[pypy-svn] r10791 - pypy/dist/pypy/documentation

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Apr 17 22:08:23 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Apr 17 22:08:23 2005
New Revision: 10791

fourth refactoring according to newstructure 

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/future.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/future.txt	Sun Apr 17 22:08:23 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+Future plans 
+.. contents::
+.. sectnum::
+This document contains a loose collection of future plans. 
+.. _newrepolayout: 
+Improving Repo layout 
+We want to move our subversion tree to the following structure: 
+- `dist`_: source code + documentation (for developer needs) 
+- `extradoc`_: talks, papers, newsletters and EU-related information
+  that are useful for not-only-developers 
+- `eu-tracking`: eu-tracking details that involve internal 
+  budget/cost/audit preparations and documentations (not 
+  available to anonymous checkouts) 
+.. _`extradoc`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/extradoc 
+.. _`dist`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist  
+More detailed layout (work in progress) 
+(starting at /svn/pypy):: 
+    branch                  # holds branches 
+    tag                     # holds tagged dist-versions
+    dist                    # holds current development 
+        pypy                # current dist/pypy 
+            documentation   # developer documentation (inside pypy!) 
+        py                  # and other 'externals' 
+        setup.py            # should be there at some point 
+        README.txt          # tell how to run PyPy, the translator, tests 
+        LICENSE.txt         # copyright notices for tree parts including pypy 
+    extradoc                # non-dist documentations (papers etc.pp.) 
+        talk                # various pypy-talks 
+        paper               # various pypy-related papers (including our own)
+        sprint              # sprint related information (reports etc.pp.)
+        irclog              # IRC logs (snipped appropriately) 
+        eu-info             # legal guidelines/rules partcipation
+        eu-forms            # Accession forms (empty) 
+        proposal            # several versions 
+        newsletter          # ...
+        press               # ...
+    eu-tracking             # strong focus on eu-internal details 
+        timesheets          # monthly timesheets 
+        monthly-reports 
+        deliverables        # deliverable/documents
+        minutes             # meeting protocols 
+        budget.sxc          
+        calendar.sxc 
+        ... 
+    www                     # website-related stuff (needs its own reconsideration) 
+The idea is that developers can use a simple url::
+    svn co https://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist dist-pypy 
+in order to get everything neccessary for sourcecode, documentation
+and test development.  Obviously, if you care about the EU-funding 
+or web site application/contents you can do an appropriate checkout
+as well.  The extradoc contains information interesting to 
+developers and other open source projects (seeking funding or not). 
+Note, that having documentation inside the source tree will help
+with keeping a closer eye on documentation - especially when we 
+have special ref-integrity tests for the documentation (which itself
+should reference real source-code/functions at some point). For 
+example, the refactoring of unitest.py-style tests to `py.test`_ based ones
+"forgot" to modify our test-documentation in the too-far-away doc-folder. 
+We should move to a scheme where such an omission will raise real 
+test errors. 
+.. _`py.test`: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/test.html 
+.. _goals: 
+Brainstorming of goals 
+This is a loose collection of goals we brainstormed at 
+some earlier point.   
+**Infrastructure and tools**
+Supporting the PyPy project by producing and enhancing the tools. 
+Support the development process with reusing existing or developing
+new debugging opensource tools.  
+- provide access over http/https and ssh server 
+- build extensions for automatic document extraction
+- implement a search facility over all content
+- maintain and enhance website infrastructure 
+- setup a mirror repository which is kept up-to-date and which
+  can be used readonly in case of failure of the main repository.
+- Design a strict backup policy.
+- help with automated testing 
+	XXX add what more do we want to do?
+- http-server to present runtime/introspection information aiding 
+  debugging and understanding of PyPy internals
+- automated (unit-)testing framework with html/pdf reports 
+**Synchronisation with Standard Python**
+- Keeping PyPy in sync with potential changes to Standard Python.
+- Support a subset of the CPython API for compatibility with extension modules.
