[pypy-svn] r4968 - pypy/trunk/doc

anna at codespeak.net anna at codespeak.net
Sat Jun 5 15:22:53 CEST 2004

Author: anna
Date: Sat Jun  5 15:22:53 2004
New Revision: 4968

added project comparison links to doc index txtfile. note: this is the same file as in www/rawdoc/doc.txt, which needs to be turned into a useful form. I'm uploading it here so it can be viewed until rawdoc gets changed.

Modified: pypy/trunk/doc/index.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/index.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/index.txt	Sat Jun  5 15:22:53 2004
@@ -52,7 +52,32 @@
  * testdesign_:
 	pypy is a test-driven development project.read here to find out more 	about how we're doing testing.
+Further reading
+* An interesting thread on an HP tech report that may be proof the pypy is feasible_ . (We already knew that...)
+* An interesting thread on why VHLL rock_ . (We already knew that too.)
+* A thread on Python in Scheme_ .
+* An intriguting project, FlashMob_ - creating an adhoc supercomputer.
+* A discussion on Python and lisp_ support
+* An interesting repository_ of papers by Xerox Parc members, with quite a few issues more or less relevant to PyPy.
+* A thread on the gnu lightning_ project."GNU lightning is a library that generates assembly language code at run-time; it is very fast, making it ideal for Just-In-Time compilers,
+and it abstracts over the target CPU, as it exposes to the clients a standardized RISC instruction set inspired by the MIPS and SPARC chips."
+* A project to create a Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM_) and a PyPy-LLVM_ discussion, and conversation_ between PyPy and LLVM.
+* A thread discussing the xhelix_ python C extension implementing Helix encryption and authentication, which may be interesting to use as a pypy performance test at some point.
+* A thread discussing comparison of PyPy-IronPython_ , and a paper for PyCon 2004: "IronPython_ is a new implementation of the Python language targeting the Common Language Runtime (CLR). It compiles python programs into bytecode (IL) that will run on either Microsoft's .NET or the Open Source Mono platform. IronPython includes an interactive interpreter and transparent on-the-fly compilation of source files just like standard Python. In addition, IronPython supports static compilation of Python code to produce static executables (.exe's) that can be run directly or static libraries (.dll's) that can be called from other CLR languages."
+* A comparison of Python and Pliant_ , an OS written in a python-like language. 
 .. _architecture: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/architecture.html
@@ -63,4 +88,18 @@
 .. _coding-style: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/coding-style.html
 .. _howtosvn: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/howtosvn.html
 .. _optionaltool: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/optionaltool.html
-.. _testdesign: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/testdesign.html
\ No newline at end of file
+.. _testdesign: http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/testdesign.html
+.. _feasible: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2004q2/002619.html
+.. _rock: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2004q1/002585.html
+.. _Scheme: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2004q1/002586.html
+.. _FlashMob: http://www.flashmobcomputing.org/
+.. _lisp: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002318.html
+.. _repository: http://www2.parc.com/csl/groups/sda/publications.shtml
+.. _lightning: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002321.html
+.. _LLVM: http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu/
+.. _PyPy-LLVM: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002398.html
+.. _conversation: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002411.html
+.. _xhelix: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002437.html
+.. _PyPy-IronPython: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002474.html
+.. _IronPython: http://www.python.org/pycon/dc2004/papers/9/
+.. _pliant: http://codespeak.net/pipermail/pypy-dev/2003q4/002395.html

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