[pypy-svn] r22015 - pypy/dist/pypy/doc

auc at codespeak.net auc at codespeak.net
Thu Jan 12 12:39:24 CET 2006

Author: auc
Date: Thu Jan 12 12:39:22 2006
New Revision: 22015

Early reflexions on constraints and logic programming in Pypy.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/doc/constraints-and-logic.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/doc/constraints-and-logic.txt	Thu Jan 12 12:39:22 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ Ideas about syntactic and algorithmic aspects of Constraint and Logic
+ Programming in Python (CLPiP)
+This document tries to shed some light on integration of logic and
+constraint programming into Python using the Pypy
+Pypy has been progressively equiped with a parser and compiler
+flexible enough that it is hoped that developpers can leverage it to
+extend the language *at runtime*. This is quite in the spirit of Lisp
+macros, if not the exact manner.
+This takes place in Working Packages 09 and 10 of the EU Pypy funding
+project. It is expected that an aspect oriented programming toolkit be
+built using the compiler and parser infrastructure (WP10), and that the
+logic and constraint programming features be added to Pypy (WP9). An
+ontology library will be provided and will serve as our first use
+case for logic programming.
+This work was described as integration of logic programming *and*
+constraint programming into Pypy. Both are obviously related but we
+don't know if they will share, in Pypy, the same syntax and the same
+Also it has been said that CLP will be inspired from what is done in
+the Oz programming language, which provides different programming
+'paradigms' with a very well thought-out integration between said
+paradigms. For instance, imperative features can be mixed, to some
+extent, with logic programming (the later can be 'embedded' in the
+former); or constraint programming goes with stateless concurrency,
+another important feature of Oz. We still don't know to what extent
+the Oz level of integration will be pursued in the context of Pypy,
+esp. WP 9 and 10.
+Lastly, here we mainly discuss syntactical issues: those are probably
+the least difficult aspects of getting CLP into python; getting an
+efficient implementation of the canonical algorithms into Pypy will be
+the bulk of the work.
+Constraint programming
+In constraint programming, a 'problem' is a set of variables, their
+(finite discrete) domains, and the constraints that restrict their
+possible values. When all these have been given to a constraint
+solver, it is possible to find all possible solutions, that is the
+sets of valuations that satisfies simultaneously all constraints. The
+solver is solely responsible for finding solutions (or lack thereof).
+Overview in python
+At the time being, there exists a *constraints* package made by
+Logilab and written in pure python, which implements the solver found
+in Mozart (the reference Oz implementation). We use it to illustrate
+where we want to go, syntactically-wise.
+Let's start with a quite standard example (the problem being solved
+here is fully described on
+http://www.logilab.org/projects/constraint/documentation) :
+ # import Repository class and fd module, 
+ from logilab.constraint import *
+ variables = ('c01','c02','c03','c04','c05','c06','c07','c08','c09','c10')
+Variables are represented as any string object.
+ values = [(room,slot) 
+           for room in ('room A','room B','room C') 
+           for slot in ('day 1 AM','day 1 PM','day 2 AM','day 2 PM')]
+Values can be freely pre-computed using standard python constructs;
+they can be any object; here, tuples of strings.
+ domains = {}
+ for v in variables:
+     domains[v]=fd.FiniteDomain(values)
+The relationship between variables and their possible values is set in
+a dictionnary whose keys are variable designators (strings). Values
+are wrapped into FiniteDomain instances (FiniteDomain has set
+behaviour, plus some implementation subtleties).
+ groups = (('c01','c02','c03','c10'),
+           ('c02','c06','c08','c09'),
+           ('c03','c05','c06','c07'),
+           ('c01','c03','c07','c08'))
+ for g in groups:
+     for conf1 in g:
+         for conf2 in g:
+             if conf2 > conf1:
+                 constraints.append(fd.make_expression((conf1,conf2),
+                                                       '%s[1] != %s[1]'%\
+                                                         (conf1,conf2)))
+Constraints are built by make_expression which takes a tuple of one or
+two variables and a string representing an unary or binary
+relationship. The example complete with all constraints is provided at
+the url mentioned supra.
+Then, when everything has been settled, comes the last step :
+ r = Repository(variables,domains,constraints)
+ solutions = Solver().solve(r)
+ print solutions
+Due to the compactness of Python syntax, this sample problem
+specification remains quite small and readable. It is not obvious what
+could be done to make it smaller and still readable.
+Variables are not first-class (but close ...) and have nothing to do
+with Python standard variables. The good side of this is that we can't
