[pypy-svn] r8688 - in pypy/dist/pypy: appspace/test appspace/test/patched lib/test2

sanxiyn at codespeak.net sanxiyn at codespeak.net
Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 CET 2005

Author: sanxiyn
Date: Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
New Revision: 8688

      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/autopath.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/builtin_functions_test.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/cpy_test_types.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/no_test_stringmodule.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/support_tests.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_cmathmodule.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_complexobject.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_exceptions.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_file.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_md5.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_sha.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_struct.py
      - copied unchanged from r8687, pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/patched/test_sys.py
more file moves

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/autopath.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/autopath.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-self cloning, automatic path configuration 
-copy this into any subdirectory of pypy from which scripts need 
-to be run, typically all of the test subdirs. 
-The idea is that any such script simply issues
-    import autopath
-and this will make sure that the parent directory containing "pypy"
-is in sys.path. 
-If you modify the master "autopath.py" version (in pypy/tool/autopath.py) 
-you can directly run it which will copy itself on all autopath.py files
-it finds under the pypy root directory. 
-This module always provides these attributes:
-    pypydir    pypy root directory path 
-    this_dir   directory where this autopath.py resides 
-def __dirinfo(part):
-    """ return (partdir, this_dir) and insert parent of partdir
-    into sys.path.  If the parent directories don't have the part
-    an EnvironmentError is raised."""
-    import sys, os
-    try:
-        head = this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-    except NameError:
-        head = this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
-    while head:
-        partdir = head
-        head, tail = os.path.split(head)
-        if tail == part:
-            break
-    else:
-        raise EnvironmentError, "'%s' missing in '%r'" % (partdir, this_dir)
-    checkpaths = sys.path[:]
-    pypy_root = os.path.join(head, '')
-    while checkpaths:
-        orig = checkpaths.pop()
-        if os.path.join(os.path.realpath(orig), '').startswith(pypy_root):
-            sys.path.remove(orig)
-    sys.path.insert(0, head)
-    munged = {}
-    for name, mod in sys.modules.items():
-        fn = getattr(mod, '__file__', None)
-        if '.' in name or not isinstance(fn, str):
-            continue
-        newname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0]
-        if not newname.startswith(part + '.'):
-            continue
-        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(fn)), '')
-        if path.startswith(pypy_root) and newname != part:
-            modpaths = os.path.normpath(path[len(pypy_root):]).split(os.sep)
-            if newname != '__init__':
-                modpaths.append(newname)
-            modpath = '.'.join(modpaths)
-            if modpath not in sys.modules:
-                munged[modpath] = mod
-    for name, mod in munged.iteritems():
-        if name not in sys.modules:
-            sys.modules[name] = mod
-        if '.' in name:
-            prename = name[:name.rfind('.')]
-            postname = name[len(prename)+1:]
-            if prename not in sys.modules:
-                __import__(prename)
-                if not hasattr(sys.modules[prename], postname):
-                    setattr(sys.modules[prename], postname, mod)
-    return partdir, this_dir
-def __clone():
-    """ clone master version of autopath.py into all subdirs """
-    from os.path import join, walk
-    if not this_dir.endswith(join('pypy','tool')):
-        raise EnvironmentError("can only clone master version "
-                               "'%s'" % join(pypydir, 'tool',_myname))
-    def sync_walker(arg, dirname, fnames):
-        if _myname in fnames:
-            fn = join(dirname, _myname)
-            f = open(fn, 'rwb+')
-            try:
-                if f.read() == arg:
-                    print "checkok", fn
-                else:
-                    print "syncing", fn
-                    f = open(fn, 'w')
-                    f.write(arg)
-            finally:
-                f.close()
-    s = open(join(pypydir, 'tool', _myname), 'rb').read()
-    walk(pypydir, sync_walker, s)
-_myname = 'autopath.py'
-# set guaranteed attributes
-pypydir, this_dir = __dirinfo('pypy')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    __clone()

