[pydotorg-www] New user Interested in adding content to wiki

Fenn fenn at alum.wpi.edu
Fri Dec 2 16:09:45 EST 2016

I would like to add some information to the wiki.python.org page here:


about MSYS2 – I know that Guido and the primary python developers
prefer VC++ but a little variety cannot hurt and might help.  MSYS2
has a nice set of tools around gcc, and both a cygwin-like python and
mingw python distro for both python2 and python3.  The info on this is
kind of hard to find so I thought I might help both communities by
adding it to the wiki.

I just created the new user BrianFennell but the front page
documentation said that I should write to this list requesting

Brian Fennell

Brian Fennell, Software Engineer  - Radial (formerly eBay Enterprise)

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