[pypy-svn] r16211 - in pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation: . website

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Mon Aug 22 16:50:12 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
New Revision: 16211

      - copied unchanged from r16204, pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/getting_started.txt
more reshufflings towards a flatter doc hierarchy

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/architecture.txt
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/architecture.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/architecture.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 This document gives an overview of the goals and architecture of PyPy.
 See also `getting started`_ for a practical introduction.
-.. _`getting started`: getting_started.html
+.. _`getting started`: getting-started.html
 Mission statement 

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/confrest.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/confrest.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/confrest.py	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
             html.a("news", href="news.html", class_="menu"), " ",
             html.a("doc", href="index.html", class_="menu"), " ",
             html.a("contact", href="contact.html", class_="menu"), " ", 
-            html.a("getting-started", href="getting_started.html", class_="menu"), " ",
+            html.a("getting-started", 
+                   href="getting_started.html", class_="menu"), " ",
             " ", id="menubar")
 class Project(Project): 
     title = "PyPy" 
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
     prefix_title = "PyPy"
     logo = html.div(
-            html.img(alt="PyPy", height="110", id="pyimg", 
-                     src="/pypy/img/py-web1.png", width="149")))
+            html.img(alt="PyPy", id="pyimg", 
+                     src="http://codespeak.net/pypy/img/py-web1.png", 
+                     height=110, width=149)))
     Page = PyPyPage 

