[pypy-svn] r8694 - pypy/dist/pypy/lib

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sat Jan 29 12:14:17 CET 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Sat Jan 29 12:14:16 2005
New Revision: 8694

      - copied, changed from r8690, pypy/dist/pypy/lib/sio.py
A rewrite of sio and the class file.  Still needs to be tested.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_file.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_file.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_file.py	Sat Jan 29 12:14:16 2005
@@ -1,130 +1,239 @@
-import sio
-from array import array
+import os, _sio
-class file_(object):
-    """An implementation of file objects in Python. it relies on Guido's
-       sio.py implementation.
+##    # This is not quite correct, since more letters are allowed after
+##    # these. However, the following are the only starting strings allowed
+##    # in the mode parameter.
+##    modes = {
+##        'r'  : os.O_RDONLY,
+##        'rb' : os.O_RDONLY,
+##        'rU' : os.O_RDONLY,
+##        'U'  : os.O_RDONLY,
+##        'w'  : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
+##        'wb' : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
+##        'a'  : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
+##        'ab' : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
+##        'r+' : os.O_RDWR,
+##        'rb+': os.O_RDWR,
+##        'r+b': os.O_RDWR,
+##        'w+' : os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
+##        'wb+': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
+##        'w+b': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
+##        'a+' : os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
+##        'ab+': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
+##        'a+b': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
+##        }
+##    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
+##        self.filename = filename
+##        self.mode = mode
+##        try:
+##            flag = DiskFile.modes[mode]
+##        except KeyError:
+##            raise ValueError, "mode should be 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+' or 'a+'"
+##        O_BINARY = getattr(os, "O_BINARY", 0)
+##        flag |= O_BINARY
+##        try:
+##            self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
+##        except OSError:
+##            # Opening in mode 'a' or 'a+' and file already exists
+##            flag = flag & (os.O_RDWR | O_BINARY)
+##            self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
+##        if mode[0] == 'a':
+##            try:
+##                os.lseek(self.fd, 0, 2) # Move to end of file
+##            except:
+##                os.close(self.fd)
+##                raise
+O_BINARY = getattr(os, "O_BINARY", 0)
+#          (basemode, plus)
+OS_MODE = {('r', False): O_RDONLY,
+           ('r', True):  O_RDWR,
+           ('w', False): O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
+           ('w', True):  O_RDWR   | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,
+           ('a', False): O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,
+           ('a', True):  O_RDWR   | O_CREAT,
+           }
+class file(object):
+    """file(name[, mode[, buffering]]) -> file object
+Open a file.  The mode can be 'r', 'w' or 'a' for reading (default),
+writing or appending.  The file will be created if it doesn't exist
+when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated when
+opened for writing.  Add a 'b' to the mode for binary files.
+Add a '+' to the mode to allow simultaneous reading and writing.
+If the buffering argument is given, 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line
+buffered, and larger numbers specify the buffer size.
+Add a 'U' to mode to open the file for input with universal newline
+support.  Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n'
+in Python.  Also, a file so opened gains the attribute 'newlines';
+the value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet),
+'\r', '\n', '\r\n' or a tuple containing all the newline types seen.
+Note:  open() is an alias for file().
     def __init__(self, name, mode='r', bufsize=None):
-        self.reading = False
-        self.writing = False
-        if not mode:
-            raise IOError('invalid mode :  ')
-        if mode[0] not in ['r', 'w', 'a', 'U']:
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.name = name
+        self.closed = False
+        self.softspace = 0    # Required according to file object docs
+        self.encoding = None  # This is not used internally by file objects
+        if not mode or mode[0] not in ['r', 'w', 'a', 'U']:
             raise IOError('invalid mode : %s' % mode)
-        else:
-            if mode[0] in ['r', 'U']:
-                self.reading = True
-            else:
-                self.writing = True
-        try:
-            if mode[1] == 'b':
-                plus = mode[2]
+        if mode[0] == 'U':
+            mode = 'r' + mode
+        basemode  = mode[0]    # 'r', 'w' or 'a'
+        plus      = False
+        universal = False
+        binary    = False
+        for c in mode[1:]:
+            if c == '+':
+                plus = True
+            elif c == 'U':
+                universal = True
+            elif c == 'b':
+                binary = True
-                plus = mode[1]
-            if plus == '+':
-                self.reading = self.writing = True
-        except IndexError:
+                break
+        flag = OS_MODE[basemode, plus]
+        if binary or universal:
+            flag |= O_BINARY
+        fd = os.open(name, flag)
+        if basemode == 'a':
+            try:
+                os.lseek(fd, 0, 2)
+            except OSError:
+                pass
+        self.stream = _sio.DiskFile(fd)
+        reading = basemode == 'r' or plus
+        writing = basemode != 'r' or plus
+        if universal:     # Wants universal newlines
+            if writing:
+                self.stream = _sio.TextOutputFilter(self.stream)
+            if reading:
+                self.stream = _sio.TextInputFilter(self.stream)
+        if bufsize == 0:   # no buffering
+        elif bufsize == 1:   # line-buffering
+            if writing:
+                self.stream = _sio.LineBufferingOutputStream(self.stream)
+            if reading:
+                self.stream = _sio.BufferingInputStream(self.stream)
+        else:     # default or explicit buffer sizes
+            if bufsize is not None and bufsize < 0:
+                bufsize = None
+            if writing:
+                self.stream = _sio.BufferingOutputStream(self.stream, bufsize)
+            if reading:
+                self.stream = _sio.BufferingInputStream(self.stream, bufsize)
+    def read(self, n=-1):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        if n < 0:
+            return self.stream.readall()
+        else:
+            result = []
+            while n > 0:
+                data = self.stream.read(n)
+                if not data:
+                    break
+                n -= len(data)
+                result.append(data)
+            return ''.join(data)
+    def readall(self):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        return self.stream.readall()
+    def readline(self):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        return self.stream.readline()
+    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        return list(iter(self.stream.readline, ""))
+    def write(self, data):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        return self.stream.write(data)
+    def writelines(self, lines):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        for line in lines:
+            self.stream.write(line)
-        self._mode = mode
-        self._name = name
-        self._closed = False
-        self.softspace =  0 # Required according to file object docs
-        self._encoding = None # Fix when we find out how encoding should be
-        self.fd = sio.DiskFile(name, mode)
-        if mode in ['U', 'rU']:
-            # Wants universal newlines
-            self.fd = sio.TextInputFilter(self.fd)
-        if bufsize < 0:
-            bufsize = None
-        if not self.writing and (bufsize is None or bufsize > 0):
-            "Read only buffered stream."
-            self.fd = sio.BufferingInputStream(self.fd, bufsize)
-        if not self.reading:
-            if bufsize is None or bufsize > 1:
-                "Write only buffered stream."
-                self.fd = sio.BufferingOutputStream(self.fd, bufsize)
-            elif bufsize == 1:
-                self.fd = sio.LineBufferingOutputStream(self.fd)
-        if self.reading and self.writing:
-            if bufsize > 2:
-                "Read and write buffered stream."
-                self.fd = sio.BufferingInputOutputStream(self.fd, bufsize)
+    def tell(self):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        return self.stream.tell()
+    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        self.stream.seek(offset, whence)
     def __iter__(self):
-        """
-        Return an iterator for the file.
-        """
-        if self._closed:
+        if self.closed:
             raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
         return self
     xreadlines = __iter__
     def next(self):
-        if self._closed:
+        if self.closed:
             raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        line = self.fd.readline()
+        line = self.stream.readline()
         if line == '':
             raise StopIteration
         return line
+    def truncate(self, size=None):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        if size is None:
+            size = self.stream.tell()
+        self.stream.truncate(size)
+    def flush(self):
+        if self.closed:
+            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
+        self.stream.flush()
     def close(self):
-        """
-        Close the file
-        """
-        self._closed = True
-        try:
-            self.fd.close()
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
+        if not self.closed:
+            self.closed = True
+            self.stream.close()
-    def __getattr__(self, attr):
-        """
-        Handle the readonly attributes and then delegate the other
-        methods to the underlying file object, setting the 'closed'
-        attribute if you close the file.