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/builtin_functions_test.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/builtin_functions_test.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
-# Python test set -- built-in functions
-import autopath
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import app2interp_temp
-def app_init_globals():
-    ''' support functionality for these tests '''
-    import __builtin__ as b
-    from sets import Set
-    from support_tests import fcmp, have_unicode, TESTFN, unlink
-    if not have_unicode:
-        b.basestring = str
-    import sys, cStringIO
-    class Squares:
-        def __init__(self, max):
-            self.max = max
-            self.sofar = []
-        def __len__(self): return len(self.sofar)
-        def __getitem__(self, i):
-            if not 0 <= i < self.max: raise IndexError
-            n = len(self.sofar)
-            while n <= i:
-                self.sofar.append(n*n)
-                n += 1
-            return self.sofar[i]
-    class StrSquares:
-        def __init__(self, max):
-            self.max = max
-            self.sofar = []
-        def __len__(self):
-            return len(self.sofar)
-        def __getitem__(self, i):
-            if not 0 <= i < self.max:
-                raise IndexError
-            n = len(self.sofar)
-            while n <= i:
-                self.sofar.append(str(n*n))
-                n += 1
-            return self.sofar[i]
-    class BitBucket:
-        def write(self, line):
-            pass
-    L = [
-            ('0', 0),
-            ('1', 1),
-            ('9', 9),
-            ('10', 10),
-            ('99', 99),
-            ('100', 100),
-            ('314', 314),
-            (' 314', 314),
-            ('314 ', 314),
-            ('  \t\t  314  \t\t  ', 314),
-            (`sys.maxint`, sys.maxint),
-            ('  1x', ValueError),
-            ('  1  ', 1),
-            ('  1\02  ', ValueError),
-            ('', ValueError),
-            (' ', ValueError),
-            ('  \t\t  ', ValueError)
-    ]
-    if have_unicode:
-        L += [
-            (unicode('0'), 0),
-            (unicode('1'), 1),
-            (unicode('9'), 9),
-            (unicode('10'), 10),
-            (unicode('99'), 99),
-            (unicode('100'), 100),
-            (unicode('314'), 314),
-            (unicode(' 314'), 314),
-            (unicode('\u0663\u0661\u0664 ','raw-unicode-escape'), 314),
-            (unicode('  \t\t  314  \t\t  '), 314),
-            (unicode('  1x'), ValueError),
-            (unicode('  1  '), 1),
-            (unicode('  1\02  '), ValueError),
-            (unicode(''), ValueError),
-            (unicode(' '), ValueError),
-            (unicode('  \t\t  '), ValueError),
-            (unichr(0x200), ValueError),
-    ]
-    b.Set = Set
-    b.fcmp = fcmp
-    b.have_unicode = have_unicode
-    b.unlink = unlink
-    b.sys = sys
-    b.cStringIO = cStringIO
-    b.Squares = Squares
-    b.StrSquares = StrSquares
-    b.BitBucket = BitBucket
-    b.L = L
-class AppTestBuiltin: 
-    objspacename = 'std' 
-    full_test = 1
-    def setup_class(cls): 
-        app2interp_temp(app_init_globals)(cls.space)
-    # we use "if 1:" to keep all method definitions indented, making
-    # it maximally easy to edit this file to pick and choose which
-    # ones to run (running everything takes 4 minutes or so...)
-    if 1:
-        def test_import(self):
-            __import__('sys')
-            __import__('time')
-            __import__('string')
-            raises(ImportError, __import__, 'spamspam')
-            raises(TypeError, __import__, 1, 2, 3, 4)
-        def test_abs(self):
-            # int
-            assert abs(0) == 0
-            assert abs(1234) == 1234
-            assert abs(-1234) == 1234
-            # float
-            assert abs(0.0) == 0.0
-            assert abs(3.14) == 3.14
-            assert abs(-3.14) == 3.14
-            # long
-            assert abs(0L) == 0L
-            assert abs(1234L) == 1234L
-            assert abs(-1234L) == 1234L
-            # str
-            raises(TypeError, abs, 'a')
-        def test_apply(self):
-            def f0(*args):
-                assert args == ()
-            def f1(a1):
-                assert a1 == 1
-            def f2(a1, a2):
-                assert a1 == 1
-                assert a2 == 2
-            def f3(a1, a2, a3):
-                assert a1 == 1
-                assert a2 == 2
-                assert a3 == 3
-            apply(f0, ())
-            apply(f1, (1,))
-            apply(f2, (1, 2))
-            apply(f3, (1, 2, 3))
-            # A PyCFunction that takes only positional parameters should allow
-            # an empty keyword dictionary to pass without a complaint, but
-            # raise a TypeError if the dictionary is non-empty.
-            apply(id, (1,), {})
-            raises(TypeError, apply, id, (1,), {"foo": 1})
-            raises(TypeError, apply)
-            raises(TypeError, apply, id, 42)
-            raises(TypeError, apply, id, (42,), 42)
-        def test_callable(self):
-            assert callable(len)
-            def f(): pass
-            assert callable(f)
-            class C:
-                def meth(self): pass
-            assert callable(C)
-            x = C()
-            assert callable(x.meth)
-            assert not callable(x)
-            class D(C):
-                def __call__(self): pass
-            y = D()
-            assert callable(y)
-            y()
-        def test_chr(self):
-            assert chr(32) == ' '
-            assert chr(65) == 'A'
-            assert chr(97) == 'a'
-            assert chr(0xff) == '\xff'
-            raises(ValueError, chr, 256)
-            raises(TypeError, chr)
-        def test_cmp(self):
-            assert cmp(-1, 1) == -1
-            assert cmp(1, -1) == 1
-            assert cmp(1, 1) == 0
-            ''' TODO XXX Circular objects not handled yet
-            # verify that circular objects are handled
-            a = []; a.append(a)
-            b = []; b.append(b)
-            from UserList import UserList
-            c = UserList(); c.append(c)
-            assert cmp(a, b) == 0
-            assert cmp(b, c) == 0
-            assert cmp(c, a) == 0
-            assert cmp(a, c) == 0
-            # okay, now break the cycles
-            a.pop(); b.pop(); c.pop()
-            '''
-            raises(TypeError, cmp)
-        ''' TODO: XXX Coerce is not implemented
-        def test_coerce(self):
-            assert not fcmp(coerce(1, 1.1), (1.0, 1.1))
-            assert coerce(1, 1L) == (1L, 1L)
-            assert not fcmp(coerce(1L, 1.1), (1.0, 1.1))
-            raises(TypeError, coerce)
-            class BadNumber:
-                def __coerce__(self, other):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, coerce, 42, BadNumber())
-            raises(OverflowError, coerce, 0.5, int("12345" * 1000))
-        '''
-        def test_compile(self):
-            compile('print 1\n', '', 'exec')
-            bom = '\xef\xbb\xbf'
-            compile(bom + 'print 1\n', '', 'exec')
-            raises(TypeError, compile)
-            raises(ValueError, compile,
-                'print 42\n', '<string>', 'badmode')
-            raises(ValueError, compile,
-                'print 42\n', '<string>', 'single', 0xff)
-            if have_unicode:
-                compile(unicode('print u"\xc3\xa5"\n', 'utf8'), '', 'exec')
-        def test_delattr(self):
-            import sys
-            sys.spam = 1
-            delattr(sys, 'spam')
-            raises(TypeError, delattr)
-        def test_dir(self):
-            x = 1
-            assert 'x' in dir()
-            import sys
-            assert 'modules' in dir(sys)
-            raises(TypeError, dir, 42, 42)
-        def test_divmod(self):
-            assert divmod(12, 7) == (1, 5)
-            assert divmod(-12, 7) == (-2, 2)
-            assert divmod(12, -7) == (-2, -2)
-            assert divmod(-12, -7) == (1, -5)
-            assert divmod(12L, 7L) == (1L, 5L)
-            assert divmod(-12L, 7L) == (-2L, 2L)
-            assert divmod(12L, -7L) == (-2L, -2L)
-            assert divmod(-12L, -7L) == (1L, -5L)
-            assert divmod(12, 7L) == (1, 5L)
-            assert divmod(-12, 7L) == (-2, 2L)
-            assert divmod(12L, -7) == (-2L, -2)
-            assert divmod(-12L, -7) == (1L, -5)
-            assert not fcmp(divmod(3.25, 1.0), (3.0, 0.25))
-            assert not fcmp(divmod(-3.25, 1.0), (-4.0, 0.75))
-            assert not fcmp(divmod(3.25, -1.0), (-4.0, -0.75))
-            assert not fcmp(divmod(-3.25, -1.0), (3.0, -0.25))
-            raises(TypeError, divmod)
-        ''' XXX TODO No eval() support yet
-        def test_eval(self):
-            assert eval('1+1') == 2
-            assert eval(' 1+1\n') == 2
-            globals = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
-            locals = {'b': 200, 'c': 300}
-            assert eval('a', globals)  == 1
-            assert eval('a', globals, locals) == 1
-            assert eval('b', globals, locals) == 200
-            assert eval('c', globals, locals) == 300
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert eval(unicode('1+1')) == 2
-                assert eval(unicode(' 1+1\n')) == 2
-            globals = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
-            locals = {'b': 200, 'c': 300}
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert eval(unicode('a'), globals) == 1
-                assert eval(unicode('a'), globals, locals) == 1
-                assert eval(unicode('b'), globals, locals) == 200
-                assert eval(unicode('c'), globals, locals) == 300
-                bom = '\xef\xbb\xbf'
-                assert eval(bom + 'a', globals, locals) == 1
-                assert eval(unicode('u"\xc3\xa5"', 'utf8'), globals) == (
-                                 unicode('\xc3\xa5', 'utf8'))
-            raises(TypeError, eval)
-            raises(TypeError, eval, ())
-        '\'' XXX TODO: Figure out later
-            # Done outside of the method test_z to get the correct scope
-            z = 0
-            f = open(TESTFN, 'w')
-            f.write('z = z+1\n')
-            f.write('z = z*2\n')
-            f.close()
-            execfile(TESTFN)
-        def test_execfile(self):
-            globals = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
-            locals = {'b': 200, 'c': 300}
-            assert self.__class__.z == 2
-            globals['z'] = 0
-            execfile(TESTFN, globals)
-            assert globals['z'] == 2
-            locals['z'] = 0
-            execfile(TESTFN, globals, locals)
-            assert locals['z'] == 2
-            unlink(TESTFN)
-            raises(TypeError, execfile)
-            import os
-            raises(IOError, execfile, os.curdir)
-            raises(IOError, execfile, "I_dont_exist")
-        '\''
-        '''
-        ''' XXX TODO: filter does NOT rely on __getitem__, but rather on
-            __iter__; it appears to me that the following two tests,
-            therefore, pass in CPython only because of the accident that
-            in that implementation str does not define __iter__ (while
-            list and tuple do, in 2.3).  Probably best to substitute
-            most of these tests with more appropriate ones!
-        '''
-        def test_filter(self):
-            assert filter(lambda c: 'a' <= c <= 'z', 'Hello World') == (
-                'elloorld')
-            assert (filter(None, [1, 'hello', [], [3], '', None, 9, 0])
-                ) == [1, 'hello', [3], 9]
-            assert filter(lambda x: x > 0, [1, -3, 9, 0, 2]) == (
-                [1, 9, 2])
-            assert filter(None, Squares(10)) == (
-                [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81])
-            assert filter(lambda x: x%2, Squares(10)) == (
-                [1, 9, 25, 49, 81])
-            def identity(item):
-                return 1
-            filter(identity, Squares(5))
-            raises(TypeError, filter)
-            ''' XXX rest of test disabled as above explained
-            class BadSeq(object):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    if index<4:
-                        return 42
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, filter, lambda x: x, BadSeq())
-            def badfunc():
-                pass
-            raises(TypeError, filter, badfunc, range(5))
-            # test bltinmodule.c::filtertuple()
-            assert filter(None, (1, 2)) == (1, 2)
-            assert filter(lambda x: x>=3, (1, 2, 3, 4)) == (3, 4)
-            raises(TypeError, filter, 42, (1, 2))
-            # test bltinmodule.c::filterstring()
-            assert filter(None, "12") == "12"
-            assert filter(lambda x: x>="3", "1234") == "34"
-            raises(TypeError, filter, 42, "12")
-            class badstr(str):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, filter,
-                lambda x: x >="3", badstr("1234"))
-            class badstr2(str):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    return 42
-            raises(TypeError, filter,
-                lambda x: x >=42, badstr2("1234"))
-            class weirdstr(str):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    return weirdstr(2*str.__getitem__(self, index))
-            assert filter(lambda x: x>="33", weirdstr("1234")) == (
-                "3344")
-            class shiftstr(str):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    return chr(ord(str.__getitem__(self, index))+1)
-            assert filter(lambda x: x>="3", shiftstr("1234")) == "345"
-            if have_unicode:
-                # test bltinmodule.c::filterunicode()
-                assert filter(None, unicode("12")) == unicode("12")
-                assert filter(lambda x: x>="3", unicode("1234")) == (
-                    unicode("34"))
-                raises(TypeError, filter, 42, unicode("12"))
-                raises(ValueError, filter, lambda x: x >="3",
-                    badstr(unicode("1234")))
-                class badunicode(unicode):
-                    def __getitem__(self, index):
-                        return 42
-                raises(TypeError, filter, lambda x: x >=42,
-                    badunicode("1234"))
-                class weirdunicode(unicode):
-                    def __getitem__(self, index):
-                        return weirdunicode(2*unicode.__getitem__(self, index))
-                assert (
-                    filter(lambda x: x>=unicode("33"), weirdunicode("1234"))) == (
-                        unicode("3344"))
-                class shiftunicode(unicode):
-                    def __getitem__(self, index):
-                        return unichr(ord(unicode.__getitem__(self, index))+1)
-                assert (
-                    filter(lambda x: x>=unicode("3"), shiftunicode("1234"))) == (
-                    unicode("345")
-                )
-        def test_filter_subclasses(self):
-            # test that filter() never returns tuple, str or unicode subclasses
-            # and that the result always goes through __getitem__
-            funcs = (None, bool, lambda x: True)
-            class tuple2(tuple):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    return 2*tuple.__getitem__(self, index)
-            class str2(str):
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    return 2*str.__getitem__(self, index)
-            inputs = {
-                tuple2: {(): (), (1, 2, 3): (2, 4, 6)},
-                str2:   {"": "", "123": "112233"}
-            }
-            if have_unicode:
-                class unicode2(unicode):
-                    def __getitem__(self, index):
-                        return 2*unicode.__getitem__(self, index)
-                inputs[unicode2] = {
-                    unicode(): unicode(),
-                    unicode("123"): unicode("112233")
-                }
-            for (cls, inps) in inputs.iteritems():
-                for (inp, exp) in inps.iteritems():
-                    # make sure the output goes through __getitem__
-                    # even if func is None
-                    assert (
-                        filter(funcs[0], cls(inp))) == (
-                        filter(funcs[1], cls(inp))
-                    )
-                    for func in funcs:
-                        outp = filter(func, cls(inp))
-                        assert outp == exp
-                        assert not isinstance(outp, cls)
-        '''
-        def test_float(self):
-            assert float(3.14) == 3.14
-            assert float(314) == 314.0
-            assert float(314L) == 314.0
-            assert float("  3.14  ") == 3.14
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert float(unicode("  3.14  ")) == 3.14
-                assert float(unicode(
-                    "  \u0663.\u0661\u0664  ",'raw-unicode-escape')) == 3.14
-        def test_getattr(self):
-            import sys
-            assert getattr(sys, 'stdout') is sys.stdout
-            raises(TypeError, getattr, sys, 1)
-            raises(TypeError, getattr, sys, 1, "foo")
-            raises(TypeError, getattr)
-            if have_unicode:
-                raises(UnicodeError, getattr, sys,
-                    unichr(sys.maxunicode))
-        def test_hasattr(self):
-            import sys
-            assert hasattr(sys, 'stdout')
-            raises(TypeError, hasattr, sys, 1)
-            raises(TypeError, hasattr)
-            if have_unicode:
-                 raises(UnicodeError, hasattr, sys,
-                     unichr(sys.maxunicode))
-        def test_hash(self):
-            hash(None)
-            assert hash(1) == hash(1L)
-            assert hash(1) == hash(1.0)
-            hash('spam')
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert hash('spam') == hash(unicode('spam'))
-            hash((0,1,2,3))
-            def f(): pass
-            raises(TypeError, hash, [])
-            raises(TypeError, hash, {})
-        def test_hex(self):
-            assert hex(16) == '0x10'
-            assert hex(16L) == '0x10L'
-            assert len(hex(-1)) == len(hex(sys.maxint))
-            assert hex(-16) in ('0xfffffff0', '0xfffffffffffffff0')
-            assert hex(-16L) == '-0x10L'
-            raises(TypeError, hex, {})
-        def test_id(self):
-            id(None)
-            id(1)
-            id(1L)
-            id(1.0)
-            id('spam')
-            id((0,1,2,3))
-            id([0,1,2,3])
-            id({'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2, 'ham': 3})
-        # Test input() later, together with raw_input
-        def test_int(self):
-            assert int(314) == 314
-            assert int(3.14) == 3
-            assert int(314L) == 314
-            # Check that conversion from float truncates towards zero
-            assert int(-3.14) == -3
-            assert int(3.9) == 3
-            assert int(-3.9) == -3
-            assert int(3.5) == 3
-            assert int(-3.5) == -3
-            # Different base:
-            assert int("10",16) == 16L
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert int(unicode("10"),16) == 16L
-            # Test conversion from strings and various anomalies
-            for s, v in L:
-                for sign in "", "+", "-":
-                    for prefix in "", " ", "\t", "  \t\t  ":
-                        ss = prefix + sign + s
-                        vv = v
-                        if sign == "-" and v is not ValueError:
-                            vv = -v
-                        try:
-                            assert int(ss) == vv
-                        except v:
-                            pass
-            s = `-1-sys.maxint`
-            assert int(s)+1 == -sys.maxint
-            # should return long
-            ''' XXX TODO:  Longs not well supported yet
-            int(s[1:])
-            # should return long
-            x = int(1e100)
-            assert isinstance(x, long)
-            x = int(-1e100)
-            assert isinstance(x, long)
-            '''
-            # SF bug 434186:  0x80000000/2 != 0x80000000>>1.
-            # Worked by accident in Windows release build, but failed in
-            # debug build.  Failed in all Linux builds.
-            x = -1-sys.maxint
-            assert x >> 1 == x//2
-            raises(ValueError, int, '123\0')
-            raises(ValueError, int, '53', 40)
-            ''' XXX TODO:  Longs not supported yet
-            x = int('1' * 600)
-            assert isinstance(x, long)
-            if have_unicode:
-                x = int(unichr(0x661) * 600)
-                assert isinstance(x, long)
-            raises(TypeError, int, 1, 12)
-            '''
-            assert int('0123', 0) == 83
-        def test_intern(self):
-            raises(TypeError, intern)
-            s = "never interned before"
-            assert intern(s) is s
-            s2 = s.swapcase().swapcase()
-            assert intern(s2) is s
-        def test_iter(self):
-            raises(TypeError, iter)
-            raises(TypeError, iter, 42, 42)
-            lists = [("1", "2"), ["1", "2"], "12"]
-            if have_unicode:
-                lists.append(unicode("12"))
-            for l in lists:
-                i = iter(l)
-                assert i.next() == '1'
-                assert i.next() == '2'
-                raises(StopIteration, i.next)
-        def test_isinstance(self):
-            class C:
-                pass
-            class D(C):
-                pass
-            class E:
-                pass
-            c = C()
-            d = D()
-            e = E()
-            assert isinstance(c, C)
-            assert isinstance(d, C)
-            assert not isinstance(e, C)
-            assert not isinstance(c, D)
-            assert not isinstance('foo', E)
-            raises(TypeError, isinstance, E, 'foo')
-            raises(TypeError, isinstance)
-        def test_issubclass(self):
-            class C:
-                pass
-            class D(C):
-                pass
-            class E:
-                pass
-            c = C()
-            d = D()
-            e = E()
-            assert issubclass(D, C)
-            assert issubclass(C, C)
-            assert not issubclass(C, D)
-            raises(TypeError, issubclass, 'foo', E)
-            raises(TypeError, issubclass, E, 'foo')
-            raises(TypeError, issubclass)
-        def test_len(self):
-            assert len('123') == 3
-            assert len(()) == 0
-            assert len((1, 2, 3, 4)) == 4
-            assert len([1, 2, 3, 4]) == 4
-            assert len({}) == 0
-            assert len({'a':1, 'b': 2}) == 2
-            class BadSeq:
-                def __len__(self):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, len, BadSeq())
-    if 1:
-        def test_list(self):
-            assert list([]) == []
-            l0_3 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
-            l0_3_bis = list(l0_3)
-            assert l0_3 == l0_3_bis
-            assert l0_3 is not l0_3_bis
-            assert list(()) == []
-            assert list((0, 1, 2, 3)) == [0, 1, 2, 3]
-            assert list('') == []
-            assert list('spam') == ['s', 'p', 'a', 'm']
-            ''' XXX TODO: disabled for now -- far too slow!
-            if sys.maxint == 0x7fffffff:
-                # This test can currently only work on 32-bit machines.
-                # XXX If/when PySequence_Length() returns a ssize_t, it should be
-                # XXX re-enabled.
-                # Verify clearing of bug #556025.
-                # This assumes that the max data size (sys.maxint) == max
-                # address size this also assumes that the address size is at
-                # least 4 bytes with 8 byte addresses, the bug is not well
-                # tested
-                #
-                # Note: This test is expected to SEGV under Cygwin 1.3.12 or
-                # earlier due to a newlib bug.  See the following mailing list
-                # thread for the details:
-                #     http://sources.redhat.com/ml/newlib/2002/msg00369.html
-                raises(MemoryError, list, xrange(sys.maxint // 2))
-            '''
-        ''' XXX TODO: disabled for now -- long not yet well supported
-        def test_long(self):
-            assert long(314) == 314L
-            assert long(3.14) == 3L
-            assert long(314L) == 314L
-            # Check that conversion from float truncates towards zero
-            assert long(-3.14) == -3L
-            assert long(3.9) == 3L
-            assert long(-3.9) == -3L
-            assert long(3.5) == 3L
-            assert long(-3.5) == -3L
-            assert long("-3") == -3L
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert long(unicode("-3")) == -3L
-            # Different base:
-            assert long("10",16) == 16L
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert long(unicode("10"),16) == 16L
-            # Check conversions from string (same test set as for int(), and then some)
-            LL = [
-                    ('1' + '0'*20, 10L**20),
-                    ('1' + '0'*100, 10L**100)
-            ]
-            L2 = L[:]
-            if have_unicode:
-                L2 += [
-                    (unicode('1') + unicode('0')*20, 10L**20),
-                    (unicode('1') + unicode('0')*100, 10L**100),
-            ]
-            for s, v in L2 + LL:
-                for sign in "", "+", "-":
-                    for prefix in "", " ", "\t", "  \t\t  ":
-                        ss = prefix + sign + s
-                        vv = v
-                        if sign == "-" and v is not ValueError:
-                            vv = -v
-                        try:
-                            assert long(ss) == long(vv)
-                        except v:
-                            pass
-            raises(ValueError, long, '123\0')
-            raises(ValueError, long, '53', 40)
-            raises(TypeError, long, 1, 12)
-        '''
-        def test_map(self):
-            assert (
-                map(None, 'hello world')) == (
-                ['h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d']
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(None, 'abcd', 'efg')) == (
-                [('a', 'e'), ('b', 'f'), ('c', 'g'), ('d', None)]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(None, range(10))) == (
-                [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(lambda x: x*x, range(1,4))) == (
-                [1, 4, 9]
-            )
-            try:
-                from math import sqrt
-            except ImportError:
-                def sqrt(x):
-                    return pow(x, 0.5)
-            assert (
-                map(lambda x: map(sqrt,x), [[16, 4], [81, 9]])) == (
-                [[4.0, 2.0], [9.0, 3.0]]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(lambda x, y: x+y, [1,3,2], [9,1,4])) == (
-                [10, 4, 6]
-            )
-            def plus(*v):
-                accu = 0
-                for i in v: accu = accu + i
-                return accu
-            assert (
-                map(plus, [1, 3, 7])) == (
-                [1, 3, 7]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(plus, [1, 3, 7], [4, 9, 2])) == (
-                [1+4, 3+9, 7+2]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(plus, [1, 3, 7], [4, 9, 2], [1, 1, 0])) == (
-                [1+4+1, 3+9+1, 7+2+0]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(None, Squares(10))) == (
-                [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(int, Squares(10))) == (
-                [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(None, Squares(3), Squares(2))) == (
-                [(0,0), (1,1), (4,None)]
-            )
-            assert (
-                map(max, Squares(3), Squares(2))) == (
-                [0, 1, 4]
-            )
-            raises(TypeError, map)
-            raises(TypeError, map, lambda x: x, 42)
-            assert map(None, [42]) == [42]
-            class BadSeq:
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, map, lambda x: x, BadSeq())
-        def test_max(self):
-            assert max('123123') == '3'
-            assert max(1, 2, 3) == 3
-            assert max((1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)) == 3
-            assert max([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]) == 3
-            assert max(1, 2L, 3.0) == 3.0
-            assert max(1L, 2.0, 3) == 3
-            assert max(1.0, 2, 3L) == 3L
-        def test_min(self):
-            assert min('123123') == '1'
-            assert min(1, 2, 3) == 1
-            assert min((1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)) == 1
-            assert min([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]) == 1
-            assert min(1, 2L, 3.0) == 1
-            assert min(1L, 2.0, 3) == 1L
-            assert min(1.0, 2, 3L) == 1.0
-            raises(TypeError, min)
-            raises(TypeError, min, 42)
-            raises(ValueError, min, ())
-            class BadSeq:
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, min, BadSeq())
-            ''' XXX TODO: some weird bug in pypy here -- fix later
-            class BadNumber:
-                def __cmp__(self, other):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, min, (42, BadNumber()))
-            '''
-        def test_oct(self):
-            assert oct(100) == '0144'
-            assert oct(100L) == '0144L'
-            assert oct(-100) in ('037777777634', '01777777777777777777634')
-            assert oct(-100L) == '-0144L'
-            raises(TypeError, oct, ())
-        def test_open(self):
-            def write_testfile():
-                # NB the first 4 lines are also used to test input and raw_input, below
-                fp = open(TESTFN, 'w')
-                try:
-                    fp.write('1+1\n')
-                    fp.write('1+1\n')
-                    fp.write('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog')
-                    fp.write('.\n')
-                    fp.write('Dear John\n')
-                    fp.write('XXX'*100)
-                    fp.write('YYY'*100)
-                finally:
-                    fp.close()
-            write_testfile()
-            fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
-            try:
-                assert fp.readline(4) == '1+1\n'
-                assert fp.readline(4) == '1+1\n'
-                assert fp.readline() == 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n'
-                assert fp.readline(4) == 'Dear'
-                assert fp.readline(100) == ' John\n'
-                assert fp.read(300) == 'XXX'*100
-                assert fp.read(1000) == 'YYY'*100
-            finally:
-                fp.close()
-            unlink(TESTFN)
-        def test_ord(self):
-            assert ord(' ') == 32
-            assert ord('A') == 65
-            assert ord('a') == 97
-            raises(TypeError, ord, 42)
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert ord(unichr(sys.maxunicode)) == sys.maxunicode
-                raises(TypeError, ord, unicode("12"))
-        def test_pow(self):
-            assert pow(0,0) == 1
-            assert pow(0,1) == 0
-            assert pow(1,0) == 1
-            assert pow(1,1) == 1
-            assert pow(2,0) == 1
-            assert pow(2,10) == 1024
-            assert pow(2,20) == 1024*1024
-            assert pow(2,30) == 1024*1024*1024
-            assert pow(-2,0) == 1
-            assert pow(-2,1) == -2
-            assert pow(-2,2) == 4
-            assert pow(-2,3) == -8
-            assert pow(0L,0) == 1
-            assert pow(0L,1) == 0
-            assert pow(1L,0) == 1
-            assert pow(1L,1) == 1
-            assert pow(2L,0) == 1
-            assert pow(2L,10) == 1024
-            assert pow(2L,20) == 1024*1024
-            assert pow(2L,30) == 1024*1024*1024
-            assert pow(-2L,0) == 1
-            assert pow(-2L,1) == -2
-            assert pow(-2L,2) == 4
-            assert pow(-2L,3) == -8
-            assert round(pow(0.,0) - 1., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(0.,1) - 0., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(1.,0) - 1., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(1.,1) - 1., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(2.,0) - 1., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(2.,10) - 1024., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(2.,20) - 1024.*1024., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(2.,30) - 1024.*1024.*1024., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(-2.,0) - 1., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(-2.,1) - -2., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(-2.,2) - 4., 7) == 0
-            assert round(pow(-2.,3) - -8., 7) == 0
-            for x in 2, 2L, 2.0:
-                for y in 10, 10L, 10.0:
-                    for z in 1000, 1000L, 1000.0:
-                        if isinstance(x, float) or \
-                           isinstance(y, float) or \
-                           isinstance(z, float):
-                            raises(TypeError, pow, x, y, z)
-                        else:
-                            assert round(pow(x, y, z) - 24.0, 7) == 0
-            raises(TypeError, pow, -1, -2, 3)
-            raises(ValueError, pow, 1, 2, 0)
-            raises(TypeError, pow, -1L, -2L, 3L)
-            raises(ValueError, pow, 1L, 2L, 0L)
-            raises(ValueError, pow, -342.43, 0.234)
-            raises(TypeError, pow)
-        def test_range(self):
-            assert range(3) == [0, 1, 2]
-            assert range(1, 5) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
-            assert range(0) == []
-            assert range(-3) == []
-            assert range(1, 10, 3) == [1, 4, 7]
-            assert range(5, -5, -3) == [5, 2, -1, -4]
-            # Now test range() with longs
-            assert range(-2**100) == []
-            assert range(0, -2**100) == []
-            assert range(0, 2**100, -1) == []
-            assert range(0, 2**100, -1) == []
-            a = long(10 * sys.maxint)
-            b = long(100 * sys.maxint)
-            c = long(50 * sys.maxint)
-            assert range(a, a+2) == [a, a+1]
-            assert range(a+2, a, -1L) == [a+2, a+1]
-            assert range(a+4, a, -2) == [a+4, a+2]
-            seq = range(a, b, c)
-            assert a in seq
-            assert b not in seq
-            assert len(seq) == 2
-            seq = range(b, a, -c)
-            assert b in seq
-            assert a not in seq
-            assert len(seq) == 2
-            seq = range(-a, -b, -c)
-            assert -a in seq
-            assert -b not in seq
-            assert len(seq) == 2
-            raises(TypeError, range)
-            raises(TypeError, range, 1, 2, 3, 4)
-            raises(ValueError, range, 1, 2, 0)
-            # Reject floats when it would require PyLongs to represent.
-            # (smaller floats still accepted, but deprecated)
-            raises(TypeError, range, 1e100, 1e101, 1e101)
-            raises(TypeError, range, 0, "spam")
-            raises(TypeError, range, 0, 42, "spam")
-            raises(OverflowError, range, -sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
-            raises(OverflowError, range, 0, 2*sys.maxint)
-        ''' XXX TODO: input and raw_input not supported yet
-        def test_input_and_raw_input(self):
-            self.write_testfile()
-            fp = open(TESTFN, 'r')
-            savestdin = sys.stdin
-            savestdout = sys.stdout # Eats the echo
-            try:
-                sys.stdin = fp
-                sys.stdout = BitBucket()
-                assert input() == 2
-                assert input('testing\n') == 2
-                assert raw_input() == 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
-                assert raw_input('testing\n') == 'Dear John'
-                sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO("NULL\0")
-                raises(TypeError, input, 42, 42)
-                sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO("    'whitespace'")
-                assert input() == 'whitespace'
-                sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()
-                raises(EOFError, input)
-                del sys.stdout
-                raises(RuntimeError, input, 'prompt')
-                del sys.stdin
-                raises(RuntimeError, input, 'prompt')
-            finally:
-                sys.stdin = savestdin
-                sys.stdout = savestdout
-                fp.close()
-                unlink(TESTFN)
-        '''
-        def test_reduce(self):
-            assert reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, ['a', 'b', 'c'], '') == 'abc'
-            assert (
-                reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [['a', 'c'], [], ['d', 'w']], [])) == (
-                ['a','c','d','w']
-            )
-            assert reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, range(2,8), 1) == 5040
-            assert (
-                reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, range(2,21), 1L)) == (
-                2432902008176640000L
-            )
-            assert reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, Squares(10)) == 285
-            assert reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, Squares(10), 0) == 285
-            assert reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, Squares(0), 0) == 0
-            raises(TypeError, reduce)
-            raises(TypeError, reduce, 42, 42)
-            raises(TypeError, reduce, 42, 42, 42)
-            assert reduce(42, "1") == "1" # func is never called with one item
-            assert reduce(42, "", "1") == "1" # func is never called with one item
-            raises(TypeError, reduce, 42, (42, 42))
-            class BadSeq:
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, reduce, 42, BadSeq())
-        ''' XXX TODO: we don't have reload yet
-        def test_reload(self):
-            import sys
-            reload(sys)
-            import string
-            reload(string)
-            ## import sys
-            ## raises(ImportError, reload, sys)
-        '''
-        def test_repr(self):
-            assert repr('') == '\'\''
-            assert repr(0) == '0'
-            assert repr(0L) == '0L'
-            assert repr(()) == '()'
-            assert repr([]) == '[]'
-            assert repr({}) == '{}'
-            ''' XXX TODO: we don't yet support "circular" objects!
-            a = []
-            a.append(a)
-            assert repr(a) == '[[...]]'
-            a = {}
-            a[0] = a
-            assert repr(a) == '{0: {...}}'
-            '''
-        def test_round(self):
-            assert round(0.0) == 0.0
-            assert round(1.0) == 1.0
-            assert round(10.0) == 10.0
-            assert round(1000000000.0) == 1000000000.0
-            assert round(1e20) == 1e20
-            assert round(-1.0) == -1.0
-            assert round(-10.0) == -10.0
-            assert round(-1000000000.0) == -1000000000.0
-            assert round(-1e20) == -1e20
-            assert round(0.1) == 0.0
-            assert round(1.1) == 1.0
-            assert round(10.1) == 10.0
-            assert round(1000000000.1) == 1000000000.0
-            assert round(-1.1) == -1.0
-            assert round(-10.1) == -10.0
-            assert round(-1000000000.1) == -1000000000.0
-            assert round(0.9) == 1.0
-            assert round(9.9) == 10.0
-            assert round(999999999.9) == 1000000000.0
-            assert round(-0.9) == -1.0
-            assert round(-9.9) == -10.0
-            assert round(-999999999.9) == -1000000000.0
-            assert round(-8.0, -1) == -10.0
-            raises(TypeError, round)
-        def test_setattr(self):
-            setattr(sys, 'spam', 1)
-            assert sys.spam == 1
-            raises(TypeError, setattr, sys, 1, 'spam')
-            raises(TypeError, setattr)
-        def test_str(self):
-            assert str('') == ''
-            assert str(0) == '0'
-            assert str(0L) == '0'
-            assert str(()) == '()'
-            assert str([]) == '[]'
-            assert str({}) == '{}'
-            ''' XXX TODO: we don't yet support "circular" objects!
-            a = []
-            a.append(a)
-            assert str(a) == '[[...]]'
-            a = {}
-            a[0] = a
-            assert str(a) == '{0: {...}}'
-            '''
-        def test_sum(self):
-            assert sum([]) == 0
-            assert sum(range(2,8)) == 27
-            assert sum(iter(range(2,8))) == 27
-            assert sum(Squares(10)) == 285
-            assert sum(iter(Squares(10))) == 285
-            assert sum([[1], [2], [3]], []) == [1, 2, 3]
-            raises(TypeError, sum)
-            raises(TypeError, sum, 42)
-            raises(TypeError, sum, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
-            raises(TypeError, sum, ['a', 'b', 'c'], '')
-            raises(TypeError, sum, [[1], [2], [3]])
-            raises(TypeError, sum, [{2:3}])
-            raises(TypeError, sum, [{2:3}]*2, {2:3})
-            class BadSeq:
-                def __getitem__(self, index):
-                    raise ValueError
-            raises(ValueError, sum, BadSeq())
-        def test_tuple(self):
-            assert tuple(()) == ()
-            t0_3 = (0, 1, 2, 3)
-            t0_3_bis = tuple(t0_3)
-            ''' XXX TODO: tuples are immutable -- returns same object in CPython '''
-            #self.assert_(t0_3 is t0_3_bis)
-            assert t0_3 == t0_3_bis
-            assert tuple([]) == ()
-            assert tuple([0, 1, 2, 3]) == (0, 1, 2, 3)
-            assert tuple('') == ()
-            assert tuple('spam') == ('s', 'p', 'a', 'm')
-        def test_type(self):
-            assert type('') ==  type('123')
-            assert type('') != type(())
-        def test_unichr(self):
-            if have_unicode:
-                assert unichr(32) == unicode(' ')
-                assert unichr(65) == unicode('A')
-                assert unichr(97) == unicode('a')
-                assert (
-                    unichr(sys.maxunicode)) == (
-                    unicode('\\U%08x' % (sys.maxunicode), 'unicode-escape')
-                )
-                raises(ValueError, unichr, sys.maxunicode+1)
-                raises(TypeError, unichr)
-        def test_vars(self):
-            def get_vars_f0():
-                return vars()
-            def get_vars_f2():
-                get_vars_f0()
-                a = 1
-                b = 2
-                return vars()
-            assert Set(vars()) == Set(dir())
-            import sys
-            assert Set(vars(sys)) == Set(dir(sys))
-            assert get_vars_f0() == {}
-            assert get_vars_f2() == {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
-            raises(TypeError, vars, 42, 42)
-            raises(TypeError, vars, 42)
-        def test_zip(self):
-            a = (1, 2, 3)
-            b = (4, 5, 6)
-            t = [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]
-            assert zip(a, b) == t
-            b = [4, 5, 6]
-            assert zip(a, b) == t
-            b = (4, 5, 6, 7)
-            assert zip(a, b) == t
-            class I:
-                def __getitem__(self, i):
-                    if i < 0 or i > 2: raise IndexError
-                    return i + 4
-            assert zip(a, I()) == t
-            raises(TypeError, zip)
-            raises(TypeError, zip, None)
-            class G:
-                pass
-            raises(TypeError, zip, a, G())
-            # Make sure zip doesn't try to allocate a billion elements for the
-            # result list when one of its arguments doesn't say how long it is.
-            # A MemoryError is the most likely failure mode.
-            class SequenceWithoutALength:
-                def __getitem__(self, i):
-                    if i == 5:
-                        raise IndexError
-                    else:
-                        return i
-            s = SequenceWithoutALength()
-            assert (
-                zip(s, xrange(2**30))) == (
-                [(x,x) for x in s]
-            )
-            class BadSeq:
-                def __getitem__(self, i):
-                    if i == 5:
-                        raise ValueError
-                    else:
-                        return i
-            raises(ValueError, zip, BadSeq(), BadSeq())