+- Facilitate porting of extension modules to PyPy.
+- What's new since 2.2? see http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.3/whatsnew -- Thank you amk!
++ PEP 218: A Standard Set Datatype -- set module --
++ PEP 263 defining Python Source Code encodings
++ PEP 273 Importing Modules from Zip Archives -- zipimport module  --
++ PEP 277: Unicode file name support for Windows NT
++ PEP 278: Universal Newline Support
++ PEP 279: enumerate()
++ PEP 282: The logging Package
++ PEP 285: A Boolean Type
++ PEP 293: Codec Error Handling Callbacks
++ PEP 301: Package Index and Metadata for Distutils
++ PEP 302: New Import Hooks
++ PEP 307: Pickle Enhancements
+**Check and see we have implemented these**
+* Extended Slices
+* The yield statement is now always a keyword
+* new built-in function enumerate()
+* Two new constants, True and False
+* The int() type constructor will now return a long integer instead of
+  raising an OverflowError when a string or floating-point number is too
+  large to fit into an integer. This can lead to the paradoxical result
+  that isinstance(int(expression), int) is false.
+* Built-in types now support the extended slicing syntax
+* A new built-in function, sum(iterable, start=0), adds up the numeric 
+  items in the iterable object and returns their sum. sum() only accepts 
+  numbers, meaning that you can't use it to concatenate a bunch of strings. 
+does it handle mixed floats and ints?
+* list.insert(pos, value) used to insert value at the front of the list 
+  when pos was negative. The behaviour has now been changed to be consistent 
+  with slice indexing, so when pos is -1 the value will be inserted before 
+  the last element, and so forth.  
+so to insert at the front?
+* list.index(value), which searches for value within the list and 
+  returns its index, now takes optional start and stop arguments to limit 
+  the search to only part of the list.
+* Dictionaries have a new method, pop(key[, default]), that returns the 
+  value corresponding to key and removes that key/value pair from the 
+  dictionary. If the requested key isn't present in the dictionary, 
+  default is returned if it's specified and KeyError raised if it isn't.
+* There's also a new class method, dict.fromkeys(iterable, value), that 
+  creates a dictionary with keys taken from the supplied iterator iterable 
+  and all values set to value, defaulting to None.
+  Also, the dict() constructor now accepts keyword arguments to simplify 
+  creating small dictionaries:
+  >>> dict(red=1, blue=2, green=3, black=4)
+  {'blue': 2, 'black': 4, 'green': 3, 'red': 1}
+* The assert statement no longer checks the __debug__ flag, so you can no 
+  longer disable assertions by assigning to __debug__. Running Python with 
+  the -O switch will still generate code that doesn't execute any assertions.
+So what if you want to disable assertions just within one module?
+* Most type objects are now callable, so you can use them to create new 
+  objects such as functions, classes, and modules. (This means that the 
+  new module can be deprecated in a future Python version, because you 
+  can now use the type objects available in the types module.) For example, 
+  you can create a new module object with the following code:
+  >>> import types
+  >>> m = types.ModuleType('abc','docstring')
+  >>> m
+  <module 'abc' (built-in)>
+  >>> m.__doc__
+  'docstring'
+* A new warning, PendingDeprecationWarning was added to indicate features 
+  which are in the process of being deprecated. The warning will not be 
+  printed by default. To check for use of features that will be deprecated
+  in the future, supply -Walways::PendingDeprecationWarning:: on the 
+  command line or use warnings.filterwarnings().
+* The process of deprecating string-based exceptions, as in 
+  raise "Error occurred", has begun. Raising a string will now trigger 
+  PendingDeprecationWarning.
+* Using None as a variable name will now result in a SyntaxWarning warning. 
+  In a future version of Python, None may finally become a keyword.
