[pypy-svn] r9724 - pypy/dist/pypy/tool

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Thu Mar 10 14:02:36 CET 2005

Author: pedronis
Date: Thu Mar 10 14:02:36 2005
New Revision: 9724

   pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.css   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.js   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.py   (contents, props changed)
tool to generate summary pages about implementation status of (builtin) modules, classes and types.

We propably need to pick a canonical set of modules we really care about, and then publish the results

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.css
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.css	Thu Mar 10 14:02:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+body { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }
+.title {font-size: 2em; font-weight: bolder }
+.even { background: #d0d0d0; }
+.odd { background: white;  }
+table { border-spacing: 0pt }
+a { color: inherit; }
+a:hover { background: yellow }
+a:visited:hover { background: inherit  }
+.missing { color: red }
+.faked { color: red; font-style: italic }
+.somemissing { color: maroon }
+.only_in { font-style: italic }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.js
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.js	Thu Mar 10 14:02:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+toggle_list = ['alpha', 'grandmissing', 'incompleteness'];
+TABLE_HIDE = "display: none"
+TABLE_SHOW = "display: table"
+function toggle(on) {
+  for (i in toggle_list) {
+     x = toggle_list[i];
+     if (x!=on) {
+       document.getElementById(x).setAttribute("style", TABLE_HIDE);
+     }
+  };
+  document.getElementById(on).setAttribute("style", TABLE_SHOW);
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/delta.py	Thu Mar 10 14:02:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+import autopath
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from  py.xml import html
+class html_plus(html):
+    __tagspec__ = html.__tagspec__.copy()
+    __tagspec__['button'] = 1
+    __tagspec__['script'] = 1
+html = html_plus
+import os, sys
+from sets import Set
+W = 125
+H = 12
+RED   = "#ff0000"
+WHITE = "#ffffff"
+BLACK = "#000000"
+GREY =  "#808080"
+def incompleteness_bar(DIR, incompleteness):
+    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor
+    red = ImageColor.getrgb(RED)
+    white = ImageColor.getrgb(WHITE)
+    black = ImageColor.getrgb(BLACK)
+    grey = ImageColor.getrgb(GREY)
+    if incompleteness == -1.0:
+        inc = -1
+        name = "bar_none.png"
+    else:
+        inc = round((W-1) * incompleteness)
+        if inc == 0 and incompleteness != 0:
+            inc == 1
+        name = "bar_%d.png" % inc
+    imgfname = os.path.join(DIR,'images',name)
+    if not os.path.exists(imgfname):
+        img = Image.new("RGB",(W,H), red)
+        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+        if inc == -1:
+            draw.rectangle([0,0,W-1,H-1], outline=black, fill=white)
+        else:
+            if W-1-inc != 0:
+                draw.rectangle([0,0,W-1-inc,H-1],outline=grey, fill=grey)
+        IMGDIR = os.path.join(DIR,'images')
+        if not os.path.isdir(IMGDIR):
+            os.mkdir(IMGDIR)
+        img.save(imgfname,optimize=True)
+    return html.img(src=os.path.join('images', name),alt="incompleteness=%.2f" % incompleteness)
+NOTFOUND = object()
+class Explore:
+    def __init__(self, label):
+        self.label = label
+        self.type_names = {}
+    def get_module(self, name):
+        pass
+    def names(self, obj):
+        if obj is NOTFOUND:
+            return []
+        return self.donames(obj)
+    def donames(self, obj):
+        pass
+    def findattr(self, obj, name):
+        if obj is NOTFOUND:
+            return NOTFOUND
+        return self.dofindattr(obj, name)
+    def dofindattr(self, obj, name):
+        pass
+    def get_kind(self, obj):
+        if obj is NOTFOUND:
+            return '-'
+        if self.is_class(obj):
+            return 'C'
+        elif self.findattr(obj, '__call__') is not NOTFOUND:
+            return '()'
+        else:
+            return '_'
+    def is_class(self, obj):
+        if obj is NOTFOUND:
+            return False
+        return self.dois_class(obj)
+    def is_faked(self, obj):
+        return False
+    def get_mro(self, obj):
+        if obj is NOTFOUND:
+            return []
+        return self.doget_mro(obj)
+    def doget_mro(self, obj):
+        pass
+    #def get_type(self, obj):
+    #    pass
+    #
+    #def assign_class_name(obj, name):
+    #    if obj in self.type_names:
+    #        return
+    #    self.type_names[obj] = name
+    #
+    #def get_lazy_class_name(obj):
+    #    return lambda: self.type_names[obj]
+class HostExplore(Explore):
+    def __init__(self):
+        import sys
