[pypy-svn] r5418 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Fri Jul 2 16:39:33 CEST 2004

Author: lac
Date: Fri Jul  2 16:39:31 2004
New Revision: 5418

Found a bug.  If you make a triple quoted comment, and you happen to start
a line with self.someunittest, the program will try to parse it. :-)

talking talking talking
self.assertEquals( ... whatever the results are ....
more talking more talking 

Its better to just copy those lines as is. Some comments will end up
with the wrong syntax, but that is better than second-guessing, or
failing due to a Syntax Error.

Also moved some tests around, so that the ifs are

if <something bad>:
	return <something more or less reasonable>
	do a huge amount of work

rather than upside down as I had them.  Just a tiny bit of improved
readability ...

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool/utestconvert.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool/utestconvert.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool/utestconvert.py	Fri Jul  2 16:39:31 2004
@@ -13,9 +13,11 @@
 #  assertRaises and failUnlessRaises, unlike all the other functions
 #  cannot have an special message to print, and can be passed any
 #  number of arguments, so their arg_nums is [None] (in the absense of
-# [Any].
+#  [Any].  But we don't process those arguments in any case, since
+#  all we need is a name change, so we don't care ...
-#  'op' is the operator you will substitute, if applicable.
+#  'op' is the operator you will substitute, if applicable. '' if there
+#  none.
 d['assertRaises'] = {'new': 'raises', 'op': '', 'arg_nums':[None]}
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@
 d['failIfEqual'] =  {'new': 'assert not', 'op': ' ==', 'arg_nums':[2,3]}
-d['assertAlmostEqual'] = {'new': 'assert round', 'op':' ==','arg_nums':[2,3,4]}
+d['assertAlmostEqual'] = {'new':'assert round', 'op':' ==', 'arg_nums':[2,3,4]}
 d['assertAlmostEquals'] = d['assertAlmostEqual']
 d['assertNotAlmostEqual'] = {'new':'assert round','op': ' !=',
@@ -78,20 +80,40 @@
     return blocklist
 def rewrite_utest(block):
+    '''rewrite every block to use the new utest functions'''
+    '''This is the code that actually knows the format of the old
+       and new unittests.  The rewriting rules are picky with when
+       to add spaces, and commas, so there are unfortunately 7 exit
+       paths, all some form of 'return indent + new + string + trailer'
+    '''
     utest = old_names.match(block)
-    if utest:
-        old = utest.group(0).lstrip()[5:-1]  # '\tself.blah(' -> 'blah'
+    if not utest:  # just copy uninteresting blocks that don't begin a utest
+        return block
+    else: # we have an interesting block
+        old = utest.group(0).lstrip()[5:-1]  # '  self.blah(' -> 'blah'
         new = d[old]['new']
         op = d[old]['op']
         possible_args = d[old]['arg_nums']
         message_position = possible_args[-1]
-        if not message_position: # just rename assertRaises
+        if not message_position: # just rename assertRaises & friends
             return re.sub('self.'+old, new, block)
-        indent, args, message, trailer = decompose_unittest(
-            old, block, message_position)
+        try:
+            indent, args, message, trailer = decompose_unittest(
+                old, block, message_position)
+        except SyntaxError: # but we couldn't parse it!  Either it is
+                            # malformed, or possibly deeply embedded inside
+                            # a triple quoted string, which happens to
+                            # start 'self.someunitttest(blah blah blah
+               return block
+        # otherwise, we have a real one that we can parse.
         key = len(args)
         if message:
             key += 1
@@ -102,11 +124,11 @@
         elif key is 1 and key is message_position: # fail('unhappy message')
             return new + ', ' + message + trailer
-        elif message_position is 4:  #assertAlmostEqual and freinds
+        elif message_position is 4:  # assertAlmostEqual and friends
                 pos = args[2].lstrip()
             except IndexError:
-                pos = 7
+                pos = '7' # default if none is specified
             string = '(' + args[0] + ' -' + args[1] + ', ' + pos + ')'
             string += op + ' 0'
             if message:
@@ -119,8 +141,6 @@
                 string = string + ',' + message
         return indent + new + ' ' + string + trailer
-    else: # just copy uninteresting lines
-        return block
 def decompose_unittest(old, block, message_position):
     '''decompose the block into its component parts'''
@@ -131,37 +151,40 @@