+* The xreadlines() method of file objects, introduced in Python 2.1,
+  is no longer necessary because files now behave as their own
+  iterator. xreadlines() was originally introduced as a faster way to
+  loop over all the lines in a file, but now you can simply write 
+  for line in file_obj. File objects also have a new read-only encoding
+  attribute that gives the encoding used by the file; Unicode strings
+  written to the file will be automatically converted to bytes using
+  the given encoding.
+* The method resolution order used by new-style classes has changed,
+  though you'll only notice the difference if you have a really
+  complicated inheritance hierarchy. Classic classes are unaffected by
+  this change. Python 2.2 originally used a topological sort of a
+  class's ancestors, but 2.3 now uses the C3 algorithm as described in
+  the paper *A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan*. To
+  understand the motivation for this change, read Michele Simionato's
+  article *Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order*, or read the thread
+  on python-dev starting with the message at
+  http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-October/029035.html. 
+  Samuele Pedroni first pointed out the problem and also implemented the fix
+  by coding the C3 algorithm.
+* Python runs multithreaded programs by switching between threads
+  after executing N bytecodes. The default value for N has been
+  increased from 10 to 100 bytecodes, speeding up single-threaded
+  applications by reducing the switching overhead. Some multithreaded
+  applications may suffer slower response time, but that's easily
+  fixed by setting the limit back to a lower number using
+  sys.setcheckinterval(N). The limit can be retrieved with the new
+  sys.getcheckinterval() function.
+* One minor but far-reaching change is that the names of extension
+  types defined by the modules included with Python now contain the
+  module and a "." in front of the type name. For example, in Python
+  2.2, if you created a socket and printed its __class__, you'd get
+  this output:
+  >>> s = socket.socket()
+  >>> s.__class__
+  <type 'socket'>
+  In 2.3, you get this:
+  >>> s.__class__
+  <type '_socket.socket'>
+* One of the noted incompatibilities between old- and new-style
+  classes has been removed: you can now assign to the __name__ and
+  __bases__ attributes of new-style classes. There are some
+  restrictions on what can be assigned to __bases__ along the lines of
+  those relating to assigning to an instance's __class__ attribute.
+**String Changes**
+* The in operator now works differently for strings. Previously, when
+  evaluating X in Y where X and Y are strings, X could only be a
+  single character. That's now changed; X can be a string of any
+  length, and X in Y will return True if X is a substring of Y. If X
+  is the empty string, the result is always True.
+   >>> 'ab' in 'abcd'
+   True
+   >>> 'ad' in 'abcd'
+   False
+   >>> '' in 'abcd'
+   True
+* The strip(), lstrip(), and rstrip() string methods now have an
+  optional argument for specifying the characters to strip. The
+  default is still to remove all whitespace characters:
+* The startswith() and endswith() string methods now accept negative
+  numbers for the start and end parameters.
+* Another new string method is zfill(), originally a function in the
+  string module. zfill() pads a numeric string with zeros on the left
+  until it's the specified width. Note that the % operator is still
+  more flexible and powerful than zfill().
+* A new type object, basestring, has been added. Both 8-bit strings
+  and Unicode strings inherit from this type, so isinstance(obj, basestring) 
+  will return True for either kind of string.  It's a completely abstract 
+  type, so you can't create basestring instances.
+* Interned strings are no longer immortal and will now be
+  garbage-collected in the usual way when the only reference to them
+  is from the internal dictionary of interned strings. 
+**Replace PyPy Core**
+Building a complete Python interpreter written in Python,
+using a subset of Python that avoids dynamic featureslll
+which would impair the objectives of RPython.
+- Design and implement the PyPy bytecode interpreter and
+  build an object space library in RPython.
+  The resulting interpreter must cover the complete Python
+  language specification.  -- mostly done, test coverage.
+- Port the built-in Python library to PyPy (functions, types and 
+  modules currently implemented in C) -- types needs refactoring,
+  the rest is mostly done.  Anthony Baxter has given us a very useful
+  list of the cmodules_ we need to consider porting.
+- Decide on a case-by-case basis which features are to
+  be implemented using RPython or just general Python. -- moving target.
