[pypy-svn] r12709 - in pypy/dist/pypy: interpreter translator

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sat May 21 14:12:41 CEST 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Sat May 21 14:12:41 2005
New Revision: 12709


Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/gateway.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/gateway.py	Sat May 21 14:12:41 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-Gateway between app-level and interpreter-level:
-* BuiltinCode (call interp-level code from app-level)
-* app2interp  (embed an app-level function into an interp-level callable)
-* interp2app  (publish an interp-level object to be visible from app-level)
-import types, sys, md5, os, autopath
-NoneNotWrapped = object()
-from pypy.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError 
-from pypy.interpreter import eval
-from pypy.interpreter.function import Function, Method
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root, ObjSpace, BaseWrappable
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import Wrappable, SpaceCache
-from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
-from pypy.tool.sourcetools import NiceCompile, compile2
-# internal non-translatable parts: 
-import py
-class Signature:
-    def __init__(self, func=None, argnames=None, varargname=None,
-                 kwargname=None, name = None):
-        self.func = func
-        if func is not None:
-            self.name = func.__name__
-        else:
-            self.name = name
-        if argnames is None:
-            argnames = []
-        self.argnames = argnames
-        self.varargname = varargname
-        self.kwargname = kwargname
-    def next_arg(self):
-        return self._argiter.next()
-    def append(self, argname):
-        self.argnames.append(argname)
-    def signature(self):
-        return self.argnames, self.varargname, self.kwargname
-    def apply_unwrap_spec(self, unwrap_spec, recipe, new_sig):
-        self._argiter = iter(self.argnames)
-        for el in unwrap_spec:
-            recipe(el, self, new_sig)
-        return new_sig
-class UnwrapSpecRecipe:
-    bases_order = [BaseWrappable, W_Root, ObjSpace, Arguments, object]
-    def dispatch(self, meth_family, el, orig_sig, new_sig):
-        if isinstance(el, str):
-            getattr(self, "%s_%s" % (meth_family, el))(el, orig_sig, new_sig)
-        elif isinstance(el, tuple):
-            getattr(self, "%s_%s" % (meth_family, 'function'))(el, orig_sig, new_sig)
-        else:
-            for typ in self.bases_order:
-                if issubclass(el, typ):
-                    getattr(self, "%s__%s" % (meth_family, typ.__name__))(el, orig_sig, new_sig)
-                    break
-            else:
-                assert False, "no match for unwrap_spec element: %s" % el
-    def check(self, el, orig_sig, new_sig):
-        self.dispatch("check", el, orig_sig, new_sig)
-    def emit(self, el, orig_sig, new_sig):
-        self.dispatch("emit", el, orig_sig, new_sig)
-    # checks for checking interp2app func argument names wrt unwrap_spec
-    # and synthetizing an app-level signature
-    def check_function(self, (func, cls), orig_sig, app_sig):
-        self.check(cls, orig_sig, app_sig)
-    def check__BaseWrappable(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        name = el.__name__
-        argname = orig_sig.next_arg()
-        assert not argname.startswith('w_'), (
-            "unwrapped %s argument %s of built-in function %r should "
-            "not start with 'w_'" % (name, argname, orig_sig.func))
-        app_sig.append(argname)
-    def check__ObjSpace(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        orig_sig.next_arg()
-    def check__W_Root(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        assert el is W_Root, "oops"
-        argname = orig_sig.next_arg()
-        assert argname.startswith('w_'), (
-            "argument %s of built-in function %r should "
-            "start with 'w_'" % (argname, orig_sig.func))
-        app_sig.append(argname[2:])
-    def check__Arguments(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        argname = orig_sig.next_arg()
-        assert app_sig.varargname is None,(
-            "built-in function %r has conflicting rest args specs" % orig_sig.func)
-        app_sig.varargname = 'args'
-        app_sig.kwargname = 'keywords'
-    def check_starargs(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        varargname = orig_sig.varargname
-        assert varargname.endswith('_w'), (
-            "argument *%s of built-in function %r should end in '_w'" %
-            (varargname, orig_sig.func))
-        assert app_sig.varargname is None,(
-            "built-in function %r has conflicting rest args specs" % orig_sig.func)
-        app_sig.varargname = varargname[:-2]
-    def check_args_w(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        argname = orig_sig.next_arg()
-        assert argname.endswith('_w'), (
-            "rest arguments arg %s of built-in function %r should end in '_w'" %
-            (argname, orig_sig.func))
-        assert app_sig.varargname is None,(
-            "built-in function %r has conflicting rest args specs" % orig_sig.func)
-        app_sig.varargname = argname[:-2]    
-    def check_w_args(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        argname = orig_sig.next_arg()
-        assert argname.startswith('w_'), (
-            "rest arguments arg %s of built-in function %r should start 'w_'" %
-            (argname, orig_sig.func))
-        assert app_sig.varargname is None,(
-            "built-in function %r has conflicting rest args specs" % orig_sig.func)
-        app_sig.varargname = argname[2:]
-    def check__object(self, el, orig_sig, app_sig):
-        if el not in (int, str, float):
-            assert False, "unsupported basic type in uwnrap_spec"
-        name = el.__name__
-        argname = orig_sig.next_arg()
-        assert not argname.startswith('w_'), (
-            "unwrapped %s argument %s of built-in function %r should "
-            "not start with 'w_'" % (name, argname, orig_sig.func))
-        app_sig.append(argname)        
-    # collect code to emit for interp2app builtin frames based on unwrap_spec
-    def emit_function(self, (func, cls), orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        name = func.__name__
-        cur = emit_sig.through_scope_w
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "obj = %s(scope_w[%d])" % (name, cur))
-        emit_sig.miniglobals[name] = func
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.%s_arg%d = obj" % (name,cur))
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.%s_arg%d" % (name,cur))
-    def emit__BaseWrappable(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        name = el.__name__
-        cur = emit_sig.through_scope_w
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "obj = self.space.interpclass_w(scope_w[%d])" % cur)
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "if obj is None or not isinstance(obj, %s):" % name)
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "    raise OperationError(self.space.w_TypeError,self.space.wrap('expected %%s' %% %s.typedef.name ))" % name) # xxx
-        emit_sig.miniglobals[name] = el
-        emit_sig.miniglobals['OperationError'] = OperationError
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.%s_arg%d = obj" % (name,cur))
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.%s_arg%d" % (name,cur))
-    def emit__ObjSpace(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        emit_sig.run_args.append('self.space')
-    def emit__W_Root(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        cur = emit_sig.through_scope_w
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.w_arg%d = scope_w[%d]" % (cur,cur))
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.w_arg%d" % cur)
-    def emit__Arguments(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        cur = emit_sig.through_scope_w
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 2
-        emit_sig.miniglobals['Arguments'] = Arguments
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.arguments_arg = "
-            "Arguments.frompacked(self.space,scope_w[%d],scope_w[%d])"
-                % (cur, cur+1))
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.arguments_arg")
-    def emit_starargs(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.starargs_arg_w = self.space.unpacktuple(scope_w[%d])" %
-                (emit_sig.through_scope_w))
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("*self.starargs_arg_w")
-    def emit_args_w(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.args_w = self.space.unpacktuple(scope_w[%d])" %
-                 (emit_sig.through_scope_w))
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.args_w")
-    def emit_w_args(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        cur = emit_sig.through_scope_w
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.w_args = scope_w[%d]" % cur)
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.w_args")
-    def emit__object(self, el, orig_sig, emit_sig):
-        if el not in (int, str, float):
-            assert False, "unsupported basic type in uwnrap_spec"
-        name = el.__name__
-        cur = emit_sig.through_scope_w
-        emit_sig.setfastscope.append(
-            "self.%s_arg%d = self.space.%s_w(scope_w[%d])" %
-                (name,cur,name,cur))
-        emit_sig.through_scope_w += 1
-        emit_sig.run_args.append("self.%s_arg%d" % (name,cur))
-class BuiltinFrame(eval.Frame):
-    "Frame emulation for BuiltinCode."
-    # Subclasses of this are defined with the function to delegate to attached through miniglobals.
-    # Initialization of locals is already done by the time run() is called,
-    # via the interface defined in eval.Frame.