Deleted: /pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/getting_started.txt
--- /pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/getting_started.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-PyPy - Getting Started 
-.. contents::
-.. sectnum::
-.. _howtopypy: 
-Just the facts 
-getting & running the PyPy 0.6.1 release 
-    Note that the 0.6 release was broken and 
-    thus you find only the 0.6.1 release here. 
-Download one of the following release files and unpack it: 
-*pypy-0.6.1 (05/21/2005)*
-  * download one of `pypy-0.6.1.tar.bz2`_, `pypy-0.6.1.tar.gz`_ or
-    `pypy-0.6.1.zip`_ (windows line-endings) and unpack it 
-  * alternatively run ``svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/release/0.6.1 pypy-0.6.1`` 
-then change to the ``pypy-0.6.1`` directory
-and execute the following command line:: 
-    python pypy/bin/py.py 
-This will give you a PyPy prompt, i.e. a very compliant 
-Python interpreter implemented in Python.  Because this version
-of PyPy still runs on top of CPython, it runs around 2000
-times slower than the original CPython.  The release focus 
-really was on compliancy: PyPy passes around `90% of CPythons core 
-language regression tests`_. 
-Have a look at `interesting starting points`_ 
-for guidance on how to continue. 
-.. _`90% of CPythons core language regression tests`: http://codespeak.net/~hpk/pypy-testresult/ 
-.. _`pypy-0.6.1.tar.bz2`: http://codespeak.net/download/pypy/pypy-0.6.1.tar.bz2
-.. _`pypy-0.6.1.zip`: http://codespeak.net/download/pypy/pypy-0.6.1.zip
-.. _`pypy-0.6.1.tar.gz`: http://codespeak.net/download/pypy/pypy-0.6.1.tar.gz
-Svn-check out & run the latest PyPy as a two-liner
-If you want to play with the ongoing development PyPy version 
-you can check it out from the repository using subversion. Download 
-and install subversion_ if you don't allready have it. Then you can
-issue on the command line (DOS box or terminal)::
-    svn co http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist pypy-dist 
-This will create a directory named ``pypy-dist``, and will get you the PyPy
-source in ``pypy-dist/pypy`` and documentation files in
-After checkout you can get a PyPy interpreter via:: 
-    python pypy-dist/pypy/bin/py.py
-have fun :-) 
-We have some `help on installing subversion`_ for PyPy. 
-Have a look at `interesting starting points`_ 
-for some guidance on how to continue. 
-.. _`help on installing subversion`: svn-help.html
-.. _subversion: svn-help.html
-Understanding PyPy's architecture
-For in-depth information about architecture and coding documentation 
-head over to the `documentation section`_ where you'll find lots of 
-interesting information.  Additionally, in true hacker spirit, you 
-may just `start reading sources`_ . 
-.. _`documentation section`: index.html 
-running all of PyPy's tests  
-If you want to see if PyPy works on your machine/platform 
-you can simply run PyPy's large test suite with:: 
-    python pypy/test_all.py 
-test_all.py is just another name for `py.test`_ which is the
-testing tool that we are using and enhancing for PyPy.   
-Filing bugs or feature requests 
-You may file `bug reports`_ on our issue tracker which is
-also accessible through the 'issues' top menu of 
-the PyPy website.  `using the development tracker`_ has 
-more detailed information on specific features of the tracker. 
-.. _`using the development tracker`: coding-guide.html#using-development-tracker
-.. _`interesting starting points`: 
-Interesting Starting Points in PyPy 
-The following assumes that you have successfully downloaded and extracted the
-PyPy release or have checked out PyPy using svn. It assumes that you are in
-the top level directory of the PyPy source tree, e.g. pypy-x.x (if you
-got a release) or pypy-dist (if you checked out the most recent version using
-Main entry point  
-The py.py interpreter
-To start interpreting Python with PyPy, use Python 2.3 or greater::
-    cd pypy/bin
-    python py.py
-After a few seconds (remember: this is running on top of CPython), 
-you should be at the PyPy prompt, which is the same as the Python 
-prompt, but with an extra ">".
-Now you are ready to start running Python code.  Most Python
-modules should work if they don't involve CPython extension 
-modules.  Here is an example of determining PyPy's performance 
-in pystones:: 
-    >>>> from test import pystone 
-    >>>> pystone.main(10)
-Note that this is a slightly modified version of pystone -- the
-original version does not accept the parameter to main().  The
-parameter is the number of loops to run through the test, and the
-default is 50000, which is far too many to run in a reasonable time
-on the current PyPy implementation.
-py.py options
-To list the PyPy interpreter command line options, type::
-    cd pypy/bin
-    python py.py --help
-As an example of using PyPy from the command line, you could type::
-    python py.py -c "from test import pystone; pystone.main(10)"
-Alternatively, as with regular Python, you can simply give a
-script name on the command line::
-    python py.py ../../lib-python/modified-2.3.4/test/pystone.py 10
-special PyPy features 
-Interpreter-level console
-There are a few extra features of the PyPy console: If you press
-<Ctrl-C> on the console you enter the interpreter-level console, a
-usual CPython console.  You can then access internal objects of PyPy
-(e.g. the object space) and any variables you have created on the PyPy
-prompt with the prefix ``w_``:: 
-    >>>> a = 123
-    >>>> <Ctrl-C>
-    *** Entering interpreter-level console ***
-    >>> w_a
-    W_IntObject(123)
-Note that the prompt of the interpreter-level console is only '>>>' since
-it runs on CPython level. If you want to return to PyPy, press <Ctrl-D> (under
-Linux) or <Ctrl-Z>, <Enter> (under Windows).
-You may be interested in reading more about the distinction between
-`interpreter-level and app-level`_.
-.. _`interpreter-level and app-level`: architecture.html#interpreter-level
-.. _`trace example`: 
-Tracing bytecode and operations on objects
-You can use the trace object space to monitor the interpretation
-of bytecodes in connection with object space operations.  To enable 
-it, set ``__pytrace__=1`` on the interactive PyPy console:: 
-    >>>> __pytrace__ = 1
-    Tracing enabled
-    >>>> a = 1 + 2
-    |- <<<< enter <inline>a = 1 + 2 @ 1 >>>>
-    |- 0    LOAD_CONST    0 (W_IntObject(1))
-    |- 3    LOAD_CONST    1 (W_IntObject(2))