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/cpy_test_types.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/cpy_test_types.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-# Python test set -- part 6, built-in types
-# Slightly edited version for PyPy.
-from support_tests import *
-print '6. Built-in types'
-print '6.1 Truth value testing'
-if None: raise TestFailed, 'None is true instead of false'
-if 0: raise TestFailed, '0 is true instead of false'
-if 0L: raise TestFailed, '0L is true instead of false'
-if 0.0: raise TestFailed, '0.0 is true instead of false'
-if '': raise TestFailed, '\'\' is true instead of false'
-if (): raise TestFailed, '() is true instead of false'
-if []: raise TestFailed, '[] is true instead of false'
-if {}: raise TestFailed, '{} is true instead of false'
-if not 1: raise TestFailed, '1 is false instead of true'
-if not 1L: raise TestFailed, '1L is false instead of true'
-if not 1.0: raise TestFailed, '1.0 is false instead of true'
-if not 'x': raise TestFailed, '\'x\' is false instead of true'
-if not (1, 1): raise TestFailed, '(1, 1) is false instead of true'
-if not [1]: raise TestFailed, '[1] is false instead of true'
-if not {'x': 1}: raise TestFailed, '{\'x\': 1} is false instead of true'
-def f(): pass
-class C: pass
-import sys
-x = C()
-if not f: raise TestFailed, 'f is false instead of true'
-if not C: raise TestFailed, 'C is false instead of true'
-if not sys: raise TestFailed, 'sys is false instead of true'
-if not x: raise TestFailed, 'x is false instead of true'
-print '6.2 Boolean operations'
-if 0 or 0: raise TestFailed, '0 or 0 is true instead of false'
-if 1 and 1: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, '1 and 1 is false instead of false'
-if not 1: raise TestFailed, 'not 1 is true instead of false'
-print '6.3 Comparisons'
-if 0 < 1 <= 1 == 1 >= 1 > 0 != 1: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'int comparisons failed'
-if 0L < 1L <= 1L == 1L >= 1L > 0L != 1L: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'long int comparisons failed'
-if 0.0 < 1.0 <= 1.0 == 1.0 >= 1.0 > 0.0 != 1.0: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'float comparisons failed'
-if '' < 'a' <= 'a' == 'a' < 'abc' < 'abd' < 'b': pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'string comparisons failed'
-if 0 in [0] and 0 not in [1]: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'membership test failed'
-if None is None and [] is not []: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'identity test failed'
-print '6.3.1 Conversion errors'
-try: float('')
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "float('') didn't raise ValueError"
-try: float('5\0')
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "float('5\0') didn't raise ValueError"
-print '6.3.2 Division errors'
-try: 5.0 / 0.0
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5.0 / 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-try: 5.0 // 0.0
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5.0 // 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-try: 5.0 % 0.0
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5.0 % 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-try: 5L / 0
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5L / 0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-try: 5 / 0L
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5 / 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-try: 5 // 0L
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5 // 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-try: 5 % 0L
-except ZeroDivisionError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "5 % 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError"
-print '6.4 Numeric types (mostly conversions)'
-if 0 != 0L or 0 != 0.0 or 0L != 0.0: raise TestFailed, 'mixed comparisons'
-if 1 != 1L or 1 != 1.0 or 1L != 1.0: raise TestFailed, 'mixed comparisons'
-if -1 != -1L or -1 != -1.0 or -1L != -1.0:
-    raise TestFailed, 'int/long/float value not equal'
-# calling built-in types without argument must return 0
-if int() != 0: raise TestFailed, 'int() does not return 0'
-if long() != 0L: raise TestFailed, 'long() does not return 0L'
-if float() != 0.0: raise TestFailed, 'float() does not return 0.0'
-if int(1.9) == 1 == int(1.1) and int(-1.1) == -1 == int(-1.9): pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'int() does not round properly'
-if long(1.9) == 1L == long(1.1) and long(-1.1) == -1L == long(-1.9): pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'long() does not round properly'
-if float(1) == 1.0 and float(-1) == -1.0 and float(0) == 0.0: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'float() does not work properly'
-print '6.4.1 32-bit integers'
-if 12 + 24 != 36: raise TestFailed, 'int op'
-if 12 + (-24) != -12: raise TestFailed, 'int op'
-if (-12) + 24 != 12: raise TestFailed, 'int op'
-if (-12) + (-24) != -36: raise TestFailed, 'int op'
-if not 12 < 24: raise TestFailed, 'int op'
-if not -24 < -12: raise TestFailed, 'int op'
-# Test for a particular bug in integer multiply
-xsize, ysize, zsize = 238, 356, 4
-if not (xsize*ysize*zsize == zsize*xsize*ysize == 338912):
-    raise TestFailed, 'int mul commutativity'
-# And another.
-m = -sys.maxint - 1
-for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32:
-    j = m // divisor
-    prod = divisor * j
-    if prod != m:
-        raise TestFailed, "%r * %r == %r != %r" % (divisor, j, prod, m)
-    if type(prod) is not int:
-        raise TestFailed, ("expected type(prod) to be int, not %r" %
-                           type(prod))
-# Check for expected * overflow to long.
-for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32:
-    j = m // divisor - 1
-    prod = divisor * j
-    if type(prod) is not long:
-        raise TestFailed, ("expected type(%r) to be long, not %r" %
-                           (prod, type(prod)))
-# Check for expected * overflow to long.
-m = sys.maxint
-for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32:
-    j = m // divisor + 1
-    prod = divisor * j
-    if type(prod) is not long:
-        raise TestFailed, ("expected type(%r) to be long, not %r" %
-                           (prod, type(prod)))
-print '6.4.2 Long integers'
-if 12L + 24L != 36L: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if 12L + (-24L) != -12L: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if (-12L) + 24L != 12L: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if (-12L) + (-24L) != -36L: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if not 12L < 24L: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if not -24L < -12L: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-x = sys.maxint
-if int(long(x)) != x: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-try: y = int(long(x)+1L)
-except OverflowError: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if not isinstance(y, long): raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-x = -x
-if int(long(x)) != x: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-x = x-1
-if int(long(x)) != x: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-try: y = int(long(x)-1L)
-except OverflowError: raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-if not isinstance(y, long): raise TestFailed, 'long op'
-try: 5 << -5
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'int negative shift <<'
-try: 5L << -5L
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'long negative shift <<'
-try: 5 >> -5
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'int negative shift >>'
-try: 5L >> -5L
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'long negative shift >>'
-print '6.4.3 Floating point numbers'
-if 12.0 + 24.0 != 36.0: raise TestFailed, 'float op'
-if 12.0 + (-24.0) != -12.0: raise TestFailed, 'float op'
-if (-12.0) + 24.0 != 12.0: raise TestFailed, 'float op'
-if (-12.0) + (-24.0) != -36.0: raise TestFailed, 'float op'
-if not 12.0 < 24.0: raise TestFailed, 'float op'
-if not -24.0 < -12.0: raise TestFailed, 'float op'
-print '6.5 Sequence types'
-print '6.5.1 Strings'
-if len('') != 0: raise TestFailed, 'len(\'\')'
-if len('a') != 1: raise TestFailed, 'len(\'a\')'
-if len('abcdef') != 6: raise TestFailed, 'len(\'abcdef\')'
-if 'xyz' + 'abcde' != 'xyzabcde': raise TestFailed, 'string concatenation'
-if 'xyz'*3 != 'xyzxyzxyz': raise TestFailed, 'string repetition *3'
-if 0*'abcde' != '': raise TestFailed, 'string repetition 0*'
-if min('abc') != 'a' or max('abc') != 'c': raise TestFailed, 'min/max string'
-if 'a' in 'abc' and 'b' in 'abc' and 'c' in 'abc' and 'd' not in 'abc': pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'in/not in string'
-x = 'x'*103
-if '%s!'%x != x+'!': raise TestFailed, 'nasty string formatting bug'
-#extended slices for strings
-a = '0123456789'
-vereq(a[::], a)
-vereq(a[::2], '02468')
-vereq(a[1::2], '13579')
-vereq(a[::-2], '97531')
-vereq(a[3::-2], '31')
-vereq(a[-100:100:], a)
-vereq(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1])
-vereq(a[-100L:100L:2L], '02468')
-if have_unicode:
-    a = unicode('0123456789', 'ascii')
-    vereq(a[::], a)
-    vereq(a[::2], unicode('02468', 'ascii'))
-    vereq(a[1::2], unicode('13579', 'ascii'))
-    vereq(a[::-1], unicode('9876543210', 'ascii'))
-    vereq(a[::-2], unicode('97531', 'ascii'))
-    vereq(a[3::-2], unicode('31', 'ascii'))
-    vereq(a[-100:100:], a)
-    vereq(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1])
-    vereq(a[-100L:100L:2L], unicode('02468', 'ascii'))
-print '6.5.2 Tuples'
-# calling built-in types without argument must return empty
-if tuple() != (): raise TestFailed,'tuple() does not return ()'
-if len(()) != 0: raise TestFailed, 'len(())'
-if len((1,)) != 1: raise TestFailed, 'len((1,))'
-if len((1,2,3,4,5,6)) != 6: raise TestFailed, 'len((1,2,3,4,5,6))'
-if (1,2)+(3,4) != (1,2,3,4): raise TestFailed, 'tuple concatenation'
-if (1,2)*3 != (1,2,1,2,1,2): raise TestFailed, 'tuple repetition *3'
-if 0*(1,2,3) != (): raise TestFailed, 'tuple repetition 0*'
-if min((1,2)) != 1 or max((1,2)) != 2: raise TestFailed, 'min/max tuple'
-if 0 in (0,1,2) and 1 in (0,1,2) and 2 in (0,1,2) and 3 not in (0,1,2): pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'in/not in tuple'
-try: ()[0]
-except IndexError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "tuple index error didn't raise IndexError"
-x = ()
-x += ()
-if x != (): raise TestFailed, 'tuple inplace add from () to () failed'
-x += (1,)
-if x != (1,): raise TestFailed, 'tuple resize from () failed'
-# extended slicing - subscript only for tuples
-a = (0,1,2,3,4)
-vereq(a[::], a)
-vereq(a[::2], (0,2,4))
-vereq(a[1::2], (1,3))
-vereq(a[::-1], (4,3,2,1,0))
-vereq(a[::-2], (4,2,0))
-vereq(a[3::-2], (3,1))
-vereq(a[-100:100:], a)
-vereq(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1])
-vereq(a[-100L:100L:2L], (0,2,4))
-# Check that a specific bug in _PyTuple_Resize() is squashed.
-def f():
-    for i in range(1000):
-        yield i
-vereq(list(tuple(f())), range(1000))
-# Verify that __getitem__ overrides are not recognized by __iter__
-# XXX TODO: this fails with PyPy because overriding __getitem__ will
-#           really override what the sequence iterator returns
-#class T(tuple):
-#    def __getitem__(self, key):
-#        return str(key) + '!!!'
-#vereq(iter(T((1,2))).next(), 1)
-print '6.5.3 Lists'
-# calling built-in types without argument must return empty
-if list() != []: raise TestFailed,'list() does not return []'
-if len([]) != 0: raise TestFailed, 'len([])'
-if len([1,]) != 1: raise TestFailed, 'len([1,])'
-if len([1,2,3,4,5,6]) != 6: raise TestFailed, 'len([1,2,3,4,5,6])'
-if [1,2]+[3,4] != [1,2,3,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list concatenation'
-if [1,2]*3 != [1,2,1,2,1,2]: raise TestFailed, 'list repetition *3'
-if [1,2]*3L != [1,2,1,2,1,2]: raise TestFailed, 'list repetition *3L'
-if 0*[1,2,3] != []: raise TestFailed, 'list repetition 0*'
-if 0L*[1,2,3] != []: raise TestFailed, 'list repetition 0L*'
-if min([1,2]) != 1 or max([1,2]) != 2: raise TestFailed, 'min/max list'
-if 0 in [0,1,2] and 1 in [0,1,2] and 2 in [0,1,2] and 3 not in [0,1,2]: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'in/not in list'
-a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-a[:-1] = a
-if a != [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]:
-    raise TestFailed, "list self-slice-assign (head)"
-a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-a[1:] = a
-if a != [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
-    raise TestFailed, "list self-slice-assign (tail)"
-a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-a[1:-1] = a
-if a != [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]:
-    raise TestFailed, "list self-slice-assign (center)"
-try: [][0]
-except IndexError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "list index error didn't raise IndexError"
-try: [][0] = 5
-except IndexError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "list assignment index error didn't raise IndexError"
-try: [].pop()
-except IndexError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "empty list.pop() didn't raise IndexError"
-try: [1].pop(5)
-except IndexError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "[1].pop(5) didn't raise IndexError"
-try: [][0:1] = 5
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "bad list slice assignment didn't raise TypeError"
-try: [].extend(None)
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "list.extend(None) didn't raise TypeError"
-a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-a *= 0
-if a != []:
-    raise TestFailed, "list inplace repeat"
-a = []
-a[:] = tuple(range(10))
-if a != range(10):
-    raise TestFailed, "assigning tuple to slice"
-print '6.5.3a Additional list operations'
-a = [0,1,2,3,4]
-a[0L] = 1
-a[1L] = 2
-a[2L] = 3
-if a != [1,2,3,3,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list item assignment [0L], [1L], [2L]'
-a[0] = 5
-a[1] = 6
-a[2] = 7
-if a != [5,6,7,3,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list item assignment [0], [1], [2]'
-a[-2L] = 88
-a[-1L] = 99
-if a != [5,6,7,88,99]: raise TestFailed, 'list item assignment [-2L], [-1L]'
-a[-2] = 8
-a[-1] = 9
-if a != [5,6,7,8,9]: raise TestFailed, 'list item assignment [-2], [-1]'
-a[:2] = [0,4]
-a[-3:] = []
-a[1:1] = [1,2,3]
-if a != [0,1,2,3,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list slice assignment'
-a[ 1L : 4L] = [7,8,9]
-if a != [0,7,8,9,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list slice assignment using long ints'
-del a[1:4]
-if a != [0,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list slice deletion'
-del a[0]
-if a != [4]: raise TestFailed, 'list item deletion [0]'
-del a[-1]
-if a != []: raise TestFailed, 'list item deletion [-1]'
-del a[1L:4L]
-if a != [0,4]: raise TestFailed, 'list slice deletion'
-del a[0L]
-if a != [4]: raise TestFailed, 'list item deletion [0]'
-del a[-1L]
-if a != []: raise TestFailed, 'list item deletion [-1]'
-if a != [0,1,2]: raise TestFailed, 'list append'
-a.insert(0, -2)
-a.insert(1, -1)
-if a != [-2,-1,0,0,1,2]: raise TestFailed, 'list insert'
-b = a[:]
-b.insert(-2, "foo")
-b.insert(-200, "left")
-b.insert(200, "right")
-if b != ["left",-2,-1,0,0,"foo",1,2,"right"]: raise TestFailed, 'list insert2'
-# a = [-2,-1,0,0,1,2]
-if a.count(0) != 2: raise TestFailed, ' list count'
-if a.index(0) != 2: raise TestFailed, 'list index'
-if a.index(0,2) != 2: raise TestFailed, 'list index, start argument'
-if a.index(0,-4) != 2: raise TestFailed, 'list index, -start argument'
-if a.index(-2,-10) != 0: raise TestFailed, 'list index, very -start argument'
-if a.index(0,3) != 3: raise TestFailed, 'list index, start argument'
-if a.index(0,-3) != 3: raise TestFailed, 'list index, -start argument'
-if a.index(0,3,4) != 3: raise TestFailed, 'list index, stop argument'
-if a.index(0,-3,-2) != 3: raise TestFailed, 'list index, -stop argument'
-if a.index(0,-4*sys.maxint,4*sys.maxint) != 2:
-    raise TestFailed, 'list index, -maxint, maxint argument'
-    a.index(0, 4*sys.maxint,-4*sys.maxint)
-except ValueError:
-    pass
-    raise TestFailed, 'list index, maxint,-maxint argument'
-    a.index(2,0,-10)
-except ValueError:
-    pass
-    raise TestFailed, 'list index, very -stop argument'
-    a.index(2,0,4)
-except ValueError:
-    pass
-    raise TestFailed, 'list index, stop argument.'
-if a != [-2,-1,0,1,2]: raise TestFailed, 'list remove'
-if a != [2,1,0,-1,-2]: raise TestFailed, 'list reverse'
-if a != [-2,-1,0,1,2]: raise TestFailed, 'list sort'
-def revcmp(a, b): return cmp(b, a)
-if a != [2,1,0,-1,-2]: raise TestFailed, 'list sort with cmp func'
-# The following dumps core in unpatched Python 1.5:
-def myComparison(x,y):
-    return cmp(x%3, y%7)
-z = range(12)
-try: z.sort(2)
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'list sort compare function is not callable'
-''' XXX TODO: add detection of list modification during sort
-def selfmodifyingComparison(x,y):
-    z.append(1)
-    return cmp(x, y)
-try: z.sort(selfmodifyingComparison)
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'modifying list during sort'
-try: z.sort(lambda x, y: 's')
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'list sort compare function does not return int'
-# Test extreme cases with long ints
-a = [0,1,2,3,4]
-if a[ -pow(2,128L): 3 ] != [0,1,2]:
-    raise TestFailed, "list slicing with too-small long integer"
-if a[ 3: pow(2,145L) ] != [3,4]:
-    raise TestFailed, "list slicing with too-large long integer"
-# extended slicing
-#  subscript
-a = [0,1,2,3,4]
-vereq(a[::], a)
-vereq(a[::2], [0,2,4])
-vereq(a[1::2], [1,3])
-vereq(a[::-1], [4,3,2,1,0])
-vereq(a[::-2], [4,2,0])
-vereq(a[3::-2], [3,1])
-vereq(a[-100:100:], a)
-vereq(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1])
-vereq(a[-100L:100L:2L], [0,2,4])
-vereq(a[1000:2000:2], [])
-vereq(a[-1000:-2000:-2], [])
-#  deletion
-del a[::2]
-vereq(a, [1,3])
-a = range(5)
-del a[1::2]
-vereq(a, [0,2,4])
-a = range(5)
-del a[1::-2]
-vereq(a, [0,2,3,4])
-a = range(10)
-del a[::1000]
-vereq(a, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
-#  assignment
-a = range(10)
-a[::2] = [-1]*5
-vereq(a, [-1, 1, -1, 3, -1, 5, -1, 7, -1, 9])
-a = range(10)
-a[::-4] = [10]*3
-vereq(a, [0, 10, 2, 3, 4, 10, 6, 7, 8 ,10])
-a = range(4)
-a[::-1] = a
-vereq(a, [3, 2, 1, 0])
-a = range(10)
-b = a[:]
-c = a[:]
-a[2:3] = ["two", "elements"]
-b[slice(2,3)] = ["two", "elements"]
-c[2:3:] = ["two", "elements"]
-vereq(a, b)
-vereq(a, c)
-a = range(10)
-a[::2] = tuple(range(5))
-vereq(a, [0, 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 3, 7, 4, 9])
-# Verify that __getitem__ overrides are not recognized by __iter__
-# XXX TODO same as class T(tuple) above
-#class L(list):
-#    def __getitem__(self, key):
-#        return str(key) + '!!!'
-#vereq(iter(L([1,2])).next(), 1)
-print '6.6 Mappings == Dictionaries'
-# calling built-in types without argument must return empty
-if dict() != {}: raise TestFailed,'dict() does not return {}'
-d = {}
-if d.keys() != []: raise TestFailed, '{}.keys()'
-if d.values() != []: raise TestFailed, '{}.values()'
-if d.items() != []: raise TestFailed, '{}.items()'
-if d.has_key('a') != 0: raise TestFailed, '{}.has_key(\'a\')'
-if ('a' in d) != 0: raise TestFailed, "'a' in {}"
-if ('a' not in d) != 1: raise TestFailed, "'a' not in {}"
-if len(d) != 0: raise TestFailed, 'len({})'
-d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
-if len(d) != 2: raise TestFailed, 'len(dict)'
-k = d.keys()
-if k != ['a', 'b']: raise TestFailed, 'dict keys()'
-if d.has_key('a') and d.has_key('b') and not d.has_key('c'): pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'dict keys()'
-if 'a' in d and 'b' in d and 'c' not in d: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'dict keys() # in/not in version'
-if d['a'] != 1 or d['b'] != 2: raise TestFailed, 'dict item'
-d['c'] = 3
-d['a'] = 4
-if d['c'] != 3 or d['a'] != 4: raise TestFailed, 'dict item assignment'
-del d['b']
-if d != {'a': 4, 'c': 3}: raise TestFailed, 'dict item deletion'
-print '6.6.1 dict methods'
-# dict.clear()
-d = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
-if d != {}: raise TestFailed, 'dict clear'
-# dict.update()
-d.update({1:1, 2:2, 3:3})
-if d != {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}: raise TestFailed, 'dict update'
-try: d.update(None)
-except AttributeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'dict.update(None), AttributeError expected'
-print '6.6.2 user-dict methods'
-class SimpleUserDict:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.d = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
-    def keys(self):
-        return self.d.keys()
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        return self.d[i]
-if d != {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}: raise TestFailed, 'dict.update(instance)'
-class FailingUserDict:
-    def keys(self):
-        raise ValueError
-try: d.update(FailingUserDict())
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'dict.keys() expected ValueError'
-class FailingUserDict:
-    def keys(self):
-        class BogonIter:
-            def __iter__(self):
-                raise ValueError
-        return BogonIter()
-try: d.update(FailingUserDict())
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'iter(dict.keys()) expected ValueError'
-class FailingUserDict:
-    def keys(self):
-        class BogonIter:
-            def __init__(self):
-                self.i = 1
-            def __iter__(self):
-                return self
-            def next(self):
-                if self.i:
-                    self.i = 0
-                    return 'a'
-                raise ValueError
-        return BogonIter()
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return key
-try: d.update(FailingUserDict())
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'iter(dict.keys()).next() expected ValueError'
-class FailingUserDict:
-    def keys(self):
-        class BogonIter:
-            def __init__(self):
-                self.i = ord('a')
-            def __iter__(self):
-                return self
-            def next(self):
-                if self.i <= ord('z'):
-                    rtn = chr(self.i)
-                    self.i += 1
-                    return rtn
-                raise StopIteration
-        return BogonIter()
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        raise ValueError
-try: d.update(FailingUserDict())
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'dict.update(), __getitem__ expected ValueError'
-print '6.6.3 dict.fromkeys'
-# dict.fromkeys()
-if dict.fromkeys('abc') != {'a':None, 'b':None, 'c':None}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys did not work as a class method'
-d = {}
-if d.fromkeys('abc') is d:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys did not return a new dict'
-if d.fromkeys('abc') != {'a':None, 'b':None, 'c':None}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys failed with default value'
-if d.fromkeys((4,5),0) != {4:0, 5:0}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys failed with specified value'
-if d.fromkeys([]) != {}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys failed with null sequence'
-def g():
-    yield 1
-if d.fromkeys(g()) != {1:None}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys failed with a generator'
-try: {}.fromkeys(3)
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'dict.fromkeys failed to raise TypeError'
-class dictlike(dict): pass
-if dictlike.fromkeys('a') != {'a':None}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dictsubclass.fromkeys did not inherit'
-if dictlike().fromkeys('a') != {'a':None}:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dictsubclass.fromkeys did not inherit'
-if type(dictlike.fromkeys('a')) is not dictlike:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dictsubclass.fromkeys created wrong type'
-if type(dictlike().fromkeys('a')) is not dictlike:
-    raise TestFailed, 'dictsubclass.fromkeys created wrong type'
-from UserDict import UserDict
-class mydict(dict):
-    def __new__(cls):
-        return UserDict()
-ud = mydict.fromkeys('ab')
-if ud != {'a':None, 'b':None} or not isinstance(ud,UserDict):
-    raise TestFailed, 'fromkeys did not instantiate using  __new__'
-print '6.6.4 dict copy, get, setdefault'
-# dict.copy()
-d = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
-if d.copy() != {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}: raise TestFailed, 'dict copy'
-if {}.copy() != {}: raise TestFailed, 'empty dict copy'
-# dict.get()
-d = {}
-if d.get('c') is not None: raise TestFailed, 'missing {} get, no 2nd arg'
-if d.get('c', 3) != 3: raise TestFailed, 'missing {} get, w/ 2nd arg'
-d = {'a' : 1, 'b' : 2}
-if d.get('c') is not None: raise TestFailed, 'missing dict get, no 2nd arg'
-if d.get('c', 3) != 3: raise TestFailed, 'missing dict get, w/ 2nd arg'
-if d.get('a') != 1: raise TestFailed, 'present dict get, no 2nd arg'
-if d.get('a', 3) != 1: raise TestFailed, 'present dict get, w/ 2nd arg'
-# dict.setdefault()
-d = {}
-if d.setdefault('key0') is not None:
-    raise TestFailed, 'missing {} setdefault, no 2nd arg'
-if d.setdefault('key0') is not None:
-    raise TestFailed, 'present {} setdefault, no 2nd arg'
-d.setdefault('key', []).append(3)
-if d['key'][0] != 3:
-    raise TestFailed, 'missing {} setdefault, w/ 2nd arg'
-d.setdefault('key', []).append(4)
-if len(d['key']) != 2:
-    raise TestFailed, 'present {} setdefault, w/ 2nd arg'
-print '6.6.5 dict popitem'
-# dict.popitem()
-for copymode in -1, +1:
-    # -1: b has same structure as a
-    # +1: b is a.copy()
-    for log2size in range(4):#(12):
-        size = 2**log2size
-        a = {}
-        b = {}
-        for i in range(size):
-            a[`i`] = i
-            if copymode < 0:
-                b[`i`] = i
-        if copymode > 0:
-            b = a.copy()
-        for i in range(size):
-            ka, va = ta = a.popitem()
-            if va != int(ka): raise TestFailed, "a.popitem: %s" % str(ta)
-            kb, vb = tb = b.popitem()
-            if vb != int(kb): raise TestFailed, "b.popitem: %s" % str(tb)
-            if copymode < 0 and ta != tb:
-                raise TestFailed, "a.popitem != b.popitem: %s, %s" % (
-                    str(ta), str(tb))
-        if a: raise TestFailed, 'a not empty after popitems: %s' % str(a)
-        if b: raise TestFailed, 'b not empty after popitems: %s' % str(b)
-try: d.popitem()
-except KeyError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "{}.popitem doesn't raise KeyError"
-print '6.6.6 dict pop'
-# Tests for pop with specified key
-k, v = 'abc', 'def'
-d[k] = v
-try: d.pop('ghi')
-except KeyError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "{}.pop(k) doesn't raise KeyError when k not in dictionary"
-if d.pop(k) != v: raise TestFailed, "{}.pop(k) doesn't find known key/value pair"
-if len(d) > 0: raise TestFailed, "{}.pop(k) failed to remove the specified pair"
-try: d.pop(k)
-except KeyError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "{}.pop(k) doesn't raise KeyError when dictionary is empty"
-# verify longs/ints get same value when key > 32 bits (for 64-bit archs)
-# see SF bug #689659
-x = 4503599627370496L
-y = 4503599627370496
-h = {x: 'anything', y: 'something else'}
-if h[x] != h[y]:
-    raise TestFailed, "long/int key should match"
-if d.pop(k, v) != v: raise TestFailed, "{}.pop(k, v) doesn't return default value"
-d[k] = v
-if d.pop(k, 1) != v: raise TestFailed, "{}.pop(k, v) doesn't find known key/value pair"
-''' TODO: doesn't raise correctly
-d[1] = 1
-    for i in d:
-        d[i+1] = 1
-except RuntimeError:
-    pass
-    raise TestFailed, "changing dict size during iteration doesn't raise Error"
-print '6.7 type'
-try: type(1, 2)
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'type(), w/2 args expected TypeError'
-try: type(1, 2, 3, 4)
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, 'type(), w/4 args expected TypeError'
-''' TODO: No buffer support yet XXX
-print '6.8 buffer'
-try: buffer('asdf', -1)
-except ValueError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "buffer('asdf', -1) should raise ValueError"
-try: buffer(None)
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "buffer(None) should raise TypeError"
-a = buffer('asdf')
-b = a * 5
-if a == b:
-    raise TestFailed, 'buffers should not be equal'
-if str(b) != ('asdf' * 5):
-    raise TestFailed, 'repeated buffer has wrong content'
-if str(a * 0) != '':
-    raise TestFailed, 'repeated buffer zero times has wrong content'
-if str(a + buffer('def')) != 'asdfdef':
-    raise TestFailed, 'concatenation of buffers yields wrong content'
-try: a[1] = 'g'
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "buffer assignment should raise TypeError"
-try: a[0:1] = 'g'
-except TypeError: pass
-else: raise TestFailed, "buffer slice assignment should raise TypeError"
-print '6.99999999...   All tests ran to completion'