-    def setfastscope(self, scope_w):
-        """Subclasses with behavior specific for an unwrap spec are generated"""
-        raise TypeError, "abstract"
-    def getfastscope(self):
-        raise OperationError(self.space.w_TypeError,
-            self.space.wrap("cannot get fastscope of a BuiltinFrame"))
-    def run(self):
-        try:
-            w_result = self._run()
-        except KeyboardInterrupt: 
-            raise OperationError(self.space.w_KeyboardInterrupt, self.space.w_None) 
-        except MemoryError: 
-            raise OperationError(self.space.w_MemoryError, self.space.w_None) 
-        except RuntimeError, e: 
-            raise OperationError(self.space.w_RuntimeError, 
-                                 self.space.wrap("internal error: " + str(e))) 
-        if w_result is None:
-            w_result = self.space.w_None
-        return w_result
-    def _run(self):
-        """Subclasses with behavior specific for an unwrap spec are generated"""
-        raise TypeError, "abstract"
-class FuncBox(object):
-    pass
-class BuiltinCodeSignature(Signature):
-    def __init__(self,*args,**kwds):
-        self.unwrap_spec = kwds.get('unwrap_spec')
-        del kwds['unwrap_spec']
-        Signature.__init__(self,*args,**kwds)
-        self.setfastscope = []
-        self.run_args = []
-        self.through_scope_w = 0
-        self.miniglobals = {}
-    def _make_unwrap_frame_class(self, cache={}):
-        try:
-            key = tuple(self.unwrap_spec)
-            frame_cls, box_cls,  run_args = cache[key]
-            assert run_args == self.run_args,"unexpected: same spec, different run_args"
-            return frame_cls, box_cls
-        except KeyError:
-            parts = []          
-            for el in self.unwrap_spec:
-                if isinstance(el, tuple):
-                    parts.append(''.join([getattr(subel, '__name__', subel) for subel in el]))
-                else:
-                    parts.append(getattr(el, '__name__', el))
-            label = '_'.join(parts)
-            #print label
-            setfastscope = self.setfastscope
-            if not setfastscope:
-                setfastscope = ["pass"]
-            setfastscope = ["def setfastscope_UWS_%s(self, scope_w):" % label,
-                            #"print 'ENTER',self.code.func.__name__",
-                            #"print scope_w"
-                            ] + setfastscope
-            setfastscope = '\n  '.join(setfastscope)
-            # Python 2.2 SyntaxError without newline: Bug #501622
-            setfastscope += '\n'
-            d = {}
-            exec compile2(setfastscope) in self.miniglobals, d
-            d['setfastscope'] = d['setfastscope_UWS_%s' % label]
-            del d['setfastscope_UWS_%s' % label]
-            self.miniglobals['OperationError'] = OperationError
-            source = """if 1: 
-                def _run_UWS_%s(self):
-                    return self.box.func(%s)
-                \n""" % (label, ','.join(self.run_args))
-            exec compile2(source) in self.miniglobals, d
-            d['_run'] = d['_run_UWS_%s' % label]
-            del d['_run_UWS_%s' % label]
-            frame_cls = type("BuiltinFrame_UWS_%s" % label, (BuiltinFrame,), d)
-            box_cls = type("FuncBox_UWS_%s" % label, (FuncBox,), {})
-            cache[key] = frame_cls, box_cls, self.run_args
-            return frame_cls, box_cls
-    def make_frame_class(self, func, cache={}):
-        frame_uw_cls, box_cls = self._make_unwrap_frame_class()
-        box = box_cls()
-        box.func = func
-        return type("BuiltinFrame_for_%s" % self.name,
-                    (frame_uw_cls,),{'box': box})
-def make_builtin_frame_class(func, orig_sig, unwrap_spec):
-    name = (getattr(func, '__module__', None) or '')+'_'+func.__name__
-    emit_sig = orig_sig.apply_unwrap_spec(unwrap_spec, UnwrapSpecRecipe().emit,
-                                              BuiltinCodeSignature(name=name, unwrap_spec=unwrap_spec))
-    cls = emit_sig.make_frame_class(func)
-    return cls
-class BuiltinCode(eval.Code):
-    "The code object implementing a built-in (interpreter-level) hook."
-    # When a BuiltinCode is stored in a Function object,
-    # you get the functionality of CPython's built-in function type.
-    def __init__(self, func, unwrap_spec = None, self_type = None):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        # 'implfunc' is the interpreter-level function.
-        # Note that this uses a lot of (construction-time) introspection.
-        eval.Code.__init__(self, func.__name__)
-        self.docstring = func.__doc__
-        # unwrap_spec can be passed to interp2app or
-        # attached as an attribute to the function.
-        # It is a list of types or singleton objects:
-        #  baseobjspace.ObjSpace is used to specify the space argument
-        #  baseobjspace.W_Root is for wrapped arguments to keep wrapped
-        #  baseobjspace.BaseWrappable subclasses imply interpclass_w and a typecheck
-        #  argument.Arguments is for a final rest arguments Arguments object
-        # 'args_w' for unpacktuple applied to rest arguments
-        # 'w_args' for rest arguments passed as wrapped tuple
-        # str,int,float: unwrap argument as such type
-        # (function, cls) use function to check/unwrap argument of type cls
-        # First extract the signature from the (CPython-level) code object
-        from pypy.interpreter import pycode
-        argnames, varargname, kwargname = pycode.cpython_code_signature(func.func_code)
-        if unwrap_spec is None:
-            unwrap_spec = getattr(func,'unwrap_spec',None)
-        if unwrap_spec is None:
-            unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace]+ [W_Root] * (len(argnames)-1)
-            if self_type:
-                unwrap_spec = ['self'] + unwrap_spec[1:]
-        if self_type:
-            assert unwrap_spec[0] == 'self',"self_type without 'self' spec element"
-            unwrap_spec = list(unwrap_spec)
-            unwrap_spec[0] = self_type
-        orig_sig = Signature(func, argnames, varargname, kwargname)
-        app_sig = orig_sig.apply_unwrap_spec(unwrap_spec, UnwrapSpecRecipe().check,
-                                             Signature(func))
-        self.sig = argnames, varargname, kwargname = app_sig.signature()
-        self.minargs = len(argnames)
-        if varargname:
-            self.maxargs = sys.maxint
-        else:
-            self.maxargs = self.minargs
-        self.framecls = make_builtin_frame_class(func, orig_sig, unwrap_spec)
-    def create_frame(self, space, w_globals, closure=None):
-        return self.framecls(space, self, w_globals)
-    def signature(self):
-        return self.sig
-    def getdocstring(self):
-        return self.docstring
-class interp2app(Wrappable):
-    """Build a gateway that calls 'f' at interp-level."""
-    # NOTICE interp2app defaults are stored and passed as
-    # wrapped values, this to avoid having scope_w be of mixed
-    # wrapped and unwrapped types;
-    # an exception is made for the NoneNotWrapped special value
-    # which is passed around as default as an unwrapped None,
-    # unwrapped None and wrapped types are compatible
-    #
-    # Takes optionally an unwrap_spec, see BuiltinCode
-    NOT_RPYTHON_ATTRIBUTES = ['_staticdefs']
-    def __init__(self, f, app_name=None, unwrap_spec = None):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        Wrappable.__init__(self)
-        # f must be a function whose name does NOT start with 'app_'
-        self_type = None
-        if hasattr(f, 'im_func'):
-            self_type = f.im_class
-            f = f.im_func
-        if not isinstance(f, types.FunctionType):
-            raise TypeError, "function expected, got %r instead" % f
-        if app_name is None:
-            if f.func_name.startswith('app_'):
-                raise ValueError, ("function name %r suspiciously starts "
-                                   "with 'app_'" % f.func_name)
-            app_name = f.func_name
-        self._code = BuiltinCode(f, unwrap_spec=unwrap_spec, self_type = self_type)
-        self.__name__ = f.func_name
-        self.name = app_name
-        self._staticdefs = list(f.func_defaults or ())
-    def _getdefaults(self, space):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        defs_w = []
-        for val in self._staticdefs:
-            if val is NoneNotWrapped:
-                defs_w.append(None)
-            else:
-                defs_w.append(space.wrap(val))
-        return defs_w
-    # lazy binding to space
-    def __spacebind__(self, space):
-        # we first make a real Function object out of it
-        # and the result is a wrapped version of this Function.
-        return self.get_function(space)
-    def get_function(self, space):
-        return self.getcache(space).getorbuild(self)
-    def getcache(self, space):
-        return space.fromcache(GatewayCache)
-    def get_method(self, obj):
-        # to bind this as a method out of an instance, we build a
-        # Function and get it.
-        # the object space is implicitely fetched out of the instance
-        assert self._code.ismethod, (
-            'global built-in function %r used as method' %
-            self._code.func)
-        space = obj.space
-        fn = self.get_function(space)
-        w_obj = space.wrap(obj)
-        return Method(space, space.wrap(fn),
-                      w_obj, space.type(w_obj))
-class GatewayCache(SpaceCache):
-    def build(cache, gateway):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        space = cache.space
-        defs = gateway._getdefaults(space) # needs to be implemented by subclass
-        code = gateway._code
-        fn = Function(space, code, None, defs, forcename = gateway.name)
-        return fn
-# the next gateways are to be used only for 
-# temporary/initialization purposes 
-class interp2app_temp(interp2app): 
-    def getcache(self, space): 
-        return self.__dict__.setdefault(space, GatewayCache(space))
-# and now for something completely different ... 
-class ApplevelClass:
-    """A container for app-level source code that should be executed
-    as a module in the object space;  interphook() builds a static
-    interp-level function that invokes the callable with the given
-    name at app-level."""
-    hidden_applevel = True
-    use_geninterp = True    # change this to disable geninterp globally
-    def __init__(self, source, filename = None, modname = '__builtin__'):
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.source = source
-        self.modname = modname
-        # look at the first three lines for a NOT_RPYTHON tag
-        first = "\n".join(source.split("\n", 3)[:3])
-        if "NOT_RPYTHON" in first:
-            self.use_geninterp = False
-    def getwdict(self, space):
-        return space.fromcache(ApplevelCache).getorbuild(self)
-    def buildmodule(self, space, name='applevel'):
-        from pypy.interpreter.module import Module
-        return Module(space, space.wrap(name), self.getwdict(space))
-    def wget(self, space, name): 
-        w_globals = self.getwdict(space) 
-        return space.getitem(w_globals, space.wrap(name))
-    def interphook(self, name):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        def appcaller(space, *args_w):
-            if not isinstance(space, ObjSpace): 
-                raise TypeError("first argument must be a space instance.")