+        Explore.__init__(self, "CPython %s" % sys.version)
+    def get_module(self, name):
+        try:
+            return __import__(name,{},{},['*'])
+        except ImportError:
+            return NOTFOUND
+    def donames(self, obj):
+        return obj.__dict__.keys()
+    def dofindattr(self, obj, name):
+        return getattr(obj, name, NOTFOUND)
+    def dois_class(self, obj):
+        import types
+        return type(obj) in (type, types.ClassType)
+    def doget_mro(self, obj):
+        import inspect
+        return inspect.getmro(obj)
+    #def get_type(self, obj):
+    #    return type(obj)
+def abstract_mro(obj, get_bases, acc=None):
+    if acc is None:
+        acc = []
+    if obj in acc:
+        return acc
+    acc.append(obj)
+    for base in get_bases(obj):
+        abstract_mro(base, get_bases, acc)
+    return acc
+class ObjSpaceExplore(Explore):
+    def __init__(self, space):
+        Explore.__init__(self, "PyPy/%s" % space.__class__.__name__)
+        self.space = space
+    def get_module(self, name):
+        space = self.space
+        w = space.wrap
+        try:
+            return space.builtin.call('__import__', w(name),w({}),w({}),w(['*']))
+        except OperationError:
+            return NOTFOUND
+    def donames(self, obj):
+        space = self.space
+        return space.unwrap(space.call_method(space.getattr(obj, space.wrap('__dict__')), 'keys'))
+    def dofindattr(self, obj, name):
+        space = self.space
+        try:
+            return space.getattr(obj, space.wrap(name))
+        except OperationError:
+            return NOTFOUND
+    def is_faked(self, obj):
+        if hasattr(obj, 'instancetypedef'):
+            return hasattr(obj.instancetypedef, 'fakedcpytype')
+        else:
+            return self.is_faked(self.space.type(obj))
+    def dois_class(self, obj):
+        #space = self.space
+        #w_t = space.type(obj)
+        #if space.is_w(w_t, space.w_type) or space.is_w(w_t, space.w_classobj):
+        #    return True
+        return self.findattr(obj, '__bases__') is not NOTFOUND
+    def doget_mro(self, obj):
+        space = self.space
+        try:
+            return space.unpackiterable(space.getattr(obj, space.wrap('__mro__')))
+        except OperationError:
+            def get_bases(obj):
+                return space.unpackiterable(space.getattr(obj, space.wrap('__bases__')))
+            return abstract_mro(obj, get_bases)
+    #def get_type(self, obj):
+    #    return type(obj)
+class Status:
+    def __init__(self, msg, detail_missing, class_, incompleteness):
+        self.msg = msg
+        self.detail_missing = detail_missing
+        self.class_ = class_
+        self.incompleteness = incompleteness
+class Entry:
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.shortname = name
+        self.status = 'PRESENT'
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.name
+    def set_status(self, obj1, obj2, expl1):
+        if obj1 is NOTFOUND:
+            assert obj2 is not NOTFOUND, "whoopsy %s" % self.name
+            self.status = 'MISSING'
+            self.specifically = 'missing'
+        elif expl1.is_faked(obj1):
+            assert obj2 is not NOTFOUND, "whoopsy %s" % self.name            
+            self.status = 'MISSING'
+            self.specifically = 'faked'
+        elif obj2 is NOTFOUND:
+            self.status = expl1
+    def only_in(self, parent):
+            if parent is not None and parent.status != 'PRESENT':
+                return ""           
+            return 'only in %s' % self.status.label
+    def status_wrt(self, parent=None):
+        detail_missing = 0
+        incompleteness = 0.0
+        if self.status == 'MISSING':
+            class_= msg = self.specifically
+            detail_missing = 1
+            incompleteness = 1.0
+        elif self.status == 'PRESENT':
+            msg = ''
+            class_ = None
+        else:
+            msg = self.only_in(parent)
+            if msg:
+                class_ = "only_in"
+            else:
+                class_ = None
+            incompleteness = -1.0            
+        return Status(msg, detail_missing, class_, incompleteness)
+    def attach(self, parent, annot=None, name=None):
+        if self.status == 'MISSING':
+            parent.total += 1
+            parent.missing += 1
+        elif self.status == 'PRESENT':
+            parent.total += 1
+        if annot is None:
+            parent.add_row(self, [], name=name, parent=parent)
+        else:
+            parent.add_row(self, [annot], name=name, parent=parent)
+    def grandadd(self, parent):
+        if self.status == 'MISSING':
+            parent.grandtotal += 1
+            parent.grandmissing += 1
+        elif self.status == 'PRESENT':
+            parent.grandtotal += 1
+    def handle(self):
+        return self.shortname, # 1-tuple!
