[pypy-svn] r8626 - pypy/dist/pypy/tool

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Thu Jan 27 11:02:39 CET 2005

Author: tismer
Date: Thu Jan 27 11:02:39 2005
New Revision: 8626

This is the crazy module that introspects and regenerates
the exceptions module.
It works very nice for the __init__ methods.
Automatic recreation of the __str__ methods appears to
be almost impossible with reasonable effort.

Not that this source file is already as large as the output it produces :-)

Some of the ideas might be applicable in other fields as well.
I learned quite a bit from this.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/_enum_exceptions.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/_enum_exceptions.py	Thu Jan 27 11:02:39 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# this script is used for extracting
+# the information available for exceptions
+# via introspection.
+# The idea is to use it once to create
+# a template for a re-birth of exceptions.py
+import types
+def classOfAttribute(klass, attname):
+    if attname in klass.__dict__:
+        return klass
+    for base in klass.__bases__:
+        ret = classOfAttribute(base, attname)
+        if ret:
+            return ret
+def getAttributes(klass, ignorelist = []):
+    return [name for name in dir(klass) if name not in ignorelist]
+def makeExceptionsTemplate(f=None):
+    def enumExceptionsInOrder():
+        import exceptions
+        seen = {}
+        ordered = []
+        def enumerateOne(exc):
+            seen[exc] = 1
+            for each in exc.__bases__:
+                if each not in seen:
+                    enumerateOne(each)
+            ordered.append(exc)
+        for each in exceptions.__dict__.values():
+            if isinstance(each, (types.ClassType, type)) and \
+               each not in seen:
+                enumerateOne(each)
+        return ordered
+    if not f:
+        f = sys.stdout
+    for exc in enumExceptionsInOrder():
+        name = exc.__name__
+        bases = exc.__bases__
+        doc = exc.__doc__
+        bases = [this.__name__ for this in bases]
+        bases = ", ".join(bases)
+        if bases: bases = "(%s)" % bases
+        ignorelist = "__doc__ __module__".split()
+        # find out class variables and methods
+        simple = []
+        difficult = []
+        for attname in getAttributes(exc, ignorelist):
+            if classOfAttribute(exc, attname) is exc:
+                obj = getattr(exc, attname)
+                (simple, difficult)[callable(obj)].append( (attname, obj) )
+        print >> f, "class %s%s:" % (name, bases)
+        if doc:
+            print >> f, '    """%s"""' % doc
+        if not (simple or difficult or doc):
+            print >> f, "    pass"
+        for tup in simple:
+            print >> f, "    %s = %r" % tup
+        for attname, meth in difficult:
+            print >> f
+            func = globals().get("tryGenerate" + attname, None)
+            if not func:
+                print >> f, "    # please implement %s.%s (%r)" % (name, attname, meth)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    print >> f, "    # auto-generated code, please check carefully!"
+                    for line in func(exc):
+                        print >> f, "    " + line
+                except ValueError, e:
+                    print >> f, "    # %s" % e
+                    print >> f, "    # please implement %s.%s (%r)" % (name, attname, meth)
+        print >> f
+def tryGenerate__getitem__(exc):
+    for args in (), (1, 2, 3):
+        try:
+            sample = exc(*args)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError, "cannot create instance"
+        if "args" not in sample.__dict__:
+            raise ValueError, "args attribute not found in __dict__"
+        if args != sample.args:
+            raise ValueError, "instance has modified args"
+        for i in range(5):
+            try: x = sample[i]
+            except IndexError: x = 42
+            try: y = args[i]
+            except IndexError: y = 42
+            if x != y:
+                raise ValueError, "args does not behave like a sequence"
+    del sample.args
+    try: x = sample[0]
+    except: x = 42
+    use_default = x is None
+    # looks fine so far.
+    yield "def __getitem__(self, idx):"
+    if use_default:
+        yield "    if not hasattr(self, 'args'):"
+        yield "        return None"
+    yield "    return self.args[idx]"
+class ProbeObject(object):
+    """ this class creates general "any" objects, and
+        for the special case of SyntaxError, it can behave
+        like a subscriptable object
+    """
+    def __init__(self, argpos, maxprobe=None):
+        self.argpos = argpos
+        self.maxprobe = maxprobe
+        self.probed = []
+    def __getitem__(self, idx):
+        if idx not in self.probed:
+            self.probed.append(idx)
+        if self.maxprobe is not None and idx > self.maxprobe:
+            raise IndexError, "cheat cheat %d" % idx
+        return "arg%d_%s" % (self.argpos, idx)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if self.probed:
+            return "<arg%d:%r>" % (self.argpos, self.probed)
+        else:
+            return "<arg%d>" % self.argpos
+    def __str__(self):
+        # make this different from repr!
+        return repr(self)[1:-1]
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        return cmp( (self.argpos, self.probed), other)
+def genArgsToTry(argpos):
+    args = [ProbeObject(argpos),
+            "arg%d" % argpos, u"arg%d" %argpos, 1000+argpos*10]
+    return args
+def cartesian(*args):
+    if len(args)== 0:
+        yield args
+    elif len(args) == 1:
+        for item in args[0]:
+            yield (item,)
+    else:
+        for item in args[0]:
+            for other in cartesian(*args[1:]):
+                yield (item,) + other
+def probeArgCount(exc, maxprobe=20):
+    worksmaybe = []
+    for i in range(maxprobe):
+        try:
+            probe = exc(*(i,)*i) # test i-tuple
+            worksmaybe.append(i)
+        except TypeError, e:
+            if not str(e).startswith("function takes "):