-            # redirect if the space handles this specially  XXX can this be factored a bit less flow space dependetly
-            if hasattr(space, 'specialcases'):
-                sc = space.specialcases
-                if ApplevelClass in sc:
-                    ret_w = sc[ApplevelClass](space, self, name, args_w)
-                    if ret_w is not None: # it was RPython
-                        return ret_w
-            args = Arguments(space, list(args_w))
-            w_func = self.wget(space, name) 
-            return space.call_args(w_func, args)
-        def get_function(space):
-            w_func = self.wget(space, name) 
-            return space.unwrap(w_func)
-        appcaller = func_with_new_name(appcaller, name)
-        appcaller.get_function = get_function
-        return appcaller
-    def _freeze_(self):
-        return True  # hint for the annotator: applevel instances are constants
-class ApplevelCache(SpaceCache):
-    """The cache mapping each applevel instance to its lazily built w_dict"""
-    def build(self, app):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON.  Called indirectly by Applevel.getwdict()."
-        if app.use_geninterp:
-            return PyPyCacheDir.build_applevelinterp_dict(app, self.space)
-        else:
-            return build_applevel_dict(app, self.space)
-# __________ pure applevel version __________
-def build_applevel_dict(self, space):
-    if self.filename is None:
-        code = py.code.Source(self.source).compile()
-    else:
-        code = NiceCompile(self.filename)(self.source)
-    from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode
-    pycode = PyCode(space)._from_code(code, hidden_applevel=self.hidden_applevel)
-    w_glob = space.newdict([])
-    space.setitem(w_glob, space.wrap('__name__'), space.wrap('__builtin__'))
-    space.exec_(pycode, w_glob, w_glob)
-    return w_glob
-# __________ geninterplevel version __________
-class PyPyCacheDir:
-    # similar to applevel, but using translation to interp-level.
-    # This version maintains a cache folder with single files.
-    def build_applevelinterp_dict(cls, self, space):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        # N.B. 'self' is the ApplevelInterp; this is a class method,
-        # just so that we have a convenient place to store the global state.
-        if not cls._setup_done:
-            cls._setup()
-        from pypy.translator.geninterplevel import translate_as_module
-        # XXX allow the app-level code to contain e.g. "import _formatting"
-        libdir = os.path.join(autopath.pypydir, "lib")
-        sys.path.append(libdir)
-        try:
-            scramble = md5.new(cls.seed)
-            scramble.update(self.source)
-            key = scramble.hexdigest()
-            initfunc = cls.known_source.get(key)
-            if not initfunc:
-                # try to get it from file
-                name = key
-                if self.filename:
-                    prename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.filename))[0]
-                else:
-                    prename = 'zznoname'
-                name = "%s_%s" % (prename, name)
-                try:
-                    __import__("pypy._cache."+name)
-                except ImportError, x:
-                    # print x
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    initfunc = cls.known_source[key]
-            if not initfunc:
-                # build it and put it into a file
-                initfunc, newsrc = translate_as_module(
-                    self.source, self.filename, self.modname)
-                fname = cls.cache_path.join(name+".py").strpath
-                f = file(fname, "w")
-                print >> f, """\
-# self-destruct on double-click:
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    from pypy import _cache
-    import os
-    namestart = os.path.join(os.path.split(_cache.__file__)[0], '%s')
-    for ending in ('.py', '.pyc', '.pyo'):
-        try:
-            os.unlink(namestart+ending)
-        except os.error:
-            pass""" % name
-                print >> f
-                print >> f, newsrc
-                print >> f, "from pypy._cache import known_source"
-                print >> f, "known_source[%r] = %s" % (key, initfunc.__name__)
-            w_glob = initfunc(space)
-        finally:
-            if libdir in sys.path:
-                sys.path.remove(libdir)
-        return w_glob
-    build_applevelinterp_dict = classmethod(build_applevelinterp_dict)
-    _setup_done = False
-    def _setup(cls):
-        """NOT_RPYTHON"""
-        lp = py.path.local
-        import pypy, os
-        p = lp(pypy.__file__).new(basename='_cache').ensure(dir=1)
-        cls.cache_path = p
-        ini = p.join('__init__.py')
-        try:
-            if not ini.check():
-                raise ImportError  # don't import if only a .pyc file left!!!
-            from pypy._cache import known_source, \
-                 GI_VERSION_RENDERED
-        except ImportError:
-            GI_VERSION_RENDERED = 0
-        from pypy.translator.geninterplevel import GI_VERSION
-        cls.seed = md5.new(str(GI_VERSION)).digest()
-            for pth in p.listdir():
-                try:
-                    pth.remove()
-                except: pass
-            file(str(ini), "w").write("""\
-# This folder acts as a cache for code snippets which have been
-# compiled by compile_as_module().
-# It will get a new entry for every piece of code that has
-# not been seen, yet.
-# Caution! Only the code snippet is checked. If something
-# is imported, changes are not detected. Also, changes
-# to geninterplevel or gateway are also not checked.
-# Exception: There is a checked version number in geninterplevel.py
-# If in doubt, remove this file from time to time.
-known_source = {}
-# self-destruct on double-click:
-def harakiri():
-    import pypy._cache as _c
-    import py
-    lp = py.path.local
-    for pth in lp(_c.__file__).dirpath().listdir():
-        try:
-            pth.remove()
-        except: pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    harakiri()
-del harakiri
-""" % GI_VERSION)
-        import pypy._cache
-        cls.known_source = pypy._cache.known_source
-        cls._setup_done = True
-    _setup = classmethod(_setup)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-def appdef(source, applevel=ApplevelClass):
-    """ NOT_RPYTHON: build an app-level helper function, like for example:
-    myfunc = appdef('''myfunc(x, y):
-                           return x+y
-                    ''')
-    """ 
-    from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode
-    if not isinstance(source, str): 
-        source = str(py.code.Source(source).strip())
-        assert source.startswith("def "), "can only transform functions" 
-        source = source[4:]
-    p = source.find('(')
-    assert p >= 0
-    funcname = source[:p].strip()
-    source = source[p:]
-    return applevel("def %s%s\n" % (funcname, source)).interphook(funcname)
-applevel = ApplevelClass   # backward compatibility
-app2interp = appdef   # backward compatibility
-class applevel_temp(ApplevelClass):
-    hidden_applevel = False
-    def getwdict(self, space):    # no cache
-        return build_applevel_dict(self, space)
-if ApplevelClass.use_geninterp:
-    class applevelinterp_temp(ApplevelClass):
-        hidden_applevel = False
-        def getwdict(self, space):   # no cache
-            return PyPyCacheDir.build_applevelinterp_dict(self, space)
-    applevelinterp_temp = applevel_temp
-# app2interp_temp is used for testing mainly
-def app2interp_temp(func, applevel_temp=applevel_temp):
-    """ NOT_RPYTHON """
-    return appdef(func, applevel_temp)

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/translator/geninterplevel.py	Sat May 21 14:12:41 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,1366 +0,0 @@
-Implementation of a translator from application Python to
-interpreter level RPython.
-The idea is that we can automatically transform application level
-implementations of methods into some equivalent representation at
-interpreter level. Then, the RPython to C translation might
-hopefully spit out some more efficient code than always interpreting
-these methods.
-Note that the application level functions are treated as rpythonic,
-in a sense that globals are constants, for instance. This definition
-is not exact and might change.
-The interface for this module is
-    (initfunc, newsrc) = translate_as_module(
-                                sourcetext,
-                                filename=None,
-                                modname="app2interpexec",
-                                tmpname=None)
-If filename is given, it is used as a reference where
-this sourcetext can be literally found, to produce
-real line numbers. It cannot be just any name but
-must exist and contain the source code somewhere.
-modname is optional and will be put into the dictionary
-to be created.
-tmpname is optional. If given, a temporary file will
-be created for debugging purposes.
-The returned newsrc is the generated source text.
-It is used in gateway.py's caching mechanism.
-The initfunc result is a function named "init"+modname
-It must be called with a space instance and returns
-a wrapped dict which is suitable to use as a module dict,
-containing all trnaslatedobjects with their originalname.
-Integration of this module is finished.
-There are no longer hand-generated source
-pieces in pypy svn.
