[pypy-svn] r16190 - pypy/dist/pypy/tool

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Mon Aug 22 12:36:08 CEST 2005

Author: lac
Date: Mon Aug 22 12:36:07 2005
New Revision: 16190

   pypy/dist/pypy/tool/getdocstrings.py   (contents, props changed)
So I won't lose it again. :-(

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/getdocstrings.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/getdocstrings.py	Mon Aug 22 12:36:07 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import autopath
+import re
+from os import listdir
+where = autopath.pypydir + '/objspace/std/'
+triplequotes = '(' + "'''" + '|' + '"""' + ')'
+quote = '(' + "'" + '|' + '"' + ')'
+doc = re.compile(r"__doc__\s+=\s+" + triplequotes +
+                 r"(?P<docstring>.*)"+ triplequotes ,
+                 re.DOTALL
+                 )
+def mk_std_filelist():
+    ''' go to pypy/objs/std and get all the *type.py files '''
+    filelist = []
+    filenames = listdir(where)
+    for f in filenames:
+        if f.endswith('type.py'):
+            filelist.append(f)
+    return filelist
+def mk_typelist(filelist):
+    ''' generate a list of the types we expect to find in our files'''
+    return [f[:-7] for f in filelist]
+def compile_doc():
+    return re.compile(r"__doc__\s+=\s+" + triplequotes +
+                      r"(?P<docstring>.*)"+ triplequotes ,
+                      re.DOTALL
+                      )
+def compile_typedef(match):
+    return re.compile(r"(?P<whitespace>\s*)"
+                      + r"(?P<typeassign>" + match
+                      + "_typedef = StdTypeDef+\s*\(\s*"
+                      + quote + match +  quote + ",)",
+                      re.DOTALL
+                      )
+def compile_typedef_match(matchstring, sourcefile):
+    return re.compile(r"(?P<whitespace>\s+)"
+                      + r"(?P<typeassign>" + matchstring
+                      + "_typedef = StdTypeDef+\s*\(\s*"
+                      + quote + matchstring +  quote + ",)"
+                      + r"(?P<indent>.*\s+)"
+                      + r"(?P<newassign>__new__)",
+                      re.DOTALL
+                      ).match(sourcefile).span()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    filenames = listdir(where)
+    docstrings = []
+    for f in filenames:
+        if f.endswith('type.py'):
+            match = f[:-7]
+            s = match + '.__doc__'
+            try:
+                cpydoc = eval(match + '.__doc__')
+                #cpydoc = 'cpy_stuff'
+            except NameError: # No CPython docstring
+                cpydoc = None
+            sourcefile = file(where + f).read()
+            # will produce erroneous result if you nest triple quotes
+            # in your docstring.  
+            doc = re.compile(r"__doc__\s+=\s+" + triplequotes +
+                             r"(?P<docstring>.*)"+ triplequotes ,
+                             re.DOTALL
+                             )
+            typedef = re.compile(r"(?P<whitespace>\s+)"
+                                 + r"(?P<typeassign>" + match
+                                 + "_typedef = StdTypeDef+\s*\(\s*"
+                                 + quote + match +  quote + ",)"
+                                 + r"(?P<indent>.*\s+)"
+                                 + r"(?P<newassign>__new__)",
+                                 re.DOTALL)
+            try:
+                pypydoc = doc.search(sourcefile).group('docstring')
+                #pypydoc = 'pypy_stuff'
+            except AttributeError: # No pypy docstring
+                pypydoc = None
+                tdsearch = None
+                try:
+                    tdsearch = typedef.search(sourcefile).group('typeassign')
+                    newsearch = typedef.search(sourcefile).group('newassign')
+                    if tdsearch:
+                        print tdsearch, ' found', match
+                        print newsearch
+                    else:
+                        print tdsearch, ' not found', match
+                except AttributeError:
+                    pass # so stringtype does not blow up.
+            docstrings.append((match, cpydoc, pypydoc))
+    for (m, c, p) in docstrings:
+        if p:
+            print m, 'already has a pypydoc'
+        elif not c:  
+            print m, 'does not have a cpydoc'
+        elif not tdsearch:
+            print m, 'has cpydoc but no ..._typedef = StdTypeDef.  Skipping'
+        else:
+            print m, 'has cpydoc and ..._typedef = StdTypeDef.  Inserting'

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