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/no_test_stringmodule.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/no_test_stringmodule.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Test module for functions in stringmodule.py
-import string as c_py_string
-import unittest
-import autopath
-from pypy.tool import testit
-from pypy.appspace import string as pypy_string
-class TestStringmodule(unittest.TestCase):
-    def regression(self, sFuncname, *args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            c_py_res = getattr(c_py_string, sFuncname)(*args, **kwargs)
-        except Exception, ce:
-            c_py_res = ce.__class__
-        try:
-            pypy_res = getattr(pypy_string, sFuncname)(*args, **kwargs)
-        except Exception, pe:
-            pypy_res = pe.__class__
-        self.assertEqual(c_py_res, pypy_res, 'not equal \n1:<%s>\n2:<%s>' % (c_py_res, pypy_res))
-    def test_maketrans(self):
-        self.regression('maketrans','','')
-        self.regression('maketrans','a','b')
-        self.regression('maketrans','aa','bb')
-        self.regression('maketrans','aa','')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    testit.main()
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/patched/test_sys.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/patched/test_sys.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
-import unittest, test.test_support
-import sys, cStringIO
-class SysModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_original_displayhook(self):
-        import __builtin__
-        savestdout = sys.stdout
-        out = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        sys.stdout = out
-        dh = sys.__displayhook__
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, dh)
-        if hasattr(__builtin__, "_"):
-            del __builtin__._
-        dh(None)
-        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), "")
-        self.assert_(not hasattr(__builtin__, "_"))
-        dh(42)
-        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), "42\n")
-        self.assertEqual(__builtin__._, 42)
-        del sys.stdout
-        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, dh, 42)
-        sys.stdout = savestdout
-    def test_lost_displayhook(self):
-        olddisplayhook = sys.displayhook
-        del sys.displayhook
-        code = compile("42", "<string>", "single")
-        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, eval, code)
-        sys.displayhook = olddisplayhook
-    def test_custom_displayhook(self):
-        olddisplayhook = sys.displayhook
-        def baddisplayhook(obj):
-            raise ValueError
-        sys.displayhook = baddisplayhook
-        code = compile("42", "<string>", "single")
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, eval, code)
-        sys.displayhook = olddisplayhook
-    def test_original_excepthook(self):
-        savestderr = sys.stderr
-        err = cStringIO.StringIO()
-        sys.stderr = err
-        eh = sys.__excepthook__
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, eh)
-        try:
-            raise ValueError(42)
-        except ValueError, exc:
-            eh(*sys.exc_info())
-        sys.stderr = savestderr
-        self.assert_(err.getvalue().endswith("ValueError: 42\n"))
-    # FIXME: testing the code for a lost or replaced excepthook in
-    # Python/pythonrun.c::PyErr_PrintEx() is tricky.
-    def test_exc_clear(self):
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.exc_clear, 42)
-        # Verify that exc_info is present and matches exc, then clear it, and
-        # check that it worked.
-        def clear_check(exc):
-            typ, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
-            self.assert_(typ is not None)
-            self.assert_(value is exc)
-            self.assert_(traceback is not None)
-            sys.exc_clear()
-            typ, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
-            self.assert_(typ is None)
-            self.assert_(value is None)
-            self.assert_(traceback is None)
-        def clear():
-            try:
-                raise ValueError, 42
-            except ValueError, exc:
-                clear_check(exc)
-        # Raise an exception and check that it can be cleared
-        clear()
-        # Verify that a frame currently handling an exception is
-        # unaffected by calling exc_clear in a nested frame.
-        try:
-            raise ValueError, 13
-        except ValueError, exc:
-            typ1, value1, traceback1 = sys.exc_info()
-            clear()
-            typ2, value2, traceback2 = sys.exc_info()
-            self.assert_(typ1 is typ2)
-            self.assert_(value1 is exc)
-            self.assert_(value1 is value2)
-            self.assert_(traceback1 is traceback2)
-        # Check that an exception can be cleared outside of an except block
-        clear_check(exc)
-    def test_exit(self):
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.exit, 42, 42)
-        # call without argument
-        try:
-            sys.exit(0)
-        except SystemExit, exc:
-            self.assertEquals(exc.code, 0)
-        except:
-            self.fail("wrong exception")
-        else:
-            self.fail("no exception")
-        # call with tuple argument with one entry
-        # entry will be unpacked
-        try:
-            sys.exit(42)
-        except SystemExit, exc:
-            self.assertEquals(exc.code, 42)
-        except:
-            self.fail("wrong exception")
-        else:
-            self.fail("no exception")
-        # call with integer argument
-        try:
-            sys.exit((42,))
-        except SystemExit, exc:
-            self.assertEquals(exc.code, 42)
-        except:
-            self.fail("wrong exception")
-        else:
-            self.fail("no exception")
-        # call with string argument
-        try:
-            sys.exit("exit")
-        except SystemExit, exc:
-            self.assertEquals(exc.code, "exit")
-        except:
-            self.fail("wrong exception")
-        else:
-            self.fail("no exception")
-        # call with tuple argument with two entries
-        try:
-            sys.exit((17, 23))
-        except SystemExit, exc:
-            self.assertEquals(exc.code, (17, 23))
-        except:
-            self.fail("wrong exception")
-        else:
-            self.fail("no exception")
-    def test_getdefaultencoding(self):
-        if test.test_support.have_unicode:
-            self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getdefaultencoding, 42)
-            # can't check more than the type, as the user might have changed it
-            self.assert_(isinstance(sys.getdefaultencoding(), str))
-    # testing sys.settrace() is done in test_trace.py
-    # testing sys.setprofile() is done in test_profile.py
-    def test_setcheckinterval(self):
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.setcheckinterval)
-        orig = sys.getcheckinterval()
-        for n in 0, 100, 120, orig: # orig last to restore starting state
-            sys.setcheckinterval(n)
-            self.assertEquals(sys.getcheckinterval(), n)
-    def test_recursionlimit(self):
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getrecursionlimit, 42)
-        oldlimit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.setrecursionlimit)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sys.setrecursionlimit, -42)
-        sys.setrecursionlimit(10000)
-        self.assertEqual(sys.getrecursionlimit(), 10000)
-        sys.setrecursionlimit(oldlimit)
-    def test_getwindowsversion(self):
-        if hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion"):
-            v = sys.getwindowsversion()
-            self.assert_(isinstance(v, tuple))
-            self.assertEqual(len(v), 5)
-            self.assert_(isinstance(v[0], int))
-            self.assert_(isinstance(v[1], int))
-            self.assert_(isinstance(v[2], int))
-            self.assert_(isinstance(v[3], int))
-            self.assert_(isinstance(v[4], str))
-    def test_dlopenflags(self):
-        if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags"):
-            self.assert_(hasattr(sys, "getdlopenflags"))
-            self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getdlopenflags, 42)
-            oldflags = sys.getdlopenflags()
-            self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.setdlopenflags)
-            sys.setdlopenflags(oldflags+1)
-            self.assertEqual(sys.getdlopenflags(), oldflags+1)
-            sys.setdlopenflags(oldflags)
-    def test_refcount(self):
-        if hasattr(sys, 'getrefcount'):
-            self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.getrefcount)
-            c = sys.getrefcount(None)
-            n = None
-            self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(None), c+1)
-            del n
-            self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(None), c)
-        if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
-            self.assert_(isinstance(sys.gettotalrefcount(), int))
-    def test_getframe(self):
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys._getframe, 42, 42)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, sys._getframe, 2000000000)
-        self.assert_(
-            SysModuleTest.test_getframe.im_func.func_code \
-            is sys._getframe().f_code
-        )
-    def test_attributes(self):
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.api_version, int))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.argv, list))
-        self.assert_(sys.byteorder in ("little", "big"))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.builtin_module_names, tuple))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.copyright, basestring))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.exec_prefix, basestring))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.executable, basestring))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.hexversion, int))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.maxint, int))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.maxunicode, int))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.platform, basestring))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.prefix, basestring))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(sys.version, basestring))
-        vi = sys.version_info
-        self.assert_(isinstance(vi, tuple))
-        self.assertEqual(len(vi), 5)
-        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[0], int))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[1], int))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[2], int))
-        self.assert_(vi[3] in ("alpha", "beta", "candidate", "final"))
-        self.assert_(isinstance(vi[4], int))
-def test_main():
-    test.test_support.run_unittest(SysModuleTest)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    test_main()