-from __future__ import generators
-import autopath, os, sys, exceptions, inspect, types
-import cPickle as pickle, __builtin__
-from copy_reg import _HEAPTYPE
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Variable, Constant, SpaceOperation
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import FunctionGraph, Block, Link
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import last_exception
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import traverse, uniqueitems, checkgraph
-from pypy.interpreter.pycode import CO_VARARGS, CO_VARKEYWORDS
-from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
-from types import FunctionType, CodeType, ModuleType
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_int, r_uint
-from pypy.translator.translator import Translator
-from pypy.objspace.flow import FlowObjSpace
-from pypy.tool.sourcetools import render_docstr, NiceCompile
-from pypy.translator.gensupp import ordered_blocks, UniqueList, builtin_base, \
-     c_string, uniquemodulename, C_IDENTIFIER, NameManager
-# list of simplifcation passes needed by geninterp
-from pypy.translator.simplify import transform_ovfcheck, all_passes as needed_passes
-needed_passes = needed_passes[:]
-import pypy # __path__
-import py.path
-GI_VERSION = '1.1.0'  # bump this for substantial changes
-# ____________________________________________________________
-def eval_helper(self, typename, expr):
-    name = self.uniquename("gtype_%s" % typename)
-    unique = self.uniquenameofprebuilt("eval_helper", eval_helper)
-    self.initcode.append1(
-        'def %s(expr):\n'
-        '    dic = space.newdict([])\n'
-        '    if "types." in expr:\n'
-        '        space.exec_("import types", dic, dic)\n'
-        '    else:\n'
-        '        space.exec_("", dic, dic)\n'
-        '    return space.eval(expr, dic, dic)' % (unique, ))
-    self.initcode.append1('%s = %s(%r)' % (name, unique, expr))
-    return name
-def unpickle_helper(self, name, value):
-    unique = self.uniquenameofprebuilt("unpickle_helper", unpickle_helper)
-    self.initcode.append1(
-        'def %s(value):\n'
-        '    dic = space.newdict([])\n'
-        '    space.exec_("import cPickle as pickle", dic, dic)\n'
-        '    return space.eval("pickle.loads(%%r)" %% value, dic, dic)' % unique)
-    self.initcode.append1('%s = %s(%r)' % (
-        name, unique, pickle.dumps(value, 2)) )
-# hey, for longs we can do even easier:
-def long_helper(self, name, value):
-    unique = self.uniquenameofprebuilt("long_helper", long_helper)
-    self.initcode.append1(
-        'def %s(value):\n'
-        '    dic = space.newdict([])\n'
-        '    space.exec_("", dic, dic) # init __builtins__\n'
-        '    return space.eval("long(%%r, 16)" %% value, dic, dic)' % unique)
-    self.initcode.append1('%s = %s(%r)' % (
-        name, unique, hex(value)[2:-1] ) )
-def bltinmod_helper(self, mod):    
-    name = self.uniquename("mod_%s" % mod.__name__)
-    unique = self.uniquenameofprebuilt("bltinmod_helper", bltinmod_helper)
-    self.initcode.append1(
-        'def %s(name):\n'
-        '    dic = space.newdict([])\n'
-        '    space.exec_("import %%s" %% name, dic, dic)\n'
-        '    return space.eval("%%s" %% name, dic, dic)' % (unique, ))
-    self.initcode.append1('%s = %s(%r)' % (name, unique, mod.__name__))
-    return name
-class GenRpy:
-    def __init__(self, translator, entrypoint=None, modname=None, moddict=None):
-        self.translator = translator
-        if entrypoint is None:
-            entrypoint = translator.entrypoint
-        self.entrypoint = entrypoint
-        self.modname = self.trans_funcname(modname or
-                        uniquemodulename(entrypoint))
-        self.moddict = moddict # the dict if we translate a module
-        def late_OperationError():
-            self.initcode.append1(
-                'from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError as gOperationError')
-            return 'gOperationError'
-        def late_Arguments():
-            self.initcode.append1('from pypy.interpreter import gateway')
-            return 'gateway.Arguments'
-        self.rpynames = {Constant(None).key:  'space.w_None',
-                         Constant(False).key: 'space.w_False',
-                         Constant(True).key:  'space.w_True',
-                         Constant(OperationError).key: late_OperationError,
-                         Constant(Arguments).key: late_Arguments,
-                       }
-        u = UniqueList
-        self.initcode = u()    # list of lines for the module's initxxx()
-        self.latercode = u()   # list of generators generating extra lines
-                               #   for later in initxxx() -- for recursive
-                               #   objects
-        self.namespace = NameManager()
-        self.namespace.make_reserved_names('__doc__ __args__ space goto')
-        self.globaldecl = []
-        self.globalobjects = []
-        self.pendingfunctions = []
-        self.currentfunc = None
-        self.debugstack = ()  # linked list of nested nameof()
-        # special constructors:
-        self.has_listarg = {}
-        for name in "newtuple newlist newdict newstring".split():
-            self.has_listarg[name] = name
-        # catching all builtins in advance, to avoid problems
-        # with modified builtins
-        # add a dummy _issubtype() to builtins
-        def _issubtype(cls1, cls2):
-            raise TypeError, "this dummy should *not* be reached"
-        __builtin__._issubtype = _issubtype
-        class bltinstub:
-            def __init__(self, name):
-                self.__name__ = name
-            def __repr__(self):
-                return '<%s>' % self.__name__
-        self.builtin_ids = dict( [
-            (id(value), bltinstub(key))
-            for key, value in __builtin__.__dict__.items()
-            if callable(value) and type(value) not in [type(Exception), type] ] )
-        self.space = FlowObjSpace() # for introspection
-        self.use_fast_call = True
-        self.specialize_goto = False
-        self._labeltable = {} # unique label names, reused per func
-        self._space_arities = None
-    def expr(self, v, localscope, wrapped = True):
-        if isinstance(v, Variable):
-            return localscope.localname(v.name, wrapped)
-        elif isinstance(v, Constant):
-            return self.nameof(v.value,
-                               debug=('Constant in the graph of', self.currentfunc))
-        else:
-            raise TypeError, "expr(%r)" % (v,)
-    def arglist(self, args, localscope):
-        res = [self.expr(arg, localscope) for arg in args]
-        return ", ".join(res)
-    def oper(self, op, localscope):
-        if op.opname == "simple_call":
-            v = op.args[0]
-            space_shortcut = self.try_space_shortcut_for_builtin(v, len(op.args)-1)
-            if space_shortcut is not None:
-                # space method call
-                exv = space_shortcut
-                fmt = "%(res)s = %(func)s(%(args)s)"
-            else:
-                exv = self.expr(v, localscope)                
-                # default for a spacecall:
-                fmt = "%(res)s = space.call_function(%(func)s, %(args)s)"
-                # see if we can optimize for a fast call.
-                # we just do the very simple ones.
-                if self.use_fast_call and (isinstance(v, Constant)
-                                           and exv.startswith('gfunc_')):
-                    func = v.value
-                    if (not func.func_code.co_flags & CO_VARARGS) and (
-                        func.func_defaults is None):
-                        fmt = "%(res)s = fastf_%(func)s(space, %(args)s)"
-                        exv = exv[6:]
-            return fmt % {"res" : self.expr(op.result, localscope),
-                          "func": exv,
-                          "args": self.arglist(op.args[1:], localscope) }
-        if op.opname == "call_args":
-            v = op.args[0]
-            exv = self.expr(v, localscope)
-            fmt = (
-                "_args = %(Arg)s.fromshape(space, %(shape)s, [%(data_w)s])\n"
-                "%(res)s = space.call_args(%(func)s, _args)")
-            assert isinstance(op.args[1], Constant)
-            shape = op.args[1].value
-            return fmt % {"res": self.expr(op.result, localscope),
-                          "func": exv,
-                          "shape": repr(shape),
-                          "data_w": self.arglist(op.args[2:], localscope),
-                          'Arg': self.nameof(Arguments) }
-        if op.opname in self.has_listarg:
-            fmt = "%s = %s([%s])"
-        else:
-            fmt = "%s = %s(%s)"
-        # special case is_true
-        wrapped = op.opname != "is_true"
-        oper = "space.%s" % op.opname
-        return fmt % (self.expr(op.result, localscope, wrapped), oper,
-                      self.arglist(op.args, localscope))
-    def large_assignment(self, left, right, margin=65):
-        expr = "(%s) = (%s)" % (", ".join(left), ", ".join(right))
-        pieces = expr.split(",")
-        res = [pieces.pop(0)]
-        for piece in pieces:
-            if len(res[-1])+len(piece)+1 > margin:
-                res[-1] += ","
-                res.append(piece)
-            else:
-                res[-1] += (","+piece)
-        return res
-    def large_initialize(self, vars, margin=65):
-        res = []
-        nonestr = "None"
-        margin -= len(nonestr)
-        for var in vars:
-            ass = var+"="
-            if not res or len(res[-1]) >= margin:
-                res.append(ass)
-            else:
-                res[-1] += ass
-        res = [line + nonestr for line in res]
-        return res
-    def mklabel(self, blocknum):
-        if self.specialize_goto:
-            lbname = self._labeltable.get(blocknum)
-            if not lbname:
-                self.initcode.append1(
-                    'from pypy.objspace.flow.framestate import SpecTag')
-                lbname = self.uniquename("glabel_%d" % blocknum)
-                self._labeltable[blocknum] = lbname
-                self.initcode.append1('%s = SpecTag()' % lbname)
-            return lbname
-        else:
-            return repr(blocknum)
-    def gen_link(self, link, localscope, blocknum, block, linklocalvars=None):
-        "Generate the code to jump across the given Link."
-        linklocalvars = linklocalvars or {}
-        left, right = [], []
-        for a1, a2 in zip(link.args, link.target.inputargs):
-            if a1 in linklocalvars:
-                src = linklocalvars[a1]
-            else:
-                src = self.expr(a1, localscope)
-            left.append(self.expr(a2, localscope))
-            right.append(src)
-        if left: # anything at all?
-            txt = "%s = %s" % (", ".join(left), ", ".join(right))
-            if len(txt) <= 65: # arbitrary
-                yield txt
-            else:
-                for line in self.large_assignment(left, right):
-                    yield line
-        goto = blocknum[link.target]
-        yield 'goto = %s' % self.mklabel(goto)
-        if goto <= blocknum[block]:
-            yield 'continue'
-    def register_early(self, obj, name):
-        # this was needed for recursive lists.
