[PyLadies-BLR] Working opportunities from Pyladies Bangalore

Annapoornima Koppad a.koppad at gmail.com
Sat Sep 14 18:37:58 CEST 2013

Dear All,

I have been trying to get other women to learn Python programming. From
that aspect, I am working out a deal with a Pune based company that wants
to set its foot in Bangalore to incubate talent. In the sense, the company
is willing to take people that are trained from Pyladies Bangalore. I am
really excited to work on this.

I have been asking around women to seek what kind of work related
enforcements that they would seek.

This is what I gathered from them.

1. Married women with kids prefer a 20 hour / week arrangements.
2. They also prefer remote working.( This is just not women, this one is
from both men and women). Given the long commute distances in Bangalore.
3. I am gathering information regarding internships opportunities for women
to enhance their participation.

I believe that we can do better if people believe that they can derive
value out of Pyladies Bangalore. I am requesting all of you to encourage to
open Pyladies chapter all over India. People from other areas are all also
welcome to join this group.

Also, I would request other people on this list to share what they would
expect in terms of work arrangements.

I am still playing around with the idea and exploring it. Any inputs from
you people will be great.

Thanks and regards,
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