[pydotorg-www] Request to be added to the EditorsGroup.

Greg Walters greg.gregwa at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 05:46:24 EST 2024

My name is Gregory Walters and I would like to add the book that I recently
had published to the GUIBooks Wiki page.
My username is GregWalters.

My proposed entry addition would be:


BookTitle: Python GUI Programming with PAGE
Author: Gregory Walters
isbnicon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=9355518374
ISBN: 9789355518378, BPB Publications, 320 pages (May 29, 2023)
Description: PAGE is a Tkinter-based GUI designer for Python, available for
free and as an open-source tool. It generates native Python code, enabling
users to swiftly create Graphical Interfaces for their Python programs. If
you're eager to delve into GUI development for your Python programs, then
this book is your go-to resource.

This comprehensive book is your guide from installing the PAGE designer to
mastering the creation of complex GUI interfaces. It covers a wide range of
topics, from building front-end interfaces for SQLite databases (and other
databases) to utilizing the Canvas widget for drawing shapes and text. The
book explores various aspects, including working with standard Tk widgets
(such as buttons and entry), leveraging the capabilities of the ttk
toolkit, and extending GUI functionality through third-party widget
libraries and custom widgets. Each chapter presents real-world usable
programs that challenge readers to enhance their skills and become more
productive in your programming careers.

By the end of the book, you will possess the skills and knowledge to
confidently develop your own GUI Python programs.
Affiliate link:


Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Gregory Walters

*“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”

Greg Walters
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