-        """
-        if attr in ['fd', 'softspace', 'reading', 'writing']:
-            return self.__dict__[attr]
-        elif attr in ['mode', 'name', 'closed', 'encoding']:
-            return self.__dict__['_' + attr]
-        return getattr(self.fd, attr)
-    def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
-        "Make some attributes readonly."
-        if attr in ['mode', 'name', 'closed', 'encoding']:
-            raise TypeError, "readonly attribute:'%s'" % attr
-        self.__dict__[attr] = val
-    def seek(self, *args, **kw):
-        if self._closed:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        self.fd.seek(*args, **kw)
-    def write(self, *args, **kw):
-        if self._closed:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        self.fd.write(*args, **kw)
-    def writelines(self, seq = ()):
-        if self._closed:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        for line in seq:
-            self.write(line)
     def readinto(self, a=None):
         'Obsolete method, do not use it.'
-        if self._closed:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        if type(a) != array:
+        from array import array
+        if not isinstance(a, array):
             raise TypeError('Can only read into array objects')
-        i = 0
-        for char in self.read(len(a)):
-            a[i] = char
-            i += 1
-        return i
+        length = len(a)
+        data = self.read(length)
+        del a[:]
+        a.fromstring(data + '\x00' * (length-len(data)))
+        return len(data)

Copied: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_sio.py (from r8690, pypy/dist/pypy/lib/sio.py)
--- pypy/dist/pypy/lib/sio.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/_sio.py	Sat Jan 29 12:14:16 2005
@@ -1,53 +1,257 @@
 """New standard I/O library.
-This code is still very young and experimental!
+Based on sio.py from Guido van Rossum.
-There are fairly complete unit tests in test_sio.py.
-The design is simple:
-- A raw stream supports read(n), write(s), seek(offset, whence=0) and
-  tell().  This is generally unbuffered.  Raw streams may support
-  Unicode.
-- A basis stream provides the raw stream API and builds on a much more
-  low-level API, e.g. the os, mmap or socket modules.
-- A filtering stream is raw stream built on top of another raw stream.
-  There are filtering streams for universal newline translation and
-  for unicode translation.
-- A buffering stream supports the full classic Python I/O API:
-  read(n=-1), readline(), readlines(sizehint=0), tell(), seek(offset,
-  whence=0), write(s), writelines(lst), as well as __iter__() and
-  next().  (There's also readall() but that's a synonym for read()
-  without arguments.)  This is a superset of the raw stream API.  I
-  haven't thought about fileno() and isatty() yet, nor about
-  truncate() or the various attributes like name and mode.  Also,
-  close() is not implemented right.  We really need only one buffering
-  stream implementation, which is a filtering stream.
+- This module contains various stream classes which provide a subset of the
+  classic Python I/O API: read(n), write(s), tell(), seek(offset, whence=0),
+  readall(), readline(), truncate(size), flush(), close().
+- This is not for general usage:
+  * read(n) may return less than n bytes, just like os.read().
+  * some other methods also have no default parameters.
+  * close() should be called exactly once and no further operations performed;
+    there is no __del__() closing the stream for you.
+  * some methods may raise NotImplementedError.
+- A 'basis stream' provides I/O using a low-level API, like the os, mmap or
+  socket modules.
+- A 'filtering stream' builds on top of another stream.  There are filtering
+  streams for universal newline translation, for unicode translation, and
+  for buffering.
 You typically take a basis stream, place zero or more filtering
-streams on top of it, and then top it off with a buffering stream.
+streams on top of it, and then top it off with an input-buffering and/or
+an outout-buffering stream.
 import os
+# ____________________________________________________________
 class Stream(object):
-    "All streams except the base ones need to inherit from this class."
-    base = None
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """
-        Delegate all other methods to the underlying file object.
-        """
-        return getattr(self.base, name)
+    """Base class for streams.  Provides a default implementation of
+    some methods."""
+    def read(self, n):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def write(self, data):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def tell(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def readall(self):
+        bufsize = 8192
+        result = []
+        while True:
+            data = self.read(bufsize)
+            if not data:
+                break
+            result.append(data)
+            if bufsize < 4194304:    # 4 Megs
+                bufsize <<= 1
+        return ''.join(result)
+    def readline(self):
+        # very inefficient
+        result = []
+        c = self.read(1)
+        while c:
+            result.append(c)
+            if c == '\n':
+                break
+            c = self.read(1)
+        return ''.join(result)
+    def truncate(self, size):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def flush(self):
+        pass
+    def close(self):
+        pass
+class DiskFile(Stream):
+    """Standard I/O basis stream using os.open/close/read/write/lseek"""
+    def __init__(self, fd):
+        self.fd = fd
+    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
+        os.lseek(self.fd, offset, whence)
+    def tell(self):
+        return os.lseek(self.fd, 0, 1)
+    def read(self, n):
+        return os.read(self.fd, n)
+    def write(self, data):
+        while data:
+            n = os.write(self.fd, data)
+            data = data[n:]
+    def close(self):
+        os.close(self.fd)
+    def truncate(self, size):
+        try:
+            os.ftruncate(self.fd, size)
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise NotImplementedError
+class MMapFile(Stream):
+    """Standard I/O basis stream using mmap."""
+##    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
+##        import mmap
+##        self.filename = filename
+##        self.mode = mode
+##        if mode == "r":
+##            flag = os.O_RDONLY
+##            self.access = mmap.ACCESS_READ
+##        else:
+##            if mode == "w":
+##                flag = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT
+##            elif mode == "a":
+##                flag = os.O_RDWR
+##            else:
+##                raise ValueError, "mode should be 'r', 'w' or 'a'"
+##            self.access = mmap.ACCESS_WRITE
+##        if hasattr(os, "O_BINARY"):
+##            flag |= os.O_BINARY
+##        self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
+##        try:
+##            self.mapfile()
+##        except:
+##            os.close(self.fd)
+##            raise
+##        self.pos = 0
+    def __init__(self, fd, mmapaccess):
+        self.fd = fd
+        self.access = mmapaccess
+        self.pos = 0
+        self.remapfile()
+    def remapfile(self):
+        import mmap
+        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
+        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
+    def close(self):
+        self.mm.close()
+        os.close(self.fd)
+    def tell(self):
+        return self.pos
+    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
+        if whence == 0:
+            self.pos = max(0, offset)
+        elif whence == 1:
+            self.pos = max(0, self.pos + offset)
+        elif whence == 2:
+            self.pos = max(0, self.mm.size() + offset)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError, "seek(): whence must be 0, 1 or 2"
+    def readall(self):
+        filesize = self.mm.size() # Actual file size, may be more than mapped
+        n = filesize - self.pos
+        data = self.mm[self.pos:]
+        if len(data) < n:
+            del data
+            # File grew since opened; remap to get the new data
+            self.remapfile()
+            data = self.mm[self.pos:]
+        self.pos += len(data)
+        return data
+    def read(self, n):
+        end = self.pos + n
+        data = self.mm[self.pos:end]
+        if not data:
+            # is there more data to read?
+            filesize = self.mm.size() #Actual file size, may be more than mapped
+            if filesize > self.pos:
+                # File grew since opened; remap to get the new data
+                self.remapfile()
+                data = self.mm[self.pos:end]
+        self.pos += len(data)
+        return data
+    def readline(self):
+        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
+        if not hit:
+            # is there more data to read?
