[pypy-svn] rev 1818 - pypy/trunk/doc/funding

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Oct 12 22:02:43 CEST 2003

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Oct 12 22:02:42 2003
New Revision: 1818

new version after some discussion with laura/samuelle on irc

Modified: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/abstract.asc
--- pypy/trunk/doc/funding/abstract.asc	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/funding/abstract.asc	Sun Oct 12 22:02:42 2003
@@ -6,22 +6,20 @@
     of the easiest programming languages to learn and is one of the languages 
     in which one can code up a given algorithm the fastest.  The project
     aims to bring this highly productive language to a wider range of 
-    platforms and devices by giving users simple means to configure a 
+    platforms and devices by providing simple means to configure a 
     customized language version. 
   The approach
     The project will achieve its goals principally by leveraging the
-    strengths of the current open source developer community. In
-    particular, it will potentiate existing volunteer initiatives that are
-    working on novel implementation techniques, working within the current
-    informal framework of design consultation, open source code
-    repositories and periodic coding workshops. The project will connect
-    this developer community with relevant experts in academia. It will
-    also make use of the existing non-profit organisation of Python firms
-    to bind end users into the design and trialling of the extended Python
-    implementation. Technically, the project will refine and implement an
-    innovative approach to language implementation, based on object spaces,
+    strengths of open source developer communities. In particular, it will 
+    potentiate innovative volunteer initiatives, working within the informal 
+    framework of design consultation, open source code repositories and agile 
+    coding workshops. The project will connect relevant development and research
+    experts.  It will also make use of the existing non-profit organisation of 
+    Python firms to bind end users into the design and enhancement of the extended 
+    Python implementation. Technically, the project will refine and implement 
+    an innovative approach to language implementation, based on object spaces, 
     that allows choices such as memory managment models or speed versus memory 
     tradeoffs to be formulated in a completly modular way.

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