-        # note that self.latercode led to too late initialization.
-        key = Constant(obj).key
-        self.rpynames[key] = name
-    def nameof(self, obj, debug=None, namehint=None):
-        key = Constant(obj).key
-        try:
-            txt = self.rpynames[key]
-            if type(txt) is not str:
-                # this is a predefined constant, initialized on first use
-                func = txt
-                txt = func()
-                self.rpynames[key] = txt
-            return txt
-        except KeyError:
-            if debug:
-                stackentry = debug, obj
-            else:
-                stackentry = obj
-            self.debugstack = (self.debugstack, stackentry)
-            obj_builtin_base = builtin_base(obj)
-            if obj_builtin_base in (object, int, long) and type(obj) is not obj_builtin_base:
-                # assume it's a user defined thingy
-                name = self.nameof_instance(obj)
-            else:
-                # shortcutting references to __builtin__
-                if id(obj) in self.builtin_ids:
-                    func = self.builtin_ids[id(obj)]
-                    name = "(space.builtin.get(space.str_w(%s)))" % self.nameof(func.__name__)
-                else:
-                    for cls in type(obj).__mro__:
-                        meth = getattr(self,
-                                       'nameof_' + cls.__name__.replace(' ', ''),
-                                       None)
-                        if meth:
-                            break
-                    else:
-                        raise Exception, "nameof(%r)" % (obj,)
-                    code = meth.im_func.func_code
-                    if namehint and 'namehint' in code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount]:
-                        name = meth(obj, namehint=namehint)
-                    else:
-                        name = meth(obj)
-            self.debugstack, x = self.debugstack
-            assert x is stackentry
-            self.rpynames[key] = name
-            return name
-    def uniquename(self, basename):
-        name = self.namespace.uniquename(basename)
-        self.globalobjects.append(name)
-        self.globaldecl.append('# global object %s' % (name,))
-        return name
-    def uniquenameofprebuilt(self, basename, obj):
-        # identifying an object and giving it a name,
-        # without the attempt to render it.
-        key = Constant(obj).key
-        try:
-            txt = self.rpynames[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            self.rpynames[key] = txt = self.uniquename(basename)
-        return txt
-    def nameof_NotImplementedType(self, value):
-        return "space.w_NotImplemented"
-    def nameof_object(self, value):
-        if type(value) is not object:
-            # try to just wrap it?
-            name = self.uniquename('g_%sinst_%r' % (type(value).__name__, value))
-            self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(%r)' % (name, value))
-            return name
-        name = self.uniquename('g_object')
-        self.initcode.append('_tup = space.newtuple([])\n'
-                                '%s = space.call(space.w_object, _tup)'
-                                % name)
-        return name
-    def nameof_module(self, value):
-        if value is os or not hasattr(value, "__file__") or \
-               not (value.__file__.endswith('.pyc') or
-                    value.__file__.endswith('.py') or
-                    value.__file__.endswith('.pyo')) :
-            return bltinmod_helper(self, value)
-        # we might have createda reference to a module
-        # that is non-standard.
-        # check whether we can import
-        try:
-            import value
-            need_extra_path = False
-        except ImportError:
-            need_extra_path = True
-        name = self.uniquename('mod_%s' % value.__name__)
-        if need_extra_path:
-            self.initcode.append1('import pypy')
-            self.initcode.append1('import sys')
-            self.initcode.append1('import os')
-            self.initcode.append1('libdir = os.path.join(pypy.__path__[0], "lib")\n'
-                                  'hold = sys.path[:]\n'
-                                  'sys.path.insert(0, libdir)\n'
-                                  'import %s as _tmp\n'
-                                  'sys.path[:] = hold\n' % value.__name__)
-        else:
-            self.initcode.append1('import %s as _tmp' % value.__name__)
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(_tmp)' % (name))
-        return name
-    def nameof_int(self, value):
-        if value >= 0:
-            name = 'gi_%d' % value
-        else:
-            # make sure that the type ident is completely described by
-            # the prefixbefore the initial '_' for easy postprocessing
-            name = 'gi_minus_%d' % abs(value)
-        name = self.uniquename(name)
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(%d)' % (name, value))
-        return name
-    def nameof_long(self, value):
-        # assume we want them in hex most of the time
-        if value < 256L:
-            s = "%dL" % value
-        else:
-            s = "0x%08xL" % value
-        if value >= 0:
-            name = 'glong_%s' % s
-        else:
-            # mae sure that the type ident is completely described by
-            # the prefix  before the initial '_'
-            name = 'glong_minus_%d' % abs(value)
-        name = self.uniquename(name)
-        # allow literally short longs only, meaning they
-        # must fit into a machine word.
-        if (sys.maxint*2+1)&value == value:
-            self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(%s) # XXX implement long!' % (name, s))
-        else:
-            long_helper(self, name, value)
-        return name
-    def nameof_float(self, value):
-        name = 'gfloat_%s' % value
-        name = (name.replace('-', 'minus')
-                    .replace('.', 'dot'))
-        name = self.uniquename(name)
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(%r)' % (name, value))
-        return name
-    def nameof_str(self, value):
-        if [c for c in value if c<' ' or c>'~' or c=='"' or c=='\\']:
-            # non-printable string
-            namestr = repr(value)[1:-1]
-        else:
-            # printable string
-            namestr = value
-        if not namestr:
-            namestr = "_emptystr_"
-        name = self.uniquename('gs_' + namestr[:32])
-        if len(value) < 30 and "\n" not in value:
-            txt = '%s = space.wrap(%r)' % (name, value)
-        else:
-            txt = render_docstr(value, '%s = space.wrap(\n' % name, ')')
-            txt = txt,  # not splitted
-        self.initcode.append(txt)
-        return name
-    def skipped_function(self, func):
-        # debugging only!  Generates a placeholder for missing functions
-        # that raises an exception when called.
-        name = self.uniquename('gskippedfunc_' + func.__name__)
-        self.globaldecl.append('# global decl %s' % (name, ))
-        self.initcode.append('# build func %s' % name)
-        return name
-    def skipped_class(self, cls):
-        # debugging only!  Generates a placeholder for missing classes
-        # that raises an exception when called.
-        name = self.uniquename('gskippedclass_' + cls.__name__)
-        self.globaldecl.append('# global decl %s' % (name, ))
-        self.initcode.append1('# build class %s' % name)
-        return name
-    def trans_funcname(self, s):
-        return s.translate(C_IDENTIFIER)
-    def nameof_function(self, func, namehint=''):
-        if hasattr(func, 'geninterplevel_name'):
-            return func.geninterplevel_name(self)
-        printable_name = '(%s:%d) %s' % (
-            self.trans_funcname(func.func_globals.get('__name__', '?')),
-            func.func_code.co_firstlineno,
-            func.__name__)
-        if self.translator.frozen:
-            if func not in self.translator.flowgraphs:
-                print "NOT GENERATING", printable_name
-                return self.skipped_function(func)
-        else:
-            if (func.func_doc and
-                func.func_doc.lstrip().startswith('NOT_RPYTHON')):
-                print "skipped", printable_name
-                return self.skipped_function(func)
-        name = self.uniquename('gfunc_' + self.trans_funcname(
-            namehint + func.__name__))
-        f_name = 'f_' + name[6:]
-        self.initcode.append1('from pypy.interpreter import gateway')
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(gateway.interp2app(%s, unwrap_spec=[gateway.ObjSpace, gateway.Arguments]))' % (name, f_name))
-        self.pendingfunctions.append(func)
-        return name
-    def nameof_staticmethod(self, sm):
-        # XXX XXX XXXX
-        func = sm.__get__(42.5)
-        name = self.uniquename('gsm_' + func.__name__)
-        functionname = self.nameof(func)
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.wrap(%s)' % (name, functionname))
-        return name
-    def nameof_instancemethod(self, meth):
-        if meth.im_self is None:
-            # no error checking here
-            return self.nameof(meth.im_func, namehint="%s_" % meth.im_class.__name__)
-        else:
-            ob = self.nameof(meth.im_self)
-            func = self.nameof(meth.im_func)
-            typ = self.nameof(meth.im_class)
-            name = self.uniquename('gmeth_' + meth.im_func.__name__)
-            funcname = self.nameof(meth.im_func.__name__)
-            self.initcode.append1(
-                '%s = space.getattr(%s, %s)' % (name, ob, funcname))
-            return name
-    def should_translate_attr(self, pbc, attr):
-        ann = self.translator.annotator
-        if ann is None:
-            ignore = getattr(pbc.__class__, 'NOT_RPYTHON_ATTRIBUTES', [])
-            if attr in ignore:
-                return False
-            else:
-                return "probably"   # True
-        classdef = ann.getuserclasses().get(pbc.__class__)
-        if classdef and classdef.about_attribute(attr) is not None:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def later(self, gen):
-        self.latercode.append1((gen, self.debugstack))
-    def nameof_instance(self, instance):
-        klass = instance.__class__
-        name = self.uniquename('ginst_' + klass.__name__)
-        cls = self.nameof(klass)
-        if hasattr(klass, '__base__'):
