[PyLadies-BLR] [rfc] openspace for PyLadies-BLR at PyCon-IN

svaksha svaksha at gmail.com
Sat Aug 17 11:23:00 CEST 2013

On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 8:16 AM, Annapoornima Koppad <a.koppad at gmail.com> wrote:
> I intend to hold online sessions for those who cannot meet in person..

+1. Should we get an IRC channel or should we use #pyladies <-- I dont
know if it is logged publicly and I am not sure how comfortable other
women will be about asking questions. IME, the people there are very
friendly and encouraging. Initially, since our community is fledgling,
I think it will be advantageous if we use the collective wisdom of
#pyladies. I am open to other suggestions too and if everyone feels we
must have our own irc channel, just say so.

> Structuring overview of modules, like Kavita herself states, far fetched. I
> will be concerned if the overview of modules becomes more like a company
> following coding processes, etc. The intention of Pyladies Bangalore is make
> learning fun. Super fun. I dont know something, I ask. When others ask, I
> tell them what I know. Thats should be the mantra. And it will be *the*
> mantra of Pyladies Bangalore.

I agree. If we keep a rigid teacher-student model the learning process
is boringly slow. Nobody knows everything and Everyone is a learner.

> There is already a thriving python community within Bangalore. What is the
> percentage of women attending the meetings? I counted the number of ladies
> that were in the group. 20 out of 570 so Python members is hardly anything.
> Like saying, almost equal to zero. Out of 20, 3 were recruiters. More sad

Is this the monthly python meetings you are talking about? I wonder if
all the 20 women actually showed up all together at the same meet.
That would be great, but I've heard its mostly women working in the
offices where its held who attend. Dunno, as its held at a place that
is around 20 km (one-way) away and I dont fancy a 3-hour commute for a
1-hour meetup.

> news for women. Not to mention that there are so many married, working women
> who might prefer online meetings without having to spend time of the roads.
> I want to address that as well.

Exactly. Not to mention, that I prefer something practical, say
workshops or sprints, over talks.

> I think that the barriers that exist for women to take up programming are
> different than those that exist for men. Specially this is the case, in an
> society like India where there is a disquieting gap between men and women
> *still*. I intend to bridge that gap from my side.
> CIS is a great place to be!

Sounds good Anu, feel free to fix something up for this weekend (Fri,
Sat or Sunday) at CIS. Kavita, is that ok for you?

- svaksha ॥ स्वक्ष

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