+    def link(self, name):
+        h = self.handle()
+        if len(h) == 1:
+            h = h[0]
+            if name is None:
+                return h
+            if name.endswith(h):
+                return name
+            return "%s [%s]" % (name, h)
+        else:
+            h, dest = h
+            if name is None:
+                return html.a(h, href=dest)
+            if name.endswith(h):
+                return html.a(name, href=dest)
+            return html.span(name, " [",
+                             html.a(h, href=dest), "]")
+reports = []
+class Report(Entry):
+    notes = None
+    def __init__(self, name, title=None, fname=None, notes=None):
+        if title is None:
+            title = name
+        Entry.__init__(self, name)
+        self.title = title
+        self.rows = []
+        reports.append(self)
+        self.total = 0
+        self.missing = 0
+        self.grandtotal = 0
+        self.grandmissing = 0
+        self._fname = fname
+        if notes is not None:
+            self.notes = notes
+    def add_row(self, entry, rest, name=None, parent=None):
+        self.rows.append((name, entry, rest, parent))
+    def missing_stats(self, missing, total):
+        return "%s/%s missing (%.1f%%)" % (missing, total, float(missing)/total*100)        
+    def status_wrt(self, parent=None):
+        detail_missing = 0
+        incompleteness = 0.0
+        if self.status == 'MISSING':
+            msg = "%s (%s)" % (self.specifically, self.total)
+            detail_missing = self.total
+            if self.grandtotal:
+                msg = "%s or in detail (%s)" % (msg, self.grandtotal)
+                detail_missing = self.grandtotal
+            return Status(msg, detail_missing, class_=self.specifically, incompleteness=1.0)
+        elif self.status == 'PRESENT':
+            if self.missing == 0 and self.grandmissing == 0:
+                return Status(msg="complete", detail_missing=detail_missing, class_=None,
+                              incompleteness=incompleteness)
+            if self.missing == 0:
+                msg = "all present but"
+                incompleteness = 1.0
+            else:
+                msg = self.missing_stats(self.missing, self.total)
+                detail_missing = self.missing
+                incompleteness = float(self.missing) / self.total
+            if self.grandtotal:
+                msg = "%s in detail %s" % (msg,
+                                           self.missing_stats(self.grandmissing, self.grandtotal))
+                detail_missing = self.grandmissing
+                incompleteness = (incompleteness + float(self.grandmissing)/self.grandtotal)/2
+            return Status(msg, detail_missing, class_='somemissing',
+                          incompleteness=incompleteness)
+        else:
+            msg = self.only_in(parent)
+            if msg:
+                class_ = "only_in"
+            else:
+                class_ = None
+            return Status(msg, detail_missing=0, class_=class_,
+                          incompleteness=-1.0)                
+    def fname(self):
+        fname = self._fname
+        if fname is None:
+            fname = self.name
+        return fname+'.html'
+    def handle(self):
+        return self.shortname, self.fname()
+    def fill_table(self, dir, tbl, rows):
+        def set_class(class_):
+            if class_ is None:
+                return {}
+            else:
+                return {'class': class_}
+        i = 0
+        for name, entry, rest, st in rows:
+            tr_class = i%2 == 0 and "even" or "odd"
+            rest = rest + [st.msg, incompleteness_bar(dir, st.incompleteness)]            
+            tbl.append(html.tr(
+                html.td(entry.link(name), **set_class(st.class_)),
+                *map(html.td,rest), **{'class': tr_class})
+                       )
+            i += 1
+    def html(self, dir):
+        title = self.title
+        def set_class(class_):
+            if class_ is None:
+                return {}
+            else:
+                return {'class': class_}
+        if self.notes is not None:
+            notes = html.p(self.notes)
+        else:
+            notes = html.p()
+        st = self.status_wrt()
+        msg = st.msg
+        class_ = st.class_
+        bar = incompleteness_bar(dir, st.incompleteness)
+        HEADER = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">'''
+        HIDE = 'display: none'
+        SHOW = 'display: table'