+            filesize = self.mm.size() # Actual file size, may be more than mapped
+            if filesize <= len(self.mm):
+                return ""
+            # File grew since opened; remap to get the new data
+            self.remapfile()
+            hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
+        if hit:
+            # Got a whole line
+            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
+            self.pos = hit
+        else:
+            # Read whatever we've got -- may be empty
+            data = self.mm[self.pos:]
+            self.pos += len(data)
+        return data
+    def write(self, data):
+        end = self.pos + len(data)
+        try:
+            self.mm[self.pos:end] = data
+            # This can raise IndexError on Windows, ValueError on Unix
+        except (IndexError, ValueError):
+            # XXX On Unix, this resize() call doesn't work
+            self.mm.resize(end)
+            self.mm[self.pos:end] = data
+        self.pos = end
+    def flush(self):
+        self.mm.flush()
+# ____________________________________________________________
+def PassThrough(meth_name, flush_buffers):
+    if flush_buffers:
+        code = """def %s(self, *args):
+                      self.flush_buffers()
+                      return self.base.%s(*args)
+    else:
+        code = """def %s(self, *args):
+                      return self.base.%s(*args)
+    d = {}
+    exec code % (meth_name, meth_name) in d
+    return d[meth_name]
 class BufferingInputStream(Stream):
     """Standard buffering input stream.
-    This is typically the top of the stack.
+    This, and BufferingOutputStream if needed, are typically at the top of
+    the stack of streams.
     bigsize = 2**19 # Half a Meg
@@ -55,14 +259,9 @@
     def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
         self.base = base
-        self.do_read = getattr(base, "read", None)
-                       # function to fill buffer some more
-        self.do_tell = getattr(base, "tell", None)
-                       # None, or return a byte offset 
-        self.do_seek = getattr(base, "seek", None)
-                       # None, or seek to a byte offset
-        self.close = base.close
+        self.do_read = base.read   # function to fill buffer some more
+        self.do_tell = base.tell   # return a byte offset
+        self.do_seek = base.seek   # seek to a byte offset
         if bufsize is None:     # Get default from the class
             bufsize = self.bufsize
         self.bufsize = bufsize  # buffer size (hint only)
@@ -72,6 +271,16 @@
         # self.lines contains no "\n"
         # self.buf may contain "\n"
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        if self.lines or self.buf:
+            try:
+                self.do_seek(self.tell())
+            except NotImplementedError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                self.lines = []
+                self.buf = ""
     def tell(self):
         bytes = self.do_tell()  # This may fail
         offset = len(self.buf)
@@ -84,15 +293,46 @@
         # This may fail on the do_seek() or do_tell() call.
         # But it won't call either on a relative forward seek.
         # Nor on a seek to the very end.
-        if whence == 0 or (whence == 2 and self.do_seek is not None):
-            self.do_seek(offset, whence)
+        if whence == 0:
+            self.do_seek(offset, 0)
             self.lines = []
             self.buf = ""
+        if whence == 1:
+            if offset < 0:
+                self.do_seek(self.tell() + offset, 0)
+                self.lines = []
+                self.buf = ""
+                return
+            while self.lines:
+                line = self.lines[0]
+                if offset <= len(line):
+                    self.lines[0] = line[offset:]
+                    return
+                offset -= len(self.lines[0]) - 1
+                del self.lines[0]
+            assert not self.lines
+            if offset <= len(self.buf):
+                self.buf = self.buf[offset:]
+                return
+            offset -= len(self.buf)
+            self.buf = ""
+            try:
+                self.do_seek(offset, 1)
+            except NotImplementedError:
+                self.read(offset)
+            return
         if whence == 2:
+            try:
+                self.do_seek(offset, 2)
+            except NotImplementedError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                self.lines = []
+                self.buf = ""
+                return
             # Skip relative to EOF by reading and saving only just as
             # much as needed
-            assert self.do_seek is None
             data = "\n".join(self.lines + [self.buf])
             total = len(data)
             buffers = [data]
@@ -115,30 +355,6 @@
             self.buf = "".join(buffers)
             self.lines = []
-        if whence == 1:
-            if offset < 0:
-                self.do_seek(self.tell() + offset, 0)
-                self.lines = []
-                self.buf = ""
-                return
-            while self.lines:
-                line = self.lines[0]
-                if offset <= len(line):
-                    self.lines[0] = line[offset:]
-                    return
-                offset -= len(self.lines[0]) - 1
-                del self.lines[0]
-            assert not self.lines
-            if offset <= len(self.buf):
-                self.buf = self.buf[offset:]
-                return
-            offset -= len(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ""
-            if self.do_seek is None:
-                self.read(offset)
-            else:
-                self.do_seek(offset, 1)
-            return
         raise ValueError, "whence should be 0, 1 or 2"
     def readall(self):
@@ -155,10 +371,7 @@
             bufsize = max(bufsize*2, self.bigsize)
         return "".join(more)
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        if n < 0:
-            return self.readall()
+    def read(self, n):
         if self.lines:
             # See if this can be satisfied from self.lines[0]
             line = self.lines[0]
@@ -217,10 +430,7 @@
         more[-1] = data[:cutoff]
         return "".join(more)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def next(self):
+    def readline(self):
         if self.lines:
             return self.lines.pop(0) + "\n"
@@ -244,89 +454,60 @@
-        line = "".join(buf)
-        if not line:
-            raise StopIteration
-        return line
+        return "".join(buf)
-    def readline(self):
-        try:
-            return self.next()
-        except StopIteration:
-            return ""
+    write      = PassThrough("write",     flush_buffers=True)
+    truncate   = PassThrough("truncate",  flush_buffers=True)
+    flush      = PassThrough("flush",     flush_buffers=True)
+    close      = PassThrough("close",     flush_buffers=False)
-    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
-        return list(self)
 class BufferingOutputStream(Stream):
     """Standard buffering output stream.
-    This is typically the top of the stack.
+    This, and BufferingInputStream if needed, are typically at the top of
+    the stack of streams.
-    bigsize = 2**19 # Half a Meg
-    bufsize = 2**13 # 8 K
     def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
         self.base = base
-        self.do_write = base.write # Flush buffer
-        self.do_tell = base.tell
-             # Return a byte offset; has to exist or this __init__() will fail
-        self.do_seek = getattr(base, "seek", None)
-                       # None, or seek to a byte offset
-        self.do_close = base.close # Close file
-        self.do_truncate = base.truncate # Truncate file
+        self.do_write = base.write  # write more data
+        self.do_tell  = base.tell   # return a byte offset
         if bufsize is None:     # Get default from the class
             bufsize = self.bufsize
         self.bufsize = bufsize  # buffer size (hint only)
         self.buf = ""
-        self.tell()
-    def tell(self):
-        assert self.do_tell is not None
-        if not hasattr(self, 'pos'):
-            self.pos = self.do_tell()
-        return self.pos
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        self.flush()
-        self.do_seek(offset, whence)
-        self.pos = self.do_tell()
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        if self.buf:
+            self.do_write(self.buf)
+            self.buf = ""
+    def tell(self):
+        return self.do_tell() + len(self.buf)
-    def flush(self):
-        self.do_write(self.buf)
-        self.buf = ''
-        self.base.flush()
     def write(self, data):
         buflen = len(self.buf)
         datalen = len(data)
-        if  datalen + buflen < self.bufsize:
+        if datalen + buflen <= self.bufsize:
             self.buf += data
-            self.pos += datalen
-        else:
+        elif buflen:
             self.buf += data[:self.bufsize-buflen]
-            self.pos += self.bufsize-buflen
-            self.buf = ''
+            self.buf = ""
+        else:
+            self.do_write(data)
-    def writelines(self, sequence):
-        for s in sequence:
-            self.write(s)
-    def close(self):
-        if (self.buf):
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-        self.do_close()
+    read       = PassThrough("read",     flush_buffers=True)
+    readall    = PassThrough("readall",  flush_buffers=True)
+    readline   = PassThrough("readline", flush_buffers=True)
+    seek       = PassThrough("seek",     flush_buffers=True)
+    truncate   = PassThrough("truncate", flush_buffers=True)
+    flush      = PassThrough("flush",    flush_buffers=True)
+    close      = PassThrough("close",    flush_buffers=True)
-    def truncate(self, size=None):
-        self.flush()
-        self.do_truncate(size)
 class LineBufferingOutputStream(BufferingOutputStream):
@@ -335,116 +516,15 @@
     This is typically the top of the stack.