+- Implement a Python parser and bytecode compiler in Python.
+  -- we have something, but it is not well integrated.
+- A partial Python implementation that passses 75% of the official
+  Python test suite that don't depend on extension modules.
+  -- write this test and then pass it.
+**The PyPy Translation**
+- Analysis and translation of the PyPy core into efficient low-level code 
+  (C, Pyrex, Java, others). - moving target
+- Provide a Runtime Library for the translated versions
+  of PyPy. - not even started
+- Create a code analysis tool for a subset of the Python
+  language (RPython). Coordinate the definition of RPython
+  being the implementation language of the core.
+  - we can analyse functions, but not classes, modules, spaces etc.
+- Complete implementation of Python, conforming to the language
+  definition and passing all relevant tests of the official Python 
+  test suite.   -- global goal, which we will think more about when
+  it is very close to being done.
+**Stackless Integration  + More Performance Hacks**
+- Identification and Implementation of Optimisations through modifications 
+  of the Translator.
+- Enable Massive Parallelism in a Single Thread.
+- Provide support for real-time parallelism.
+- Allow Pickling of a Running Program.
+- Enhance the translator to support continuation passing
+  style by integrating technology from the Stackless project.
+- Implement the necessary runtime system to support massive parallelism.
+- Implement a single-threaded, pre-emptive scheduler with
+  priorities, complementing the OS threads.
+- Study approaches concerning code size vs. speed trade-offs.
+- Implement and compare different object layout and memory management 
+  strategy or strategies.
+- Enhance multimethod dispatching.
+- Implement schemes of pointer tagging.
+- Create reports and merge the results back into the optimization effort.
+**Psyco Integration**
+- Outperform the state-of-the art (Psyco, Stackless).
+- Enhance PyPy to dynamically adapt to its run-time environment and
+  to the characteristics of the running program.  Dramatically 
+  increase speed by enabling Just-In-Time compilation and
+  specialization.  
+- Address multiple processor architectures.
+- Apply and enhance techniques from the Psyco project.  Promote parts
+  of the static translator to be used for run-time specialization.
+- Design and implement a back-end component for dynamically emitting
+  machine code for multiple processor architectures.  Enable dynamic
+  foreign function calls.
+- Research optimisation heuristics for the Just-In-Time compiler.
+- A Just-In-Time compiler for PyPy !!! Outperform the
+  state-of-the art (Psyco, Stackless).
+**Embed in Specialized Hardware**
+if we get funding.
+**Implement Security, Distribution and Persistence**
+- Research and validate the flexibility of PyPy by building key middleware
+  features into the language itself.
+- Analyze and implement security models at the language level.  
+- Implement the "RExec" restricted execution model.  (It was removed 
+  from the official Python implementation because it is false security.)
+- Analyze and implement distributed execution models at the language level.
+- Implement network-transparent execution of Python programs.  (Typical
+  libraries require programs to be aware of the remote execution model.)
+- Analyze and implement persistence at the language level.  -- talk to
+  Patrick O'Brien who is really hot for the idea.
+- Implement an orthogonally persistent object space for Python programs.  
+  (Persistence is never fully orthogonal without advanced language support.)
+**PyPy A la Carte**
+- Develop tools that will allow to chose from available features and runtime 
+  restrictions to build a custom PyPy version. 
+- Analyse and integrate all results from the results of other workpackages. 
+  This involves identifying and resolving conflicts which could prevent
+  a combintation of desired optimization goals. 
+- Implement user interfaces to select features and runtime restrictions. 
+  Provide a way to automatically build a PyPy custom version for different
+  memory, performance and extension requirements. 
+- Make a build- and configuration tool that allows to build custom PyPy 
+  versions suitable for specialized environments such as small or very large 
+  computing devices.
+.. _cmodules: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/cmodules.html

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/goals.txt
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/goals.txt	Sun Apr 17 22:08:23 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-**Infrastructure and tools**
-Supporting the PyPy project by producing and enhancing the tools. 
