[pypy-svn] rev 1729 - pypy/trunk/doc/funding

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sat Oct 11 19:13:14 CEST 2003

Author: hpk
Date: Sat Oct 11 19:13:13 2003
New Revision: 1729

a new revision of the 

    "Relevance to the Objectives of the IST Priority"

chapter as asked for by Jacob and Laura. I didn't erase
the old files yet. 

Please note that there still is (apart from incorporating 
your criticism :-) the following part where i can't write
anything about:

- Links and Complimentary with Other Programmes

this has a fixme for Armin, Nico, Alastair and Bea to describe
their other EU projects. I think this is important. 

The next one might already be in my text but not
under this headline. 

(- Contribution to Community Social Objectives) 

Added: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B2.relevance_to_IST.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B2.relevance_to_IST.txt	Sat Oct 11 19:13:13 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Relevance to the Objectives of the IST Priority
+Supporting Participation
+The PyPy project will connect expert researchers, programmers
+and users at all levels at all times. On the social level we will explore 
+and refine new cooperative ways of researching and implementing advanced 
+highly involved technologies. Building on the large communication network of 
+opensource programmers we will explore and refine agile methodologies.  
+We believe that our new **fluid networked way of rapid software development 
+presents a new paradigm how people can work together**.  
+This is an efficient countermeasure to the perceived european "weak culture 
+of tranferring and exploiting university research results" (SWOT table from 
+'IST Advisory Group: Software technologies, embedded systems and distributed 
+systems: A European strategy towards an Ambient Intelligent environment'). 
+Python as a language "for everybody"
+The european industry as well as many developers are not interested in yet another
+new language. Instead our project will produce an extremely flexible and performant 
+development platform around the Python programming language. Much anecdotal, 
+and some empirical, evidence suggests that Python is one of the easiest programming 
+languages to learn and is one of the languages in which one can code up a given 
+algorithm the fastest. For these reasons, it is **particularly popular 
+among those people whose main competence lies beyond computer science 
+and for whom programming is a secondary activity**, that is to say almost 
+everyone in the information industry.  Using Python itself to develop an 
+innovative Python implementation will allow many people to understand the platform
+and reuse it in their context. Understanding, teaching and adapting our 
+Python implementation will be much easier than almost any other language 
+A development platform suited for tommorow's european industry
+The EU is interested in **software technologies that are reliable, 
+pervasive, interoperable and can be adapted to accommodate new 
+applications and services**. This exactly the focus of our project. 
+With some unique approaches to building a highly performant
+and productive development platform we will further innovation
+and interoperability. 
+We will build an extensible Python implementation that can be adapted
+and configured for almost all runtime environments. It will go far beyond 
+the state of the Art in computer languages, and produce a runtime system 
+which is much better suited for the development and deployment of networked, 
+embedded, and mobile devices than any existing language available today.  
+In doing so it will be compliant with the Python language specification 
+requiring no re-training for the tens of thousands of European Python
+programmers.  To dramatically expand the scope of an already very 
+productive development environment can only have a positive effect on 
+European competitiveness. 
+PyPy builds on the most successful language designed in europe
+Python is the most widely used European-designed computer language. 
+Its development started in 1990, at CWI, Centrum voor Wiskunde en 
+Informatica, the National Research Institute for Mathematics and 
+Computer Science in the Netherlands, it will strenghten our leadership 
+in the area of innovative language design, and increase world-wide 
+awareness of this fact. With funding from the EU we can bring some 
+key python developers to europe. 
+We believe that PyPy presents a **unique opportunity to bring 
+considerable market- und mind share with respect to development 
+tools and environments back to europe**. The many individuals and 
+companies involved with the project are deeply entagled with the 
+opensource community and businesses. Python and PyPy in particular 
+provide a viable alternative to American closed source language 
+monopolies, while increasing innovation and competitiveness in European 
+businesses and industry and thus contributing to the greater well-being 
+of all European citizens.
+Working with the strong opensource community to overcome the
+european weakness with development platforms obviously builds on the
+strategies as outlined in the SWOT-analysis by the IST workgroup. 
+solving 'trust and confidence' problems
+The IST thematic priority will contribute directly to realising
+European policies for the knowledge society as agreed at the Lisbon
+Council of 2000, the Stockholm Council of 2001, the Seville Council of
+2002, and as reflected in the e-Europe Action Plan.
+A main target of IST in FP6 is::
+   solving 'trust and confidence' problems so as to improve
+   dependability of technologies, infrastructures and applications.
+PyPy will contribute to this goal because it is build on the strength
+of the opensource community. Open Source programs are more widely trusted 
+than proprietary alternatives because they are more transparent, accessible
+and customizable.  Especially in large opensource projects all parts of
+the program are under permanent scrutiny of many interested developer.
+Because we are deeply connected to the large python communities we are 
+confident that PyPy can take full advantage of this open culture. 
+Moreover, Python is an extremely readable language.  Readability was and
+remains one of its main design goals.  This makes maintaining Python programs 
+substatially easier than similar program in less readable languages.  It is the
+maintainability of computer programs which most directly effects their
+actual and perceived reliability and encourages intelligent usage.
+In our view development platforms should not be proprietary but should 
+**empower the user** to get involved and provide appropriate extensions
+suiting commercial and research needs. Thus rather than 'trusting the 
+manufacturer because you have no choice' you can 'trust yourself'. 
+This second form of trust is far more durable and useful.
+Stengthening social cohesion 
+Social cohesion is strengthened when technological advances are no
+longer the exclusive domain of a technological or commercial elite, 
+but readily accessible by all members of society.  The best way to 
+achieve such a goal is to have the participation of all members of 
+society in the design and implementation of new technological advances.  
+In the field of software, this means more than simply providing programs 
+which are easy to use -- it also means providing languages which are 
+easier for people for whom programming is a secondary activity. 
+- enabling sustainable growth and improving competitiveness both of 
+  large and small businesses as well as the efficiency and transparency 
+  of governments. 
+Governments have been embracing Open Source for some time now. 
+To the extent that they will demand programs developed in an
+Open Source Language, for reasons of transparency, reliability, and
+national security they will benefit from the existence of PyPy as an
+Open Source language choice.
+Participation of SME's in high-level research
+The consortium includes the Python Business Forum, an international trade 
+association of SMEs who develop using the Python programming language.  
+Since SMEs are the main engines for innovation, growth, and competitiveness 
+in the IT sector, by supporting these SMEs, and improving the language they 
+use to develop one can directly have a positive effect on competitiveness. 
+Moreover, syngeries can be developed between the SMEs and academia, and SME 
+and large industrial players.  Disseminating knowledge to these SMEs is a 
+primary goal of this proposal, and a major focus of our efforts.  They are 
+poised to fully exploit the new language implementation because they will be
+among its developers, and beneficiaries of a focussed effort in 
+knowledge dissemination.
+Links and Complimentary with Other Programmes
+Talk about your projects.
+Contribution to Community Social Objectives
+FIXME_LAURA ask Michel
+Contributiuon to EC Policies
+There will be transfer of knowledge from research to industry through
+the participation of software developing SMEs.  Thus the SMEs in the
+project will benefit from the cutting-edge, high level research results.
+Since the SMEs are in a hurry to commercialise products which use this
+research, the academics will see that their research is not wasted --
+locked into tiny languages which have little effect outside of the
+academic community.  A specialising Just in Time Compiler for Python,
+designed for the use of networked and embedded systems will have 
+immediate effect in reinforcing European dominance in this demanding
+competitive field, and thus contribute to the employment of people 
+in desirable jobs in a rapidly growing field.

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