[pydotorg-www] Request for edit permissions

Audrey M Roy audreyr at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 22:39:17 CEST 2014

Hi, I would like to request permission to edit

I would like to:
1. add info about the new #pydiversity IRC channel (part of the
original Python Diversity mailing list, used for real-time
2. add links to all currently existing Python-related diversity
3. help make ongoing improvements to the page as needed. I'm aware
from the page history that the page was controversial in the past;
please note that I'm very much open to your advice and guidance here.

Disclaimer: I'm active in PyLadies leadership, but I will do my best
to be neutral and inclusive to all Python diversity initiatives. I am
also now an admin for
https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/diversity and IRC

Warm regards,

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