[pypy-svn] r7823 - pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations

jacob at codespeak.net jacob at codespeak.net
Sat Dec 11 21:16:19 CET 2004

Author: jacob
Date: Sat Dec 11 21:16:19 2004
New Revision: 7823

All reports required by the EU, with due dates.

Modified: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/part_b_2004_07_29.sxw
Binary files. No diff available.

Added: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/reports
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/reports	Sat Dec 11 21:16:19 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Due 15 January 2006
+The periodic activity report, 
+containing an overview of the activities carried out during the
+reporting period, describes the progress in relation to the project
+objectives, the progress towards the milestones and deliverables set
+for the period, and any problems encountered and corrective actions
+taken. It also includes a Publishable executive summary and, as an
+Annex, an updated Plan for using and disseminating the knowledge (for
+the last reporting period this annex is not necessary) (Article
+II.7.2.a of the contract).
+The periodic management report
+includes a detailed justification of the costs incurred and of the
+resources deployed by each contractor linking them to activities
+implemented and justifying their necessity, the financial statements
+(Form C) from each contractor (which may require an Audit
+certificate2) and a summary financial report consolidating the costs
+of the contractors (Article II.7.2.b of the contract).
+The periodic report on the distribution of the Community's contribution 
+records the distribution of funding to each contractor during that
+period (Article II.7.2.c of the contract).
+The interim science and society reporting questionnaire 
+to be completed on-line by the co-ordinator at the end of the first
+reporting period only (Article II.10.3 of the contract).
+The interim reporting questionnaire on workforce statistics 
+to be completed on-line by each contractor at the end of the first
+reporting period only (Article II.10.3 of the contract).
+The interim socio-economic reporting questionnaire
+to be completed online by each contractor at the end of the first
+reporting period only (Article II.10.3 of the contract).
+Due 15 january 2007
+Periodic reports
+The periodic activity report, 
+containing an overview of the activities carried out during the
+reporting period, describes the progress in relation to the project
+objectives, the progress towards the milestones and deliverables set
+for the period, and any problems encountered and corrective actions
+taken. It also includes a Publishable executive summary and, as an
+Annex, an updated Plan for using and disseminating the knowledge (for
+the last reporting period this annex is not necessary) (Article
+II.7.2.a of the contract).
+The periodic management report
+includes a detailed justification of the costs incurred and of the
+resources deployed by each contractor linking them to activities
+implemented and justifying their necessity, the financial statements
+(Form C) from each contractor and a summary financial report
+consolidating the costs of the contractors (Article II.7.2.b of the
+The periodic report on the distribution of the Community s contribution
+records the distribution of funding to each contractor during that
+period (Article II.7.2.c of the contract).
+Final reports
+A publishable final activity report, 
+covering main aspects of the work, objectives, results and
+conclusions, including the publishable results of the final plan for
+using and disseminating the knowledge. If the final activity report is
+not in a publishable form, a publishable summary should be included as
+well (Article II.7.4.a of the contract).
+A final plan for using and disseminating the knowledge 
+(Article II.7.4.a of the contract).
+A final management report 
+for the full duration of the project consolidating the claimed costs
+of all the contractors in an aggregate form covering the entire
+duration of the project, including the last reporting period (Article
+II.7.4.b of the contract).
+A final science and society reporting questionnaire
+to be completed online by the co-ordinator (Article II.10.3 of the
+A final reporting questionnaire on workforce statistics
+consists of a questionnaire to be completed on-line by each contractor
+(Article II.10.3 of the contract).
+A final socio-economic reporting questionnaire
+to be completed on-line by each contractor (Article II.10.3 of the
+30 January 2007
+Final reports
+A final report on the distribution of the Community's contribution
+consolidating the funding distributed to each contractor over the
+entire duration of the project (Article II.7.4.d of the contract).

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