-    def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
-        self.base = base
-        self.do_write = base.write # Flush buffer
-        self.do_tell = base.tell
-             # Return a byte offset; has to exist or this __init__() will fail
-        self.do_seek = getattr(base, "seek", None)
-                       # None, or seek to a byte offset
-        self.do_close = base.close # Close file
-        self.do_truncate = base.truncate # Truncate file
-        self.linesep = os.linesep
-        self.buf = ""           # raw data (may contain "\n")
-        self.tell()
-    def write(self, data):
-        all_lines = data.split(self.linesep)
-        full_lines = all_lines[:-1]
-        for line in full_lines:
-            line += self.linesep
-            buflen = len(self.buf)
-            linelen = len(line)
-            if  linelen + buflen < self.bufsize:
-                self.buf += line
-                self.pos += linelen
-                self.do_write(self.buf)
-                self.buf = ''
-            else:
-                self.buf += line[:self.bufsize-buflen]
-                self.pos += self.bufsize-buflen
-                self.do_write(self.buf)
-                self.buf = ''
-                self.write(line[self.bufsize-buflen:])
-        # The last part of the split data never has a terminating linesep.
-        # If the data has a terminating linesep, the last element is an
-        # empty string.
-        line = all_lines[-1]
-        buflen = len(self.buf)
-        linelen = len(line)
-        if  linelen + buflen < self.bufsize:
-            self.buf += line
-            self.pos += linelen
-        else:
-            self.buf += line[:self.bufsize-buflen]
-            self.pos += self.bufsize-buflen
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-            self.write(line[self.bufsize-buflen:])
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.buf:
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-        self.base.flush()
-class BufferingInputOutputStream(Stream):
-    """To handle buffered input and output at the same time, we are
-       switching back and forth between using BuffereingInputStream
-       and BufferingOutputStream as reads and writes are done.
-       A more optimal solution would be to read and write on the same
-       buffer, but it would take a fair bit of time to implement.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
-        self.base = base
-        self.bufsize = bufsize
-        self.reader = None
-        self.writer = None
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        if not self.reader:
-            if self.writer:
-                self.writer.flush()
-                self.writer = None
-            self.reader = BufferingInputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        return self.reader.read(n)
     def write(self, data):
-        if not self.writer:
-            if self.reader:
-                # Make sure the underlying file has the correct current
-                # position
-                self.reader.seek(self.reader.tell())
-                self.reader = None
-            self.writer = BufferingOutputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        return self.writer.write(data)
-    def truncate(self, size=None):
-        if not self.writer:
-            if self.reader:
-                # Make sure the underlying file has the correct current
-                # position
-                self.reader.seek(self.reader.tell())
-                self.reader = None
-            self.writer = BufferingOutputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        return self.writer.truncate(size)
+        super(LineBufferingOutputStream, self).write(data)
+        p = self.buf.rfind('\n') + 1
+        if p:
+            self.do_write(self.buf[:p])
+            self.buf = self.buf[p:]
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """
-        Delegate all other methods to the underlying file object.
-        """
-        if not self.reader and not self.writer:
-            self.reader = BufferingInputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
+# ____________________________________________________________
-        if self.reader:
-            return getattr(self.reader, name)
-        return getattr(self.writer, name)
 class CRLFFilter(Stream):
@@ -458,9 +538,8 @@
         self.base = base
         self.do_read = base.read
         self.atcr = False
-        self.close = base.close
-    def read(self, n=-1):
+    def read(self, n):
         data = self.do_read(n)
         if self.atcr:
             if data.startswith("\n"):
@@ -472,259 +551,9 @@
             data = data.replace("\r", "\n")     # Remaining \r are standalone
         return data
-class MMapFile(object):
+    flush    = PassThrough("flush", flush_buffers=False)
+    close    = PassThrough("close", flush_buffers=False)
-    """Standard I/O basis stream using mmap."""
-    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
-        import mmap
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.mode = mode
-        if mode == "r":
-            flag = os.O_RDONLY
-            self.access = mmap.ACCESS_READ
-        else:
-            if mode == "w":
-                flag = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT
-            elif mode == "a":
-                flag = os.O_RDWR
-            else:
-                raise ValueError, "mode should be 'r', 'w' or 'a'"
-            self.access = mmap.ACCESS_WRITE
-        if hasattr(os, "O_BINARY"):
-            flag |= os.O_BINARY
-        self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
-        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-        self.pos = 0
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.close()
-    mm = fd = None
-    def close(self):
-        if self.mm is not None:
-            self.mm.close()
-            self.mm = None
-        if self.fd is not None:
-            os.close(self.fd)
-            self.fd = None
-    def tell(self):
-        return self.pos
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        if whence == 0:
-            self.pos = max(0, offset)
-        elif whence == 1:
-            self.pos = max(0, self.pos + offset)
-        elif whence == 2:
-            self.pos = max(0, self.mm.size() + offset)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "seek(): whence must be 0, 1 or 2"
-    def readall(self):
-        return self.read()
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        import mmap
-        if n >= 0:
-            aim = self.pos + n
-        else:
-            aim = self.mm.size() # Actual file size, may be more than mapped
-            n = aim - self.pos
-        data = self.mm[self.pos:aim]
-        if len(data) < n:
-            del data
-            # File grew since opened; remap to get the new data
-            size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-            self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:aim]
-        self.pos += len(data)
-        return data
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def readline(self):
-        import mmap
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Remap the file just in case
-        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            # Got a whole line after remapping
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Read whatever we've got -- may be empty
-        data = self.mm[self.pos:self.mm.size()]
-        self.pos += len(data)
-        return data
-    def next(self):
-        import mmap
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Remap the file just in case
-        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            # Got a whole line after remapping
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Read whatever we've got -- may be empty
-        data = self.mm[self.pos:self.mm.size()]
-        if not data:
-            raise StopIteration
-        self.pos += len(data)
-        return data
-    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
-        return list(iter(self.readline, ""))
-    def write(self, data):
-        end = self.pos + len(data)
-        try:
-            self.mm[self.pos:end]  = data
-            # This can raise IndexError on Windows, ValueError on Unix
-        except (IndexError, ValueError):
-            # XXX On Unix, this resize() call doesn't work
-            self.mm.resize(end)
-            self.mm[self.pos:end]  = data
-        self.pos = end
-    def writelines(self, lines):
-        filter(self.write, lines)
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.mm is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        self.mm.flush()
-class DiskFile(object):
-    """Standard I/O basis stream using os.open/close/read/write/lseek"""
-    # This is not quite correct, since more letters are allowed after
-    # these. However, the following are the only starting strings allowed
-    # in the mode parameter.