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/support_tests.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/support_tests.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-"""Supporting definitions for the Python regression tests."""
-if __name__ != 'test.test_support':
-    raise ImportError, 'test_support must be imported from the test package'
-import sys, os
-from os import unlink
-    tmpdir = sys.pypy_getudir()
-except AttributeError:
-    import py 
-    tmpdir = str(py.test.config.tmpdir)
-TESTFN = os.path.join(tmpdir, '@test')
-class Error(Exception):
-    """Base class for regression test exceptions."""
-class TestFailed(Error):
-    """Test failed."""
-class TestSkipped(Error):
-    """Test skipped.
-    This can be raised to indicate that a test was deliberatly
-    skipped, but not because a feature wasn't available.  For
-    example, if some resource can't be used, such as the network
-    appears to be unavailable, this should be raised instead of
-    TestFailed.
-    """
-class ResourceDenied(TestSkipped):
-    """Test skipped because it requested a disallowed resource.
-    This is raised when a test calls requires() for a resource that
-    has not be enabled.  It is used to distinguish between expected
-    and unexpected skips.
-    """
-verbose = 0              # Flag set to 0 by regrtest.py
-use_resources = None       # Flag set to [] by regrtest.py
-# _original_stdout is meant to hold stdout at the time regrtest began.
-# This may be "the real" stdout, or IDLE's emulation of stdout, or whatever.
-# The point is to have some flavor of stdout the user can actually see.
-_original_stdout = None
-def record_original_stdout(stdout):
-    global _original_stdout
-    _original_stdout = stdout
-def get_original_stdout():
-    return _original_stdout or sys.stdout
-def unload(name):
-    try:
-        del sys.modules[name]
-    except KeyError:
-        pass
-def forget(modname):
-    '''"Forget" a module was ever imported by removing it from sys.modules and
-    deleting any .pyc and .pyo files.'''
-    unload(modname)
-    import os
-    for dirname in sys.path:
-        try:
-            os.unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyc'))
-        except os.error:
-            pass
-        # Deleting the .pyo file cannot be within the 'try' for the .pyc since
-        # the chance exists that there is no .pyc (and thus the 'try' statement
-        # is exited) but there is a .pyo file.
-        try:
-            os.unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyo'))
-        except os.error:
-            pass
-def is_resource_enabled(resource):
-    """Test whether a resource is enabled.  Known resources are set by
-    regrtest.py."""
-    return use_resources is not None and resource in use_resources
-def requires(resource, msg=None):
-    """Raise ResourceDenied if the specified resource is not available.
-    If the caller's module is __main__ then automatically return True.  The
-    possibility of False being returned occurs when regrtest.py is executing."""
-    # see if the caller's module is __main__ - if so, treat as if
-    # the resource was set
-    if sys._getframe().f_back.f_globals.get("__name__") == "__main__":
-        return
-    if not is_resource_enabled(resource):
-        if msg is None:
-            msg = "Use of the `%s' resource not enabled" % resource
-        raise ResourceDenied(msg)
-FUZZ = 1e-6
-def fcmp(x, y): # fuzzy comparison function
-    if type(x) == type(0.0) or type(y) == type(0.0):
-        try:
-            x, y = float(x), float(y)
-            fuzz = (abs(x) + abs(y)) * FUZZ
-            if abs(x-y) <= fuzz:
-                return 0
-        except:
-            pass
-    elif type(x) == type(y) and type(x) in (type(()), type([])):
-        for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
-            outcome = fcmp(x[i], y[i])
-            if outcome != 0:
-                return outcome
-        return cmp(len(x), len(y))
-    return cmp(x, y)
-    unicode
-    have_unicode = 0 # XXX UNICODE 1
-except NameError:
-    have_unicode = 0
-is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
-##if fp is not None:
-##    fp.close()
-##del fp
-def findfile(file, here=__file__):
-    """Try to find a file on sys.path and the working directory.  If it is not
-    found the argument passed to the function is returned (this does not
-    necessarily signal failure; could still be the legitimate path)."""
-    import os
-    if os.path.isabs(file):
-        return file
-    path = sys.path
-    path = [os.path.dirname(here)] + path
-    for dn in path:
-        fn = os.path.join(dn, file)
-        if os.path.exists(fn): return fn
-    return file
-def verify(condition, reason='test failed'):
-    """Verify that condition is true. If not, raise TestFailed.
-       The optional argument reason can be given to provide
-       a better error text.
-    """
-    if not condition:
-        raise TestFailed(reason)
-def vereq(a, b):
-    """Raise TestFailed if a == b is false.
-    This is better than verify(a == b) because, in case of failure, the
-    error message incorporates repr(a) and repr(b) so you can see the
-    inputs.
-    Note that "not (a == b)" isn't necessarily the same as "a != b"; the
-    former is tested.
-    """
-    if not (a == b):
-        raise TestFailed, "%r == %r" % (a, b)
-def sortdict(dict):
-    "Like repr(dict), but in sorted order."
-    items = dict.items()
-    items.sort()
-    reprpairs = ["%r: %r" % pair for pair in items]
-    withcommas = ", ".join(reprpairs)
-    return "{%s}" % withcommas
-def check_syntax(statement):
-    try:
-        compile(statement, '<string>', 'exec')
-    except SyntaxError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        print 'Missing SyntaxError: "%s"' % statement