-            base_class = builtin_base(instance)
-            base = self.nameof(base_class)
-        else:
-            base_class = None
-            base = cls
-        def initinstance():
-            content = instance.__dict__.items()
-            content.sort()
-            for key, value in content:
-                if self.should_translate_attr(instance, key):
-                    try:
-                            yield 'space.setattr(%s, %s, %s)' % (
-                                name, self.nameof(key), self.nameof(value))
-                    except:
-                        print >> sys.stderr, "Problem while generating %s of %r" % (
-                                name, instance)
-                        raise
-        self.initcode.append1("%s = space.call_method(%s, '__new__', %s)" % (
-                             name, cls, cls))
-        self.later(initinstance())
-        return name
-    def space_arities(self):
-        if self._space_arities is None:
-            arities = self._space_arities = {}
-            for name, sym, arity, specnames in self.space.MethodTable:
-                arities[name] = arity
-            arities['isinstance'] = 2
-        return self._space_arities
-    def try_space_shortcut_for_builtin(self, v, nargs):
-        if isinstance(v, Constant) and id(v.value) in self.builtin_ids:
-            name = self.builtin_ids[id(v.value)].__name__
-            if hasattr(self.space, name):
-                if self.space_arities().get(name, -1) == nargs:
-                    return "space.%s" % name
-        return None
-    def nameof_builtin_function_or_method(self, func):
-        if func.__self__ is None:
-            # builtin function
-            if id(func) in self.builtin_ids:
-                func = self.builtin_ids[id(func)]
-                return "(space.builtin.get(space.str_w(%s)))" % self.nameof(func.__name__)
-            # where does it come from? Python2.2 doesn't have func.__module__
-            for modname, module in sys.modules.items():
-                if hasattr(module, '__file__'):
-                    if (module.__file__.endswith('.py') or
-                        module.__file__.endswith('.pyc') or
-                        module.__file__.endswith('.pyo')):
-                        continue    # skip non-builtin modules
-                if func is getattr(module, func.__name__, None):
-                    break
-            else:
-                raise Exception, '%r not found in any built-in module' % (func,)
-            #if modname == '__builtin__':
-            #    # be lazy
-            #    return "(space.builtin.get(space.str_w(%s)))" % self.nameof(func.__name__)
-            if modname == 'sys':
-                # be lazy
-                return "(space.sys.get(space.str_w(%s)))" % self.nameof(func.__name__)                
-            else:
-                name = self.uniquename('gbltin_' + func.__name__)
-                self.initcode.append1('%s = space.getattr(%s, %s)' % (
-                    name, self.nameof(module), self.nameof(func.__name__)))
-        else:
-            # builtin (bound) method
-            name = self.uniquename('gbltinmethod_' + func.__name__)
-            self.initcode.append1('%s = space.getattr(%s, %s)' % (
-                name, self.nameof(func.__self__), self.nameof(func.__name__)))
-        return name
-    def nameof_classobj(self, cls):
-        printable_name = cls.__name__
-        if cls.__doc__ and cls.__doc__.lstrip().startswith('NOT_RPYTHON'):
-            #raise Exception, "%r should never be reached" % (cls,)
-            print "skipped class", printable_name
-            return self.skipped_class(cls)
-        metaclass = "space.w_type"
-        name = self.uniquename('gcls_' + cls.__name__)
-        if issubclass(cls, Exception):
-            # if cls.__module__ == 'exceptions':
-            # don't rely on this, py.magic redefines AssertionError
-            if getattr(__builtin__,cls.__name__,None) is cls:
-                # exception are defined on the space
-                return 'space.w_%s' % cls.__name__
-        if not isinstance(cls, type):
-            assert type(cls) is type(Exception)
-            # do *not* change metaclass, but leave the
-            # decision to what PyPy thinks is correct.
-            # metaclass = 'space.w_classobj'
-        basenames = [self.nameof(base) for base in cls.__bases__]
-        def initclassobj():
-            content = cls.__dict__.items()
-            content.sort()
-            for key, value in content:
-                if key.startswith('__'):
-                    if key in ['__module__', '__doc__', '__dict__',
-                               '__weakref__', '__metaclass__', '__slots__','__new__']:
-                        continue
-                # redirect value through class interface, in order to
-                # get methods instead of functions.
-                value = getattr(cls, key)
-                if isinstance(value, staticmethod) and value.__get__(1) not in self.translator.flowgraphs and self.translator.frozen:
-                    print "skipped staticmethod:", value
-                    continue
-                if isinstance(value, FunctionType) and value not in self.translator.flowgraphs and self.translator.frozen:
-                    print "skipped function:", value
-                    continue
-                yield 'space.setattr(%s, %s, %s)' % (
-                    name, self.nameof(key), self.nameof(value))
-        baseargs = ", ".join(basenames)
-        self.initcode.append('_dic = space.newdict([])')
-        for key, value in cls.__dict__.items():
-            if key.startswith('__'):
-                if key in ['__module__', '__metaclass__', '__slots__','__new__']:
-                    keyname = self.nameof(key)
-                    valname = self.nameof(value)
-                    self.initcode.append("space.setitem(_dic, %s, %s)" % (
-                        keyname, valname))
-        if cls.__doc__ is not None:
-            sdoc = self.nameof("__doc__")
-            docobj = cls.__dict__["__doc__"]
-            if type(docobj) in (str, unicode):
-                docstr = render_docstr(cls, "_doc = space.wrap(", ")")
-                self.initcode.append((docstr,)) # not splitted
-            else:
-                self.initcode.append("_doc = %s" % self.nameof(docobj) )
-            self.initcode.append("space.setitem(_dic, %s, _doc)" % (sdoc,))
-        self.initcode.append1('_bases = space.newtuple([%(bases)s])\n'
-                             '_args = space.newtuple([%(name)s, _bases, _dic])\n'
-                             '%(klass)s = space.call(%(meta)s, _args)'
-                             % {"bases": baseargs,
-                                "klass": name,
-                                "name" : self.nameof(cls.__name__),
-                                "meta" : metaclass} )
-        self.later(initclassobj())
-        return name
-    nameof_class = nameof_classobj   # for Python 2.2
-    typename_mapping = {
-        object: 'space.w_object',
-        int:    'space.w_int',
-        long:   'space.w_long',
-        bool:   'space.w_bool',
-        list:   'space.w_list',
-        tuple:  'space.w_tuple',
-        dict:   'space.w_dict',
-        str:    'space.w_str',
-        float:  'space.w_float',
-        slice:  'space.w_slice',
-        type(Exception()): 'space.wrap(types.InstanceType)',
-        type:   'space.w_type',
-        complex:'space.wrap(types.ComplexType)',
-        unicode:'space.w_unicode',
-        basestring: (eval_helper, 'basestring', 'basestring'),
-        file:   (eval_helper, 'file', 'file'),
-        type(None): (eval_helper, 'NoneType', 'type(None)'),
-        CodeType: (eval_helper, 'code', 'type((lambda:42).func_code)'),
-        ModuleType: (eval_helper, 'ModuleType', 'types.ModuleType'),
-        xrange: (eval_helper, 'xrange', 'xrange'),
-        ##r_int:  'space.w_int',
-        ##r_uint: 'space.w_int',
-        type(len): (eval_helper, 'FunctionType', 'type(lambda:42)'),
-        # type 'method_descriptor':
-        # XXX small problem here:
-        # XXX with space.eval, we get <W_TypeObject(method)>
-        # XXX but with wrap, we get <W_TypeObject(instancemethod)>
-        type(list.append): (eval_helper, "method_descriptor", "type(list.append)"),
-        # type 'wrapper_descriptor':
-        type(type(None).__repr__): (eval_helper, "wrapper_descriptor",
-                                    "type(type(None).__repr__)"),
-        # type 'getset_descriptor':
-        # XXX here we get <W_TypeObject(FakeDescriptor)>,
-        # while eval gives us <W_TypeObject(GetSetProperty)>
-        type(type.__dict__['__dict__']): (eval_helper, "getset_descriptor",
-            "type(type.__dict__[\'__dict__\'])"),
-        # type 'member_descriptor':
-        # XXX this does not work in eval!
-        # type(type.__dict__['__basicsize__']): "cannot eval type(type.__dict__['__basicsize__'])",
-        # XXX there seems to be no working support for member descriptors ???
-        type(types.GeneratorType.gi_frame):
-            (eval_helper, "member_descriptor", 'type(property.fdel)'),
-        types.ClassType: 'space.w_classobj',
-        types.MethodType: (eval_helper, "instancemethod",
-            "type((lambda:42).__get__(42))"),
-        property: (eval_helper, "property", 'property'),
-    }
-    def nameof_type(self, cls):
-        if cls in self.typename_mapping:
-            ret = self.typename_mapping[cls]
-            if type(ret) is tuple:
-                ret = ret[0](self, ret[1], ret[2])
-            return ret
-        assert cls.__module__ != '__builtin__' or cls.__flags__&_HEAPTYPE, (
-            "built-in class %r not found in typename_mapping "
-            "while compiling %s" % (cls, self.currentfunc and
-                                    self.currentfunc.__name__ or "*no function at all*"))
-        return self.nameof_classobj(cls)
-    def nameof_tuple(self, tup):
-        name = self.uniquename('g%dtuple' % len(tup))
-        args = [self.nameof(x) for x in tup]
-        args = ', '.join(args)
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.newtuple([%s])' % (name, args))
-        return name
-    def nameof_list(self, lis):
-        name = self.uniquename('g%dlist' % len(lis))
-        # note that self.latercode led to too late initialization.
-        self.register_early(lis, name)
-        # try to save at least one assignment.