-    modes = {
-        'r'  : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'rb' : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'rU' : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'U'  : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'w'  : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'wb' : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'a'  : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'ab' : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'r+' : os.O_RDWR,
-        'rb+': os.O_RDWR,
-        'r+b': os.O_RDWR,
-        'w+' : os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'wb+': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'w+b': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'a+' : os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'ab+': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'a+b': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        }
-    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.mode = mode
-        try:
-            flag = DiskFile.modes[mode]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError, "mode should be 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+' or 'a+'"
-        O_BINARY = getattr(os, "O_BINARY", 0)
-        flag |= O_BINARY
-        try:
-            self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
-        except OSError:
-            # Opening in mode 'a' or 'a+' and file already exists
-            flag = flag & (os.O_RDWR | O_BINARY)
-            self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
-        if mode[0] == 'a':
-            os.lseek(self.fd, 0, 2) # Move to end of file
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        os.lseek(self.fd, offset, whence)
-    def tell(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        return os.lseek(self.fd, 0, 1)
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        if n >= 0:
-            return os.read(self.fd, n)
-        data = []
-        while 1:
-            moreData = os.read(self.fd, 2**20)
-            if len(moreData) == 0:
-                return ''.join(data)
-            data.append(moreData)
-    def write(self, data):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        while data:
-            n = os.write(self.fd, data)
-            data = data[n:]
-    def close(self):
-        fd = self.fd
-        if fd is not None:
-            self.fd = None
-            os.close(fd)
-    def truncate(self, size=None):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        if size is None:
-            size = self.tell()
-        try:
-            os.ftruncate(self.fd, size)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def isatty(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        try:
-            return os.isatty(self.fd)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def fileno(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        return self.fd
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-    def __del__(self):
-        try:
-            self.close()
-        except:
-            pass
 class TextInputFilter(Stream):
@@ -732,45 +561,42 @@
     def __init__(self, base):
         self.base = base   # must implement read, may implement tell, seek
+        self.do_read = base.read
         self.atcr = False  # Set when last char read was \r
         self.buf = ""      # Optional one-character read-ahead buffer
-        self.close = base.close
         self.CR = False
         self.NL = False
         self.CRLF = False
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name == 'newlines':
-            foundchars = self.CR * 1 + self.NL * 2 + self.CRLF * 4
-            if  not foundchars:
-                return None
-            if foundchars in [1, 2, 4]:
-                if self.CR:
-                    return '\r'
-                elif self.NL:
-                    return '\n'
-                else:
-                    return '\r\n'
+    def getnewlines(self):
+        foundchars = self.CR * 1 + self.NL * 2 + self.CRLF * 4
+        if not foundchars:
+            return None
+        if foundchars in [1, 2, 4]:
+            if self.CR:
+                return '\r'
+            elif self.NL:
+                return '\n'
-                result = []
-                if self.CR:
-                    result.append('\r')
-                if self.NL:
-                    result.append('\n')
-                if self.CRLF:
-                    result.append('\r\n')
-                return tuple(result)
+                return '\r\n'
+        else:
+            result = []
+            if self.CR:
+                result.append('\r')
+            if self.NL:
+                result.append('\n')
+            if self.CRLF:
+                result.append('\r\n')
+            return tuple(result)
     def read(self, n):
         """Read up to n bytes."""
-        if n <= 0:
-            return ""
         if self.buf:
             assert not self.atcr
             data = self.buf
             self.buf = ""
             return data
-        data = self.base.read(n)
+        data = self.do_read(n)
         # The following whole ugly mess is because we need to keep track of
         # exactly which line separators we have seen for self.newlines,
@@ -787,7 +613,7 @@
                 data = data[1:]
                 self.CRLF = True
                 if not data:
-                    data = self.base.read(n)
+                    data = self.do_read(n)
                 self.CR = True
             self.atcr = False
@@ -827,13 +653,34 @@
             # Must read the next byte to see if it's \n,
             # because then we must report the next position.
             assert not self.buf 
-            self.buf = self.base.read(1)
+            self.buf = self.do_read(1)
             pos += 1
             self.atcr = False
             if self.buf == "\n":
                 self.buf = ""
         return pos - len(self.buf)
+    def flush_buffers(self):
+        if self.atcr:
+            assert not self.buf
+            self.buf = self.do_read(1)
+            self.atcr = False
+            if self.buf == "\n":
+                self.buf = ""
+        if self.buf:
+            try:
+                self.do_seek(-len(self.buf), 1)
+            except NotImplementedError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                self.buf = ""
+    write      = PassThrough("write",     flush_buffers=True)
+    truncate   = PassThrough("truncate",  flush_buffers=True)
+    flush      = PassThrough("flush",     flush_buffers=True)
+    close      = PassThrough("close",     flush_buffers=False)
 class TextOutputFilter(Stream):
     """Filtering output stream for universal newline translation."""
@@ -842,18 +689,20 @@
         assert linesep in ["\n", "\r\n", "\r"]
         self.base = base    # must implement write, may implement seek, tell
         self.linesep = linesep
-        self.close = base.close
     def write(self, data):
-        if self.linesep is not "\n" and "\n" in data:
-            data = data.replace("\n", self.linesep)
+        data = data.replace("\n", self.linesep)
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        self.base.seek(offset, whence)
+    tell       = PassThrough("tell",      flush_buffers=False)
+    seek       = PassThrough("seek",      flush_buffers=False)
+    read       = PassThrough("read",      flush_buffers=False)
+    readall    = PassThrough("readall",   flush_buffers=False)
+    readline   = PassThrough("readline",  flush_buffers=False)
+    truncate   = PassThrough("truncate",  flush_buffers=False)
+    flush      = PassThrough("flush",     flush_buffers=False)
+    close      = PassThrough("close",     flush_buffers=False)
-    def tell(self):
-        return self.base.tell()
 class DecodingInputFilter(Stream):
@@ -861,11 +710,9 @@
     def __init__(self, base, encoding="utf8", errors="strict"):
         self.base = base
+        self.do_read = base.read
         self.encoding = encoding
         self.errors = errors
-        self.tell = base.tell
-        self.seek = base.seek
-        self.close = base.close
     def read(self, n):
         """Read *approximately* n bytes, then decode them.
@@ -878,14 +725,14 @@
         This does *not* translate newlines;
         you can stack TextInputFilter.
-        data = self.base.read(n)
+        data = self.do_read(n)
             return data.decode(self.encoding, self.errors)
         except ValueError:
             # XXX Sigh.  decode() doesn't handle incomplete strings well.
             # Use the retry strategy from codecs.StreamReader.
             for i in range(9):
-                more = self.base.read(1)
+                more = self.do_read(1)
                 if not more:
                 data += more
@@ -895,19 +742,32 @@
+    write      = PassThrough("write",     flush_buffers=False)
+    truncate   = PassThrough("truncate",  flush_buffers=False)
+    flush      = PassThrough("flush",     flush_buffers=False)
+    close      = PassThrough("close",     flush_buffers=False)
 class EncodingOutputFilter(Stream):
     """Filtering output stream that writes to an encoded file."""
     def __init__(self, base, encoding="utf8", errors="strict"):
         self.base = base
+        self.do_write = base.write
         self.encoding = encoding
         self.errors = errors
-        self.tell = base.tell
-        self.seek = base.seek
-        self.close = base.close
     def write(self, chars):
         if isinstance(chars, str):
             chars = unicode(chars) # Fail if it's not ASCII
-        self.base.write(chars.encode(self.encoding, self.errors))
+        self.do_write(chars.encode(self.encoding, self.errors))
+    tell       = PassThrough("tell",      flush_buffers=False)
+    seek       = PassThrough("seek",      flush_buffers=False)
+    read       = PassThrough("read",      flush_buffers=False)
+    readall    = PassThrough("readall",   flush_buffers=False)
+    readline   = PassThrough("readline",  flush_buffers=False)
+    truncate   = PassThrough("truncate",  flush_buffers=False)
+    flush      = PassThrough("flush",     flush_buffers=False)
+    close      = PassThrough("close",     flush_buffers=False)

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/lib/sio.py
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/lib/sio.py	Sat Jan 29 12:14:16 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
-"""New standard I/O library.
-This code is still very young and experimental!
-There are fairly complete unit tests in test_sio.py.
