     if not ("darwin" in sys.platform or _FREEBSD):
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.resize, 2 * mapsize)
+#         assert open(filename, "rb").read() == 'a' * mapsize
+#     # opening with size too big
+#     f = open(filename, "r+b")
+#     if not _MS_WINDOWS:
+#         # this should work under windows
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, f.fileno(), mapsize + 1)
+#     f.close()
+#     if _MS_WINDOWS:
+#         # repair damage from the resizing test.
+#         f = open(filename, 'r+b')
+#         f.truncate(mapsize)
+#         f.close()
+#     del f, m
+#     # test access=ACCESS_WRITE"
+#     f = open(filename, "r+b")
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), mapsize, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#     m[:] = 'c'*mapsize
+#     assert m[:] == 'c' * mapsize
+#     m.flush()
+#     m.close()
+#     f.close()
+#     f = open(filename, 'rb')
+#     stuff = f.read()
+#     f.close()
+#     stuff == 'c' * mapsize
+#     del f, m
+#     # test access=ACCESS_COPY
+#     f = open(filename, "r+b")
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), mapsize, access=cmmap.ACCESS_COPY)
+#     m[:] = 'd' * mapsize
+#     assert m[:] == 'd' * mapsize
+#     m.flush()
+#     assert open(filename, "rb").read() == 'c'*mapsize
+#     if not ("darwin" in sys.platform or _FREEBSD):
+#         py.test.raises(TypeError, m.resize, 2 * mapsize)
+#     del f, m
+#     # test invalid access
+#     f = open(filename, "r+b")
+#     py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, f.fileno(), mapsize, access=4)
+#     f.close()
+#     del f
+#     # test incompatible parameters
+#     if _POSIX:
+#         f = open(filename, "r+b")
+#         py.test.raises(ValueError, mmap, f.fileno(), mapsize, flags=cmmap.MAP_PRIVATE,
+#             prot=cmmap.PROT_READ, access=cmmap.ACCESS_WRITE)
+#         f.close()
+#         del f
+#     # bad file descriptor
+#     py.test.raises(cmmap.error, mmap, -2, 4096)
+#     # do a tougher .find() test.  SF bug 515943 pointed out that, in 2.2,
+#     # searching for data with embedded \0 bytes didn't work.
+#     f = open(filename, 'w+')
+#     data = 'aabaac\x00deef\x00\x00aa\x00'
+#     n = len(data)
+#     f.write(data)
+#     f.flush()
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), n)
+#     f.close()
+#     for start in range(n + 1):
+#         for finish in range(start, n + 1):
+#             sl = data[start:finish]
+#             assert m.find(sl) == data.find(sl)
+#             assert m.find(sl + 'x') ==  -1
+#     m.close()
+#     del f, m
+#     # test mapping of entire file by passing 0 for map length
+#     f = open(filename, "w+")
+#     f.write(2**16 * 'm')
+#     f.close()
+#     f = open(filename, "rb+")
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
+#     assert len(m) == 2**16
+#     assert m.read(2**16), 2**16 * "m"
+#     m.close()
+#     f.close()
+#     del f, m
+#     # make move works everywhere (64-bit format problem earlier)
+#     f = open(filename, 'w+')
+#     f.write("ABCDEabcde")
+#     f.flush()
+#     m = mmap(f.fileno(), 10)
+#     m.move(5, 0, 5)
+#     assert m[:] == "ABCDEABCDE"
+#     m.close()
+#     f.close()
+#     del f, m

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