[pypy-svn] r17967 - pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Sep 29 11:44:54 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Sep 29 11:44:53 2005
New Revision: 17967

   pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/   (props changed)
   pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/pypy-dev-talk.txt   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/speaker-holgerkrekel.txt   (contents, props changed)
a first draft of the 22C3 proposal, everybody 
who wants to participate: coordinate with 
me and Carl and most important: add your 
speaker information! 

comments on the talk scope welcome.  I know
that it's pretty stuffed but i also think
that it doesn't make sense (as opposed to 
EuroPython conferences) to go into too many
details. Rather i'd like to touch areas 
and allow people to have questions. 
(The talk is 60 minutes overall, but 
45 minutes and then questions is recommended) 

Added: pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/pypy-dev-talk.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/pypy-dev-talk.txt	Thu Sep 29 11:44:53 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Reference/Call For Papers: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2005/cfp.html
+DEADLINE: 31st September 2005 (friday)
+Title: PyPy - the new Python implementation on the block 
+Subtitle: Language/VM R&D, whole program type inference, 
+          translation to low level backends, fun. 
+Section: Hacking 
+Talkers: ... 
+Abstract (max 250 letters): 
+    We'll present results of our first self-contained translated 
+    Python virtual machine using parts of itself ("the muenchhausen
+    approach"). We are going to relate our research/technical results 
+    to other language-research aspects found with Perl 6 and Haskell. 
+    Development of PyPy is partly funded by the European Union 
+    during the 6th Research Framework programme. 
+Description (250-500 words): 
+    PyPy is a reimplementation of Python written in Python
+    itself, flexible and easy to experiment with. Our
+    long-term goals are to target a large variety of
+    platforms, small and large, by providing a compiler
+    toolsuite that can produce custom Python versions.
+    Platform, Memory and Threading models are becoming 
+    aspects of the translation process - as opposed to
+    encoding low level details into a language implementation
+    itself.  
+    We are going to briefly describe the concepts of object spaces, 
+    abstract interpretation and translation aspects and
+    how they lead us to producing a first self-contained 
+    very compliant Python implementation August 2005,
+    completely independent from the current mainstream 
+    CPython implementation.  We go through a translation
+    example of a Python program with control-flow-graphs 
+    and the according translated lowlevel C and 
+    LLVM (Low level Virtual Machine) code. 
+    We'll also try to relate PyPy's architectural concepts 
+    (known roughly for 2-3 years) to similar upcoming concepts 
+    in e.g. pugs/Perl 6 development and we'll give an 
+    outlook on our starting Just-In-Time Compiler efforts
+    and approaches. 
+    Lastly, we intend to discuss experimental new language/interpreter-level 
+    solutions to long-standing problems such as distributed computing, 
+    persistence and security/sandboxing. 
+Statement: We intend to submit a paper (PDF) for the 22C3 proceedings. 
+Statement: We intend to submit a slides PDF as well. 
+Duration of your talk: 45 minutes + questions 
+Language of your talk: english 
+Links to background information on the talk: http://codespeak.net/pypy 
+Target Group: Advanced Users, Pros 
+Resources you need for your talk: digital projector, internet 
+Related talks at 22C3 you know of: ... 
+A lecture logo, square format, min. 128x128 pixels (optional): 
+    http://codespeak.net/pypy/img/py-web1.png 
+    (please scale it down a bit :-) 

Added: pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/speaker-holgerkrekel.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/talk/22c3/speaker-holgerkrekel.txt	Thu Sep 29 11:44:53 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Reference/Call For Papers: http://www.ccc.de/congress/2005/cfp.html
+DEADLINE: 31st September 2005 (friday)
+Name: holger krekel 
+Public Name: holger krekel 
+Other Names: hpk on irc.freenode.org 
+Primary E-Mail address: krekel at merlinux.de 
+Phone number(s): +49 171 464 8622  
+A photo, square format, min. 128x128 pixels (optional): 
+    http://merlinux.de/~hpk/holger.jpg
+    (maybe i can find a better one, this is the one from 
+    last 21C3 conference) 
+Statement: publishing contact info except for the phone number 
+           is fine with me. 
+Public home page, weblog and other speaker-related websites: 
+    http://codespeak.net/pypy
+Short Info: 
+    Holger Krekel, founder and core developer of PyPy, technical lead merlinux GmbH. 
+    Holger started with game and general computer hacking ages ago, went through
+    university, some bank/insurance contracting until finally arriving at working
+    in free software environments fulltime now.  He founded merlinux in 2004, which
+    is operating with and employing a world-wide set of open-source specialists. 
+    Other merits are a well known python testing framework (http://codespeak.net/py) 
+    and operating the http://codespeak.net open-source hosting site itself. 
+Postal address: merlinux GmbH, Holger Krekel, Steinbergstr. 42, 31139 Hildesheim
+Bank information: 
+Expected day of arrival and departure: 27th-30th December. 

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