[pypy-svn] r29725 - in pypy/dist/pypy/rpython: . ootypesystem test

antocuni at codespeak.net antocuni at codespeak.net
Fri Jul 7 11:42:05 CEST 2006

Author: antocuni
Date: Fri Jul  7 11:41:49 2006
New Revision: 29725

(antocuni, pedronis)

Fix a bug that prevented r_dict to be used with methods of frozen pbcs
by modifying the oonewcustomdict signature, which now accepts two
additional parameters to be used as 'self' for the equality and
hashing function in this case.

Added the correspondent test.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py	Fri Jul  7 11:41:49 2006
@@ -751,14 +751,15 @@
     def op_runtimenew(self, class_):
         return ootype.runtimenew(class_)
-    def op_oonewcustomdict(self, DICT, eq_func, eq_method_name, hash_func, hash_method_name):
+    def op_oonewcustomdict(self, DICT, eq_func, eq_obj, eq_method_name,
+                           hash_func, hash_obj, hash_method_name):
         eq_name, interp_eq = \
-                 wrap_func_or_boundmethod(self.llinterpreter, eq_func, eq_method_name)
+                 wrap_callable(self.llinterpreter, eq_func, eq_obj, eq_method_name)
         EQ_FUNC = ootype.StaticMethod([DICT._KEYTYPE, DICT._KEYTYPE], ootype.Bool)
         sm_eq = ootype.static_meth(EQ_FUNC, eq_name, _callable=interp_eq)        
         hash_name, interp_hash = \
-                   wrap_func_or_boundmethod(self.llinterpreter, hash_func, hash_method_name)
+                   wrap_callable(self.llinterpreter, hash_func, hash_obj, hash_method_name)
         HASH_FUNC = ootype.StaticMethod([DICT._KEYTYPE], ootype.Signed)
         sm_hash = ootype.static_meth(HASH_FUNC, hash_name, _callable=interp_hash)
@@ -924,23 +925,31 @@
     def flush(self):
-def wrap_func_or_boundmethod(llinterpreter, func, method_name):
+def wrap_callable(llinterpreter, fn, obj, method_name):
+    if method_name is None:
+        # fn is a HalfConcreteWrapper wrapping a StaticMethod
+        if obj is not None:
+            self_arg = [obj]
+        else:
+            self_arg = []
+        func_graph = fn.concretize().value.graph
+    else:
+        # obj is an instance, we want to call 'method_name' on it
+        assert fn is None        
+        self_arg = [obj]
+        func_graph = obj._TYPE._methods[method_name].graph
+    return wrap_graph(llinterpreter, func_graph, self_arg)
+def wrap_graph(llinterpreter, graph, self_arg):
     Returns a callable that inteprets the given func or method_name when called.
-    if method_name is None:
-        # eq_func is a HalfConcreteWrapper wrapping a StaticMethod
-        self_arg = []
-        func_graph = func.concretize().value.graph
-    else:
-        # eq_func is an instance, we want to call 'method_name' on it
-        self_arg = [func]
-        func_graph = func._TYPE._methods[method_name].graph
     def interp_func(*args):
         graph_args = self_arg + list(args)
-        return llinterpreter.eval_graph(func_graph, args=graph_args)
-    return func_graph.name, interp_func
+        return llinterpreter.eval_graph(graph, args=graph_args)
+    return graph.name, interp_func
 # by default we route all logging messages to nothingness