-Support the development process with reusing existing or developing
-new debugging opensource tools.  
-- provide access over http/https and ssh server 
-- build extensions for automatic document extraction
-- implement a search facility over all content
-- maintain and enhance website infrastructure 
-- setup a mirror repository which is kept up-to-date and which
-  can be used readonly in case of failure of the main repository.
-- Design a strict backup policy.
-- help with automated testing 
-	XXX add what more do we want to do?
-- http-server to present runtime/introspection information aiding 
-  debugging and understanding of PyPy internals
-- automated (unit-)testing framework with html/pdf reports 
-**Synchronisation with Standard Python**
-- Keeping PyPy in sync with potential changes to Standard Python.
-- Support a subset of the CPython API for compatibility with extension modules.
-- Facilitate porting of extension modules to PyPy.
-- What's new since 2.2? see http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.3/whatsnew -- Thank you amk!
-+ PEP 218: A Standard Set Datatype -- set module --
-+ PEP 263 defining Python Source Code encodings
-+ PEP 273 Importing Modules from Zip Archives -- zipimport module  --
-+ PEP 277: Unicode file name support for Windows NT
-+ PEP 278: Universal Newline Support
-+ PEP 279: enumerate()
-+ PEP 282: The logging Package
-+ PEP 285: A Boolean Type
-+ PEP 293: Codec Error Handling Callbacks
-+ PEP 301: Package Index and Metadata for Distutils
-+ PEP 302: New Import Hooks
-+ PEP 307: Pickle Enhancements
-**Check and see we have implemented these**
-* Extended Slices
-* The yield statement is now always a keyword
-* new built-in function enumerate()
-* Two new constants, True and False
-* The int() type constructor will now return a long integer instead of
-  raising an OverflowError when a string or floating-point number is too
-  large to fit into an integer. This can lead to the paradoxical result
-  that isinstance(int(expression), int) is false.
-* Built-in types now support the extended slicing syntax
-* A new built-in function, sum(iterable, start=0), adds up the numeric 
-  items in the iterable object and returns their sum. sum() only accepts 
-  numbers, meaning that you can't use it to concatenate a bunch of strings. 
-does it handle mixed floats and ints?
-* list.insert(pos, value) used to insert value at the front of the list 
-  when pos was negative. The behaviour has now been changed to be consistent 
-  with slice indexing, so when pos is -1 the value will be inserted before 
-  the last element, and so forth.  
-so to insert at the front?
-* list.index(value), which searches for value within the list and 
-  returns its index, now takes optional start and stop arguments to limit 
-  the search to only part of the list.
-* Dictionaries have a new method, pop(key[, default]), that returns the 
-  value corresponding to key and removes that key/value pair from the 
-  dictionary. If the requested key isn't present in the dictionary, 
-  default is returned if it's specified and KeyError raised if it isn't.
-* There's also a new class method, dict.fromkeys(iterable, value), that 
-  creates a dictionary with keys taken from the supplied iterator iterable 
-  and all values set to value, defaulting to None.
-  Also, the dict() constructor now accepts keyword arguments to simplify 
-  creating small dictionaries:
-  >>> dict(red=1, blue=2, green=3, black=4)
-  {'blue': 2, 'black': 4, 'green': 3, 'red': 1}
-* The assert statement no longer checks the __debug__ flag, so you can no 
-  longer disable assertions by assigning to __debug__. Running Python with 
-  the -O switch will still generate code that doesn't execute any assertions.
-So what if you want to disable assertions just within one module?
-* Most type objects are now callable, so you can use them to create new 
-  objects such as functions, classes, and modules. (This means that the 
-  new module can be deprecated in a future Python version, because you 
-  can now use the type objects available in the types module.) For example, 
-  you can create a new module object with the following code:
-  >>> import types
-  >>> m = types.ModuleType('abc','docstring')
-  >>> m
-  <module 'abc' (built-in)>
-  >>> m.__doc__
-  'docstring'
-* A new warning, PendingDeprecationWarning was added to indicate features 
-  which are in the process of being deprecated. The warning will not be 
-  printed by default. To check for use of features that will be deprecated
-  in the future, supply -Walways::PendingDeprecationWarning:: on the 
-  command line or use warnings.filterwarnings().