-        if lis and lis[0] is not lis:
-            default = lis[0]
-        else:
-            default = None
-        self.initcode.append('%s = space.newlist([%s])' % (name, self.nameof(default)))
-        self.initcode.append('%s = space.mul(%s, %s)' % (name, name, self.nameof(len(lis))))
-        for i in range(len(lis)):
-            if lis[i] is not default:
-                item = self.nameof(lis[i])
-                self.initcode.append('space.setitem(%s, %s, %s);' % (
-                    name, self.nameof(i), item))
-        return name
-    def nameof_dict(self, dic):
-        assert dic is not __builtins__
-        name = self.uniquename('g%ddict' % len(dic))
-        self.register_early(dic, name)
-        self.initcode.append('%s = space.newdict([])' % (name,))
-        for k in dic:
-            if k == '__builtins__':
-                continue
-            self.initcode.append('space.setitem(%s, %s, %s)'%(
-                name, self.nameof(k), self.nameof(dic[k])))
-        return name
-    # strange prebuilt instances below, don't look too closely
-    # XXX oh well.
-    def nameof_member_descriptor(self, md):
-        name = self.uniquename('gdescriptor_%s_%s' % (
-            md.__objclass__.__name__, md.__name__))
-        cls = self.nameof(md.__objclass__)
-        # do I need to take the dict and then getitem???
-        self.initcode.append1('%s = space.getattr(%s, %s)' %
-                                (name, cls, self.nameof(md.__name__)))
-        return name
-    nameof_getset_descriptor  = nameof_member_descriptor
-    nameof_method_descriptor  = nameof_member_descriptor
-    nameof_wrapper_descriptor = nameof_member_descriptor
-    def nameof_file(self, fil):
-        if fil is sys.stdin:
-            return 'space.sys.get("stdin")'
-        if fil is sys.stdout:
-            return 'space.sys.get("stdout")'
-        if fil is sys.stderr:
-            return 'space.sys.get("stderr")'
-        raise Exception, 'Cannot translate an already-open file: %r' % (fil,)
-    def gen_source(self, fname, ftmpname=None, file=file):
-        self.fname = fname
-        self.ftmpname = ftmpname
-        # generate unordered source file, first.
-        # I prefer this over ordering everything in memory.
-        fname = self.fname
-        if self.ftmpname:
-            fname = self.ftmpname
-        f = file(fname, "w")
-        # generate ordered source file
-        try:
-            self.f = f
-            self.gen_source_temp()
-        finally:
-            f.close()
-        def copyfile(source, target):
-            file(target, "w").write(file(source).read())
-        def order_sections(fname):
-            sep = "\n##SECTION##\n"
-            txt = file(fname).read()
-            pieces = txt.split(sep)
-            prelude = pieces.pop(0)
-            postlude = pieces.pop()
-            dic = {}
-            while pieces:
-                func = pieces.pop()
-                head = pieces.pop()
-                key = makekey(head, len(pieces))
-                dic[key] = head + sep + func
-            lis = dic.items()
-            lis.sort()
-            lis = [prelude] + [func for head, func in lis] + [postlude]
-            txt = sep.join(lis)
-            file(fname, "w").write(txt)
-        def makekey(txt, uniqueno):
-            dic = {}
-            for line in txt.split("\n"):
-                ign, name, value = line.split(None, 2)
-                dic[name] = eval(value, {})
-            key = (dic["filename"], dic["firstlineno"],
-                   dic["function"], uniqueno)
-            return key
-        order_sections(fname)
-        if self.ftmpname:
-            copyfile(self.ftmpname, self.fname)
-    def gen_source_temp(self):
-        f = self.f
-        # header
-        print >> f, self.RPY_HEADER
-        print >> f
-        info = {
-            'modname': self.modname,
-             # the side-effects of this is kick-start the process
-            'entrypoint': None # self.nameof(self.entrypoint),
-            }
-        # header """def initmodule(space):"""
-        print >> f, self.RPY_INIT_HEADER % info
-        # doc
-        if self.moddict and self.moddict.get("__doc__"):
-            doc = self.moddict["__doc__"]
-            print >> f, render_docstr(doc, "  __doc__ = \\\n")
-            print >> f
-            # make sure it is not rendered again
-            key = Constant(doc).key
-            self.rpynames[key] = "w__doc__"
-            self.initcode.append("w__doc__ = space.wrap(__doc__)")
-        # info.entrypoint must be done *after* __doc__ is handled,
-        # because nameof(entrypoint) might touch __doc__ early.
-        info["entrypoint"] = self.nameof(self.entrypoint)
-        # function implementations
-        while self.pendingfunctions or self.latercode:
-            if self.pendingfunctions:
-                func = self.pendingfunctions.pop()
-                self.currentfunc = func
-                self.gen_rpyfunction(func)
-            # collect more of the latercode after each function
-            while self.latercode:
-                gen, self.debugstack = self.latercode.pop()
-                #self.initcode.extend(gen) -- eats TypeError! bad CPython!
-                for line in gen:
-                    self.initcode.append1(line)
-                self.debugstack = ()
-            self.gen_global_declarations()
-        # set the final splitter
-        print >> f, "##SECTION##"
-        # footer, init code
-        for codelines in self.initcode:
-            # keep docstrings unindented
-            indent = "  "
-            if type(codelines) is tuple:
-                codelines = codelines[0].split("\n", 1)
-                codelines[0] = indent + codelines[0]
-                indent = ""
-            else:
-                codelines = codelines.split("\n")
-            for codeline in codelines:
-                print >> f, indent + codeline
-        self.gen_trailer(info, "  ")
-        # do not close the file here!
-    def gen_trailer(self, info, indent):
-        if self.moddict:
-            # we are generating a module, no __main__ etc.
-            print >> self.f, indent + "return %s" % self.nameof(self.entrypoint)
-            print >> self.f
-        else:
-            # we should have an entrypoint function
-            info['entrypointname'] = self.trans_funcname(self.entrypoint.__name__)
-            print >> self.f, self.RPY_INIT_FOOTER % info
-    def gen_global_declarations(self):
-        g = self.globaldecl
-        if g:
-            f = self.f
-            print >> f, '# global declaration%s' % ('s'*(len(g)>1))
-            for line in g:
-                print >> f, line
-            print >> f
-            del g[:]
-        g = self.globalobjects
-        for name in g:
-            pass # self.initcode.append1('# REGISTER_GLOBAL(%s)' % (name,))
-        del g[:]
-    def rel_filename(self, name):
-        # try to find a name relative to pypy and unify.
-        # if not possible, stick with the original.
-        ref = py.path.local(pypy.__path__[0])
-        rel = py.path.local(name).relto(ref)
-        if rel:
-            # make it os independent
-            return rel.replace('\\', '/')
-        return name # no success
-    def gen_rpyfunction(self, func):
-        f = self.f
-        print >> f, "##SECTION##" # simple to split, afterwards
-        print >> f, ("## filename    %r\n"
-                     "## function    %r\n"
-                     "## firstlineno %d") % (
-            self.rel_filename(func.func_code.co_filename),
-            func.func_code.co_name,
-            func.func_code.co_firstlineno)
-        print >> f, "##SECTION##"
-        localscope = self.namespace.localScope()
-        body = list(self.rpyfunction_body(func, localscope))
-        name_of_defaults = [self.nameof(x, debug=('Default argument of', func))
-                            for x in (func.func_defaults or ())]
-        self.gen_global_declarations()
-        # print header
-        docstr = render_docstr(func, "    ")
-        cname = self.nameof(func)
-        assert cname.startswith('gfunc_')
-        f_name = 'f_' + cname[6:]
-        # collect all the local variables
-        graph = self.translator.getflowgraph(func)
-        localslst = []
-        def visit(node):
-            if isinstance(node, Block):
-                localslst.extend(node.getvariables())
-        traverse(visit, graph)
-        localnames = [self.expr(a, localscope) for a in uniqueitems(localslst)]
-        # collect all the arguments
-        vararg = varkw = None
-        varargname = varkwname = None
-        all_args = graph.getargs()
-        p = len(all_args)
-        if func.func_code.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
-            p -= 1
-            varkw = graph.getargs()[p]
-            varkwname = func.func_code.co_varnames[p]
-        if func.func_code.co_flags & CO_VARARGS:
-            p -= 1
-            vararg = graph.getargs()[p]
-            varargname = func.func_code.co_varnames[p]
-        positional_args = all_args[:p]
-        fast_args = [self.expr(a, localscope) for a in positional_args]
-        if vararg is not None:
-            vararg = self.expr(vararg, localscope)
-            fast_args.append(vararg)
-        if varkw is not None:
-            varkw = self.expr(varkw, localscope)
-            fast_args.append(varkw)
-        fast_name = 'fast' + f_name
-        fast_set = dict(zip(fast_args, fast_args))
-        # create function declaration
-        name = self.trans_funcname(func.__name__) # for <lambda>
-        argstr = ", ".join(['space'] + fast_args)
-        fast_function_header = ('  def %s(%s):'
-                                % (name, argstr))
-        def install_func(f_name, name):
-            yield ''
-            yield '  %s = %s' % (f_name, name)
-            #import __builtin__
-            #dic = __builtin__.__dict__
-            #if dic.get(name):
-            #    yield 'del %s # hiding a builtin!' % name
-            #else:
-            #    self.initcode.append1('del m.%s' % (name,))
-        print >> f, '  def %s(space, __args__):' % (name,)
-        if docstr is not None:
-            print >> f, docstr
-            print >> f
-        def tupstr(seq):
-            if len(seq) == 1:
-                fmt = '%s,'
-            else:
-                fmt = '%s'
-            return fmt % ', '.join(seq)
-        def tupassstr(seq):
-            if not seq:
-                return ""
-            else:
-                return tupstr(seq) + " = "
-        print >> f, '    funcname = "%s"' % func.__name__
-        kwlist = list(func.func_code.co_varnames[:func.func_code.co_argcount])
-        signature = '    signature = %r' % kwlist
-        signature = ", ".join([signature, repr(varargname), repr(varkwname)])
-        print >> f, signature
-        print >> f, '    defaults_w = [%s]' % ", ".join(name_of_defaults)
-        print >> f, '    %s__args__.parse(funcname, signature, defaults_w)' % (
-            tupassstr(fast_args),)
-        print >> f, '    return %s(%s)' % (fast_name, ', '.join(["space"]+fast_args))
-        for line in install_func(f_name, name):
-            print >> f, line
-        print >> f
-        print >> f, fast_function_header
-        if docstr is not None:
-            print >> f, docstr
-        fast_locals = [arg for arg in localnames if arg not in fast_set]
-##        # if goto is specialized, the false detection of
-##        # uninitialized variables goes away.
