[PyLadies-BLR] Grants Approved

Geetanjali G Gubbewad anjaligg at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 07:48:22 CEST 2013

That's a great news! Congrats!

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Annapoornima Koppad
Sent: 02-09-2013 19:32
To: PyLadies at Bangalore, India.
Subject: [PyLadies-BLR] Grants Approved

Dear All,

I recently wrote a proposal to Python Software Foundation for grants to
conduct workshops, hackathons etc on behalf of Pyladies Bangalore and was

I should be receiving the money from them sometime soon. Its not the
greatest grant but its a start.

Sunita Venkatachalam, who is also on this mailing list is willing to
provide space at her office, Thoughtworks to conduct a workshop/hackathon.

There are few experienced people on the list who are already learning
Python to teach others. Please take this opportunity to spread the word to
other ladies, encourage them to join Pyladies. Ideally moving forward, I
would like to encourage ladies to take up jobs, etc via this platform. That
way, the ultimate goal of Pyladies will be to encourage women to join

Hope to grow Pyladies Bangalore and help other women.

Thanks and regards,
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