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/ootypesystem/rdict.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/ootypesystem/rdict.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/ootypesystem/rdict.py	Fri Jul  7 11:41:49 2006
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
 from pypy.rpython.rdict import AbstractDictRepr, AbstractDictIteratorRepr,\
      rtype_newdict, dum_variant, dum_keys, dum_values, dum_items
+from pypy.rpython.rpbc import MethodOfFrozenPBCRepr,\
+     AbstractFunctionsPBCRepr, AbstractMethodsPBCRepr
 from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem import ootype
 from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem.rlist import ll_newlist
 from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_uint
@@ -167,12 +169,12 @@
                 interp = llinterp.LLInterpreter(self.rtyper)
                 # key equality function
                 eq_func = self.r_rdict_eqfn.convert_const(dictobj.key_eq)
-                eq_name, interp_eq = llinterp.wrap_func_or_boundmethod(interp, eq_func, None)
+                eq_name, interp_eq = llinterp.wrap_callable(interp, eq_func, None, None)
                 EQ_FUNC = ootype.StaticMethod([self.DICT._KEYTYPE, self.DICT._KEYTYPE], ootype.Bool)
                 sm_eq = ootype.static_meth(EQ_FUNC, eq_name, _callable=interp_eq)
                 # key hashing function
                 hash_func = self.r_rdict_hashfn.convert_const(dictobj.key_hash)
-                hash_name, interp_hash = llinterp.wrap_func_or_boundmethod(interp, hash_func, None)
+                hash_name, interp_hash = llinterp.wrap_callable(interp, hash_func, None, None)
                 HASH_FUNC = ootype.StaticMethod([self.DICT._KEYTYPE], ootype.Signed)
                 sm_hash = ootype.static_meth(HASH_FUNC, hash_name, _callable=interp_hash)
                 l_dict.ll_set_functions(sm_eq, sm_hash)
@@ -223,40 +225,52 @@
         return r_dict.send_message(hop, 'll_contains')
+def _get_call_vars(hop, r_func, arg, params_annotation):
+    if isinstance(r_func, AbstractFunctionsPBCRepr):
+        v_fn = hop.inputarg(r_func, arg=arg)
+        v_obj = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, None)
+        c_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, None)
+    elif isinstance(r_func, AbstractMethodsPBCRepr):
+        s_pbc_fn = hop.args_s[arg]
+        methodname = r_func._get_method_name("simple_call", s_pbc_fn, params_annotation)
+        v_fn = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, None)
+        v_obj = hop.inputarg(r_func, arg=arg)
+        c_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, methodname)
+    elif isinstance(r_func, MethodOfFrozenPBCRepr):
+        r_impl, nimplicitarg = r_func.get_r_implfunc()
+        v_fn = hop.inputconst(r_impl, r_func.funcdesc.pyobj)
+        v_obj = hop.inputarg(r_func, arg=arg)
+        c_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, None)
+    return v_fn, v_obj, c_method_name
 def rtype_r_dict(hop):
     r_dict = hop.r_result
     if not r_dict.custom_eq_hash:
         raise TyperError("r_dict() call does not return an r_dict instance")
-    v_eqfn, v_hashfn = hop.inputargs(r_dict.r_rdict_eqfn,
-                                     r_dict.r_rdict_hashfn)
     cDICT = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, r_dict.DICT)
-    if r_dict.r_rdict_eqfn.lowleveltype == ootype.Void:
-        c_eq_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, None)
-    else:
-        # simulate a call to the method to get the exact variant name we need
-        s_pbc_eq = hop.args_s[0] # the instance which we take key_eq from
-        s_key = r_dict.dictkey.s_value
-        methodname = r_dict.r_rdict_eqfn._get_method_name("simple_call", s_pbc_eq, [s_key, s_key])
-        c_eq_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, methodname)
-    if r_dict.r_rdict_hashfn.lowleveltype == ootype.Void:
-        c_hash_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, None)
-    else:
-        # same as above
-        s_pbc_hash = hop.args_s[1] # the instance which we take key_hash from
-        s_key = r_dict.dictkey.s_value
-        methodname = r_dict.r_rdict_hashfn._get_method_name("simple_call", s_pbc_hash, [s_key])
-        c_hash_method_name = hop.inputconst(ootype.Void, methodname)
-    # the signature of oonewcustomdict is a bit complicated: v_eqfn
-    # can be either a function (with lowleveltype StaticMethod) or a
-    # bound method (with lowleveltype Instance). In the first case
-    # c_eq_method_name is None, in the latter it's a constant Void
-    # string containing the name of the method we want to call.
-    return hop.genop("oonewcustomdict", [cDICT, v_eqfn, c_eq_method_name, v_hashfn, c_hash_method_name],
+    # the signature of oonewcustomdict is a bit complicated because we
+    # can have three different ways to pass the equal (and hash)
+    # callables:    
+    #   1. pass a plain function: v_eqfn is a StaticMethod, v_eqobj
+    #      and c_eq_method_name are None
+    #   2. pass a bound method: v_eqfn is None, v_eqobj is the
+    #      instance, c_method_name is the name of the method,
+    #   3. pass a method of a frozen PBC: v_eqfn is a StaticMethod,
+    #      v_eqobj is the PBC to be pushed in front of the StaticMethod,
+    #      c_eq_method_name is None
+    s_key = r_dict.dictkey.s_value
+    v_eqfn, v_eqobj, c_eq_method_name =\
+             _get_call_vars(hop, r_dict.r_rdict_eqfn, 0, [s_key, s_key])
+    v_hashfn, v_hashobj, c_hash_method_name =\
+               _get_call_vars(hop, r_dict.r_rdict_hashfn, 1, [s_key])
+    return hop.genop("oonewcustomdict", [cDICT,
+                                         v_eqfn, v_eqobj, c_eq_method_name,
+                                         v_hashfn, v_hashobj, c_hash_method_name],
 def ll_newdict(DICT):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/test/test_objectmodel.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/test/test_objectmodel.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/test/test_objectmodel.py	Fri Jul  7 11:41:49 2006
@@ -175,6 +175,17 @@
         res = self.interpret(fn, [2])
         assert res == 2
+    def test_rtype_r_dict_singlefrozen_func(self):
+        class FreezingClass(Strange):
+            def _freeze_(self):
+                return True
+        obj = FreezingClass()
+        pbc_d = r_dict(obj.key_eq, obj.key_hash)        
+        def fn():
+            d = r_dict(obj.key_eq, obj.key_hash)
+            return play_with_r_dict(d)# and play_with_r_dict(pbc_d)
+        assert self.interpret(fn, []) is True
     def test_rtype_r_dict_exceptions(self):
         def raising_hash(obj):
             if obj.startswith("bla"):

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