-The design is simple:
-- A raw stream supports read(n), write(s), seek(offset, whence=0) and
-  tell().  This is generally unbuffered.  Raw streams may support
-  Unicode.
-- A basis stream provides the raw stream API and builds on a much more
-  low-level API, e.g. the os, mmap or socket modules.
-- A filtering stream is raw stream built on top of another raw stream.
-  There are filtering streams for universal newline translation and
-  for unicode translation.
-- A buffering stream supports the full classic Python I/O API:
-  read(n=-1), readline(), readlines(sizehint=0), tell(), seek(offset,
-  whence=0), write(s), writelines(lst), as well as __iter__() and
-  next().  (There's also readall() but that's a synonym for read()
-  without arguments.)  This is a superset of the raw stream API.  I
-  haven't thought about fileno() and isatty() yet, nor about
-  truncate() or the various attributes like name and mode.  Also,
-  close() is not implemented right.  We really need only one buffering
-  stream implementation, which is a filtering stream.
-You typically take a basis stream, place zero or more filtering
-streams on top of it, and then top it off with a buffering stream.
-import os
-class Stream(object):
-    "All streams except the base ones need to inherit from this class."
-    base = None
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """
-        Delegate all other methods to the underlying file object.
-        """
-        return getattr(self.base, name)
-class BufferingInputStream(Stream):
-    """Standard buffering input stream.
-    This is typically the top of the stack.
-    """
-    bigsize = 2**19 # Half a Meg
-    bufsize = 2**13 # 8 K
-    def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
-        self.base = base
-        self.do_read = getattr(base, "read", None)
-                       # function to fill buffer some more
-        self.do_tell = getattr(base, "tell", None)
-                       # None, or return a byte offset 
-        self.do_seek = getattr(base, "seek", None)
-                       # None, or seek to a byte offset
-        self.close = base.close
-        if bufsize is None:     # Get default from the class
-            bufsize = self.bufsize
-        self.bufsize = bufsize  # buffer size (hint only)
-        self.lines = []         # ready-made lines (sans "\n")
-        self.buf = ""           # raw data (may contain "\n")
-        # Invariant: readahead == "\n".join(self.lines + [self.buf])
-        # self.lines contains no "\n"
-        # self.buf may contain "\n"
-    def tell(self):
-        bytes = self.do_tell()  # This may fail
-        offset = len(self.buf)
-        for line in self.lines:
-            offset += len(line) + 1
-        assert bytes >= offset, (locals(), self.__dict__)
-        return bytes - offset
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        # This may fail on the do_seek() or do_tell() call.
-        # But it won't call either on a relative forward seek.
-        # Nor on a seek to the very end.
-        if whence == 0 or (whence == 2 and self.do_seek is not None):
-            self.do_seek(offset, whence)
-            self.lines = []
-            self.buf = ""
-            return
-        if whence == 2:
-            # Skip relative to EOF by reading and saving only just as
-            # much as needed
-            assert self.do_seek is None
-            data = "\n".join(self.lines + [self.buf])
-            total = len(data)
-            buffers = [data]
-            self.lines = []
-            self.buf = ""
-            while 1:
-                data = self.do_read(self.bufsize)
-                if not data:
-                    break
-                buffers.append(data)
-                total += len(data)
-                while buffers and total >= len(buffers[0]) - offset:
-                    total -= len(buffers[0])
-                    del buffers[0]
-            cutoff = total + offset
-            if cutoff < 0:
-                raise TypeError, "cannot seek back"
-            if buffers:
-                buffers[0] = buffers[0][cutoff:]
-            self.buf = "".join(buffers)
-            self.lines = []
-            return
-        if whence == 1:
-            if offset < 0:
-                self.do_seek(self.tell() + offset, 0)
-                self.lines = []
-                self.buf = ""
-                return
-            while self.lines:
-                line = self.lines[0]
-                if offset <= len(line):
-                    self.lines[0] = line[offset:]
-                    return
-                offset -= len(self.lines[0]) - 1
-                del self.lines[0]
-            assert not self.lines
-            if offset <= len(self.buf):
-                self.buf = self.buf[offset:]
-                return
-            offset -= len(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ""
-            if self.do_seek is None:
-                self.read(offset)
-            else:
-                self.do_seek(offset, 1)
-            return
-        raise ValueError, "whence should be 0, 1 or 2"
-    def readall(self):
-        self.lines.append(self.buf)
-        more = ["\n".join(self.lines)]
-        self.lines = []
-        self.buf = ""
-        bufsize = self.bufsize
-        while 1:
-            data = self.do_read(bufsize)
-            if not data:
-                break
-            more.append(data)
-            bufsize = max(bufsize*2, self.bigsize)
-        return "".join(more)
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        if n < 0:
-            return self.readall()
-        if self.lines:
-            # See if this can be satisfied from self.lines[0]
-            line = self.lines[0]
-            if len(line) >= n:
-                self.lines[0] = line[n:]
-                return line[:n]
-            # See if this can be satisfied *without exhausting* self.lines
-            k = 0
-            i = 0
-            for line in self.lines:
-                k += len(line)
-                if k >= n:
-                    lines = self.lines[:i]
-                    data = self.lines[i]
-                    cutoff = len(data) - (k-n)
-                    lines.append(data[:cutoff])
-                    self.lines[:i+1] = [data[cutoff:]]
-                    return "\n".join(lines)
-                k += 1
-                i += 1
-            # See if this can be satisfied from self.lines plus self.buf
-            if k + len(self.buf) >= n:
-                lines = self.lines
-                self.lines = []
-                cutoff = n - k
-                lines.append(self.buf[:cutoff])
-                self.buf = self.buf[cutoff:]
-                return "\n".join(lines)
-        else:
-            # See if this can be satisfied from self.buf
-            data = self.buf
-            k = len(data)
-            if k >= n:
-                cutoff = len(data) - (k-n)
-                self.buf = data[cutoff:]
-                return data[:cutoff]
-        lines = self.lines
-        self.lines = []
-        lines.append(self.buf)
-        self.buf = ""
-        data = "\n".join(lines)
-        more = [data]
-        k = len(data)
-        while k < n:
-            data = self.do_read(max(self.bufsize, n-k))
-            k += len(data)
-            more.append(data)
-            if not data:
-                break
-        cutoff = len(data) - (k-n)
-        self.buf = data[cutoff:]
-        more[-1] = data[:cutoff]
-        return "".join(more)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def next(self):
-        if self.lines:
-            return self.lines.pop(0) + "\n"
-        # This block is needed because read() can leave self.buf
-        # containing newlines
-        self.lines = self.buf.split("\n")
-        self.buf = self.lines.pop()
-        if self.lines:
-            return self.lines.pop(0) + "\n"
-        buf = self.buf and [self.buf] or []
-        while 1:
-            self.buf = self.do_read(self.bufsize)
-            self.lines = self.buf.split("\n")
-            self.buf = self.lines.pop()
-            if self.lines:
-                buf.append(self.lines.pop(0))
-                buf.append("\n")
-                break
-            if not self.buf:
-                break
-            buf.append(self.buf)
-        line = "".join(buf)
-        if not line:
-            raise StopIteration
-        return line
-    def readline(self):
-        try:
-            return self.next()
-        except StopIteration:
-            return ""
-    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
-        return list(self)
-class BufferingOutputStream(Stream):
-    """Standard buffering output stream.
-    This is typically the top of the stack.
