[pypy-svn] r17775 - in pypy/dist/pypy: annotation objspace/std translator

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Fri Sep 23 05:06:02 CEST 2005

Author: tismer
Date: Fri Sep 23 05:05:52 2005
New Revision: 17775

changed the benchmark to use the latest Python for comparison.

added Samuele's method caching patch. It has some very visible
effect of over 5% for richards and over 6% for pystone.
I would have anyway expected more effect. Maybe the patch
can be extended to catch even more cases, maybe I misunderstood.

Anyway, using 2.5a2 raised the fence for richards, again. I have
to find out, why, again.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/annotation/bookkeeper.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/annotation/bookkeeper.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/annotation/bookkeeper.py	Fri Sep 23 05:05:52 2005
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@
                 if x not in self.seen_mutable: # avoid circular reflowing, 
                                                # see for example test_circular_mutable_getattr
                     self.seen_mutable[x] = True
+                    self.annotator.policy.event(self, 'mutable', x)
                     for attr in x.__dict__:
                         clsdef.add_source_for_attribute(attr, x) # can trigger reflowing
                 result = SomeInstance(clsdef)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/annotation/policy.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/annotation/policy.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/annotation/policy.py	Fri Sep 23 05:05:52 2005
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
 class BasicAnnotatorPolicy:
     allow_someobjects = True
+    def event(pol, bookkeeper, what, *args):
+        pass
     def specialize(pol, bookkeeper, spaceop, func, args, mono):
         return None, None

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py	Fri Sep 23 05:05:52 2005
@@ -356,9 +356,11 @@
     def lookup(self, w_obj, name):
         w_type = w_obj.getclass(self)
         return w_type.lookup(name)
+    lookup._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:lookup'
     def lookup_in_type_where(self, w_type, name):
         return w_type.lookup_where(name)
+    lookup_in_type_where._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:lookup_in_type_where'
     def allocate_instance(self, cls, w_subtype):
         """Allocate the memory needed for an instance of an internal or

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/ann_override.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/ann_override.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/ann_override.py	Fri Sep 23 05:05:52 2005
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
 class PyPyAnnotatorPolicy(AnnotatorPolicy):
     allow_someobjects = False
+    def __init__(pol):
+        pol.lookups = {}
+        pol.lookups_where = {}
+        pol.pypytypes = {}
     def override__wrap_exception_cls(pol, space, x):
         import pypy.objspace.std.typeobject as typeobject
         clsdef = getbookkeeper().getclassdef(typeobject.W_TypeObject)
@@ -28,3 +33,104 @@
         from pypy.interpreter import pycode
         clsdef = getbookkeeper().getclassdef(pycode.PyCode)
         return annmodel.SomeInstance(clsdef)    
+    def attach_lookup(pol, t, attr):
+        cached = "cached_%s" % attr
+        if not t.is_heaptype():
+            setattr(t, cached, t.lookup(attr))
+            return True
+        return False
+    def attach_lookup_in_type_where(pol, t, attr):
+        cached = "cached_where_%s" % attr
+        if not t.is_heaptype():
+            setattr(t, cached, t.lookup_where(attr))
+            return True
+        return False
+    def consider_lookup(pol, bookkeeper, attr):
+        assert attr not in pol.lookups
+        from pypy.objspace.std import typeobject
+        cached = "cached_%s" % attr
+        clsdef = bookkeeper.getclassdef(typeobject.W_TypeObject)
+        setattr(clsdef.cls, cached, None)
+        clsdef.add_source_for_attribute(cached, clsdef.cls, clsdef)
+        for t in pol.pypytypes:
+            if pol.attach_lookup(t, attr):
+                clsdef.add_source_for_attribute(cached, t)
+        src = CACHED_LOOKUP % {'attr': attr}
+        print src
+        d = {}
+        exec src in d
+        fn = d["lookup_%s" % attr]
+        pol.lookups[attr] = fn
+    def consider_lookup_in_type_where(pol, bookkeeper, attr):
+        assert attr not in pol.lookups_where
+        from pypy.objspace.std import typeobject
+        cached = "cached_where_%s" % attr
+        clsdef = bookkeeper.getclassdef(typeobject.W_TypeObject)
+        setattr(clsdef.cls, cached, (None, None))
+        clsdef.add_source_for_attribute(cached, clsdef.cls, clsdef)
+        for t in pol.pypytypes:
+            if pol.attach_lookup_in_type_where(t, attr):
+                clsdef.add_source_for_attribute(cached, t)
+        src = CACHED_LOOKUP_IN_TYPE_WHERE % {'attr': attr}
+        print src
+        d = {}
+        exec src in d
+        fn = d["lookup_in_type_where_%s" % attr]
+        pol.lookups_where[attr] = fn
+    def specialize__lookup(pol, bookkeeper, mod, spaceop, func, args, mono):
+        (s_space, s_obj, s_name), _ = args.unpack()
+        if s_name.is_constant():
+            attr = s_name.const
+            if attr not in pol.lookups:
+                print "LOOKUP", attr
+                pol.consider_lookup(bookkeeper, attr)
+            return pol.lookups[attr], args
+        else:
+            pol.lookups[None] = True
+        return func, args
+    def specialize__lookup_in_type_where(pol, bookkeeper, mod, spaceop, func, args, mono):
+        (s_space, s_obj, s_name), _ = args.unpack()
+        if s_name.is_constant():
+            attr = s_name.const
+            if attr not in pol.lookups_where:
+                print "LOOKUP_IN_TYPE_WHERE", attr
+                pol.consider_lookup_in_type_where(bookkeeper, attr)
+            return pol.lookups_where[attr], args  
+        else:
+            pol.lookups_where[None] = True
+        return func, args
+    def event(pol, bookkeeper, what, x):
+        from pypy.objspace.std import typeobject
+        if isinstance(x, typeobject.W_TypeObject):
+            pol.pypytypes[x] = True
+            print "TYPE", x
+            for attr in pol.lookups:
+                if attr:
+                    pol.attach_lookup(x, attr)
+            for attr in pol.lookups_where:
+                if attr:
+                    pol.attach_lookup_in_type_where(x, attr)
+        return
+def lookup_%(attr)s(space, w_obj, name):
+    w_type = w_obj.getclass(space)
+    if not w_type.is_heaptype():
+        return w_type.cached_%(attr)s
+    return w_type.lookup("%(attr)s")
+def lookup_in_type_where_%(attr)s(space, w_type, name):
+    if not w_type.is_heaptype():
+        return w_type.cached_where_%(attr)s
+    return w_type.lookup_where("%(attr)s")

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