         message -- the optional message to print when it fails, and
         trailer -- any extra junk after the closing paren, such as #commment
-    message = None
     indent = re.search(r'^(\s*)', block).group()
     pat = re.search('self.' + old + r'\(', block)
-    try:
-        args, trailer = get_expr(block[pat.end():], ')')
-    except SyntaxError:  # this wasn't an expression.  ick.
-        return indent, [block], message, None
+    args, trailer = get_expr(block[pat.end():], ')')
     arglist = break_args(args, [])
     if arglist == ['']: # there weren't any
-        return indent, [], message, trailer
+        return indent, [], [], trailer
+    if len(arglist) != message_position:
+        message = None
-        newl = []
-        if len(arglist) == message_position:
-            message = arglist[-1]
-            arglist = arglist[:-1]
-            if message.lstrip('\t ').startswith(linesep):
-                message = '(' + message + ')'
-        if arglist:
-            for arg in arglist:
-                try:
-                    parser.expr(arg.lstrip('\t '))
-                    # remove tab and space, but keep newline.
-                except SyntaxError:
-                    arg = '(' + arg + ')'
+        message = arglist[-1]
+        arglist = arglist[:-1]
+        if message.lstrip('\t ').startswith(linesep):
+            message = '(' + message + ')'
+            # In proper input, message is required to be a string.
+            # Thus we can assume that however the string handled its
+            # line continuations in the original unittest will also work
+            # here.  But if the line happens to break  before the quoting
+            # begins, you will need another set of parens, (or a backslash).
-                newl.append(arg)
-            arglist = newl
+    if arglist:
+        newl = []
+        for arg in arglist:
+            try:
+                parser.expr(arg.lstrip('\t '))
+                # Again we want to enclose things that happen to have
+                # a linebreak just before the new arg.
+            except SyntaxError:
+                arg = '(' + arg + ')'
+            newl.append(arg)
+        arglist = newl
     return indent, arglist, message, trailer
@@ -432,6 +455,7 @@
             self.assertAlmostEquals(first, second, 5, 'A Snake!')
@@ -441,6 +465,96 @@
             assert round(first - second, 5) == 0, 'A Snake!'
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.assertAlmostEquals(first, second, 120)
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert round(first - second, 120) == 0
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.assertAlmostEquals(first, second)
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert round(first - second, 7) == 0
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, 5, '''A Snake!
+            Ohh A Snake!  A Snake!!
+            ''')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert round(first - second, 5) == 0, '''A Snake!
+            Ohh A Snake!  A Snake!!
+            '''
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.assertNotAlmostEqual(first, second, 5, 'A Snake!')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert round(first - second, 5) != 0, 'A Snake!'
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.failIfAlmostEqual(first, second, 5, 'A Snake!')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert not round(first - second, 5) == 0, 'A Snake!'
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.failIfAlmostEqual(first, second, 5, 'A Snake!')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert not round(first - second, 5) == 0, 'A Snake!'
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+            self.failUnlessAlmostEquals(first, second, 5, 'A Snake!')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert not round(first - second, 5) != 0, 'A Snake!'
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(rewrite_utest(
+            r"""
+              self.assertAlmostEquals(now do something reasonable ..()
+            oops, I am inside a comment as a ''' string, and the fname was
+            mentioned in passing, leaving us with something that isn't an
+            expression ... will this blow up?
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+              self.assertAlmostEquals(now do something reasonable ..()
+            oops, I am inside a comment as a ''' string, and the fname was
+            mentioned in passing, leaving us with something that isn't an
+            expression ... will this blow up?
+            """
+                          )
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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