[pypy-svn] r17892 - pypy/extradoc/minute

ale at codespeak.net ale at codespeak.net
Tue Sep 27 10:08:49 CEST 2005

Author: ale
Date: Tue Sep 27 10:08:48 2005
New Revision: 17892


Added: pypy/extradoc/minute/pypy-sync-09-22-2005.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/minute/pypy-sync-09-22-2005.txt	Tue Sep 27 10:08:48 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+pypy-sync developer meeting 22th September 
+Time & location: 1pm (30 minutes) at #pypy-sync 
+         Samuele Pedroni
+         Anders Lehmann (minutes/moderation)
+         Anders Chrigström
+         Christian Tismer 
+         Holger Krekel
+         Eric van Riet Paap
+         Michael Hudson
+         Adrien Di Mascio
+Regular Topics 
+- activity reports (3 prepared lines of info). 
+  All Attendees submitted activity reports (see `IRC-Log`_ 
+  at the end and 'LAST/NEXT/BLOCKERS' entries in particular)
+- resolve conflicts/blockers
+  No conflicts were discovered (which we could address).
+Topics of the week
+1. translate_pypy_new
+We should try to make translate_pypy_new be the default way of translating pypy this week (ale and pedronis). There are wishes as to be able to specify options in the target, that translate_pypy_new should propagate to the translation process.
+Better naming and better choice of default values should be done first.
+Batch mode is another wish
+2. A pypy scrap-book ?
+It was agreed that it was a nice idea, and that we should setup a file for 
+that purpose. (ale will do that)
+3. Candidates for Refactoring
+Two candidates were mentioned. The backendoptimizations and the that we should separate inlining and malloc removal. Both topics was deemed as hard and as good topics for a sprint.
+Next pypy-sync meeting
+Scheduled for next Thursday, Sept. 29nd 1300h CET, conducted by Anders Lehmann.
+Anders closes the meeting at 13:34pm.
+<aleale> Hi everyone, my watch says 1 o'clock. Have anyone heard from pedronis, ludal, stakkars and arigo
+<aleale> Should we ait for them ?
+<hpk> not sure
+<adim> aleale: Hi
+<arre> Samuele is not in the office.
+<hpk> armin flew to goetheborg today 
+<adim> ludal won't be here today
+<hpk> let's start the meeting anyway, i'd say
+<aleale> Ok 
+<aleale> Welcome 
+<mwh> hello
+<aleale> Lets start with what we have prepared
+<aleale> Prev: a little on translate_pypy_new
+<aleale> Next: translate_pypy_new ?
+<aleale> Blockers: -
+<arre> PREV: Getting the astcompiler is shape
+<arre> NEXT: Even more work on the astcompiler
+<arre> BLOCKERS: None
+<adim> LAST: astcompiler
+<adim> NEXT: none
+<adim> BLOCKERS: none
+<mwh> last: dealt with UoB stuff
+<mwh> next: continue to attempt to resolve UoB situation
+<mwh> blockers: UoB administrative delays
+??? stakkars [i=oauxesw at i577B5C64.versanet.de] has joined #pypy-sync
+<hpk> last: EU issues, py lib/test stuff
+<hpk> next: relaxing, pytest related things
+<hpk> blockers: -
+<aleale> welcome stakkars, we just doing the round of prepared stuff
+<stakkars> ok
+<stakkars> DONE: optimization and benchmarking
+<stakkars> NEXT: more of this, splitting generated code
+<stakkars> BLOCK: None
+<aleale> ericvp: Do you have something?
+<hpk> probably he is not actually here at the moment
+<aleale> The only block seems to be mwh's wrestling with UoB bureaucraci
+<aleale> I dont know if we can help, anyone ?
+<mwh> not really
+??? bertf [n=bertf at pD9514462.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #pypy-sync
+<mwh> we talked about it in the consortium meeting yesterday
+<aleale> yes
+<mwh> if the uob doesn't work out, it looks like i'll join armin at hhud
+<mwh> (administratively more than physically :)
+<aleale> Hi bertf. we are just about moving to the weekly topics
+<aleale> Ok, mwh good luck
+<bertf> yea, sorry, was in the wrong channel. Hi
+<mwh> aleale: thanks
+<mwh> let's not waste time on this one today :)
+<aleale> The weekly topics are:
+<aleale>        1. translate_pypy_new
+<aleale>        2. A pypy scrap-book ?
+<aleale>        3. Candidates for Refactoring
+<hpk> bertf: hi bert 
+<ericvrp> sorry, was asleep. will paste now
+<ericvrp> last: transformation for faster exception handling in llvm
+<ericvrp> next: nightly cronjob benchmarking of pypy-c and pypy-llvm
+<ericvrp> blockers: -
+<aleale> first I would like if we could give a hint on in what direction we are heading with translate_pypy_new
+<aleale> Thanks ericvp
+<aleale> But since armin and pedronis are not here we better defer it to #pypy ?
+<mwh> can someone quickly summarize the point of translate_pypy_new ?
+<stakkars> yes.  I heared Samuele saying he would help with this
+<mwh> is it just to tidy up the various translation target/option/... stuff
+<mwh> ?
+<hpk> mwh: yes
+<mwh> right, thanks
+<aleale> It was/is an attempt to clean up te mess and maybe add some flexibility, I think
+<aleale> Defer ?
+<hpk> yes, the idea is a more unified model for options regarding our pypy entry points
+<hpk> aleale: can one currently use translate_pypy_new already? 
+? hpk/#pypy-sync hasn't tried so far
+<aleale> I have tried it on targetrichards and standalone. seems to work
+<aleale> Actually I think all the checked in versions have work (with different naming of options)
+<hpk> it probably makes sense to switch it in sometime next week, after some more people have tried to use it 
+<stakkars> I was a bit puzzled about new option names. I know the old ones by heart. that made me lazy to try it.