+misuse a CSP variable with an ordinary variable.
+Specifiying a constraint is clunky : variables and operator have to be
+provided separately, and the operator has to be a string. This last
+restriction because Python doesn't allow passing builtin (infix)
+operators as functional parameters.
+Special operator for CLP variable bindings
+First, promote variables from third-class to second-class
+citizenry. Be able to write something like :
+ domain = [(room,slot) 
+           for room in ('room A','room B','room C') 
+           for slot in ('day 1 AM','day 1 PM','day 2 AM','day 2 PM')]
+ c01 := domain
+ c02 := domain
+This introduces a special operator ':=' which binds a logical variable
+to a domain. More generally :
+ var := <any iterable>
+With respect to normal assignment, we can imagine the following :
+ c01 = 'foo' # raises a NotAssignable or ReadOnly exception
+ bar = c01   # takes a reference to the current value of c01 into bar
+             # also, meaningless (so ... None) before the solver has run
+Problem ... we can't anymore do :
+ for conf in ('c01','c05','c10'): ...
+It should be good to define a kind of first-class designator for these
+kind of variables. A specially-crafted class representing variables
+(in the manner of Lisp's symbols) would suffice :
+ for conf in (c01, c05, c10): ...
+Is it worth the price ? Quite unsure. 
+Domain-specific blocks
+An alternative which avoids the special operator and uses a keyword
+instead could be :
+ domain:
+    c01 = <iterable>
+    c02 = <iterable>
+It makes us reuse '=', with twisted (non-standard Python) semantics
+but under a clear lexical umbrella (a 'domain:' block).
+It is possible to get further in this direction :
+ problem toto:
+     D1 = <domain definition>
+     a,b,c in D1
+     def constraint1(a,b,c):
+         a == b
+ for sol in toto:
+     print sol
+There, we put a full constraints mini-language under a named 'problem'
+block. The *problem* becomes a first class object (in the manner of
+Python classes) and we can (lazily) extract solutions from it.
+Stuffing constraints
+The ugly aspect of py-constraints is the definition of custom
+unary/binary constraints through make_expression, as in :
+ fd.make_expression ('var1', 'var2', "frob(var1,var2)")
+One solution might be to parse the string at runtime to recover the
+variable names :
+ fd.make_expression ('frob(var1,var2)')
+A simple hand-written parser could be sufficient for this.  On the
+other hand, the lexically bounded mini-language proposed above helps
+solve this more uniformly.
+Logic Programming, Prolog-style
+Good old logic programming has an already long syntactic tradition; we
+should probably not try to evade it too much. Thus we propose again a
+mini-language embedding horn-clauses and logic stuff into 'normal'
+(unsuspecting) Python programs.
+Databases and Requests
+Databases contain facts, rules and requests.
+ >>> database Numbers: # we def a logic db and enter prolog space
+ ...    natural(z)
+ ...    natural(s(X)) if natural(X)
+ ...    r1: natural(s(s(s(z)))) # kind of named request
+ ...
+ >>> Numbers 
+ <LogicDB object at ...>
+ >>> Numbers = 42 
+ NotAssignable exception, etc.
+Integration in Python
+ # databases as first class objects
+ get_logic_databases() # -> [Numbers]
+ # return values in Python space
+ d1 = get_logic_databases()[0]
+ d1.ask('r1') -> True
+ # extending an existing database
+ database Numbers: # adds up to existing Numbers db (eyebrows raise)
+     pair(z)
+     pair(s(s(X))) if pair(X)
+ # database acquisition (inheritance ?)
+ database Ratios(Numbers):
+     pass
+ # adding rules and requests from Python space
+ d2 = get_logic_databases[1] # the Ratios db
+ d2.add_rule('ratio(X,Y) if Y != z, natural(X), natural(Y)')
+ d2.add_request('r2', 'ratio(s(z),toto)')
+ d2.ask('r2') -> False
+Thus, the logic and Python stuff are cleanly separated, and of course
+we forbid lexical capture as in :
+ z = 42
+ database Numbers:
+     natural(z)
+A (maybe) nicer way to ask could be :
+ database Family :
+     father(jean, pierre)
+     father(paul, jean)
+     grandfather(X,Y) if father(X,Z) and father(Z,Y)
+ Family.grandfather(jean, A)
+Syntax is not all-important but can touch on the nerves of some. It
+sometimes involves relogious arguments. We hope to irritate none with
+this proposal; we merely expect counter-proposals or more detailed
+proposals or agreement or just indiference on this.
+CLP and Oz
+The Oz programming language is and will be a driving inspiration for
+all deep integration work of CLP. Logilab constraints pure python
+package already implements search according to Oz (without the
+concurrency parts).
+What shall be done 
+For constraint programming:
+* Adapt the core algorithms from logilab.constraints to RPython
+* Stuff it into Pypy
+* Enhance (tm) it with concurrency aspects
+Logic programming:
+* Investigate how much of above can be reused
+* Pick a strategy (reuse constraints or implement unification)
+* Implement deep into Pypy
+For both:
+* Adapt the parser/lexer to the syntactic requirements

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