+        alpha_table = html.table(id="alpha", style=SHOW)
+        grandmissing_table = html.table(id="grandmissing", style=HIDE)
+        incompleteness_table = html.table(id="incompleteness", style=HIDE)
+        toggle = html.p("sort:",
+            html.button("alphabetical", type="button", onclick="toggle('alpha')"),'|',
+            html.button("incompleteness", type="button", onclick="toggle('incompleteness')"),'|',
+            html.button("# overall missing", type="button", onclick="toggle('grandmissing')"))
+        page = html.html(
+            html.head(html.title(title),
+                      html.link(href="delta.css", rel="stylesheet", type="text/css"),
+                      html.script(type="text/javascript",src="delta.js")),
+            html.body(self.navig(),
+                      html.p(msg, bar, **set_class(class_)),
+                      toggle,
+                      alpha_table,
+                      grandmissing_table,
+                      incompleteness_table,
+                      notes), xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
+        rows = []
+        for name, entry, rest, parent in self.rows:
+            st = entry.status_wrt(parent)
+            rows.append((name, entry, rest, st))
+        self.fill_table(dir, alpha_table, rows)
+        rows.sort(lambda (name1, ent1, r1, st1),(name2, ent2, r2, st2): -cmp(st1.detail_missing, st2.detail_missing))
+        self.fill_table(dir, grandmissing_table, rows)
+        rows.sort(lambda (name1, ent1, r1, st1),(name2, ent2, r2, st2): -cmp(st1.incompleteness, st2.incompleteness))
+        self.fill_table(dir, incompleteness_table, rows)
+        f = open(os.path.join(dir, self.fname()),'w')
+        f.write(HEADER+unicode(page).encode("utf8"))
+        f.close()
+    def navig(self):
+        return html.h1(self.title)
+class ClassReport(Report):
+    def navig(self):
+        return html.p(html.span(self.title,**{'class': 'title'}),
+                      "|",mods_report.link(None),"|",cls_report.link(None))
+    def grandadd(self, parent):
+        if self.status == 'MISSING':
+            parent.grandtotal += self.total
+            parent.grandmissing += self.missing
+        elif self.status == 'PRESENT':
+            parent.grandtotal += self.total
+class ModuleReport(Report):
+    def navig(self):
+        return html.p(html.span(self.title,**{'class': 'title'}),
+                      "|",mods_report.link(None),"|",cls_report.link(None))    
+    notes = ("(): callable, C: type/class; detail counts module functions, attrs and "
+             "contained class/type methods and attrs")
+    def grandadd(self, parent):
+        if self.status == 'MISSING':
+            parent.grandtotal += self.grandtotal
+            parent.grandmissing += self.grandmissing
+        elif self.status == 'PRESENT':
+            parent.grandtotal += self.grandtotal
+def delta(expl1, expl2, modnames):
+    rep = Report('Modules', fname="modules-index",
+                 notes = "detail counts module functions, attrs and "
+                 "contained class/type methods and attrs")
+    def navig():
+        return html.p(html.span('Modules',**{'class': 'title'}),
+                      "|",cls_report.link(None))        
+    rep.navig = navig
+    for modname in modnames:
+        mod1 = expl1.get_module(modname)
+        mod2 = expl2.get_module(modname)
+        mod_rep = mod_delta(modname, expl1, mod1, expl2, mod2)
+        mod_rep.attach(rep)
+        mod_rep.grandadd(rep)
+    return rep
+def mod_delta(modname, expl1, mod1, expl2, mod2):
+    print "; mod %s" % modname
+    rep = ModuleReport(modname)
+    rep.set_status(mod1, mod2, expl1)
+    names = Set()
+    names.update(expl1.names(mod1))
+    names.update(expl2.names(mod2))    
+    names = list(names)
+    names.sort()
+    for name in names:
+        obj1 = expl1.findattr(mod1, name)
+        obj2 = expl2.findattr(mod2, name)
+        if expl1.is_class(obj1) or expl2.is_class(obj2):
+            entry = cls_delta("%s.%s" % (modname, name), expl1, obj1, expl2, obj2)
+        else:
+            entry = Entry(name)
+            entry.set_status(obj1, obj2, expl1)
+        kind1 = expl1.get_kind(obj1)
+        kind2 = expl2.get_kind(obj2)
+        if kind1 == '-':
+            kindinf = kind2
+        elif kind2 == '-':
+            kindinf = kind1
+        else:
+            if kind1 == kind2:
+                kindinf = kind1
+            else:
+                if kind1 == '_': kind1 = '?'