+<ericvrp> It is working, some options do the opposite of what you expect and default values need to be choosen better
+<ericvrp> but yes, it is working
+<aleale> the naming had to change due to optparse - maybe we dont want to use that
+<aleale> Hi pedronis
+??? pedronis [n=Samuele_ at c-278b70d5.022-54-67626719.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #pypy-sync
+<aleale> Hi pedronis
+? pedronis/#pypy-sync sorry
+<stakkars> ha
+<hpk> no, we should use optparse 
+<aleale> Ok, we were discussing the state of translate_pypy_new
+<hpk> but keep the option meanings and default values as close as sensible to the current script 
+<hpk> like Eric said
+<aleale> sure
+<stakkars> what was the expected changeof the refactoring?
+<pedronis> there's an issue about that
+<aleale> less mess/ more flexibility
+<stakkars> just better layout, or adding features easily?
+<stakkars> sorry, I didn't look last time. Is it considered ready?
+<pedronis> well, one thing we may want is pass --usemodulus to targertpypy.
+<hpk> yip
+<pedronis> other is to run it unattended with a failed/successed exit value and writing to logs (maybe)
+<hpk> yip, but we can add that 
+<hpk> i think it's good to head for actually using it some time soon
+<stakkars> a complete batch mode: compile with options, run tests, do next one.
+<aleale> Ok, I'll conclude that we want to have translate_pypy_new brougth into a usable state soon
+<pedronis> at the moment if used with -d option on targetrichads it crashed
+<stakkars> --usemodules is indeed a thing where I'd like to have the defaults in the target. It would be nice if the
+           translate_pypy was able to read the options which a target has and to support them
+<aleale> and that we want to add more features.
+<stakkars> a way to specify specific things in a target without cluttering translate
+<pedronis> well, but also to take them from the command line
+<pedronis> target specific options
+<aleale> Who have time to look at it ( I wont be able to do anything before tuesday)?
+<stakkars> I want to provide them in the commandline, for the target, without defining them in translate, necessarily
+<pedronis> I can look at it a bit
+<aleale> I have prepared for target specific options (add a dictionary called "options" in the target)
+<stakkars> as an aside: I'd like to renew the idea of saving state to a file which can be postprocessed, right before the
+           backend
+<aleale> I think we should go to the next topic (8 mins left)
+<mwh> a scrap book sounds like a nice idea, but is there that much to go in it?
+<aleale> mwh: what to you mean?
+<mwh> maybe in misunderstood the idea then
+<mwh>       ^I
+<aleale> I think we should start thinking about it and collecting stuff.
+<aleale> Then we can later decide how to present it
+<hpk> well, just start a .txt file 
+<mwh> makes sense
+<mwh> i certainly don't know where to find all our conference presentations
+<aleale> what about pictures and video?
+<aleale> should it be a directory instead
+<hpk> we don't have much in that area (apart from the sprint pictures i took)
+<hpk> they can be referenced along with the sprint reports 
+<aleale> ok I wil start the scrapbook then
+<aleale> topic 3 : Candidates for refactoring
+<mwh> well, the backendoptimizations are still pretty scary
+<mwh> don't know if that's fixable, though
+<aleale> It seems that we have enough tasks for the next week so I think we can postpone it ?
+<stakkars> we should try to seperate inlining and malloc removal
+<aleale> mwh: do you have time to look at that ?
+<mwh> not really
+<aleale> stakkars: will that be done as part of the current optimisations
+<stakkars> I hope so. But it is difficult.
+<aleale> Ok the candidates will be recorded in the minutes. Anyway the time is up
+<mwh> might be a better sprint topic
+??? mwh [n=user at 82-33-185-193.cable.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #pypy-sync ["ERC Version 5.0 (CVS) $Revision:
+          1.771 $ (IRC client for Emacs)"]
+<aleale> Have we choesen a moderator for next week ?
+<stakkars> yes, the list is completely incomplete :)
+<hpk> yes, who is doing it next week? 
+<aleale> Any takers?
+<aleale> Ok I can do it again ?
+<stakkars> I think of a number, you guess it. who is closes takes it
+? stakkars/#pypy-sync thinks this didn't work
+<aleale> I would like to add : "Incredible job You've done with optimisations. Great job"
+<hpk> stakkars, aleale: what about the two of you doing it the next two times? 
+<hpk> after that we already have the paris sprint and can plan further
+<aleale> I will do it next week . See you all then
+<stakkars> no problem
+<hpk> ok, great.
+<aleale> and we are 4 minutes late
+<stakkars> no idea why exactly we, but it's fine
+??? stakkars [i=oauxesw at i577B5C64.versanet.de] has left #pypy-sync []
+<adim> see you
+<hpk> see you
+??? adim [n=adim at logilab.net2.nerim.net] has left #pypy-sync []
+<aleale> bye. I have to prepare my sons 18 birthday now - so the minutes will first be done tomorrow 
+<ericvrp> goodbye
+<bertf> bye
+ [01:40pm][aleale] [#pypy-sync(+ns)]                                                                                      
+ [Lag  0] [O/1 N/6 I/0 V/0 F/0]                                                                                [U:a:S:b:h]

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