[pydotorg-www] reporting website issues

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Apr 22 16:10:56 EDT 2020

On 21.04.2020 16:17, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> Sorry, I've lost track over time.  Where should people report problems /
> requests with Python website content (not wiki content)?  These come
> periodically to webmaster, which is actually in some way logical, but
> oddly (to outsiders) we don't actually do that.
> The issue tracker for the pythondotorg project
> (https://github.com/python/pythondotorg/issues) used to be recommended,
> and while it still has some people who respond, they don't seem to know
> either.  e.g. this enlightening response to a request from Dan Bader to
> add a link to RealPython podcasts:
> "Hmm I don't even know who owns/manage the content of python.org?"

You mean this ticket, right ?


> Anybody here have a suggestion?  We have something in the webmaster
> autoresponse message, I'd like to update it if there's a reliable place
> for folks to go to.

The source code for python.org is managed in this repo:


and it's (still) best to post any requests there:


Now, that's just the website itself. The CMS content can be maintained
by people who have a python.org account and permission to edit it:


In the past such requests also landed on the above issue tracker,
but I guess not a lot people monitor this anymore, so perhaps
it's better to write requests for edits to this ML instead
and hope that someone will go in and update the CMS.

I used to help with this, but no longer have time for it.

FWIW: I fixed and closed the above ticket.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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