-* The process of deprecating string-based exceptions, as in 
-  raise "Error occurred", has begun. Raising a string will now trigger 
-  PendingDeprecationWarning.
-* Using None as a variable name will now result in a SyntaxWarning warning. 
-  In a future version of Python, None may finally become a keyword.
-* The xreadlines() method of file objects, introduced in Python 2.1,
-  is no longer necessary because files now behave as their own
-  iterator. xreadlines() was originally introduced as a faster way to
-  loop over all the lines in a file, but now you can simply write 
-  for line in file_obj. File objects also have a new read-only encoding
-  attribute that gives the encoding used by the file; Unicode strings
-  written to the file will be automatically converted to bytes using
-  the given encoding.
-* The method resolution order used by new-style classes has changed,
-  though you'll only notice the difference if you have a really
-  complicated inheritance hierarchy. Classic classes are unaffected by
-  this change. Python 2.2 originally used a topological sort of a
-  class's ancestors, but 2.3 now uses the C3 algorithm as described in
-  the paper *A Monotonic Superclass Linearization for Dylan*. To
-  understand the motivation for this change, read Michele Simionato's
-  article *Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order*, or read the thread
-  on python-dev starting with the message at
-  http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-October/029035.html. 
-  Samuele Pedroni first pointed out the problem and also implemented the fix
-  by coding the C3 algorithm.
-* Python runs multithreaded programs by switching between threads
-  after executing N bytecodes. The default value for N has been
-  increased from 10 to 100 bytecodes, speeding up single-threaded
-  applications by reducing the switching overhead. Some multithreaded
-  applications may suffer slower response time, but that's easily
-  fixed by setting the limit back to a lower number using
-  sys.setcheckinterval(N). The limit can be retrieved with the new
-  sys.getcheckinterval() function.
-* One minor but far-reaching change is that the names of extension
-  types defined by the modules included with Python now contain the
-  module and a "." in front of the type name. For example, in Python
-  2.2, if you created a socket and printed its __class__, you'd get
-  this output:
-  >>> s = socket.socket()
-  >>> s.__class__
-  <type 'socket'>
-  In 2.3, you get this:
-  >>> s.__class__
-  <type '_socket.socket'>
-* One of the noted incompatibilities between old- and new-style
-  classes has been removed: you can now assign to the __name__ and
-  __bases__ attributes of new-style classes. There are some
-  restrictions on what can be assigned to __bases__ along the lines of
-  those relating to assigning to an instance's __class__ attribute.
-**String Changes**
-* The in operator now works differently for strings. Previously, when
-  evaluating X in Y where X and Y are strings, X could only be a
-  single character. That's now changed; X can be a string of any
-  length, and X in Y will return True if X is a substring of Y. If X
-  is the empty string, the result is always True.
-   >>> 'ab' in 'abcd'
-   True
-   >>> 'ad' in 'abcd'
-   False
-   >>> '' in 'abcd'
-   True
-* The strip(), lstrip(), and rstrip() string methods now have an
-  optional argument for specifying the characters to strip. The
-  default is still to remove all whitespace characters:
-* The startswith() and endswith() string methods now accept negative
-  numbers for the start and end parameters.
-* Another new string method is zfill(), originally a function in the
-  string module. zfill() pads a numeric string with zeros on the left
-  until it's the specified width. Note that the % operator is still
-  more flexible and powerful than zfill().
-* A new type object, basestring, has been added. Both 8-bit strings
-  and Unicode strings inherit from this type, so isinstance(obj, basestring) 
-  will return True for either kind of string.  It's a completely abstract 
-  type, so you can't create basestring instances.
