[pydotorg-www] I would like to add 178 character one-liner that broadcasts magic wakeonlan packet

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Jul 19 12:23:09 EDT 2023

On 19.07.2023 18:13, hermann at stamm-wilbrandt.de wrote:
> On 2023-07-19 17:51, Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:
>> It is possible that the hyphen causes problems. However, for some few
>> pages, it's also possible that the page is locked down. Now, the page
>> you mentioned does not have a such a lock down, so please try with the
>> new username.
>> I've changed the editors group accordingly.
> Hi,
> thanks, I created new account HermannStammWilbrandt.
> But pydotorg has problems with both accounts having same email address.
> Can you please delete the account HermannStamm-Wilbrandt?
> (I found no option deleting that account myself when I wwas logged in)

I can do this, but it'll take time.

An easy work-around: add modifier to your email address, e.g. 
hermann+pywiki at stamm-wilbrandt.de

> Thanks for your help,
> Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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