[pypy-svn] rev 930 - in pypy/trunk/doc: . devel

anna at codespeak.net anna at codespeak.net
Sun Jun 22 13:08:08 CEST 2003

Author: anna
Date: Sun Jun 22 13:08:07 2003
New Revision: 930

      - copied unchanged from rev 918, pypy/trunk/doc/coding-style.txt
      - copied unchanged from rev 918, pypy/trunk/doc/sys-names.txt
      - copied unchanged from rev 918, pypy/trunk/doc/using-testsupport.txt
created devel directory and moved files into it

Deleted: pypy/trunk/doc/coding-style.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/coding-style.txt	Sun Jun 22 13:08:07 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Directory Structure (example sketch)
-    src/
-        pypy/
-            interpreter/
-                pyframe.py
-                opcodes.py
-                opcodes_app.py
-                baseobjspace.py 
-            module/     # mixed interpreter/app-code
-                builtin.py    
-                builtin_app.py
-                struct.py
-                struct_app.py
-                test/
-                    test_struct_app.py
-                    test_struct.py
-            objspace/    # all objectsspaces go here
-                std/     # __init__.py pulls in the ObjSpace class
-                    floatobject.py
-                    intobject.py
-                    objspace.py
-                trivial.py
-            appspace/    # pure app-python modules converted/modified from CPython
-                parser.py
-                compiler/
-    www/
-        moincode/       -> site-packages/MoinMoin
-        moininstance/   -> wiki-instance
-            data/text/
-        issue/          -> issue-tracker-instance  # rename
-        htdocs-pypy/    -> www-root visible as /pypy/
-        util/           -> used for internal deployment (not visible to outside)
-    doc/                # meta-documents about pypy (unordered)
-naming and environment 
-- the PYTHONPATH should be set to the filesytstem equivalent of 
-  http://codespeak.net:8080/svn/pypy/trunk/src 
-  in fact the "autopath" module does this for you.
-- __init__.py is always empty except for "pypy/objspace/*"
-- directories/modules/namespaces are always lowercase
-- classes are CamelCase
-- functions/methods  are lowercase and '_'-separated (if
-  you need to separate at all)
-Object Spaces 
-- objectspace classes are always spelled "ObjSpace"
-    e.g. TrivialObjSpace
-         StdObjSpace
-- at interpreter level and in ObjSpace all boxed values
-  have a leading 'w_' to indicate "wrapped values".  This
-  includes w_self.  Don't use 'w_' in application level
-  python only code.
-- not more than 4 directory nesting levels
-- never use plural names in directory and file names 
-Test conventions
-- each module has a canonical test-script (using the "unittests" 
-  package if feasible)
-    test/test_exactmodulename.py 
-- each TestCase is named after the class it tests 
-    class TestExactClass(unittest.TestCase):
-- all other testcases are assumed to test single/more functions
-  or something that spans more than one class
-- every non-test file is forbidden to start with "t" 
-- each test directory needs a copy of testsupport.py. see doc/using-testsupport.txt for more information.
-Miscallenous stuff
-- to edit wiki pages do
-  svn co http://codespeak.net:8080/svn/pypy/trunk/www/moininstance/data/text wiki-pages

Deleted: pypy/trunk/doc/sys-names.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/sys-names.txt	Sun Jun 22 13:08:07 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# this is just a list of names from the sys module as of 2.2.3c1
-# we expect to annotate the file with comments about ease of 
-# implementation & implemented-ness of each thing
-annotations: difficulty/strategy/urgency
-e == easy
-h == hard
-o == essentially implemented by the objectspace
-p == just write it in python
-v == variable
-t == type
-m == messy
-u == urgent
-i == important
-n == normal
-d == really don't care
-r == resolved, done
-U == unsupported
-ev  __displayhook__
-ev  __doc__
-ev  __excepthook__
-ev  __name__
-ev  __stderr__
-ev  __stdin__
-ev  __stdout__
-emn _getframe
-evn argv
-evd builtin_module_names
-evn byteorder
-evn copyright
- pi displayhook
- mi exc_info
-evn exc_traceback
-evn exc_type
-evn exc_value
- pi excepthook
-evn exec_prefix
-evn executable
-epn exit -- maybe SystemExit should be different...
-  n exitfunc
-epn getdefaultencoding
-hmd getdlopenflags -- just don't mention it
-epd getrecursionlimit
-  U getrefcount
-ev  hexversion
-evn maxint
-evn maxunicode
-evi modules
-evi path
-evn platform
-evn prefix
-hmd setcheckinterval
-hmU setdlopenflags
-hmd setprofile
-  d setrecursionlimit
-hmd settrace
-evi stderr
-evi stdin
-evi stdout
-evi version
-evi version_info
-evn warnoptions

Deleted: pypy/trunk/doc/using-testsupport.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/using-testsupport.txt	Sun Jun 22 13:08:07 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Tile testsupport.py should be copied into every test subdirectory.
-The main copy lives in pypy/testsupport.py .
-import testsupport
-fixes the path so that all 'import pypy.something' should work.
-Module testsupport also exposes the following:
-    main       a function just like unittest.main
-    TestCase   a class just like unittest.TestCase but with extra methods
-    objspace   the object space class to be used in this test
-testsupport.objspace is normally the trivial object space, but you
-can set it (via an environment variable set before running Python)
-to be the standard object space instead.  Specifically:
-    set OBJSPACE=pypy.objspace.std.objspace.StdObjSpace
-(or equivalent syntax depending on your shell) does the job.

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