-* Interned strings are no longer immortal and will now be
-  garbage-collected in the usual way when the only reference to them
-  is from the internal dictionary of interned strings. 
-**Replace PyPy Core**
-Building a complete Python interpreter written in Python,
-using a subset of Python that avoids dynamic featureslll
-which would impair the objectives of RPython.
-- Design and implement the PyPy bytecode interpreter and
-  build an object space library in RPython.
-  The resulting interpreter must cover the complete Python
-  language specification.  -- mostly done, test coverage.
-- Port the built-in Python library to PyPy (functions, types and 
-  modules currently implemented in C) -- types needs refactoring,
-  the rest is mostly done.  Anthony Baxter has given us a very useful
-  list of the cmodules_ we need to consider porting.
-- Decide on a case-by-case basis which features are to
-  be implemented using RPython or just general Python. -- moving target.
-- Implement a Python parser and bytecode compiler in Python.
-  -- we have something, but it is not well integrated.
-- A partial Python implementation that passses 75% of the official
-  Python test suite that don't depend on extension modules.
-  -- write this test and then pass it.
-**The PyPy Translation**
-- Analysis and translation of the PyPy core into efficient low-level code 
-  (C, Pyrex, Java, others). - moving target
-- Provide a Runtime Library for the translated versions
-  of PyPy. - not even started
-- Create a code analysis tool for a subset of the Python
-  language (RPython). Coordinate the definition of RPython
-  being the implementation language of the core.
-  - we can analyse functions, but not classes, modules, spaces etc.
-- Complete implementation of Python, conforming to the language
-  definition and passing all relevant tests of the official Python 
-  test suite.   -- global goal, which we will think more about when
-  it is very close to being done.
-**Stackless Integration  + More Performance Hacks**
-- Identification and Implementation of Optimisations through modifications 
-  of the Translator.
-- Enable Massive Parallelism in a Single Thread.
-- Provide support for real-time parallelism.
-- Allow Pickling of a Running Program.
-- Enhance the translator to support continuation passing
-  style by integrating technology from the Stackless project.
-- Implement the necessary runtime system to support massive parallelism.
-- Implement a single-threaded, pre-emptive scheduler with
-  priorities, complementing the OS threads.
-- Study approaches concerning code size vs. speed trade-offs.
-- Implement and compare different object layout and memory management 
-  strategy or strategies.
-- Enhance multimethod dispatching.
-- Implement schemes of pointer tagging.
-- Create reports and merge the results back into the optimization effort.
-**Psyco Integration**
-- Outperform the state-of-the art (Psyco, Stackless).
-- Enhance PyPy to dynamically adapt to its run-time environment and
-  to the characteristics of the running program.  Dramatically 
-  increase speed by enabling Just-In-Time compilation and
-  specialization.  
-- Address multiple processor architectures.
-- Apply and enhance techniques from the Psyco project.  Promote parts
-  of the static translator to be used for run-time specialization.
-- Design and implement a back-end component for dynamically emitting
-  machine code for multiple processor architectures.  Enable dynamic
-  foreign function calls.
-- Research optimisation heuristics for the Just-In-Time compiler.
-- A Just-In-Time compiler for PyPy !!! Outperform the
-  state-of-the art (Psyco, Stackless).
-**Embed in Specialized Hardware**
-if we get funding.
-**Implement Security, Distribution and Persistence**
-- Research and validate the flexibility of PyPy by building key middleware
-  features into the language itself.
-- Analyze and implement security models at the language level.  
-- Implement the "RExec" restricted execution model.  (It was removed 
-  from the official Python implementation because it is false security.)
-- Analyze and implement distributed execution models at the language level.
-- Implement network-transparent execution of Python programs.  (Typical
-  libraries require programs to be aware of the remote execution model.)
-- Analyze and implement persistence at the language level.  -- talk to
-  Patrick O'Brien who is really hot for the idea.
-- Implement an orthogonally persistent object space for Python programs.  