-    """
-    bigsize = 2**19 # Half a Meg
-    bufsize = 2**13 # 8 K
-    def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
-        self.base = base
-        self.do_write = base.write # Flush buffer
-        self.do_tell = base.tell
-             # Return a byte offset; has to exist or this __init__() will fail
-        self.do_seek = getattr(base, "seek", None)
-                       # None, or seek to a byte offset
-        self.do_close = base.close # Close file
-        self.do_truncate = base.truncate # Truncate file
-        if bufsize is None:     # Get default from the class
-            bufsize = self.bufsize
-        self.bufsize = bufsize  # buffer size (hint only)
-        self.buf = ""
-        self.tell()
-    def tell(self):
-        assert self.do_tell is not None
-        if not hasattr(self, 'pos'):
-            self.pos = self.do_tell()
-        return self.pos
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        self.flush()
-        self.do_seek(offset, whence)
-        self.pos = self.do_tell()
-    def flush(self):
-        self.do_write(self.buf)
-        self.buf = ''
-        self.base.flush()
-    def write(self, data):
-        buflen = len(self.buf)
-        datalen = len(data)
-        if  datalen + buflen < self.bufsize:
-            self.buf += data
-            self.pos += datalen
-        else:
-            self.buf += data[:self.bufsize-buflen]
-            self.pos += self.bufsize-buflen
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-            self.write(data[self.bufsize-buflen:])
-    def writelines(self, sequence):
-        for s in sequence:
-            self.write(s)
-    def close(self):
-        if (self.buf):
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-        self.do_close()
-    def truncate(self, size=None):
-        self.flush()
-        self.do_truncate(size)
-class LineBufferingOutputStream(BufferingOutputStream):
-    """Line buffering output stream.
-    This is typically the top of the stack.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
-        self.base = base
-        self.do_write = base.write # Flush buffer
-        self.do_tell = base.tell
-             # Return a byte offset; has to exist or this __init__() will fail
-        self.do_seek = getattr(base, "seek", None)
-                       # None, or seek to a byte offset
-        self.do_close = base.close # Close file
-        self.do_truncate = base.truncate # Truncate file
-        self.linesep = os.linesep
-        self.buf = ""           # raw data (may contain "\n")
-        self.tell()
-    def write(self, data):
-        all_lines = data.split(self.linesep)
-        full_lines = all_lines[:-1]
-        for line in full_lines:
-            line += self.linesep
-            buflen = len(self.buf)
-            linelen = len(line)
-            if  linelen + buflen < self.bufsize:
-                self.buf += line
-                self.pos += linelen
-                self.do_write(self.buf)
-                self.buf = ''
-            else:
-                self.buf += line[:self.bufsize-buflen]
-                self.pos += self.bufsize-buflen
-                self.do_write(self.buf)
-                self.buf = ''
-                self.write(line[self.bufsize-buflen:])
-        # The last part of the split data never has a terminating linesep.
-        # If the data has a terminating linesep, the last element is an
-        # empty string.
-        line = all_lines[-1]
-        buflen = len(self.buf)
-        linelen = len(line)
-        if  linelen + buflen < self.bufsize:
-            self.buf += line
-            self.pos += linelen
-        else:
-            self.buf += line[:self.bufsize-buflen]
-            self.pos += self.bufsize-buflen
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-            self.write(line[self.bufsize-buflen:])
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.buf:
-            self.do_write(self.buf)
-            self.buf = ''
-        self.base.flush()
-class BufferingInputOutputStream(Stream):
-    """To handle buffered input and output at the same time, we are
-       switching back and forth between using BuffereingInputStream
-       and BufferingOutputStream as reads and writes are done.
-       A more optimal solution would be to read and write on the same
-       buffer, but it would take a fair bit of time to implement.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, base, bufsize=None):
-        self.base = base
-        self.bufsize = bufsize
-        self.reader = None
-        self.writer = None
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        if not self.reader:
-            if self.writer:
-                self.writer.flush()
-                self.writer = None
-            self.reader = BufferingInputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        return self.reader.read(n)
-    def write(self, data):
-        if not self.writer:
-            if self.reader:
-                # Make sure the underlying file has the correct current
-                # position
-                self.reader.seek(self.reader.tell())
-                self.reader = None
-            self.writer = BufferingOutputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        return self.writer.write(data)
-    def truncate(self, size=None):
-        if not self.writer:
-            if self.reader:
-                # Make sure the underlying file has the correct current
-                # position
-                self.reader.seek(self.reader.tell())
-                self.reader = None
-            self.writer = BufferingOutputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        return self.writer.truncate(size)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """
-        Delegate all other methods to the underlying file object.
-        """
-        if not self.reader and not self.writer:
-            self.reader = BufferingInputStream(self.base, self.bufsize)
-        if self.reader:
-            return getattr(self.reader, name)
-        return getattr(self.writer, name)
-class CRLFFilter(Stream):
-    """Filtering stream for universal newlines.
-    TextInputFilter is more general, but this is faster when you don't
-    need tell/seek.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, base):
-        self.base = base
-        self.do_read = base.read
-        self.atcr = False
-        self.close = base.close
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        data = self.do_read(n)
-        if self.atcr:
-            if data.startswith("\n"):
-                data = data[1:] # Very rare case: in the middle of "\r\n"
-            self.atcr = False
-        if "\r" in data:
-            self.atcr = data.endswith("\r")     # Test this before removing \r
-            data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n")   # Catch \r\n this first
-            data = data.replace("\r", "\n")     # Remaining \r are standalone
-        return data
-class MMapFile(object):
-    """Standard I/O basis stream using mmap."""
-    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
-        import mmap
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.mode = mode
-        if mode == "r":
-            flag = os.O_RDONLY
-            self.access = mmap.ACCESS_READ
-        else:
-            if mode == "w":
-                flag = os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT
-            elif mode == "a":
-                flag = os.O_RDWR
-            else:
-                raise ValueError, "mode should be 'r', 'w' or 'a'"
-            self.access = mmap.ACCESS_WRITE
-        if hasattr(os, "O_BINARY"):
-            flag |= os.O_BINARY
-        self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
-        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-        self.pos = 0
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.close()
-    mm = fd = None
-    def close(self):
-        if self.mm is not None:
-            self.mm.close()
-            self.mm = None
-        if self.fd is not None:
-            os.close(self.fd)
-            self.fd = None
-    def tell(self):
-        return self.pos
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        if whence == 0:
-            self.pos = max(0, offset)
-        elif whence == 1:
-            self.pos = max(0, self.pos + offset)
-        elif whence == 2:
-            self.pos = max(0, self.mm.size() + offset)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError, "seek(): whence must be 0, 1 or 2"
-    def readall(self):
-        return self.read()
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        import mmap
-        if n >= 0:
-            aim = self.pos + n
-        else:
-            aim = self.mm.size() # Actual file size, may be more than mapped
-            n = aim - self.pos
-        data = self.mm[self.pos:aim]
-        if len(data) < n:
-            del data
-            # File grew since opened; remap to get the new data
-            size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-            self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:aim]
-        self.pos += len(data)
-        return data
-    def __iter__(self):
-        return self
-    def readline(self):
-        import mmap
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Remap the file just in case
-        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            # Got a whole line after remapping
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Read whatever we've got -- may be empty
-        data = self.mm[self.pos:self.mm.size()]
-        self.pos += len(data)
-        return data
-    def next(self):
-        import mmap
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Remap the file just in case
-        size = os.fstat(self.fd).st_size
-        self.mm = mmap.mmap(self.fd, size, access=self.access)
-        hit = self.mm.find("\n", self.pos) + 1
-        if hit:
-            # Got a whole line after remapping
-            data = self.mm[self.pos:hit]
-            self.pos = hit
-            return data
-        # Read whatever we've got -- may be empty
-        data = self.mm[self.pos:self.mm.size()]
-        if not data:
-            raise StopIteration
-        self.pos += len(data)
-        return data
-    def readlines(self, sizehint=0):
-        return list(iter(self.readline, ""))
-    def write(self, data):
-        end = self.pos + len(data)
-        try:
-            self.mm[self.pos:end]  = data
-            # This can raise IndexError on Windows, ValueError on Unix
-        except (IndexError, ValueError):
-            # XXX On Unix, this resize() call doesn't work
-            self.mm.resize(end)
-            self.mm[self.pos:end]  = data
-        self.pos = end
-    def writelines(self, lines):
-        filter(self.write, lines)
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.mm is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        self.mm.flush()
-class DiskFile(object):
-    """Standard I/O basis stream using os.open/close/read/write/lseek"""
-    # This is not quite correct, since more letters are allowed after
-    # these. However, the following are the only starting strings allowed
-    # in the mode parameter.
