[pydotorg-www] Edit Python wiki - to change moin/SimplePrograms to compile on Python 3

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Sep 12 19:48:26 EDT 2019

On 9/12/19 5:28 PM, Tadeu Borges Abreu Sampaio wrote:
> Hi, I am new to the Python community and I am coding in Python 3,
> I am testing all of the codes on *SimplePrograms* page with Python 3,
> there is minor changes that need to be done in order to the code to
> compile. I could do that job!
> *Plz allow me to edit the wiki in order to update things to Python 3 or
> correct minor things!*

we certainly welcome the contributions.

but we're going to need to know your wiki name in order to enable
editing privileges.

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