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_cmathmodule.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_cmathmodule.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# taken from CPython 2.3
-Test module for functions in cmathmodule.py
-It seems the log and log10 functions are generating errors
-due to numerical problems with floor() in complex.__div__.
-import math
-import cmath
-import sys
-import unittest
-import autopath
-from pypy.appspace import cmathmodule
-from pypy.appspace.test.test_complexobject import equal
-def enumerate():
-    valueRange = [-12.34, -3, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 12.34]
-    res = []
-    for x0 in valueRange:
-        for y0 in valueRange:
-            z = complex(x0,y0)
-            res.append(z)
-    return res
-class TestCMathModule: 
-    def assertAEqual(self, a, b):
-        if not equal(a, b):
-            raise self.failureException, '%s ~== %s'%(a, b)
-    def test_funcs(self):
-        "Compare many functions with CPython."
-        for z in enumerate():
-            for op in "sqrt acos acosh asin asinh atan atanh cos cosh exp".split():
-                if op == "atan" and equal(z, complex(0,-1)) or equal(z, complex(0,1)):
-                    continue
-                if op == "atanh" and equal(z, complex(-1,0)) or equal(z, complex(1,0)):
-                    continue
-                op0 = cmath.__dict__[op](z)
-                op1 = cmathmodule.__dict__[op](z)
-                self.assertAEqual(op0, op1)
-    def test_log_log10(self):
-        "Compare log/log10 functions with CPython."
-        for z in enumerate():
-            for op in "log log10".split():
-                if z != 0:
-                    op0 = cmath.__dict__[op](z)
-                    op1 = cmathmodule.__dict__[op](z)
-                    self.assertAEqual(op0, op1)