+                if kind2 == '_': kind2 = '?'
+                kindinf = "%s/%s" % (kind1, kind2)
+        if kindinf == '_':
+            kindinf = ''
+        entry.attach(rep, kindinf, name=name)
+        entry.grandadd(rep)
+    return rep
+cls_delta_cache = {}
+def cls_delta(clsname, expl1, cls1, expl2, cls2):
+    cache = cls_delta_cache
+    print "; cls %s" % clsname
+    try:
+        rep = cache[(cls1, cls2)]
+        return rep
+    except KeyError:
+        pass
+    rep = ClassReport(clsname)
+    rep.shortname = clsname.split('.')[1]
+    rep.set_status(cls1, cls2, expl1)
+    cls1_is_not_a_class = False
+    if not expl1.is_class(cls1):
+        if cls1 is not NOTFOUND:
+            cls1 = NOTFOUND
+            cls1_is_not_a_class = True
+    if not expl2.is_class(cls2):
+        cls2 = NOTFOUND
+        assert not cls1_is_not_a_class
+    names = Set()
+    for cls in expl1.get_mro(cls1):
+        names.update(expl1.names(cls))
+    for cls in expl2.get_mro(cls2):
+        names.update(expl2.names(cls))
+    names = list(names)
+    names.sort()
+    for name in names:
+        obj1 = expl1.findattr(cls1, name)
+        obj2 = expl2.findattr(cls2, name)
+        if obj1 is NOTFOUND and obj2 is NOTFOUND:
+            continue # spurious :(
+        entry = Entry(name)
+        if cls1_is_not_a_class:
+            entry.status = expl2
+        else:
+            entry.set_status(obj1, obj2, expl1)
+        entry.attach(rep)
+    cache[(cls1, cls2)] = rep
+    return rep
+def cls_delta_rep():
+    reps = cls_delta_cache.values()
+    cls_rep = Report('Types/Classes', fname="types-index",
+                     notes = "detail counts class/type methods and attrs")
+    def navig():
+        return html.p(mods_report.link(None),
+                      "|",html.span('Types/Classes',**{'class': 'title'}))
+    cls_rep.navig = navig
+    reps.sort(lambda rep1,rep2: cmp(rep1.name, rep2.name))
+    for rep in reps:
+        cls_rep.add_row(rep, [], name=rep.name)
+        cls_rep.total += 1
+        cls_rep.missing += rep.status == 'MISSING'
+        rep.grandadd(cls_rep)
+    return cls_rep
+host_explore = HostExplore()
+os_layer = []
+for modname in ['posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'mac', 'ce', 'riscos']:
+    if host_explore.get_module(modname) is not NOTFOUND:
+        os_layer.append(modname)
+TO_CHECK = list(Set(['types', '__builtin__', 'sys']).union(Set(sys.builtin_module_names)).
+                union(Set([
+    'math', '_codecs', 'array',
+    '_random', '_sre', 'time', '_socket', 'errno',
+    'marshal', 'binascii', 'parser']+os_layer)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+        print "usage: delta.py <dest-dir>"
+        print "Then copy delta.css, delta.js to dest-dir if they are not already there"
+        sys.exit(0)
+    DIR = sys.argv[1]
+    from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace
+    space = StdObjSpace()
+    mods_report = delta(ObjSpaceExplore(space), host_explore, TO_CHECK)
+    cls_report = cls_delta_rep()
+    reports.insert(1,reports.pop())
+    reports.reverse()
+    if not os.path.isdir(DIR):
+        os.mkdir(DIR)
+    for rep in reports:
+        rep.html(DIR)

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