[Pygui] Font Sizes on Windows XP + Standard Colour Suggestion

Randy Syring rsyring at inteli-com.com
Tue Nov 2 06:00:41 CET 2010


FWIW, sounds like questions python-win32 list might be able to help you 

Randy Syring
Direct: 502-276-0459
Office: 502-212-9913

For the wages of sin is death, but the
free gift of God is eternal life in 
Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom 6:23)

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Alex Holland wrote:
>> I noticed the system font on Windows XP looked too small, so had a
>> poke around in the sources. I see it's theoretically 8pt Tahoma, but
>> comparing it to renderings in WordPad, it seems to be 7pt.
> Fonts on Windows seem to be an endless source of mystery and
> confusion. My development system for Win PyGUI is currently
> 2000; maybe XP uses a different default font size.
> As you can see, I made several attempts at finding out the
> default font family and size, none of which seemed to work
> properly, and I ended up hard coding something that seemed
> to give the right results on my system.
> If anyone can tell me what the *right* way is to get the
> default font on Windows, I'd be glad to know!
>> Could I also suggest adding Windows XP's not-quite-grey to the
>> standard colour library? I make the RGB values (0.93, 0.91, 0.85) -
>> this matches the background that appears around RadioButtons on Win32.
> Maybe, but it's going to be different on other versions of
> Windows, and probably varies with the selected theme as
> well. Again, it would be better to ask the system, if there's
> a way to do that.

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