-    |- 6    BINARY_ADD
-      |-    add(W_IntObject(1), W_IntObject(2))   -> W_IntObject(3)
-    |- 7    STORE_NAME    0 (a)
-      |-    setitem(W_DictObject([<Entry 3098577608L,W_StringObject('__builtins__'),
-                    <pypy.module..., W_StringObject('a'), W_IntObject(3))   
-            -> <W_NoneObject()>
-    |-10    LOAD_CONST    2 (<W_NoneObject()>)
-    |-13    RETURN_VALUE
-    |- <<<< leave <inline>a = 1 + 2 @ 1 >>>>
-lazily computed objects 
-One of the original features provided by PyPy is the "thunk" 
-object space, providing lazily-computed objects in a fully
-transparent manner::
-    cd pypy/bin
-    python py.py -o thunk
-    >>>> def longcomputation(lst):
-    ....     print "computing..."
-    ....     return sum(lst)
-    .... 
-    >>>> x = thunk(longcomputation, range(5))
-    >>>> y = thunk(longcomputation, range(10))
-from the application perspective, ``x`` and ``y`` represent 
-exactly the objects being returned by the ``longcomputation()``
-invocations.  You can put these objects into a dictionary 
-without triggering the computation:: 
-    >>>> d = {5: x, 10: y}
-    >>>> result = d[5]
-    >>>> result
-    computing...
-    10
-    >>>> type(d[10])
-    computing...
-    <type 'int'>
-    >>>> d[10]
-    45
-It is interesting to note that this lazy-computing Python extension 
-is solely implemented in a small `objspace/thunk.py`_ file consisting 
-of around 100 lines of code. 
-Running the tests
-The PyPy project uses test-driven-development.  Right now, there are
-a couple of different categories of tests which you can run.
-To run all the unit tests::
-    cd pypy
-    python test_all.py
-Alternatively, you may run subtests by going to the correct subdirectory
-and running them individually::
-    python test_all.py module/test/test_builtin.py
-``test_all.py`` is actually just a synonym for `py.test`_ which is 
-our external testing tool. If you have installed that you 
-can as well just issue ``py.test DIRECTORY_OR_FILE`` in order 
-to perform test runs or simply start it without arguments to 
-run all tests below the current directory. 
-Finally, there are the CPython regression tests which you can 
-run like this::
-    cd lib-python/2.3.4/test 
-    python ../../../pypy/test_all.py -E
-or if you have `installed py.test`_ then you simply say::
-    py.test -E
-from the lib-python-2.3.4/test directory. 
-.. _`installed py.test`: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/getting-started.html
-The `demo/`_ directory contains examples of various aspects of PyPy,
-ranging from running regular Python programs (that we used as compliance goals) 
-over experimental distribution mechanisms to examples translating 
-sufficiently static programs into low level code. 
-.. _`try out the translator`:
-Trying out the translator
-The translator is a tool based on the PyPy interpreter which can translate
-sufficiently static Python programs into low-level code. To be able to use it
-you need to:
-  * Download and install `Dot Graphviz`_.
-  * Download and install Pygame_ if you do not already have it.
-To start the interactive translator do::
-    cd pypy/bin
-    python translator.py
-Test snippets of translatable code are provided in the file
-``pypy/translator/test/snippet.py``, which is imported under the name
-``test``.  For example::
-    >>> t = Translator(test.is_perfect_number)
-    >>> t.view()
-.. >>> from pypy.translator.translator import Translator 
-.. >>> from pypy.translator.test import snippet as test 
-trying out the type annotator
-We have a type annotator that can completely infer types for functions like
-``is_perfect_number`` (as well as for much larger examples)::
-    >>> a = t.annotate([int])
-    >>> t.view()
-Move the mouse over variable names (in red) to see their inferred types. To
-perform simplifications based on the annotation you can do::
-    >>> a.simplify()
-translating the flow graph to C code
-The graph can be turned into C code::
-   >>> t.specialize()
-   >>> f = t.ccompile()
-The first command replaces operations with variables of types that are
-avaiable in C (e.g. int) with low level versions. This can be ommited if no
-annotation (see last subsection) has been performed.
-translating the flow graph to LLVM code
-If you feel adventureous (and have `LLVM installed`_ and on your path) you can
-also try to compile the graph with LLVM. This is still quite experimental
-and only works with some functions: One of the most visible restriction is
-that return type of the entry function has to be and int, float or bool. To
-try it do::
-   >>> print t.llvm()
-   >>> f = t.llvmcompile(optimize=True)
-   >>> f(28)
-   1
-This works only with fully annotated graphs.
-a slightly larger example
-There is a small-to-medium demo showing the translator and the annotator::
-    cd demo
-    python bpnn.py
-This causes ``bpnn.py`` to display itself as a call graph and class
-hierarchy.  Clicking on functions shows the flow graph of the particular
-function.  Clicking on a class shows the attributes of its instances.  All
-this information (call graph, local variables' types, attributes of
-instances) is computed by the annotator.
-As soon as you close the PyGame window, the function is turned into C code,
-compiled and executed.
-translating the PyPy interpreter
-Not for the faint of heart nor the owner of a very old machine: you can
-run the annotator over the whole PyPy interpreter itself.  This is the
-largest and ultimate example of source that our annotator can (very
-successfully!) process::
-    cd pypy/translator/goal
-    python translate_pypy.py -no-t -no-c
-Moving around is difficult because of the sheer size of the result.
-For this reason, the debugger prompt you get at the end has been
-enhanced with commands to facilitate locating functions and classes.
-Type ``help graphs`` for a list of the new commands.  Help is also
-available on each of these new commands.
-The ``translate_pypy`` script itself takes a number of options controlling
-what to translate and how.  See ``translate_pypy.py -h``.  Try out::
-    cd pypy/translator/goal
-    python translate_pypy.py targetrpystone
-or a simplified, scaled-down version::
-    python translate_pypy.py targetrpystone2
-.. _`start reading sources`: 
-Where to start reading the sources
-PyPy is made from parts that are relatively independent from each other.
-You should start looking at the part that attracts you most (all parts are
