[pypy-svn] r16805 - pypy/extradoc

bea at codespeak.net bea at codespeak.net
Sat Aug 27 19:18:18 CEST 2005

Author: bea
Date: Sat Aug 27 19:18:17 2005
New Revision: 16805

   pypy/extradoc/pypyorg_20050827.txt   (contents, props changed)
first draft of content for the EU front webb page on www.pypy.org.

Please check and feedback (Note that this is just the textual content - nothing in the structure is connected to design ;-)

Added: pypy/extradoc/pypyorg_20050827.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/extradoc/pypyorg_20050827.txt	Sat Aug 27 19:18:17 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+Researching a higly flexible and modular language platform and implementing it by leveraging
+the Open Source Python Language and Community
+The PyPy project have been an ongoing Open Source Python language implementation since 2003.
+In December 2004 PyPy recieved EU-funding within the Framework Programme 6, second call for proposals
+("Open development platforms and services" IST).
+A consortium of 7 partners in Germany, France and Sweden are working to achieve the goal of a
+open run-time environment for the Open Source Programming Language Python. The scientific aspects of the project is 
+to investigate novel techniques (based on aspect-oriented programming code generation and abstract interpretation) for the implementation of 
+practical dynamic languages.
+A methodological goal of the project is also to show case a novel software engineering process, Sprint Driven Development. This is an Agile 
+methodology, providing adynamic and adaptive environment, suitable for co-operative and distributed development.
+The project is divided into three major phases, phase 1 has the focus of developing the actual research tool - the self contained compiler, 
+phase 2 has the focus of optimisations (core, translation and dynamic) and in phase 3 the actual integration of efforts and dissemination of the results.
+The project has an expected deadline in November 2006.
+PyPy is still, though EU-funded, heavily integrated in the Open Source community of Python.The methodology of choice
+is the key strategy to make sure that the community of skilled and enthusiastic developers can contribute in ways that wouldn't have been possible
+without EU-funding.
+For questions regarding the PyPy-project, please email our consortium at pypy-funding at codespeak.net.
+For more detailed information, documentation and code - please visit the PyPy community housed at Codespeak 
+PyPy in Heidelberg August 2005
+The team met up, in total 14 people to work on the planned 0.7 release.
+PyPy sprint in Hildesheim July 2005
+The team met up at Trillke Gut and worked on the upcoming phase 1
+deliverables. The result was PyPy - selfcontained!
+PyPy at Europython in Gothenburg June/July 2005
+The Pypy team was busy sprinting 4 days before Europython and 6 days afterwards.
+There where also several PyPy talks at the conference, a joint talk by Holger Krekel, 
+Armin Rigo, Carl Friedrich Bolz about translation aspects of PyPy, Holger Krekel again about Py.test
+and Beatrice Düring about sprint driven development. 
+This sprint had 20 participants which is a PyPy record.
+PyPy at ACCU April 2005
+Armin Rigo and Jacob Hallén held 2 talks at the ACCU conference,about PyPy and sprint driven
+PyPy at PyCon in Washington March 2005
+The Pypy team sprinted at PyCon - 13 developers worked on getting
+Pypy compliant with the CPython regression test. Armin Rigo and Holger Krekel
+also did talks about the Object space and Py.test.
+PyPy at the Calibre conference in Paris March 2005
+Beatrice Düring from the PyPy team participated in the Calibre workshop
+"Libre software - which business model?".
+Sprint in Leysin, Switzerland January 2005
+The PyPy team met up for the first sprint after the official start of the EU funded project. 
+13 people participated and worked together for 7 days.
+The team succeded in importing and running CPython test on PyPy.
+Contract signed  - PyPy is flying December 2004
+The PyPy team recieved contract confirmation 1 December 2004 form the Commission
+The team kicked of the work with a Consortium meeting i Saarbruecken.
+DFKI www.dfki.de
+	Stephan Busemann stephan.busemann at dfki.de
+	(coordinator) 
+	Alastair Burt alastair.burt at dfki.de
+	Anders Lehmann anders.lehmann at dfki.de
+AB Strakt www.strakt.com
+	Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
+	(project manager)
+	Samuele Pedroni pedronis at strakt.com
+	(tehnical board)
+	Anders Chrigström ac at strakt.com
+Change Maker www.changemaker.nu
+	Beatrice Düring bea at changemaker.nu
+	(assistant project manager)
+Merlinux GmbH www.merlinux.de
+	Holger Krekel krekel at merlinux.de
+	(technical board)
+Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf www.uni-duesseldorf.de/
+	Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
+	(technical board)
+Tismerysoft www.stackless.com
+	Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
+	(technical board)
+Logilab www.logilab.fr
+	Nicholas Chauvat Nicolas.Chauvat at logilab.fr 
+	Ludovic Aubry ludal at logilab.fr
+	Adrien DiMascio adim at logilab.fr
+impara GmbH www.impara.de
+	bert at impara.de
+Also - as individual partners:
+Laura Creighton laura at strakt.com
+Eric van Riet Paap eric at vanrietpaap.nl
+Richard Emslie rxe at ukshells.co.uk

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