[pypy-svn] r18463 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator/asm: . test

mwh at codespeak.net mwh at codespeak.net
Wed Oct 12 13:04:53 CEST 2005

Author: mwh
Date: Wed Oct 12 13:04:51 2005
New Revision: 18463

a simulator for our infinite register machine language

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/asm/simulator.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/asm/simulator.py	Wed Oct 12 13:04:51 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+""" IRM Simulator """
+import autopath
+from pypy.rpython.llinterp import LLFrame
+from pypy.translator.asm.infregmachine import Instruction
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
+class Machine:
+    def RunProgram(cls,commands,args=[],nreg=10,tracing=False):
+        #run this program
+        machine=Machine(nreg,args)
+        machine._tracing = tracing
+        ip=0
+        while not machine.stopped():
+            if ip>=len(commands):
+                return None
+            cmd=commands[ip]
+            if isinstance(cmd,str):
+                pass
+            elif cmd.name=='J':
+                ip=commands.index(cmd.arguments[0])
+            elif cmd.name=='JT':
+                c = machine.creg()
+                assert c is not None
+                if c:
+                    ip=commands.index(cmd.arguments[0])
+            else:
+                machine.op(cmd.name,*cmd.arguments)
+            ip+=1
+        return machine._retval
+    RunProgram=classmethod(RunProgram)
+    def __init__(self,nreg,args):
+        self._nreg=nreg
+        self._args=args
+        self._stopped=False
+        self._creg=None
+        self._tracing = False
+        self._registers=[None for x in range(nreg+1)]
+    def creg(self):
+        return self._creg
+    def registers(self):
+        return self._registers[1:]
+    def register(self, reg):
+        v = self._registers[reg]
+        assert v is not None
+        return v
+    def stopped(self):
+        return self._stopped
+    def op(self,opcode,*operands):
+        if self._tracing:
+            args = []
+            for arg in operands:
+                if isinstance(arg, int):
+                    args.append('r%s=%s'%(arg, self._registers[arg]))
+                else:
+                    args.append(arg)
+            print opcode, ', '.join(map(str, args))
+        #will want to trap later to defer unimplemented to the LLInterpreter...
+        m = getattr(self,opcode,None)
+        if m is not None:
+            m(*operands)
+        else:
+            self.llop(opcode, *operands)
+    def RETPYTHON(self,reg):
+        self._stopped=True
+        self._retval=self.register(reg)
+    def LIA(self,destination,argindex):
+        self._registers[destination]=self._args[argindex.value]
+    def LOAD(self,destination,immed):
+        self._registers[destination]=immed.value
+    def MOV(self,destination,source):
+        self._registers[destination]=self.register(source)
+    def EXCH(self,destination,source):
+        self._registers[destination],self._registers[source]=self.register(source),self.register(destination)
+    def int_gt(self,rega,regb):
+        self._creg = self.register(rega) > self.register(regb)
+    def llop(self, opcode, destination, *sources):
+        sourcevalues = []
+        for r in sources:
+            sourcevalues.append(self.register(r))
+        self._registers[destination] = LLFrame.__dict__['op_'+opcode](None, *sourcevalues)

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/asm/test/test_simulator.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/asm/test/test_simulator.py	Wed Oct 12 13:04:51 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import autopath
+from pypy.translator.asm.simulator import Machine
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
+from pypy.translator.asm.infregmachine import Instruction
+def test_insn_by_insn():
+    machine=Machine(5,[0,1111,2222,3333])   # create an IRM with 5 registers to use
+    assert machine.registers()==[None,None,None,None,None]   # check initialised.
+    machine.op('LOAD',1,Constant(555))
+    assert machine.registers()==[555,None,None,None,None]
+    machine.op('LIA',2,Constant(0))  #argument 1 to register 2
+    assert machine.registers()==[555,0,None,None,None]
+    machine.op('LIA',3,Constant(2))  #argument 3 to register 3
+    assert machine.registers()==[555,0,2222,None,None]
+    machine.op('MOV',2,1)
+    assert machine.registers()==[555,555,2222,None,None]
+    machine.op('EXCH',3,2)
+    assert machine.registers()==[555,2222,555,None,None]
+    machine.op('int_add',4,2,1)
+    assert machine.registers()==[555,2222,555,2222+555,None]
+    try:
+        machine.register(5)
+    except AssertionError:
+        pass
+    else:
+        assert False, "should not get here"
+    machine=Machine(3,[])
+    assert machine.creg()==None
+    machine.LOAD(1,Constant(1))
+    machine.LOAD(2,Constant(2))
+    machine.int_gt(1,2)
+    assert machine.creg()==False
+    machine.int_gt(2,1)
+    assert machine.creg()==True
+def test_programs():
+    assert Machine.RunProgram([])==None   #check our program returns None if no RETPYTHON !!!
+    assert Machine.RunProgram([Instruction('LOAD',(1,Constant(23))),Instruction('RETPYTHON',(1,))])==23
+    prog=[Instruction('LOAD', (1, Constant(100))),
+          Instruction('J', ('label',)),
+          Instruction('LOAD', (1, Constant(200))),
+          'label',
+          'label2',
+          Instruction('RETPYTHON', (1,))]
+    assert Machine.RunProgram(prog) == 100
+    prog=[Instruction('LIA', (1, Constant(0))),
+          Instruction('LIA', (2, Constant(1))),
+          Instruction('LOAD', (3, Constant(77))),
+          Instruction('int_gt', (1, 2)),
+          Instruction('JT', ('label',)),
+          Instruction('LIA', (3, Constant(2))),
+          'label',
+          Instruction('RETPYTHON', (3,))]
+    assert Machine.RunProgram(prog, [1,2,3]) == 3
+    assert Machine.RunProgram(prog, [2,1,3]) == 77

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