-relative to the PyPy toplevel directory).  You may look at our `directory reference`_ 
-or start off at one of the following points:
-*  `pypy/interpreter`_ contains the basic interpreter: bytecode dispatcher
-   in pyopcode.py_, frame and code objects in eval.py_ and pyframe.py_,
-   function objects and argument passing in function.py_ and argument.py_,
-   the object space interface definition in baseobjspace.py_, modules in
-   module.py_ and mixedmodule.py_.  Core types supporting the interpreter are
-   defined in typedef.py_.
-*  `pypy/objspace/std`_ contains the `Standard object space`_.  The main file
-   is objspace.py_.  For each type, the files ``xxxtype.py`` and
-   ``xxxobject.py`` contain respectively the definition of the type and its
-   (default) implementation.
-*  `pypy/objspace`_ contains a few other object spaces: the thunk_
-   one, the trace_ one, the flow_ one.  The latter is a relatively short piece
-   of  code that builds the control flow graphs when the interpreter runs in it.
-*  `pypy/translator`_ contains the code analysis and generation stuff.
-   Start reading from translator.py_, from which it should be easy to follow
-   the pieces of code involved in the various translation phases.
-*  `pypy/annotation`_ contains the data model for the type annotation that
-   can be inferred about a graph.  The graph "walker" that uses this is in
-   `pypy/translator/annrpython.py`_.
-.. _optionaltool: 
-Additional Tools for running (and hacking) PyPy 
-We use some optional tools for developing PyPy. They are not required to run 
-the basic tests or to get an interactive PyPy prompt but they help to
-understand  and debug PyPy especially for the ongoing translation work.  
-graphviz & pygame for flowgraph viewing (highly recommended)
-graphviz and pygame are both neccessary if you
-want to look at generated flowgraphs: 
-	graphviz: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/download.html 
-	pygame: http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml
-.. _`LLVM installed`: 
-LLVM is used by the optional `PyPy/LLVM backend`_ to generate
-processor indepdendant machine level code for the `low level
-virtual machine`_.  LLVM can be quite annoying to install: you
-need a fairly recent version of GCC to compile it and there
-can be severe problems under windows.  **NOTE: To use the LLVM
-backend of PyPy you don't need the GCC front end of LLVM, only
-LLVM itself**.  Here are detailed instructions on how to
-    http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/docs/GettingStarted.html
-If you run into problems with the installation the `LLVM
-mailing list`_ is very helpful and friendly.  Note also that
-the PyPy LLVM backend was developed using LLVM 1.4 but it
-seems to work with LLVM 1.5. Nobody ever tried an older
-The CLISP backend is optional and not quite uptodate with the rest of
-PyPy. Still there are a few examples you can try our backend out on. 
-Here is a link to a LISP implementation that should basically work: 
-    http://clisp.cons.org/ 
-.. _`py.test`:  
-py.test and the py lib 
-The `py library`_ is used for supporting PyPy development and 
-running our tests against code and documentation as well as
-compliancy tests.  You don't need to install the py library because 
-it ships with PyPy and `pypy/test_all.py`_ is an alias for ``py.test``
-but if you want to have the ``py.test`` tool generally in your 
-path, you might like to visit: 
-    http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/getting-started.html
-Getting involved 
-PyPy employs an open development process.  You are invited 
-to join our `pypy-dev mailing list`_ or look at the other 
-`contact possibilities`_.   We are also doing coding Sprints
-which are separatedly announced and often happen around Python
-conferences such as EuroPython or Pycon. 
-.. _`pypy-dev mailing list`: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev
-.. _`contact possibilities`: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?contact
-.. _`py library`: http://codespeak.net/py 
-.. _`PyPy/LLVM backend`: translation.html#llvm 
-.. _`low level virtual machine`: http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/
-.. _`how to install LLVM`: http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/docs/GettingStarted.html
-.. _`LLVM mailing list`: http://mail.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/llvmdev
-.. _Dot Graphviz:           http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/
-.. _Pygame:                 http://www.pygame.org/
-.. _pyopcode.py:            http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
-.. _eval.py:                http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/eval.py
-.. _pyframe.py:             http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
-.. _function.py:            http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/function.py
-.. _argument.py:            http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/argument.py
-.. _baseobjspace.py:        http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py
-.. _module.py:              http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/module.py
-.. _mixedmodule.py:          http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/mixedmodule.py
-.. _typedef.py:             http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/interpreter/typedef.py
-.. _Standard object space:  http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/stdobjspace.html
-.. _objspace.py:            http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py
-.. _thunk:                  http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/thunk.py
-.. _trace:                  http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/trace.py
-.. _flow:                   http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/flow/
-.. _translator.py:          http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/translator/translator.py
-.. _mailing lists:          http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?lists
-.. _documentation:          index.html 
-.. _wiki:                   http://codespeak.net/moin/pypy/moin.cgi/FrontPage?action=show
-.. _unit tests:             http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/testdesign.html
-.. _bug reports:            https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/
-.. _`directory reference`: index.html#directory-reference
-.. include:: _ref.txt