-##        if fast_locals and not self.specialize_goto:
-##            print >> f
-##            for line in self.large_initialize(fast_locals):
-##                print >> f, "    %s" % line
-##            print >> f
-        # print the body
-        for line in body:
-            print >> f, line
-        for line in install_func("fast"+f_name, name):
-            print >> f, line
-        print >> f
-        # print the PyMethodDef
-        # skipped
-        if not self.translator.frozen:
-            # this is only to keep the RAM consumption under control
-            pass # del self.translator.flowgraphs[func]
-        # got duplicate flowgraphs when doing this!
-    def rpyfunction_body(self, func, localscope):
-        try:
-            graph = self.translator.getflowgraph(func)
-        except Exception, e:
-            print 20*"*", e
-            print func
-            raise
-        # not needed, we use tuple assignment!
-        # remove_direct_loops(graph)
-        checkgraph(graph)
-        allblocks = []
-        f = self.f
-        t = self.translator
-        #t.simplify(func)
-        graph = t.getflowgraph(func)
-        start = graph.startblock
-        allblocks = ordered_blocks(graph)
-        nblocks = len(allblocks)
-        blocknum = {}
-        for block in allblocks:
-            blocknum[block] = len(blocknum)+1
-        yield "    goto = %s # startblock" % self.mklabel(blocknum[start])
-        yield "    while True:"
-        def render_block(block):
-            catch_exception = block.exitswitch == Constant(last_exception)
-            regular_op = len(block.operations) - catch_exception
-            # render all but maybe the last op
-            for op in block.operations[:regular_op]:
-                for line in self.oper(op, localscope).split("\n"):
-                    yield "%s" % line
-            # render the last op if it is exception handled
-            for op in block.operations[regular_op:]:
-                yield "try:"
-                for line in self.oper(op, localscope).split("\n"):
-                    yield "    %s" % line
-            if len(block.exits) == 0:
-                if len(block.inputargs) == 2:   # exc_cls, exc_value
-                    # exceptional return block
-                    exc_cls = self.expr(block.inputargs[0], localscope)
-                    exc_val = self.expr(block.inputargs[1], localscope)
-                    yield "raise %s(%s, %s)" % (self.nameof(OperationError),
-                                                exc_cls, exc_val)
-                else:
-                    # regular return block
-                    retval = self.expr(block.inputargs[0], localscope)
-                    yield "return %s" % retval
-                return
-            elif block.exitswitch is None:
-                # single-exit block
-                assert len(block.exits) == 1
-                for op in self.gen_link(block.exits[0], localscope, blocknum, block):
-                    yield "%s" % op
-            elif catch_exception:
-                # block catching the exceptions raised by its last operation
-                # we handle the non-exceptional case first
-                link = block.exits[0]
-                assert link.exitcase is None
-                for op in self.gen_link(link, localscope, blocknum, block):
-                    yield "    %s" % op
-                # we must catch the exception raised by the last operation,
-                # which goes to the last err%d_%d label written above.
-                # Since we only have OperationError, we need to select:
-                yield "except %s, e:" % (self.nameof(OperationError),)
-                yield "    e.normalize_exception(space)"
-                q = "if"
-                for link in block.exits[1:]:
-                    assert issubclass(link.exitcase, Exception)
-                    # Exeption classes come unwrapped in link.exitcase
-                    yield "    %s space.is_true(space.issubtype(e.w_type, %s)):" % (q,
-                                            self.nameof(link.exitcase))
-                    q = "elif"
-                    for op in self.gen_link(link, localscope, blocknum, block, {
-                                link.last_exception: 'e.w_type',
-                                link.last_exc_value: 'e.w_value'}):
-                        yield "        %s" % op
-                yield "    else:raise # unhandled case, should not happen"
-            else:
-                # block ending in a switch on a value
-                exits = list(block.exits)
-                if len(exits) == 2 and (
-                    exits[0].exitcase is False and exits[1].exitcase is True):
-                    # order these guys like Python does
-                    exits.reverse()
-                q = "if"
-                for link in exits[:-1]:
-                    yield "%s %s == %s:" % (q, self.expr(block.exitswitch,
-                                                     localscope),
-                                                     link.exitcase)
-                    for op in self.gen_link(link, localscope, blocknum, block):
-                        yield "    %s" % op
-                    q = "elif"
-                link = exits[-1]
-                yield "else:"
-                yield "    assert %s == %s" % (self.expr(block.exitswitch,
-                                                    localscope),
-                                                    link.exitcase)
-                for op in self.gen_link(exits[-1], localscope, blocknum, block):
-                    yield "    %s" % op
-        cmpop = ('==', 'is') [self.specialize_goto]
-        for block in allblocks:
-            blockno = blocknum[block]
-            yield ""
-            yield "        if goto %s %s:" % (cmpop, self.mklabel(blockno))
-            for line in render_block(block):
-                yield "            %s" % line
-# ____________________________________________________________
-    RPY_HEADER = '''#!/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: LATIN-1 -*-'''
-    RPY_SEP = "#*************************************************************"
-def init%(modname)s(space):
-  """NOT_RPYTHON"""
-    RPY_INIT_FOOTER = '''
-# entry point: %(entrypointname)s, %(entrypoint)s
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    from pypy.objspace.std import StdObjSpace
-    from pypy.objspace.std.model import UnwrapError
-    space = StdObjSpace()
-    init%(modname)s(space)
-    ret = space.call(%(entrypoint)s, space.newtuple([]))
-    try:
-        print space.unwrap(ret)
-    except UnwrapError:
-        print "cannot unwrap, here the wrapped result:"
-        print ret
-# _____________________________________________________________________
-# implementation of the interface that is finally only
-# used: translate_as_module
-import py.code
-import cStringIO as StringIO
-class memfile(object):
-    _storage = {}
-    def __init__(self, name, mode="r"):
-        if mode == "w":
-            self._storage[name] = StringIO.StringIO()
-        elif mode == "r":
-            try:
-                data = self._storage[name].getvalue()
-            except IndexError:
-                data = file(name).read()
-            self._storage[name] = StringIO.StringIO(data)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "mode %s not supported" % mode
-        self._file = self._storage[name]
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        return getattr(self._file, name)
-    def close(self):
-        pass
-def translate_as_module(sourcetext, filename=None, modname="app2interpexec",
-                        do_imports_immediately=False, tmpname=None):
-    """ compile sourcetext as a module, translating to interp level.
-    The result is the init function that creates the wrapped module dict,
-    together with the generated source text.
-    This init function needs a space as argument.
-    tmpname can be passed for debugging purposes.
-    Example:
-    initfunc, newsrc = translate_as_module(text)
-    from pypy.objspace.std import Space
-    space = Space()
-    dic = initfunc(space)
-    # and now use the members of the dict
-    """
-    # create something like a module
-    if filename is None: 
-        code = py.code.Source(sourcetext).compile()
-    else: 
-        code = NiceCompile(filename)(sourcetext)
-    dic = {'__name__': modname}
-    if filename:
-        dic['__file__'] = filename
-    exec code in dic
-    entrypoint = dic
-    t = Translator(None, verbose=False, simplifying=needed_passes,
-                   do_imports_immediately=do_imports_immediately,
-                   builtins_can_raise_exceptions=True)
-    gen = GenRpy(t, entrypoint, modname, dic)
-    if tmpname:
-        _file = file
-    else:
-        _file = memfile
-        tmpname = 'nada'
-    out = _file(tmpname, 'w')
-    gen.f = out
-    gen.gen_source(tmpname, file=_file)
-    out.close()
-    newsrc = _file(tmpname).read()
-    code = py.code.Source(newsrc).compile()
-    dic = {'__name__': modname}
-    exec code in dic
-    # now we just need to return the init function,
-    # which then needs to be called with the space to return the dict.
-    return dic['init%s' % modname], newsrc
-# some testing code
-testcode = """
-def f(a, b):
-    return a + b
-def g():
-    return f(f(1, 2), f(4, 8))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    res = translate_as_module(testcode, tmpname='/tmp/look.py')

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