-  (Persistence is never fully orthogonal without advanced language support.)
-**PyPy A la Carte**
-- Develop tools that will allow to chose from available features and runtime 
-  restrictions to build a custom PyPy version. 
-- Analyse and integrate all results from the results of other workpackages. 
-  This involves identifying and resolving conflicts which could prevent
-  a combintation of desired optimization goals. 
-- Implement user interfaces to select features and runtime restrictions. 
-  Provide a way to automatically build a PyPy custom version for different
-  memory, performance and extension requirements. 
-- Make a build- and configuration tool that allows to build custom PyPy 
-  versions suitable for specialized environments such as small or very large 
-  computing devices.
-.. _cmodules: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/cmodules.html
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/newrepolayout.txt
--- /pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/newrepolayout.txt	Sun Apr 17 22:08:23 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Proposition: new svn repository layout 
-We want to move to the following structure: 
-- `dist`_: source code + documentation (for developer needs) 
-- `extradoc`_: talks, papers, newsletters and EU-related information
-  that are useful for not-only-developers 
-- `eu-tracking`: eu-tracking details that involve internal 
-  budget/cost/audit preparations and documentations (not 
-  available to anonymous checkouts) 
-.. _`extradoc`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/extradoc 
-.. _`dist`: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist  
-More detailed layout (work in progress) 
-(starting at /svn/pypy):: 
-    branch                  # holds branches 
-    tag                     # holds tagged dist-versions
-    dist                    # holds current development 
-        pypy                # current dist/pypy 
-            documentation   # developer documentation (inside pypy!) 
-        py                  # and other 'externals' 
-        setup.py            # should be there at some point 
-        README.txt          # tell how to run PyPy, the translator, tests 
-        LICENSE.txt         # copyright notices for tree parts including pypy 
-    extradoc                # non-dist documentations (papers etc.pp.) 
-        talk                # various pypy-talks 
-        paper               # various pypy-related papers (including our own)
-        sprint              # sprint related information (reports etc.pp.)
-        irclog              # IRC logs (snipped appropriately) 
-        eu-info             # legal guidelines/rules partcipation
-        eu-forms            # Accession forms (empty) 
-        proposal            # several versions 
-        newsletter          # ...
-        press               # ...
-    eu-tracking             # strong focus on eu-internal details 
-        timesheets          # monthly timesheets 
-        monthly-reports 
-        deliverables        # deliverable/documents
-        minutes             # meeting protocols 
-        budget.sxc          
-        calendar.sxc 
-        ... 
-    www                     # website-related stuff (needs its own reconsideration) 
-The idea is that developers can use a simple url::
-    svn co https://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist dist-pypy 
-in order to get everything neccessary for sourcecode, documentation
-and test development.  Obviously, if you care about the EU-funding 
-or web site application/contents you can do an appropriate checkout
-as well.  The extradoc contains information interesting to 
-developers and other open source projects (seeking funding or not). 
-Note, that having documentation inside the source tree will help
-with keeping a closer eye on documentation - especially when we 
-have special ref-integrity tests for the documentation (which itself
-should reference real source-code/functions at some point). For 
-example, the refactoring of unitest.py-style tests to `py.test`_ based ones
-"forgot" to modify our test-documentation in the too-far-away doc-folder. 
-We should move to a scheme where such an omission will raise real 
-test errors. 
-.. _`py.test`: http://codespeak.net/py/current/doc/test.html 

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/redirections
--- pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/redirections	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/documentation/redirections	Sun Apr 17 22:08:23 2005
@@ -14,5 +14,8 @@
     'howtosvn.html'         : 'getting_started.html#howtosvn',
     'checking_ReST.html'    : 'coding-style.html#pypy-documentation', 
     'optionaltools.html'    : 'coding-style.html#optionaltool', 
+    'newrepolayout.html'    : 'future.html#newrepolayout', 
+    'goals.html'            : 'future.html#goals', 

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