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/index.txt
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/index.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/index.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 .. _`coding guide`: coding-guide.html 
 .. _`architecture`: architecture.html 
 .. _`revision report`: http://codespeak.net/pypy/rev/current 
-.. _`getting started`: getting_started.html 
+.. _`getting started`: getting-started.html 
 .. _`theory`: theory.html
 .. _`bytecode interpreter`: interpreter.html 

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/news.txt
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/news.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/news.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     nonsense, isn't it?  `more...`_
 .. _Python: http://www.python.org/doc/current/ref/ref.html
-.. _`more...`: ../architecture.html#mission-statement 
+.. _`more...`: architecture.html#mission-statement 
 Next PyPy Sprint in Heidelberg 22nd-29th August 2005
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
 .. _`pypy-dev`: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev
 .. _EuroPython: http://europython.org 
-.. _`translation`: ../translation.html 
-.. _`sprint announcement`: EP2005-announcement.html
+.. _`translation`: translation.html 
+.. _`sprint announcement`: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?extradoc/sprintinfo/EP2005-announcement.html
 .. _`list of people coming`: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?extradoc/sprintinfo/EP2005-people.html
 First PyPy release!

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/objspace.txt
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/objspace.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/objspace.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
 A number of options for configuration is here in `traceconfig.py`_.
-.. _`found here` : getting_started.html#tracing-bytecode-and-operations-on-objects
+.. _`found here` : getting-started.html#tracing-bytecode-and-operations-on-objects
 .. _`Abstract Interpretation`: theory.html#abstract-interpretation
 .. _`traceconfig.py`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/tool/traceconfig.py

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/redirections
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/redirections	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/redirections	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -27,5 +27,7 @@
     'coding-style.html'     : 'coding-guide.html',
     'controlflow.html'      : 'objspace.html#the-flow-model',
+    'getting_started.html'  : 'getting-started.html', 

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/release-0.6.txt
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/release-0.6.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/release-0.6.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 What it is and where to start 
-Getting started:    http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/getting_started.html
+Getting started:    http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/getting-started.html
 PyPy Documentation: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/translation.txt
--- pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/translation.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-newdoc/pypy/documentation/translation.txt	Mon Aug 22 16:49:59 2005
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 .. _`SSA`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_single_assignment_form
 .. _`translator.py`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/translator/translator.py
-.. _`play around`: getting_started.html#trying-out-the-translator
+.. _`play around`: getting-started.html#trying-out-the-translator
 .. _`Flow Object Space`: objspace.html#the-flow-object-space
 .. _`control flow graph`: objspace.html#the-flow-model
 .. _`Common Lisp`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/translator/gencl.py

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