+                worksmaybe.append(i)
+        except:
+            pass
+    return min(worksmaybe), max(worksmaybe)
+def refreshArgs(tup):
+    res = []
+    for arg in tup:
+        if type(arg) is ProbeObject:
+            arg = ProbeObject(arg.argpos) # cleanup probing
+        res.append(arg)
+    return tuple(res)
+def findAllArgs(exc, maxprobe):
+    minargs, maxargs = probeArgCount(exc, maxprobe=20)
+    res = []
+    # for minargs args, we need to try combinations
+    arglist = tuple([genArgsToTry(i) for i in range(minargs)])
+    for args in cartesian(*arglist):
+        try:
+            probe = exc(*args)
+            res.append(args)
+            works = refreshArgs(args)
+            break
+        except Exception, e:
+            continue
+    else:
+        raise TypeError, "cannot analyse arguments of %s" % exc.__name__
+    # for the variable part, don't try combinations
+    for i in range(minargs, maxargs):
+        for arg in genArgsToTry(i):
+            args = works + (arg,)
+            try:
+                probe = exc(*args)
+                res.append(args)
+                works = refreshArgs(args)
+                break
+            except:
+                continue
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "cannot analyse arguments of %s" % exc.__name__
+    return minargs, maxargs, res
+def captureAssignments(exc, args):
+    """ we wrap a class around the exc class and record attribute access """
+    assigned = []
+    class WrapExc(exc):
+        def __setattr__(self, name, obj):
+            assigned.append( (name, obj) )
+            self.__dict__[name] = obj
+    probe = WrapExc(*args)
+    names = {}
+    names[args] = "args"
+    for i, arg in enumerate(args):
+        names[arg] = "args[%d]" % i
+        if not isinstance(arg, ProbeObject):
+            continue
+        for subidx in arg.probed:
+            names[arg[subidx]] = "args[%d][%d]" % (i, subidx)
+    def nameof(obj):
+        if obj in names:
+            return names[obj]
+        elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)):
+            stuff = [nameof(x) for x in obj]
+            br = str(type(obj)())
+            txt = br[0] + ", ".join(stuff) + br[-1]
+            names[obj] = txt
+        else:
+            names[obj] = "%r # default, hopefully" % obj
+        return names[obj]
+    res = []
+    for name, obj in assigned:
+        res.append("self.%s = %s" % (name, nameof(obj)))
+    return tuple(res)
+def tryGenerate__init__(exc, maxprobe=20):
+    minargs, maxargs, working = findAllArgs(exc, maxprobe)
+    # merge assignments in order, record set of arg counts
+    foldcases = {}
+    for args in working:
+        singleprog = captureAssignments(exc, args)
+        for tup in enumerate(singleprog):
+            foldcases.setdefault(tup, [])
+            foldcases[tup].append(len(args))
+    # group assignments by set of arg counts and order
+    groupassign = {}
+    for (order, assignment), argcounts in foldcases.items():
+        key = tuple(argcounts)
+        # special case: we don't raise errors
+        # and always assign to self.args
+        if assignment == "self.args = args" and len(key) != maxprobe:
+            assignment += " # modified: always assign args, no error check"
+            key = tuple(range(maxprobe))
+        groupassign.setdefault(key, [])
+        groupassign[key].append( (order, assignment) )
+    cases = groupassign.items()
+    cases.sort()
+    yield "def __init__(self, *args):"
+    if len(cases) > 1 or len(cases[0][0]) != maxprobe:
+        yield "    argc = len(args)"
+    for argcounts, ordered_statements in cases:
+        ordered_statements.sort()
+        if len(argcounts) == maxprobe:
+            # all counts, no condition
+            indent = 1
+        else:
+            indent = 2
+            dense = tuple(range(argcounts[0], argcounts[-1]+1)) == argcounts
+            if len(argcounts) == 1:
+                yield "    if argc == %d:" % argcounts
+            elif dense and argcounts[0] == 0:
+                yield "    if argc <= %d:" % argcounts[-1]
+            elif dense and argcounts[-1] == maxprobe-1:
+                yield "    if argc >= %d:" % argcounts[0]
+            elif dense:
+                yield "    if %d <= argc <= %d:" % (argcounts[0], argcounts[-1])
+            else:
+                yield "    if argc in %r:" % (argcounts, )
+        for order, line in ordered_statements:
+            yield indent * "    " + line
+def tryGenerate__str__(exc, maxprobe=20):
+    minargs, maxargs, working = findAllArgs(exc, maxprobe)
+    # checking the default case (well, there are two)
+    simple = False
+    arg1_methods = []
+    for args in working:
+        test = str(exc(*args))
+        if len(args) == 0 and test != "":
+            break
+        if len(args) == 1:
+            if test == repr(args[0]):
+                arg1_methods.append("repr")
+            elif test == str(args[0]):
+                arg1_methods.append("str")
+            else:
+                break
+        if len(args) >= 2 and test != repr(args):
+            break
+    else:
+        simple = arg1_methods and min(arg1_methods) == max(arg1_methods)
+    if simple:
+        yield "def __str__(self):"
+        yield "    argc = len(self.args)"
+        yield "    if argc == 0:"
+        yield "        return ''"
+        yield "    elif argc == 1:"
+        yield "        return %s(self.args[0])" % arg1_methods.pop()
+        yield "    else:"
+        yield "        return str(self.args)"
+        return
+    # no idea how I should do this
+    probe = exc(*working[0])
+    dic = probe.__dict__
+    for key in dic.keys():
+        if key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__"):
+            del dic[key]
+    yield "def __str__(self):"
+    yield "    # this is a bad hack, please supply an implementation"
+    yield "    res = ' '.join(["
+    for key in dic.keys():
+        yield "       '%s=' + str(self.%s)," % (key, key)
+    yield "    ])"
+    yield "    return res"
+makeExceptionsTemplate(file("d:/tmp/look.py", "w"))

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