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_complexobject.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_complexobject.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Note that this test currently runs at cpython-level and not
-at any application level .... 
-#taken from CPython 2.3 (?)
-Test module for class complex in complexobject.py
-As it seems there are some numerical differences in 
-the __div__ and __divmod__ methods which have to be 
-sorted out.
-import autopath
-import math
-import cmath
-import sys
-import types
-import unittest
-from pypy.tool import testit
-#from pypy.appspace.complexobject import complex as pycomplex
-from pypy.module.test.applevel_in_cpython import applevel_in_cpython
-our_own_builtin = applevel_in_cpython('__builtin__')
-pycomplex = our_own_builtin.complex
-    unicode
-    have_unicode = 0 # pypy doesn't have unicode, we know it ...
-except NameError:
-    have_unicode = 0
-def equal(a, b):
-    "Compare two complex or normal numbers. 0 if different, 1 if roughly equal."
-    numTypes = [types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType]
-    da, db = dir(a), dir(b)
-    if 'real' in da and 'real' in db and 'imag' in da and 'imag' in db:
-        if math.fabs(a.real-b.real) > 1e-10:
-            return 0
-        if math.fabs(a.imag-b.imag) > 1e-10:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return 1
-    elif type(a) in numTypes and type(b) in numTypes:
-        if math.fabs(a-b) > 1e-10:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return 1
-def enumerate():
-    valueRange = [-3, -0.5, 0, 1]
-    res = []
-    for x0 in valueRange:
-        for y0 in valueRange:
-            for x1 in valueRange:
-                for y1 in valueRange:
-                    z0c = complex(x0,y0)
-                    z1c = complex(x1,y1)
-                    z0p = pycomplex(x0,y0)
-                    z1p = pycomplex(x1,y1)
-                    res.append((z0c, z1c, z0p, z1p))
-    return res
-class TestComplex(unittest.TestCase):
-    def assertAEqual(self, a, b):
-        if not equal(a, b):
-            raise self.failureException, '%s ~== %s'%(a, b)
-    def test_wrongInit1(self):
-        "Compare wrong init. with CPython."
-        try:
-            complex("1", "1")
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('complex("1", "1")')
-        try:
-            pycomplex("1", "1")
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('complex("1", "1")')
-    def test_wrongInit2(self):
-        "Compare wrong init. with CPython."
-        try:
-            complex(1, "1")
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('complex(1, "1")')
-        try:
-            pycomplex(1, "1")
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fail('complex(1, "1")')
-    def test_wrongInitFromString(self):
-        "Compare string init. with CPython."
-        if complex("  3.14+J  ") != 3.14+1j:
-            self.fail('complex("  3.14+J  )"')
-        if not equal(pycomplex("  3.14+J  "), pycomplex(3.14,1)):
-            self.fail('complex("  3.14+J  )"')
-    def test_wrongInitFromUnicodeString(self):
-        "Compare unicode string init. with CPython."
-        if have_unicode:
-            if complex(unicode("  3.14+J  ")) != 3.14+1j:
-                self.fail('complex(u"  3.14+J  )"')
-            if not equal(pycomplex(unicode("  3.14+J  ")), pycomplex(3.14, 1)):
-                self.fail('complex(u"  3.14+J  )"')
-    def test_class(self):
-        "Compare class with CPython."
-        class Z:
-            def __complex__(self):
-                return 3.14j
-        z = Z()
-        if complex(z) != 3.14j:
-            self.fail('complex(classinstance)')
-        if not equal(complex(z), pycomplex(0, 3.14)): 
-            self.fail('complex(classinstance)')
-    def test_add_sub_mul_div(self):
-        "Compare add/sub/mul/div with CPython."
-        for (z0c, z1c, z0p, z1p) in enumerate():
-            mc = z0c*z1c
-            mp = z0p*z1p
-            self.assertAEqual(mc, mp)
-            sc = z0c+z1c
-            sp = z0p+z1p
-            self.assertAEqual(sc, sp)
-            dc = z0c-z1c
-            dp = z0p-z1p
-            self.assertAEqual(dc, dp)
-            if not equal(z1c, complex(0,0)): 
-                qc = z0c/z1c
-                qp = z0p/z1p
-                self.assertAEqual(qc, qp)
-    def test_special(self):
-        "Compare special methods with CPython."
-        for (x, y) in [(0,0), (0,1), (1,3.)]:
-            zc = complex(x, y)
-            zp = pycomplex(x, y)
-            self.assertAEqual(zc, zp)
-            self.assertAEqual(-zc, -zp)
-            self.assertAEqual(+zc, +zp)
-            self.assertAEqual(abs(zc), abs(zp))
-            self.assertAEqual(zc, zp)
-            #self.assertEqual(zc.conjugate(), zp.conjugate()) XXX 
-            self.assertEqual(str(zc), str(zp))
-            self.assertEqual(hash(zc), hash(zp))
-    # this fails on python2.3 and is depreacted anyway
-    def _test_divmod(self):
-        "Compare divmod with CPython."
-        for (z0c, z1c, z0p, z1p) in enumerate():
-            mc = z0c*z1c
-            mp = z0p*z1p
-            self.assertAEqual(mc, mp)
-            if not equal(z1c, complex(0,0)): 
-                ddc, mmc = divmod(z0c, z1c)
-                self.assertAEqual(ddc*z1c + mmc, z0c)
-                ddp, mmp = divmod(z0p, z1p)
-                self.assertAEqual(ddp*z1p + mmp, z0p)
-                self.assertAEqual(ddc, ddp)
-                self.assertAEqual(mmc, mmp)
-    # these fail on python2.3
-    def _test_mod(self):
-        "Compare mod with CPython."
-        for (z0c, z1c, z0p, z1p) in enumerate():
-            mc = z0c*z1c
-            mp = z0p*z1p
-            self.assertAEqual(mc, mp)
-            if not equal(z1c, complex(0,0)): 
-                rc = z0c%z1c
-                rp = z0p%z1p
-                self.assertAEqual(rc, rp)
-    def test_div(self):
-        "Compare mod with CPython."
-        for (z0c, z1c, z0p, z1p) in enumerate():
-            mc = z0c*z1c
-            mp = z0p*z1p
-            self.assertAEqual(mc, mp)
-            if not equal(z1c, complex(0,0)): 
-                rc = z0c/z1c
-                rp = z0p/z1p
-                self.assertAEqual(rc, rp)
-    def test_pow(self):
-        "Compare pow with CPython."
-        for (z0c, z1c, z0p, z1p) in enumerate():
-            if not equal(z0c, 0j) and (z1c.imag != 0.0):
-                pc = z0c**z1c
-                pp = z0p**z1p
-                self.assertAEqual(pc, pp)
-                pc = z0c**z0c.real
-                pp = z0p**z0p.real
-                self.assertAEqual(pc, pp)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    testit.main()

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_exceptions.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_exceptions.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import autopath
-def failing_app_test_import():
-    import exceptions
-    assert exceptions.SyntaxError is SyntaxError 

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_file.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_file.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import autopath
-from pypy.appspace import _file
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir 
-import py 
-import unittest
-class TestFile: 
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        filename = os.path.join(autopath.this_dir, 'test_file.py')
-        self.fd = _file.file_(filename, 'r')
-    def teardown_method(self, method):
-        self.fd.close()
-    def test_case_1(self):
-        assert self.fd.tell() == 0
-    def test_case_readonly(self):
-        fn = str(udir.join('temptestfile'))
-        f=_file.file_(fn, 'w')
-        assert f.name == fn
-        assert f.mode == 'w'
-        assert f.closed == False
-        assert f.encoding == None # Fix when we find out what this is
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, setattr, f, 'name', 42)
-    def test_from_cpython(self):
-        from test.test_support import verify, TESTFN, TestFailed
-        from UserList import UserList
-        # verify expected attributes exist
-        f = file(TESTFN, 'w')
-        softspace = f.softspace
-        f.name     # merely shouldn't blow up
-        f.mode     # ditto
-        f.closed   # ditto
-        # verify softspace is writable
-        f.softspace = softspace    # merely shouldn't blow up
-        # verify the others aren't
-        for attr in 'name', 'mode', 'closed':
-            try:
-                setattr(f, attr, 'oops')
-            except TypeError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise TestFailed('expected TypeError setting file attr %r' % attr)
-        f.close()
-        # verify writelines with instance sequence
-        l = UserList(['1', '2'])
-        f = open(TESTFN, 'wb')
-        f.writelines(l)
-        f.close()
-        f = open(TESTFN, 'rb')
-        buf = f.read()
-        f.close()
-        verify(buf == '12')
-        # verify writelines with integers
-        f = open(TESTFN, 'wb')
-        try:
-            f.writelines([1, 2, 3])
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            print "writelines accepted sequence of integers"
-        f.close()
-        # verify writelines with integers in UserList
-        f = open(TESTFN, 'wb')
-        l = UserList([1,2,3])
-        try:
-            f.writelines(l)
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            print "writelines accepted sequence of integers"
-        f.close()
-        # verify writelines with non-string object
-        class NonString: pass
-        f = open(TESTFN, 'wb')
-        try:
-            f.writelines([NonString(), NonString()])
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            print "writelines accepted sequence of non-string objects"
-        f.close()
-        # verify that we get a sensible error message for bad mode argument
-        bad_mode = "qwerty"
-        try:
-            open(TESTFN, bad_mode)
-        except IOError, msg:
-            pass # We have problems with Exceptions
-            if msg[0] != 0:
-                s = str(msg)
-                if s.find(TESTFN) != -1 or s.find(bad_mode) == -1:
-                    print "bad error message for invalid mode: %s" % s
-            # if msg[0] == 0, we're probably on Windows where there may be
-            # no obvious way to discover why open() failed.
-        else:
-            print "no error for invalid mode: %s" % bad_mode
-        f = open(TESTFN)
-        if f.name != TESTFN:
-            raise TestFailed, 'file.name should be "%s"' % TESTFN
-        if f.isatty():
-            raise TestFailed, 'file.isatty() should be false'
-        if f.closed:
-            raise TestFailed, 'file.closed should be false'
-        f.close()
-        if not f.closed:
-            raise TestFailed, 'file.closed should be true'
-        # make sure that explicitly setting the buffer size doesn't cause
-        # misbehaviour especially with repeated close() calls
-        for s in (-1, 0, 1, 512):
-            try:
-                f = open(TESTFN, 'w', s)
-                f.write(str(s))
-                f.close()
-                f.close()
-                f = open(TESTFN, 'r', s)
-                d = int(f.read())
-                f.close()
-                f.close()
-            except IOError, msg:
-                raise TestFailed, 'error setting buffer size %d: %s' % (s, str(msg))
-            if d != s:
-                raise TestFailed, 'readback failure using buffer size %d'
-        methods = ['fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'next', 'read', 'readline',
-                   'readlines', 'seek', 'tell', 'truncate', 'write',
-                   'xreadlines', '__iter__']
-        for methodname in methods:
-            method = getattr(f, methodname)
-            try:
-                method()
-            except ValueError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise TestFailed, 'file.%s() on a closed file should raise a ValueError' % methodname
-        try:
-            f.writelines([])
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            raise TestFailed, 'file.writelines([]) on a closed file should raise a ValueError'
-        os.unlink(TESTFN)
-        def bug801631():
-            # SF bug <http://www.python.org/sf/801631>
-            # "file.truncate fault on windows"
-            f = file(TESTFN, 'wb')
-            f.write('12345678901')   # 11 bytes
-            f.close()
-            f = file(TESTFN,'rb+')
-            data = f.read(5)
-            if data != '12345':
-                raise TestFailed("Read on file opened for update failed %r" % data)
-            if f.tell() != 5:
-                raise TestFailed("File pos after read wrong %d" % f.tell())
-            f.truncate()
-            if f.tell() != 5:
-                raise TestFailed("File pos after ftruncate wrong %d" % f.tell())
-            f.close()
-            size = os.path.getsize(TESTFN)
-            if size != 5:
-                raise TestFailed("File size after ftruncate wrong %d" % size)
-        try:
-            bug801631()
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(TESTFN)

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_md5.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_md5.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-"""A test script to compare MD5 implementations.
-A note about performance: the pure Python MD5 takes roughly
-160 sec. per MB of data on a 233 MHz Intel Pentium CPU.
-import autopath
-import string, unittest
-import md5                              # CPython's implementation in C.
-from pypy.appspace import md5 as pymd5  # The pure Python implementation.
-# Helpers...
-def formatHex(str):
-    "Print a string's HEX code in groups of two digits."
-    d = map(None, str)
-    d = map(ord, d)
-    d = map(lambda x:"%02x" % x, d)
-    return string.join(d, " ")
-def format(str):
-    "Print a string as-is in groups of two characters."
-    s = ''
-    for i in range(0, len(str)-1, 2):
-        s = s + "%03s" % str[i:i+2] 
-    return s[1:] 
-def printDiff(message, d1, d2, expectedResult=None):
-    "Print different outputs for same message."
-    print "Message: '%s'" % message
-    print "Message length: %d" % len(message)
-    if expectedResult:
-        print "%-48s (expected)" % format(expectedResult)
-    print "%-48s (Std. lib. MD5)" % formatHex(d1)
-    print "%-48s (Pure Python MD5)" % formatHex(d2)
-    print
-# The real comparison function.
-def compareImp(message):
-    """Compare two MD5 implementations, C vs. pure Python module.
-    For equal digests this returns None, otherwise it returns
-    a tuple of both digests.
-    """
-    # Use Python's standard library MD5 compiled C module.    
-    m1 = md5.md5()
-    m1.update(message)
-    d1 = m1.digest()
-    d1h = m1.hexdigest()
-    # Use MD5 module in pure Python.
-    m2 = pymd5.md5()
-    m2.update(message)
-    d2 = m2.digest()
-    d2h = m2.hexdigest()
-    # Return None if equal or the different digests if not equal.
-    if d1 == d2 and d1h == d2h:
-        return
-    else:
-        return d1, d2
-class MD5CompareTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    "Compare pure Python MD5 against Python's std. lib. version."
-    def test1(self):
-        "Test cases with known digest result."
-        cases = (
-          ("",
-           "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"),
-          ("a",
-           "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661"),
-          ("abc",
-           "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"),
-          ("message digest",
-           "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0"),
-          ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
-           "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b"),
-          ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789",
-           "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f"),
-          ("1234567890"*8,
-           "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a"),
-        )
-        for i in xrange(len(cases)):
-            res = compareImp(cases[i][0])
-            try:
-                assert res == None
-            except AssertionError, details:
-                d1, d2 = res
-                message, expectedResult = cases[i][0], None
-                if len(cases[i]) == 2:
-                    expectedResult = cases[i][1]
-                printDiff(message, d1, d2, expectedResult)
-    def test2(self):
-        "Test cases without known digest result."
-        cases = (
-          "123",
-          "1234",
-          "12345",
-          "123456",
-          "1234567",
-          "12345678",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 ",
-          "123456789 123456789 ",
-          "123456789 123456789 1",
-          "123456789 123456789 12",
-          "123456789 123456789 123",
-          "123456789 123456789 1234",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 1",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 12",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 123",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 1234",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 12345",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 123456",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 12345678",
-         )
-        for i in xrange(len(cases)):
-            res = compareImp(cases[i][0])
-            try:
-                assert res == None
-            except AssertionError, details:
-                d1, d2 = res
-                message = cases[i][0]
-                printDiff(message, d1, d2)
-    def test3(self):
-        "Test cases with long messages (can take a while)."
-        cases = (
-          (2**10*'a',),
-          (2**10*'abcd',),
-##          (2**20*'a',),  ## 1 MB, takes about 160 sec. on a 233 Mhz Pentium.
-         )
-        for i in xrange(len(cases)):
-            res = compareImp(cases[i][0])
-            try:
-                assert res == None
-            except AssertionError, details:
-                d1, d2 = res
-                message = cases[i][0]
-                printDiff(message, d1, d2)
-    def test4(self):
-        "Test cases with increasingly growing message lengths."
-        i = 0
-        while i  < 2**5:
-            message = i * 'a'
-            res = compareImp(message)
-            try:
-                assert res == None
-            except AssertionError, details:
-                d1, d2 = res
-                printDiff(message, d1, d2)
-            i = i + 1
-    def test5(self):
-        "Test updating cloned objects."
-        cases = (
-          "123",
-          "1234",
-          "12345",
-          "123456",
-          "1234567",
-          "12345678",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 ",
-          "123456789 123456789 ",
-          "123456789 123456789 1",
-          "123456789 123456789 12",
-          "123456789 123456789 123",
-          "123456789 123456789 1234",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 1",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 12",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 123",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 1234",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 12345",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 123456",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567",
-          "123456789 123456789 123456789 12345678",
-         )
-        # Load both with same prefix.    
-        prefix1 = 2**10 * 'a'
-        m1 = md5.md5()
-        m1.update(prefix1)
-        m1c = m1.copy()
-        m2 = pymd5.md5()
-        m2.update(prefix1)
-        m2c = m2.copy()
-        # Update and compare...
-        for i in xrange(len(cases)):
-            message = cases[i][0]
-            m1c.update(message)
-            d1 = m1c.hexdigest()
-            m2c.update(message)
-            d2 = m2c.hexdigest()
-            assert d1 == d2
-def makeSuite():
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    suite.addTest(MD5CompareTestCase('test1'))
-    suite.addTest(MD5CompareTestCase('test2'))
-    suite.addTest(MD5CompareTestCase('test3'))
-    suite.addTest(MD5CompareTestCase('test4'))
-    suite.addTest(MD5CompareTestCase('test5'))
-    return suite
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    unittest.TextTestRunner().run(makeSuite())

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_sha.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_sha.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Testing sha module (NIST's Secure Hash Algorithm)
-# use the three examples from Federal Information Processing Standards
-# Publication 180-1, Secure Hash Standard,  1995 April 17
-# http://www.itl.nist.gov/div897/pubs/fip180-1.htm
-import autopath
-from pypy.appspace import sha
-class TestSHA: 
-    def check(self, data, digest):
-        computed = sha.new(data).hexdigest()
-        assert computed == digest
-    def test_case_1(self):
-        self.check("abc",
-                   "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d")
-    def test_case_2(self):
-        self.check("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq",
-                   "84983e441c3bd26ebaae4aa1f95129e5e54670f1")
-    def disabled_too_slow_test_case_3(self):
-        self.check("a" * 1000000,
-                   "34aa973cd4c4daa4f61eeb2bdbad27316534016f")

