[pydotorg-www] PyPI Wordpress iframe/Widget

Noah Kantrowitz noah at coderanger.net
Wed Sep 25 21:53:32 CEST 2013

Download counts per file are available in the JSON output (ex. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Django/1.5.4/json), maybe if you offer Donald some new beer or something he can add the package-level rolling counts too.


On Sep 25, 2013, at 2:19 PM, Dustin Oprea <myselfasunder at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to throw-together a little website widget that displays how many downloads one or more PyPI projects are getting. I'd then like to wrap it in a modest WordPress plugin. 
> I could do it in Javascript that directly scrapes the requested PyPI page(s), but then it's be scraping PyPI from every page it's used, on every pageload. It be costly to PyPI, and have a delay on the webpage. If I write a small service endpoint, I could cache all of the information and lower the traffic burden, and decrease the load time.
> I'll only do this if I can I host the service endpoint on python.org, though. Would I be able to?
> Dustin Oprea (http://dustinoprea.com/)
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