-    modes = {
-        'r'  : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'rb' : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'rU' : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'U'  : os.O_RDONLY,
-        'w'  : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'wb' : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'a'  : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'ab' : os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'r+' : os.O_RDWR,
-        'rb+': os.O_RDWR,
-        'r+b': os.O_RDWR,
-        'w+' : os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'wb+': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'w+b': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC,
-        'a+' : os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'ab+': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        'a+b': os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL,
-        }
-    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r"):
-        self.filename = filename
-        self.mode = mode
-        try:
-            flag = DiskFile.modes[mode]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise ValueError, "mode should be 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+' or 'a+'"
-        O_BINARY = getattr(os, "O_BINARY", 0)
-        flag |= O_BINARY
-        try:
-            self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
-        except OSError:
-            # Opening in mode 'a' or 'a+' and file already exists
-            flag = flag & (os.O_RDWR | O_BINARY)
-            self.fd = os.open(filename, flag)
-        if mode[0] == 'a':
-            os.lseek(self.fd, 0, 2) # Move to end of file
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        os.lseek(self.fd, offset, whence)
-    def tell(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        return os.lseek(self.fd, 0, 1)
-    def read(self, n=-1):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        if n >= 0:
-            return os.read(self.fd, n)
-        data = []
-        while 1:
-            moreData = os.read(self.fd, 2**20)
-            if len(moreData) == 0:
-                return ''.join(data)
-            data.append(moreData)
-    def write(self, data):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        while data:
-            n = os.write(self.fd, data)
-            data = data[n:]
-    def close(self):
-        fd = self.fd
-        if fd is not None:
-            self.fd = None
-            os.close(fd)
-    def truncate(self, size=None):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        if size is None:
-            size = self.tell()
-        try:
-            os.ftruncate(self.fd, size)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def isatty(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        try:
-            return os.isatty(self.fd)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-    def fileno(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-        return self.fd
-    def flush(self):
-        if self.fd is None:
-            raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file')
-    def __del__(self):
-        try:
-            self.close()
-        except:
-            pass
-class TextInputFilter(Stream):
-    """Filtering input stream for universal newline translation."""
-    def __init__(self, base):
-        self.base = base   # must implement read, may implement tell, seek
-        self.atcr = False  # Set when last char read was \r
-        self.buf = ""      # Optional one-character read-ahead buffer
-        self.close = base.close
-        self.CR = False
-        self.NL = False
-        self.CRLF = False
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name == 'newlines':
-            foundchars = self.CR * 1 + self.NL * 2 + self.CRLF * 4
-            if  not foundchars:
-                return None
-            if foundchars in [1, 2, 4]:
-                if self.CR:
-                    return '\r'
-                elif self.NL:
-                    return '\n'
-                else:
-                    return '\r\n'
-            else:
-                result = []
-                if self.CR:
-                    result.append('\r')
-                if self.NL:
-                    result.append('\n')
-                if self.CRLF:
-                    result.append('\r\n')
-                return tuple(result)
-    def read(self, n):
-        """Read up to n bytes."""
-        if n <= 0:
-            return ""
-        if self.buf:
-            assert not self.atcr
-            data = self.buf
-            self.buf = ""
-            return data
-        data = self.base.read(n)
-        # The following whole ugly mess is because we need to keep track of
-        # exactly which line separators we have seen for self.newlines,
-        # grumble, grumble.  This has an interesting corner-case.
-        #
-        # Consider a file consisting of exactly one line ending with '\r'.
-        # The first time you read(), you will not know whether it is a
-        # CR separator or half of a CRLF separator.  Neither will be marked
-        # as seen, since you are waiting for your next read to determine
-        # what you have seen.  But there's no more to read ...
-        if self.atcr:
-            if data.startswith("\n"):
-                data = data[1:]
-                self.CRLF = True
-                if not data:
-                    data = self.base.read(n)
-            else:
-                self.CR = True
-            self.atcr = False
-        for i in range(len(data)):
-            if data[i] == '\n':
-                if i > 0 and data[i-1] == '\r':
-                    self.CRLF = True
-                else:
-                    self.NL = True
-            elif data[i] == '\r':
-                if i < len(data)-1 and data[i+1] != '\n':
-                    self.CR = True
-        if "\r" in data:
-            self.atcr = data.endswith("\r")
-            data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n")
-        return data
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        """Seeks based on knowledge that does not come from a tell()
-           may go to the wrong place, since the number of
-           characters seen may not match the number of characters
-           that are actually in the file (where \r\n is the
-           line separator). Arithmetics on the result
-           of a tell() that moves beyond a newline character may in the
-           same way give the wrong result.
-        """
-        self.base.seek(offset, whence)
-        self.atcr = False
-        self.buf = ""
-    def tell(self):
-        pos = self.base.tell()
-        if self.atcr:
-            # Must read the next byte to see if it's \n,
-            # because then we must report the next position.
-            assert not self.buf 
-            self.buf = self.base.read(1)
-            pos += 1
-            self.atcr = False
-            if self.buf == "\n":
-                self.buf = ""
-        return pos - len(self.buf)
-class TextOutputFilter(Stream):
-    """Filtering output stream for universal newline translation."""
-    def __init__(self, base, linesep=os.linesep):
-        assert linesep in ["\n", "\r\n", "\r"]
-        self.base = base    # must implement write, may implement seek, tell
-        self.linesep = linesep
-        self.close = base.close
-    def write(self, data):
-        if self.linesep is not "\n" and "\n" in data:
-            data = data.replace("\n", self.linesep)
-        self.base.write(data)
-    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
-        self.base.seek(offset, whence)
-    def tell(self):
-        return self.base.tell()
-class DecodingInputFilter(Stream):
-    """Filtering input stream that decodes an encoded file."""
-    def __init__(self, base, encoding="utf8", errors="strict"):
-        self.base = base
-        self.encoding = encoding
-        self.errors = errors
-        self.tell = base.tell
-        self.seek = base.seek
-        self.close = base.close
-    def read(self, n):
-        """Read *approximately* n bytes, then decode them.
-        Under extreme circumstances,
-        the return length could be longer than n!
-        Always return a unicode string.
-        This does *not* translate newlines;
-        you can stack TextInputFilter.
-        """
-        data = self.base.read(n)
-        try:
-            return data.decode(self.encoding, self.errors)
-        except ValueError:
-            # XXX Sigh.  decode() doesn't handle incomplete strings well.
-            # Use the retry strategy from codecs.StreamReader.
-            for i in range(9):
-                more = self.base.read(1)
-                if not more:
-                    raise
-                data += more
-                try:
-                    return data.decode(self.encoding, self.errors)
-                except ValueError:
-                    pass
-            raise
-class EncodingOutputFilter(Stream):
-    """Filtering output stream that writes to an encoded file."""
-    def __init__(self, base, encoding="utf8", errors="strict"):
-        self.base = base
-        self.encoding = encoding
-        self.errors = errors
-        self.tell = base.tell
-        self.seek = base.seek
-        self.close = base.close
-    def write(self, chars):
-        if isinstance(chars, str):
-            chars = unicode(chars) # Fail if it's not ASCII
-        self.base.write(chars.encode(self.encoding, self.errors))

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