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_struct.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/appspace/test/test_struct.py	Sat Jan 29 07:37:09 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-import autopath
-from pypy.appspace.test.support_tests import TestFailed, verbose, verify
-from pypy.appspace import struct
-import sys
-ISBIGENDIAN = sys.byteorder == "big"
-del sys
-verify((struct.pack('=i', 1)[0] == chr(0)) == ISBIGENDIAN,
-       "bigendian determination appears wrong")
-def string_reverse(s):
-    chars = list(s)
-    chars.reverse()
-    return "".join(chars)
-def bigendian_to_native(value):
-        return value
-    else:
-        return string_reverse(value)
-def simple_err(func, *args):
-    try:
-        func(*args)
-    except struct.error:
-        pass
-    else:
-        raise TestFailed, "%s%s did not raise struct.error" % (
-            func.__name__, args)
-def any_err(func, *args):
-    try:
-        func(*args)
-    except (struct.error, OverflowError, TypeError):
-        pass
-    else:
-        raise TestFailed, "%s%s did not raise error" % (
-            func.__name__, args)
-simple_err(struct.calcsize, 'Z')
-sz = struct.calcsize('i')
-if sz * 3 != struct.calcsize('iii'):
-    raise TestFailed, 'inconsistent sizes'
-fmt = 'cbxxxxxxhhhhiillffd'
-fmt3 = '3c3b18x12h6i6l6f3d'
-sz = struct.calcsize(fmt)
-sz3 = struct.calcsize(fmt3)
-if sz * 3 != sz3:
-    raise TestFailed, 'inconsistent sizes (3*%r -> 3*%d = %d, %r -> %d)' % (
-        fmt, sz, 3*sz, fmt3, sz3)
-simple_err(struct.pack, 'iii', 3)
-simple_err(struct.pack, 'i', 3, 3, 3)
-simple_err(struct.pack, 'i', 'foo')
-simple_err(struct.pack, 'P', 'foo')
-simple_err(struct.unpack, 'd', 'flap')
-s = struct.pack('ii', 1, 2)
-simple_err(struct.unpack, 'iii', s)
-simple_err(struct.unpack, 'i', s)
-c = 'a'
-b = 0
-h = 255
-i = 65535
-l = 65536
-f = 3.1415
-d = 3.1415
-for prefix in ('', '@', '<', '>', '=', '!'):
-    for format in ('xcbhilfd', 'xcBHILfd'):
-        format = prefix + format
-        if verbose:
-            print "trying:", format
-        s = struct.pack(format, c, b, h, i, l, f, d)
-        cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp = struct.unpack(format, s)
-        if (cp != c or bp != b or hp != h or ip != i or lp != l or
-            int(100 * fp) != int(100 * f) or int(100 * dp) != int(100 * d)):
-            # ^^^ calculate only to two decimal places
-            raise TestFailed, "unpack/pack not transitive (%s, %s)" % (
-                str(format), str((cp, bp, hp, ip, lp, fp, dp)))
-# Test some of the new features in detail
-# (format, argument, big-endian result, little-endian result, asymmetric)
-tests = [
-    ('c', 'a', 'a', 'a', 0),
-    ('xc', 'a', '\0a', '\0a', 0),
-    ('cx', 'a', 'a\0', 'a\0', 0),
-    ('s', 'a', 'a', 'a', 0),
-    ('0s', 'helloworld', '', '', 1),
-    ('1s', 'helloworld', 'h', 'h', 1),
-    ('9s', 'helloworld', 'helloworl', 'helloworl', 1),
-    ('10s', 'helloworld', 'helloworld', 'helloworld', 0),
-    ('11s', 'helloworld', 'helloworld\0', 'helloworld\0', 1),
-    ('20s', 'helloworld', 'helloworld'+10*'\0', 'helloworld'+10*'\0', 1),
-    ('b', 7, '\7', '\7', 0),
-    ('b', -7, '\371', '\371', 0),
-    ('B', 7, '\7', '\7', 0),
-    ('B', 249, '\371', '\371', 0),
-    ('h', 700, '\002\274', '\274\002', 0),
-    ('h', -700, '\375D', 'D\375', 0),
-    ('H', 700, '\002\274', '\274\002', 0),
-    ('H', 0x10000-700, '\375D', 'D\375', 0),
-    ('i', 70000000, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
-    ('i', -70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
-    ('I', 70000000L, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
-    ('I', 0x100000000L-70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
-    ('l', 70000000, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
-    ('l', -70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
-    ('L', 70000000L, '\004,\035\200', '\200\035,\004', 0),
-    ('L', 0x100000000L-70000000, '\373\323\342\200', '\200\342\323\373', 0),
-    ('f', 2.0, '@\000\000\000', '\000\000\000@', 0),
-    ('d', 2.0, '@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000','\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@', 0),
-    ('f', -2.0, '\300\000\000\000', '\000\000\000\300', 0),
-    ('d', -2.0, '\300\000\000\000\000\000\000\000','\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300', 0),
-for fmt, arg, big, lil, asy in tests:
-    if verbose:
-        print "%r %r %r %r" % (fmt, arg, big, lil)
-    for (xfmt, exp) in [('>'+fmt, big), ('!'+fmt, big), ('<'+fmt, lil),
-                        ('='+fmt, ISBIGENDIAN and big or lil)]:
-        res = struct.pack(xfmt, arg)
-        if res != exp:
-            raise TestFailed, "pack(%r, %r) -> %r # expected %r" % (
-                fmt, arg, res, exp)
-        n = struct.calcsize(xfmt)
-        if n != len(res):
-            raise TestFailed, "calcsize(%r) -> %d # expected %d" % (
-                xfmt, n, len(res))
-        rev = struct.unpack(xfmt, res)[0]
-        if rev != arg and not asy:
-            raise TestFailed, "unpack(%r, %r) -> (%r,) # expected (%r,)" % (
-                fmt, res, rev, arg)
-# Simple native q/Q tests.
-has_native_qQ = 1
-    struct.pack("q", 5)
-except struct.error:
-    has_native_qQ = 0
-if verbose:
-    print "Platform has native q/Q?", has_native_qQ and "Yes." or "No."
-any_err(struct.pack, "Q", -1)   # can't pack -1 as unsigned regardless
-simple_err(struct.pack, "q", "a")  # can't pack string as 'q' regardless
-simple_err(struct.pack, "Q", "a")  # ditto, but 'Q'
-def test_native_qQ():
-    bytes = struct.calcsize('q')
-    # The expected values here are in big-endian format, primarily because
-    # I'm on a little-endian machine and so this is the clearest way (for
-    # me) to force the code to get exercised.
-    for format, input, expected in (
-            ('q', -1, '\xff' * bytes),
-            ('q', 0, '\x00' * bytes),
-            ('Q', 0, '\x00' * bytes),
-            ('q', 1L, '\x00' * (bytes-1) + '\x01'),
-            ('Q', (1L << (8*bytes))-1, '\xff' * bytes),
-            ('q', (1L << (8*bytes-1))-1, '\x7f' + '\xff' * (bytes - 1))):
-        got = struct.pack(format, input)
-        native_expected = bigendian_to_native(expected)
-        verify(got == native_expected,
-               "%r-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, input, got, native_expected))
-        retrieved = struct.unpack(format, got)[0]
-        verify(retrieved == input,
-               "%r-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, got, retrieved, input))
-if has_native_qQ:
-    test_native_qQ()
-# Standard integer tests (bBhHiIlLqQ).
-import binascii
-class IntTester:
-    # XXX Most std integer modes fail to test for out-of-range.
-    # The "i" and "l" codes appear to range-check OK on 32-bit boxes, but
-    # fail to check correctly on some 64-bit ones (Tru64 Unix + Compaq C
-    # reported by Mark Favas).
-    def __init__(self, formatpair, bytesize):
-        assert len(formatpair) == 2
-        self.formatpair = formatpair
-        for direction in "<>!=":
-            for code in formatpair:
-                format = direction + code
-                verify(struct.calcsize(format) == bytesize)
-        self.bytesize = bytesize
-        self.bitsize = bytesize * 8
-        self.signed_code, self.unsigned_code = formatpair
-        self.unsigned_min = 0
-        self.unsigned_max = 2L**self.bitsize - 1
-        self.signed_min = -(2L**(self.bitsize-1))
-        self.signed_max = 2L**(self.bitsize-1) - 1
-    def test_one(self, x, pack=struct.pack,
-                          unpack=struct.unpack,
-                          unhexlify=binascii.unhexlify):
-        if verbose:
-            print "trying std", self.formatpair, "on", x, "==", hex(x)
-        # Try signed.
-        code = self.signed_code
-        if self.signed_min <= x <= self.signed_max:
-            # Try big   -endian.
-            expected = long(x)
-            if x < 0:
-                expected += 1L << self.bitsize
-                assert expected > 0
-            expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
-            if len(expected) & 1:
-                expected = "0" + expected
-            expected = unhexlify(expected)
-            expected = "\x00" * (self.bytesize - len(expected)) + expected
-            # Pack work?
-            format = ">" + code
-            got = pack(format, x)
-            verify(got == expected,
-                   "'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, x, got, expected))
-            # Unpack work?
-            retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
-            verify(x == retrieved,
-                   "'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, got, retrieved, x))
-            # Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
-            any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
-            # Try little-endian.
-            format = "<" + code
-            expected = string_reverse(expected)
-            # Pack work?
-            got = pack(format, x)
-            verify(got == expected,
-                   "'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, x, got, expected))
-            # Unpack work?
-            retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
-            verify(x == retrieved,
-                   "'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, got, retrieved, x))
-            # Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
-            any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
-        else:
-            # x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
-            if code in self.BUGGY_RANGE_CHECK:
-                if verbose:
-                    print "Skipping buggy range check for code", code
-            else:
-                any_err(pack, ">" + code, x)
-                any_err(pack, "<" + code, x)
-        # Much the same for unsigned.
-        code = self.unsigned_code
-        if self.unsigned_min <= x <= self.unsigned_max:
-            # Try big-endian.
-            format = ">" + code
-            expected = long(x)
-            expected = hex(expected)[2:-1] # chop "0x" and trailing 'L'
-            if len(expected) & 1:
-                expected = "0" + expected
-            expected = unhexlify(expected)
-            expected = "\x00" * (self.bytesize - len(expected)) + expected
-            # Pack work?
-            got = pack(format, x)
-            verify(got == expected,
-                   "'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, x, got, expected))
-            # Unpack work?
-            retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
-            verify(x == retrieved,
-                   "'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, got, retrieved, x))
-            # Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
-            any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
-            # Try little-endian.
-            format = "<" + code
-            expected = string_reverse(expected)
-            # Pack work?
-            got = pack(format, x)
-            verify(got == expected,
-                   "'%s'-pack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, x, got, expected))
-            # Unpack work?
-            retrieved = unpack(format, got)[0]
-            verify(x == retrieved,
-                   "'%s'-unpack of %r gave %r, not %r" %
-                    (format, got, retrieved, x))
-            # Adding any byte should cause a "too big" error.
-            any_err(unpack, format, '\x01' + got)
-        else:
-            # x is out of range -- verify pack realizes that.
-            if code in self.BUGGY_RANGE_CHECK:
-                if verbose:
-                    print "Skipping buggy range check for code", code
-            else:
-                any_err(pack, ">" + code, x)
-                any_err(pack, "<" + code, x)
-    def run(self):
-        from random import randrange
-        # Create all interesting powers of 2.
-        values = []
-        for exp in range(self.bitsize + 3):
-            values.append(1L << exp)
-        # Add some random values.
-        for i in range(self.bitsize):
-            val = 0L
-            for j in range(self.bytesize):
-                val = (val << 8) | randrange(256)
-            values.append(val)
-        # Try all those, and their negations, and +-1 from them.  Note
-        # that this tests all power-of-2 boundaries in range, and a few out
-        # of range, plus +-(2**n +- 1).
-        for base in values:
-            for val in -base, base:
-                for incr in -1, 0, 1:
-                    x = val + incr
-                    try:
-                        x = int(x)
-                    except OverflowError:
-                        pass
-                    self.test_one(x)
-        # Some error cases.
-        for direction in "<>":
-            for code in self.formatpair:
-                for badobject in "a string", 3+42j, randrange:
-                    any_err(struct.pack, direction + code, badobject)
-for args in [("bB", 1),
-             ("hH", 2),
-             ("iI", 4),
-             ("lL", 4),
-             ("qQ", 8)]:
-    t = IntTester(*args)
-    t.run()
-# The p ("Pascal string") code.
-def test_p_code():
-    for code, input, expected, expectedback in [
-            ('p','abc', '\x00', ''),
-            ('1p', 'abc', '\x00', ''),
-            ('2p', 'abc', '\x01a', 'a'),
-            ('3p', 'abc', '\x02ab', 'ab'),
-            ('4p', 'abc', '\x03abc', 'abc'),
-            ('5p', 'abc', '\x03abc\x00', 'abc'),
-            ('6p', 'abc', '\x03abc\x00\x00', 'abc'),
-            ('1000p', 'x'*1000, '\xff' + 'x'*999, 'x'*255)]:
-        got = struct.pack(code, input)
-        if got != expected:
-            raise TestFailed("pack(%r, %r) == %r but expected %r" %
-                             (code, input, got, expected))
-        (got,) = struct.unpack(code, got)
-        if got != expectedback:
-            raise TestFailed("unpack(%r, %r) == %r but expected %r" %
-                             (code, input, got, expectedback))
-# SF bug 705836.  "<f" and ">f" had a severe rounding bug, where a carry
-# from the low-order discarded bits could propagate into the exponent
-# field, causing the result to be wrong by a factor of 2.
-def test_705836():
-    import math
-    for base in range(1, 33):
-        # smaller <- largest representable float less than base.
-        delta = 0.5
-        while base - delta / 2.0 != base:
-            delta /= 2.0
-        smaller = base - delta
-        # Packing this rounds away a solid string of trailing 1 bits.
-        packed = struct.pack("<f", smaller)
-        unpacked = struct.unpack("<f", packed)[0]
-        # This failed at base = 2, 4, and 32, with unpacked = 1, 2, and
-        # 16, respectively.
-        #   print base,delta,"pypy :%s"%packed,unpacked,"CPython :",Cunpacked
-        verify(base == unpacked," %s == %s"%(base,unpacked))
-        bigpacked = struct.pack(">f", smaller)
-        verify(bigpacked == string_reverse(packed),
-               ">f pack should be byte-reversal of <f pack")
-        unpacked = struct.unpack(">f", bigpacked)[0]
-        verify(base == unpacked)
-    # Largest finite IEEE single.
-    big = (1 << 24) - 1
-    big = math.ldexp(big, 127 - 23)
-    packed = struct.pack(">f", big)
-    unpacked = struct.unpack(">f", packed)[0]
-    verify(big == unpacked)
-    # The same, but tack on a 1 bit so it rounds up to infinity.
-    big = (1 << 25) - 1
-    big = math.ldexp(big, 127 - 24)
-    try:
-        packed = struct.pack(">f", big)
-    except OverflowError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        TestFailed("expected OverflowError")

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